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Sex Stuff!

a guest
Oct 9th, 2010
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  1. <RedEnchilada>: but it's creepy when two dudes sleep together
  2. <RedEnchilada>: or two girls, even!
  3. <DarkShadic>: Rephrase that RE.
  4. <DarkShadic>: Two girls: Peepin Tom tiem!
  5. <RedEnchilada>: why
  6. <RedEnchilada>: actually
  7. <RedEnchilada>: I'm not interested in anyone's sex but my own!
  8. <RoyKirbs>: Wow.
  9. <Mystic>: man, that statement is SO easy to warp
  10. <DarkShadic>: Waitut
  11. <RoyKirbs>: Indeed.
  12. <DarkShadic>: ^
  13. <RedEnchilada>: ...shut up :<
  14. <RoyKirbs>: Do it.
  15. <SpiritCrusher>: RedEnchilada, you win
  16. <SpiritCrusher>: This will so make my signature
  17. <RedEnchilada>: shut up :<
  18. <DarkShadic>: Hay.
  19. <RedEnchilada>: don't do it :<
  20. <DarkShadic>: I was gonna do that too.
  21. <DarkShadic>: XD
  22. <Cinefast_Windows>: RedEnchilada is apparently gay after all
  23. <RoyKirbs>: Wow.
  24. <RedEnchilada>: shut up or I'll bring up the testicles quote again, DS
  25. <DarkShadic>: :P
  26. <RedEnchilada>: Cinefast_Windows: no
  27. <SpiritCrusher>: Well, IRC quotes topic, actually
  28. <RedEnchilada>: that's not what I meant
  29. <RoyKirbs>: Testicles?
  30. <RedEnchilada>: SpiritCrusher: fuck you
  31. <Mystic>: And that's what makes it HYSTERICAL, RedEnchilada
  33. <XSpeedGodX>: That is all
  34. <RoyKirbs>: But sex is awesome.
  35. <Mystic>: Why?
  36. <DarkShadic>: Jesus that *cracks* me up.
  37. <DarkShadic>: Sex is awesome.
  38. <rageman>: hello
  39. <Mystic>: This isn't remotely graphic. Nothing against the rules about this
  40. <DarkShadic>: XXX
  41. <RedEnchilada>: the only thing about talking about sex is
  42. <DarkShadic>: And lol Mystic.
  43. <RedEnchilada>: you can't link images to go with it
  44. <RedEnchilada>: like you can with other stuff
  45. <Mystic>: well, RedEnchilada, it's certainly possible to cross the line here
  46. <Chase>: I take my wooden staff...
  47. <Mystic>: but generally a bunch of 12-14 year old virgins don't know enough to actually get close to the line
  48. <Mystic>: So it's not an issue
  49. <RoyKirbs>: we COULD highly detail the sequence of sex...but.
  50. <SpiritCrusher>: But sex is not what makes children anyway
  51. <rageman>: sex?
  52. <RoyKirbs>: Yeah.
  53. <SpiritCrusher>: As Mystery Cheese observed
  54. <DarkShadic>: ;D
  55. <Mystic>: wait...what?
  56. <Chase>: It's the stork
  57. <RedEnchilada>: babies come from the stork, right?
  58. <Mystic>: I have to see this
  59. <RoyKirbs>: oh dear lord what.
  60. <Chase>: The stork brings babies of course.
  61. <SpiritCrusher>: Lemme get some logs
  62. <DarkShadic>: Jesus hot girls in my school.
  63. <SpiritCrusher>: It's hilarious
  64. <RoyKirbs>: my shit what the hell.
  65. <Cinefast_Windows>: as my bot described it, sex is "<EggBot> Speedy thing goes in, sexy stuff comes out" (unedited quote)
  67. (Little later...)
  68. Cinefast_Windows>: okay, yes, public gay sex is probably inappropriate
  69. <DarkShadic>: "The power of Christ compels YOU!"
