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Pokémon Crystal Nuzlocke

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May 7th, 2012
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  1. Pokémon Crystal
  2. Nuzlocke Story Beats
  3. Character – Tom
  4. Age – 20
  5. Wake up early in the morning, mum’s got a friend over.
  6. They talk far too loudly over their coffee, I look at the clock. Good at least I didn’t oversleep, the professor wanted me to do a job for him.
  7. Still too much for me, but a job’s a job and seeing as I can’t get one, might as well do it. The guy seems nice enough.
  8. Walk to the lab, get a glimpse of some ginger kid looking through the window all shady like.
  9. Go inside and the prof is almost asleep on his desk, guy looks like a fucking zombie.
  10. Says he got some important lecture soon or some bullshit, says he needs my help researching. So that regular paycheck then.
  11. E-mail he gets from a Mr. Pokémon, now I’m an errand boy?
  12. Better than nothing I spose, at least I get time to think and more importantly smoke.
  13. This Mr P bloke sounds like a right headcase, scratch that Elm is the bigger nutter here. He’s giving me a Pokémon for free, not like I need it though.
  14. Got a choice, the fire hedgehog thing, the crocodile, or the walking herb.
  15. Spend a good 10 mins deciding, fire seemed to be the best idea.
  17. Should really think of a name for the guy, I’m shit with nicknames.
  18. You will be called, DIO after Ronnie James Dio.
  19. One of the greatest wizards to ever exist, how do you feel about your name beast?
  20. Dio: mewl?
  21. close enough
  22. Off we go, to rock the ages!
  23. Get to mr P’s house, some old guy was there gave me plastic toy thing.
  24. get phone call from elm, someone stole some shit. Let’s go sort this out, better get some danger money for this
  25. that ginger kid comes out of nowhere and challenged me
  26. He stole the pokemon, so i burnt it
  27. police statement, told them the guy’s name was gary motherfucking oak
  28. They weren’t that impressed.
  29. give the egg to elm, he was shocked. which is a bit weird
  30. take the challenge? I’ll look that up
  31. private bank account of mum
  32. first caught, hoothoot called her Paultons
  33. then caught a rattata, called her Scully
  34. Then a spinarak, PARKER!
  38. but it’s ok
  39. oh wait
  40. fuck
  41. that was dumb as shit, rest of team like you for real dawg?
  42. let’s grind!
  43. Youngster JOEY, it’s on bruv. Rattata against rattata, let’s ROCK. major anti-climax, he wants my phone number.
  44. Kid you’re like 12, oh wait i get money everytime i beat you?
  45. OK then. :D
  46. See next small child trainer, beat him mercilessly. CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER?
  47. Fuck no you fucking creep
  49. Joey wants a rematch, that was quick.
  51. With great power, comes great responsibility.
  52. The remaining two are afraid for their lives now.
  53. New area, zubat pops up. You will be Bruce, you will be the night, you will avenge those that have fallen.
  55. Got it, you will be called Dwayne
  56. but poison strikes, fuckfuckfuck
  57. Why am i allowed to take care of anything!
  58. this shit is redonkulous
  59. also Joey wants to fight, again. good, i need something to let my anger out on. Trainers are a superstitious and cowardly lot
  60. get a bellsprout (Bill) he seems tough, like he’s been through some heavy shit. go to violet city, there’s a tower and then the gym.
  61. I’ll just dick around in this tower, MONKS N SHIT
  62. GASTLY
  64. FUCK YES
  65. HE WILL BE KNOWN AS Wash, like a leaf in the wind.
  66. Gym time, after all the pain and heartbreak. THIS WAS TOO EASY.
  67. Onwards! Or would be moving on if i didn’t keep getting phonecalls from people, why am i suddenly so fucking popular?
