
Twilight and Anon by the fire(by CRUNCHBITE)

Mar 26th, 2014
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  3. “Man… Equestrian nights sure are beautiful.”
  4. >”Yeah…”
  5. >You smiled as you moved your fingers behind Twilight’s ears, scratching them gently.
  6. >Instantly she tensed up but then relaxed.
  7. >”Ah, anon~” she cooed.
  8. >She always did love it when you did this.
  9. >At the moment, the two of you were both out on her balcony gazing up at the night sky.
  10. >Distant stars twinkling in the night with the moon casting a beautiful shine down upon the two of you.
  11. >Tearing away from the sky, you look at Twilight.
  12. >She had the same starstruck look on her face as she gazed up. Her eyes twinkled much like the stars.
  13. >A cold wind blew past, causing you to shiver, but Twilight didn’t really take notice. Probably from her fur keeping her warm.
  14. >Her gaze still fixated on the stars above.
  15. >It was soon that she noticed you staring.
  16. >”Anon, whatcha looking at?”
  17. >You didn’t respond.
  18. >You were… Entranced in her. The moon light bounced off her purple coat giving her a strange shine.
  19. >She was absolutely beautiful.
  20. >”Anon? Hello?”
  21. “Huh?”
  22. >You snap out of your trance.
  23. >”You alright? You zoned out for a second there.”
  24. >A small blush crept onto your face and Twilight merely grinned.
  25. >It wasn’t the first time she had caught you staring.
  26. >Another cold wind blew, this one even colder than before as it made even Twilight shiver.
  27. >”It’s getting late out, and cold… We should head in.” She sounded disappointed, and you couldn’t really blame her;it truly was a magnificent sight.
  28. >The two of you walked back into the warmth of the Library, Twilight still shivering slightly.
  29. “You cold?”
  30. >”Yeah… It was kinda colder than I expected.”
  31. “So you gonna go to bed?”
  32. >You couldn’t help but keep the disappointment out of your voice. You kind of wanted to stay up a little later with her.
  33. >”Nah I think I can stay up a little later. I’m gonna go warm up the fireplace, want to join me?”
  34. “Sure.”
  35. >”While I warm up the fire, can you go make some tea?”
  36. “Alright.”
  37. >You walk down stairs and into the kitchen, pulling the tea pot out of the cabinet and filling it up with water and then placing it on the stove.
  38. >Then you flick the heat on and take the tea bag out.
  39. >Chamomile with honey. Twilight’s favorite.
  40. >You on the other hand picked out some nice peppermint.
  41. >You sighed.
  42. >Looking up at the sky brang back some memories of Earth.
  43. >You used to stare up at the night sky with your sister just like you had done with Twilight for the past few weeks.
  44. >You had tried not to think about it, but you really did miss Earth.
  45. >So much of your life had been left behind when you came here.
  46. >You couldn’t help but miss it. It may not have been a great place, but it was still home.
  47. >But then again… If you never left Earth, you never would have met Twilight.
  48. >She had been with you, every step through the transition. Teaching you about Equestria, as you taught her about Earth.
  49. >It baffled you how somepony could be so nice. Hospitality never came so easily like this back on Earth.
  50. >It warmed your heart to think that she cared about you, and invited you with open arms.
  51. >Then it was soon that you began to feel differently about her. You started to want to stay with her more and more.
  52. >It escalated to the point where she confronted you about it, and you admitted your feelings for her, which she returned.
  53. >And then the two of you were together. You couldn’t believe it.
  54. >Twilight was probably the best thing to come out of going to Equestria.
  55. >You are pulled out of your thoughts to the whistling of the pot. You move over to the pot and flick the heat off, then pull two cups from the cabinet and place them both down, then prepared the two cups quickly, eager to rejoin the presence of Twilight.
  56. >After a few minutes of preparation, they are ready and you walk up stairs to the fireplace with the tea in hand.
  57. “Here you go, Twily.”
  58. >She is sitting infront of the fireplace on a couch, a small round table infront of her.
  59. >A book in her hands, she looks up and smiles.
  60. >”Thanks anon. Come take a seat next to me, the fire’s warm.”
  61. >Warm.
  62. >All of a sudden the cold caught up to you, and you took your place next to her, handing her the tea.
  63. >Or rather she levitated it out your hand gently.
  64. >She cooled the cup down with magic and took a sip, and she sighed happily. “Delicious.”
  65. >Then, she cooled your cup down, allowing you to drink along with her.
  66. “Thanks!”
  67. >She then resumed reading her book, and you placed your cup down on the table and walked over to one of the many bookshelves in the room.
  68. >Skimming through the selection, you decide on a book about Equestrian Law.
  69. >You then sit next to her again, flipping open your book to join her in reading.
  70. >It isn’t long after flipping through a few pages that she speaks.
  71. >”Hey anon?”
  72. “Yes?”
  73. >”Do you… Ever think about Earth?”
  74. >Earth? It’s like she read your mind. It had been on your mind alot recently, alot more than usually actually.
  75. “I guess. I’m not really bothered by that anymore.”
  76. >She raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t?”
  77. “Nah.”
  78. >You close the book and place it down on the table, taking a sip of your tea..
  79. “I’ll be honest Twilight. When I got here… For the first few days I was pretty scared. I felt totally alone. But you… You made me feel not so alone. You were there for me. Now… I don’t really feel that alone. I know you’re with me every step of the way and that makes me feel… Content.”
  80. >You take another sip of tea.
  81. “But that still doesn’t solve the problem I’m having… I’ve lost my old family and friends. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, I love all of you guys but I can’t help but miss them.”
  82. >She was silent for a moment.
  83. >After a few minutes, a small, warm smile grew. The same smile that you’ve grown to love.
  84. >”I understand where you’re coming from, anon. this sort of thing is never an easy, But I’m glad I’ve made you happy and feel better. It’s perfectly fine to miss them.”
  85. >You smile at her.
  86. “I know it is… But still.”
  87. >You sigh.
  88. >It feels like a bit of the heaviness on your shoulders has been lifted. Talking about this has helped definitely.
  89. >Twilight yawns.
  90. “Tired?”
  91. >”Yeah…”
  92. “We should probably be getting to bed.”
  93. >She nods her head in agreement. “Thanks for making the tea. You can leave it here if you’d like, I’ll have Spike get the cups in the morning.”
  94. >You both exchange a quick kiss.
  95. >”Hey Anon, wait.”
  96. >She blushes. “You know it’s pretty late… Why don’t you spend the night… with me.”
  97. >”You can sleep in my bed.”
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