  70. DarkShadic throws water on homos
  71. <RedEnchilada>: Cinefast_Windows: public sex is always inappropriate
  72. <SpiritCrusher>: Public sex is- yeah
  73. <Spectrum>: sex in public
  74. <RoyKirbs>: Sex in public is silly.
  75. <SonicFreak94>: <SpiritCrusher> <- Hahaha, oh wow
  76. <SonicFreak94>: I actually laughed
  77. <RoyKirbs>: Sex should be brodcasted to Fox News.
  78. <Cinefast_Windows>: Sex in public is silly?
  79. <Cinefast_Windows>: It sounds like a fun risk
  80. <RedEnchilada>: RoyKirbs: *Fox News[citation needed]
  81. <RedEnchilada>: Cinefast_Windows: no
  82. <SpiritCrusher>: Yeah, you'd get arrested
  83. <RoyKirbs>: Ahaha.
  84. <RedEnchilada>: that's stupid
  85. <DarkShadic>: Fun risk yes.
  86. <DarkShadic>: It depends.
  87. <SpiritCrusher>: [21:53] * DarkShadic throws water on homos <- THERE, TAKE THAT
  88. <DarkShadic>: Lesbians in public doing it, hell yeah.
  89. <RedEnchilada>: I mean, if you're gonna do it in a private place, that's fine
  90. <RedEnchilada>: but if you're like...
  91. <SpiritCrusher>: It's such a harsh punishment
  92. <DarkShadic>: HAY.
  93. <RoyKirbs>: Sex on motorcycles!
  94. <RoyKirbs>: Sex on trains!
  95. <Chase>: Sex on top of cars
  96. <DarkShadic>: Motorcycles? You'll fall.
  97. <RedEnchilada>: actually, the school I was at last year one group had sex out on the track
  98. <RoyKirbs>: Sex on that bench!
  99. <RedEnchilada>: or so I heard
  100. <RoyKirbs>: Sex on the countertop!
  101. <Chase>: Nude beaches Roy
  102. <Boinciel|KakeraAsobi>: *sign*
  103. <Chase>: ;)
  104. <Blade>: <<'
  105. <DarkShadic>: Lesbians having sex on me!
  106. <SpiritCrusher>: Sex on the bench, which is not really a drink
  107. <RoyKirbs>: Sex on the appropriately named beach!
  108. <Cinefast_Windows>: this was what inspired me to start coming up with atrocious puns
  109. <SpiritCrusher>: lol Blade left because we are talking about sex
  110. <Cinefast_Windows>: Blade left because he's uncomfortable with us
  111. <DarkShadic>: Sex is awesome.
  112. <RoyKirbs>: Awesome.
  113. <Cinefast_Windows>: him being a CURRRRRRR-AZY CHRISTIAN!
  114. <RoyKirbs>: Blade thinks we are fucking insane.
  115. <RoyKirbs>: You win 400 mana points and an extra life.
  116. <SpiritCrusher>: We think Blade is insane, so...
  117. <XSpeedGodX>: nO
  118. <XSpeedGodX>: bLADE IS AWESOME
  119. <XSpeedGodX>: oops caps
  120. <RedEnchilada>: ...damnit
  121. <Cinefast_Windows>: I bet Blade is talking about us perverted creeps in his channels
  122. RedEnchilada stabs SpiritCrusher
  123. <SpiritCrusher>: what
  124. <RoyKirbs>: what.
  125. <RedEnchilada>: that quote is not funny :<
  126. <RoyKirbs>: yes it is.
  127. <SpiritCrusher>: ^
  128. <RedEnchilada>: no it isn't
  129. <RoyKirbs>: It most definetely is.
  130. <SpiritCrusher>: What is also funny is that I missed the topic and posted it in Introduce Yourself
  131. <DarkShadic>: what quote
  132. <RoyKirbs>: Rofl.
  133. <DarkShadic>: Should I post all of this sex studd on PasteBin?
  134. <DarkShadic>: *stuff
  135. <RoyKirbs>: Spirit is the most amazing easter egg on the top of the mountain.
  136. DarkShadic crushes the egg's spirt and crushes it physically.
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