  68. Take the Egg they said, important they said.
  69. I hate Eggs >:C
  71. Egg hatched, togepi is called Francis. He hates things.
  72. Wooper appears, oh shit brah is that a water type?
  73. Scully is sceptical of them, they don’t measure up to her scrutiny. :V
  74. Not allowed to catch anything else on this route
  75. WHY.jpg
  76. Some girl gives me her phone number, turns out she’s 14 and chats shit all the time. DELETED
  77. As if the phone gods knew what i had done, JOEY RINGS ME
  78. AGAIN
  81. Using francis, ‘I hate moves, so metrinome’
  82. transform into a magikarp
  83. all my wat
  84. mum rings, i bought something with your money LOL
  85. I have no mother
  86. Enter cave thing, can’t remember what it’s called.
  87. Catch an onix, call him Clive
  88. Bruce gets his time to shine in the cave
  89. get out, lower zubat confuses and kills him
  91. go into azaela town, the old man kurt is worried about the thugs by the well
  92. too bloody right he is
  93. oh wait
  94. he’s run off
  95. better go get him
  96. he fell down the well, i gotta go on without him
  97. Suddenly zubats, thousands of them. everyone a mockery of bruce, I am not pleased
  98. First Rocket thug, Bill is down. I repeat Bill is down.
  99. Why does this keep happening?
  100. Find a magikarp in the well, I take pity on him.
  101. He is hope. Hope for the future, his name is Saint Walker
  102. Make my way towards out of town, that ginger prick stops me and tries to fight me
  103. I shut him down
  104. To the gym, I have a challenge to complete and fallen comrades to avenge.
  105. Dio unleashes his fury
  106. Onwards to the forest, a bird has run off with a stick.
  107. Seriously?
  108. Find a Venonat though, Mothra it’s name is.
  109. Wake up Tom, TIME TO GRIND
  110. find hoppip, get hoppip, dennis
  111. keep on grindan
  112. Scully evolves
  113. let’s get everyone to lvl 20, they won’t die then
  114. Almost lost wash to a spearow, a fucking spearow
  115. FUCK THEM
  116. Saint Walker is now a Gyarados.
  117. I caught the pigeon, get given cut in return.
  118. carry on through the forest, bit boring
  119. out the other side find a snubbull, Churchill goes in the box
  120. Catch a Growlithe, Ace goes into the box as does Magrat the Nidoran(f)
  122. Take on Whitney, Dio bites the dust.
  123. Given another Egg, Cleffa comes out. Zoey
  124. Go to the national park, they got a bug-catching contest
  125. First thing to jump out, Scyther. Bagged and named Tony.
  126. (now to figure out how to trade evolve it)
  127. Sudowoodo was a weird one.
  128. got meself a pidgey, called it Aang
  129. francis evolved!
  130. burned tower, eusine introduces himself and shit
  131. That ginger kid is here too, fuck’s sake. fight him again and the ground gives way.
  132. see three big dog things, they looked at me funny.
  133. Sub-goal added, beat the fuck outta them
  134. caught a koffing, called it cancer
  135. go to morty’s gym, with my ace in the hole
  137. walk back out with a new move for wash
  138. find a magnemite, call it Erik
  139. Haunter GET
  140. get poliwag, called aqualad. my naming ability is getting worse as well
  141. on the way to olivine now, climb the lighthouse
  142. find a krabby in a rock call him eugene
  144. He was so close to levelling as well
  145. ;___;
  146. Found a Mantine on the way back, He’s called MAN RAY
  147. Erik now in the team
  148. Eusine’s Electrode takes down Scully.
  149. Replace her with Aang at Cianwood, got the medicene
  150. Need to grind, Aang evolves
  151. Erik also evolves, FUCK YES MAGNETON. He’s a loose cannon
  152. Suddenly a Pigeot, time to kick the shit out of leader chuck.
  153. May have overleveled slightly, definitly overleveled because jasmine went down far too easily
  154. Need someone who can cut things, so trade Francis out for Tony. Shame I can’t evolve him so he can realise his full potential :C
  155. wandered around the lake of rage, spot a fuck huge Gyarados in the middle.
  156. Saint Walker, this ones heart is full of rage go calm it.
  157. It wouldn’t find peace in life, so death was the only option.
  158. A mysterious cloaked man awaited me when i came ashore, he told be about the radio signal and how it was affected the once peaceful pokemon.
  159. It originated back in Mahogany town, in a small shop. He rushes away, I struggle to keep up.
  160. by the time i reach the shop he is already interrogating the men in there, they reveal a hidden stairwell.
  161. We both go down.
  162. It’s a Team Rocket base, full of mooks. Tony looks like he needs some training.
  163. Have to get some bullshit password before i can carry on, Lance (the guy in the cape) disappeared before i could say anything.
  164. Fuck
  165. Find an executive rocket, cut him down without thinking.
  166. Find the door that his password unlocked, but not before two execs blindside me and tell me it’s all over.
  167. Lance finally decides to show up again and gets one of them distracted.
  168. She said I’d probably make it to exec level if I joined them, I thought however in for a penny in for a pound.
  169. Knock her out of the way, carry on through the door. A massive transmitter confronts us, Lance pokes around and confirms my original suspitions.
