
Form for Purge

Feb 21st, 2017
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  1. username: _yutae_
  2. slot: lelija
  4. name: kim seolyoon
  5. nicknames: seol
  7. face claim: (IG: choiheechu)
  8. back up: (IG: heybiblee) (IG: hwa.min)
  10. nationality: Korean
  11. ethnicity: Korean - Japanese
  13. birthdate: July 11, 1994
  14. height: 163 cm
  15. occupation: medical student, barista
  18. personality:
  19. Seolyoon is the kindest person you'll ever meet. Even though that sounds so cliche, it is very true. She's the type of person that puts everyone else's needs and wants over her own. She thinks everyone is more important than herself. She's very humble and submissive, obeying orders is what she does best. You never need to tell Seol something twice, she'll already have it done. She is very respectful, never interrupting or using mean, degrading language. She is loyal and fiercely protective of her loved ones. Don't mess with her friends, because you'll get angry Seolyoon.
  20. She isn't a violent person at all, in fact she is about as sweet as a golden retriever. She is very open and honest, never having told a lie. She tells everyone everything, because she doesn't keep secrets. If she's angry at someone, she won't hold a grudge. Instead, she'll sit them down and talk to them, figure out their differences and forgive them. She keeps her opinions to herself however, because she hates confrontation. She has a very innocent, cheerful outlook on life, she doesn't dwell on ugly things like death. She looks to the future, not rethinking and regretting her past. She tends to cry easily, especially if she's sad or stressed. But don't let all this fool you. She has her dark side. She is very strong and tough, and will not let someone get away with abusing her friends/family. She'll defend them to the end. She is also very intelligent, and a quick thinker, which helps her think up escape plans or distractions. She's the best person you'll ever meet, and you'll never forget her.
  23. background:
  24. Seol's mother was born in South Korea to a poverty stricken family, and she never went to school. Seol's father was born in Japan, but he was wealthy and very intelligent. Seol's mom was working her shift at a coffee cafe when Seol's father walked in. They hit it off and exchanged numbers, both of them were of age. After dating for two years, they moved in together and became engaged, marrying three months later. Seol's mom fell pregnant on their honeymoon, returning home so she could give birth. Seol arrived two months early and almost died, if it wasn't for the amazing staff that immediately helped her.
  26. Childhood was tough for Seol. When she started attending school, she was teased and mocked because of her glasses she wore. She also excelled in all of her classes, because she studied hard and did extra credit work. She was every teacher's favorite. In seventh grade, she was already taking high school classes because the ordinary ones were too easy. By this time, she also switched her glasses for contact lenses, she liked them better.
  28. When she entered college on a full scholarship, she ventured into the medical field. Ever since she was a little child in Health class, she was amazed by the human body and how it functions. She really couldn't imagine studying anything else.
  32. family: She is really close with her parents as they were all she has. They are all very loving and understanding towards each other. Both of them support Seol's career decisions and are happy with her goals and ambitions. When the purge first started, her parents were in China for Seol's fathers work. She hasn't seen them or heard from them ever since, despite multiple attempts at communication, and fears they are dead.
  36. friends: Seol didn't really have a ton of friends, she didn't have time. She does have a few close friends, and they knew everything about Seol and vice versa. She was never a secretive person and shared everything with them.
  40. comrades: She is very friendly and kind towards her partners, but if one of them should turn on someone, she won't hesitate to attack them.
  44. purge: how did I react to the purge? She was utterly terrified because she never imagined anyone would ever kill her or that she would maybe have to kill someone!
  46. why was I in the library? She was in the library because she was terrified to be alone on the streets. She was hiding because of her fear of dying.
  48. would I kill? Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  51. medicine: She was fascinated by the human body and everything medical as a young child, and it just sort of stuck with her growing up. She pays her bills herself, her parents occasionally help her.
  54. trivia:
  55. -she loves medical shows
  56. -she wants to be a surgeon
  57. -she tends to forget where she puts things
  58. -she's never held any type of weapon, and is very inexperienced with them
  59. -trusts people very easily
  60. -she has never lied to anyone
  61. -she is very open
  62. -is closer with the boys more than the girls
  63. -hates tight clothing
  64. -allergic to many flowers
  65. -misses her parents
  67. scenes:
  68. +she's attending to a hurt person and then the hurt person turns on Seol and tries to kill her, but another character (preferably male) comes to her aid
  70. +she has a heart to heart conversation with someone regarding how much she misses her parents
  72. +giving advice to the boy with a crush :)
  75. would I still read even if I wasn't chosen? Yes, of course!
  77. Author Note: Hello! You have a really good idea here! Hopefully you'll like reading about Seol just as much as I enjoyed creating her! I would definitely still read even if Seol isn't chosen! Thank you ~
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