  170. The Electrodes wired to this thing have to die, before it all blows the hideout and everything else in a mile radius to dust.
  171. Now I suppose a brief moment of respite, Lance thanks me and leaves. I look at my team.
  172. Ace - Growlithe lvl 35
  173. Saint Walker - Gyarados lvl 30
  174. Erik - Magneton lvl 30
  175. Wash - Haunter lvl 31
  176. Aang - Pigeot lvl 37
  177. Tony - Scyther lvl 28
  178. Let’s go to the gym today, i think this one is ICE
  179. So let’s be cool about this.
  180. Erik is quite frankly shocking as everything melts away in front of us, time for Pryce himself.
  181. His piloswine puts up a bit more of a fight nothing i can’t handle though
  182. Get a call from elm, apparantly everyone’s radio’s gone funny, check it out myself
  183. Or I would if I had a radio card, I forgot to pick it up
  184. Team rocket is back in business trying to call back their old leader
  186. First off though, that union cave looks cool
  187. Machop appears, I’ll call him Bolin
  188. turns out i need me some waterfall before i can get anywhere in that cave
  189. To the radio tower
  190. Goldenrod is completely taken over, with rocket thugs patrolling and standing guard at almost every door
  191. I rock up like it ain’t no thang
  192. Waltz straight into the tower and make myself known
  193. Tony’s really having fun with this
  194. Gotta find the director, he’s got the keycard for me to get to the rocket in charge
  195. Oh wait it’s an imposter
  196. I must admit he had me fooled for a bit, but Saint Walker will bring some hope that i won’t be fooled again
  197. That ginger kid catches me just as i enter the basement, wants another fight. I forget what for
  198. he just butthurt
  199. I do love beating up rockets!
  200. Find the real director, he gives me a cardkey to go shut down their operation. sweet
  201. The last rocket execs put up quite a fight, but in the end ended up just being more grinding
  202. Got a Clear Bell, wonder what this is for?
  203. and something is going on in the Tin Tower, let’s take a gander
  204. But before that, I’ll get myself a free radio
  205. Onwards to the Tin Tower and what awaits me there
  206. three monks are what’s waiting
  207. there’s a legend or something
  208. test of worthiness
  210. WAT
  211. WASH
  212. NO
  215. FUUUCK
  216. I need a monster to replace him, something to show my rage.
  217. Mothra, arise!
  218. Time to grind to lvl 45
  220. Catch a Lickitung on my way to the Ice Path in search of stronger opponents.
  221. Call him chosen one
  222. Pop into the ice cavern to train saint walker, find a cute little swinub.
  223. Call him tusks
  224. back to grindan
  225. Learn Hydro Pump Y/N?
  226. FUCK YES
  227. Suddenly whilst grindan, a majestic foe faces me
  228. Raikou, one of the dogs I’d sworn to beat the crap out of
  229. it ran ;___;
  230. Mothra evolved, FUCK YEAH
  231. Let’s go face Suicene
  232. Caught Suicene with a normal pokeball thanks to thundershock and supersonic.
  233. Almost lost Erik in the process though.
  234. He will have a name befitting his legendary status, Fenris this dog shall be called.
  235. He may be a good friend in the upcoming battles
  237. Slipping n sliding, sliding and slipping
  238. Blackthorn now, up in the mountains and shit
  239. The leader here is Claire, I learned after some digging around that she’s tied to a clan of Dragon masters
  240. This gonna get real interesting
  242. Get to Claire, me and Saint Walker are bossing this shit
  243. Kingdra goes NOPE
  244. This is it buddy...
  245. I hope you can find the strength to carry on in my name
  246. I wipe a tear, I scream in defiance
  247. Erik, get em!
  248. He puts up a brave fight but is drowned and rusted
  249. NO!
  251. Mothra’s psychic wave rend the dragons flesh apart
  252. I told you, an eye for an eye!
  253. Doesn’t accept it?
  255. Take the dragon challenge then prove yourself worthy.
  256. Fine, I will do this.
  257. First I will bury my comrades
  258. Fenris and Magrat come and join the team
  259. I am itching to try my new dog of the gods, maybe it’ll bite her head off.
  260. Let’s train little Magrat up, the innocence in her eyes almost calms me.
  261. I steel myself, vowing never to let any of my team perish again.
  262. Catch a Gligar, name it Wayne
  263. Magrat evolved into a Nidorina
  264. Magrat is now a proud Nidoqueen
  265. Find a Wobbuffett call it No Trabble
  266. need a HM slave, sorry Manray you’re the best bet
  267. let’s go train some more
  268. go into the dragon’s den
  269. not a very welcoming feeling from the people in there
  270. Get to the shrine and the old guy starts asking a bunch of questions
  271. I answer and I passed the test which i learned that Clair herself hasn’t, that made my day.
  272. She leaves and the old man palms something into my hand, well done he says here’s a little reward.
  273. A pokeball with a Dratini in it, called it parthanax
  274. Go outside and clair is waiting for me, she gives me a ™ and accepts my win.
  275. The elite four are past new bark town
  276. get to tohjo falls, pick up a slowpoke on the way
  277. he is Button and he is adorable
  278. Caught a Quagsire in the next route, he will be Herp
  279. Magrat is really having some fun here
  280. Get a tentacruel, hello squidward
  281. At Victory road now
  282. I sense a confrontation awaits me at the end of it
  283. Seems like my hunch was right, that ginger kid comes up and challenges me again.
  284. He’s trying to intimidate me, I’m weak? Cool story, can we get this out the way?
  285. Kid got strong all of a sudden, but still not strong enough
  286. I pity him
  287. I really do
  288. I walk into the League Lobby
  289. This is it, my journey is almost over.
  290. A little more training just in case
  291. everyone is lvl 50
  292. Time to do this shit
  293. Will is up first, no problem for Ace and Tony
  294. Next is Koga, Ace is in front again
  295. Ace and Mothra wipe the floor with him
  296. Bruno the fighting master is my next opponent, Fenris up front.
  297. We can do this, so far so good.
  298. Bruno is a worthy foe, but I’m still better
  299. His Machamp almost got Aang though, I curse my thoughtlessness and carry on to the next room
  300. Karen the Dark Mistress is the final member of the four, Fenris by my side I head to battle once more.
  301. A joint effort by most of the team we dispose of her pokemon with ease.
  302. The Champion is waiting.
  303. Fenris is down, struck by thunder
  304. Magrat steps up to the challenge
  305. She holds no quarter
  306. I won
  307. I actually did it.
  308. Oak and Mary come to congratulate me, but Lance takes me to one side.
  309. Go home talk to Elm, he gives me a master ball and a ticket for the SS Aqua
  310. He also asks how the egg is doing
  311. I go to cherry grove to pick up francis and on my way back I am confronted by Entei.
  312. He fled
  313. Parthanax joins the party, I best go to olivine and see what I’m wanted for
  314. Make a stop in Goldenrod, catch with Bill who gives me an Eevee.
  315. Evan goes in the box
  316. I get to Olivine and board the boat, an elderly gent bumps into me and asks if I’ve seen his granddaughter
  317. I’ll keep an eye out
  318. She was bugging the captain and everyone else seemed bored.
  319. I get her back safely and go to sleep
  320. By the time i wake the ferry has docked
  321. Welcome to vermillion city banners exclaim as I walk onto the marina.
  322. Time to explore this new area.
  323. I see a middle aged man warning people away from a small hill, however it’s not a small hill but a Snorlax. He mentions that things are tougher in Kanto, not sure whether that’s just him being patriotic or truth.
  324. I make my way into the city center, I see the gym.
  325. Perfect.
  326. Lt. Surges thugs were push overs for Ace and then he single handedly took down all of Surge’s own pokemon.
  327. The man from earlier wasn’t kidding, people are strong here
  328. The only way I can go now is up, find a Drowzee on my way.
  329. He is called Alan
  330. Arrive in Saffron, this place is huge. Ended up in what appeared to be a gym on the outside, but was just a Karate Dojo. I think the Silph tower is around here somewhere, might visit that. But first to the actual gym.
  331. Psychic is the dish of the day it appears, Ace needs to level some more so it’s all good. If only I could get him a fire stone though.
  332. Parthanax Evolved!
  333. Sweet
  334. Sabrina, we gonna get mental in this joint
  335. Ace is dead by Espeon
  336. Tony avenges his fallen comrade and takes down the rest of her pokemans
  337. Evan is now a jolteon, gonna have to rename him to something more fitting.
  338. Evan is now rechristened as Thor, god of thunder!
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