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a guest
Nov 25th, 2015
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  1. Classes:
  2. "GumboInternalNode"
  3. "GumboInternalOptions"
  4. "GumboInternalOutput"
  5. Typedefs:
  6. "GumboAllocatorFunction"
  7. "GumboAttribute"
  8. "GumboAttributeNamespaceEnum"
  9. "GumboDeallocatorFunction"
  10. "GumboDocument"
  11. "GumboElement"
  12. "GumboNamespaceEnum"
  13. "GumboNode"
  14. "GumboNodeType"
  15. "GumboOptions"
  16. "GumboOutput"
  17. "GumboParseFlags"
  18. "GumboQuirksModeEnum"
  19. "GumboSourcePosition"
  20. "GumboStringPiece"
  21. "GumboTag"
  22. "GumboText"
  23. "GumboVector"
  24. "ptrdiff_t"
  25. "size_t"
  26. Enums:
  27. "(anonymous)"
  28. Functions:
  29. "GumboAttribute *(gumbo_get_attribute)(const GumboVector *, const char *)"
  30. "GumboOutput *(gumbo_parse)(const char *)"
  31. "GumboOutput *(gumbo_parse_with_options)(const GumboOptions *, const char *, size_t)"
  32. "GumboTag (gumbo_tag_enum)(const char *)"
  33. "GumboTag (gumbo_tagn_enum)(const char *, unsigned int)"
  34. "bool (gumbo_string_equals)(const GumboStringPiece *, const GumboStringPiece *)"
  35. "bool (gumbo_string_equals_ignore_case)(const GumboStringPiece *, const GumboStringPiece *)"
  36. "const char *(gumbo_normalize_svg_tagname)(const GumboStringPiece *)"
  37. "const char *(gumbo_normalized_tagname)(GumboTag)"
  38. "int (gumbo_vector_index_of)(GumboVector *, const void *)"
  39. "void (gumbo_destroy_output)(const GumboOptions *, GumboOutput *)"
  40. "void (gumbo_tag_from_original_text)(GumboStringPiece *)"
  41. Types:
  42. ""
  43. "*"
  44. "GumboInternalNode"
  45. "GumboInternalNode*"
  46. "GumboInternalOptions"
  47. "GumboInternalOutput"
  48. "GumboInternalOutput*"
  49. "GumboNamespaceEnum"
  50. "GumboNode*"
  51. "GumboNodeType"
  52. "GumboOutput*"
  53. "GumboParseFlags"
  54. "GumboTag"
  55. "bool"
  56. "const *"
  57. "const GumboInternalOptions*"
  58. "const GumboOptions*"
  59. "const char*"
  60. "const void*"
  61. "int"
  62. "long"
  63. "size_t"
  64. "unsigned int"
  65. "unsigned long"
  66. "void"
  67. "void(*)(void*,void*)"
  68. "void*"
  69. "void*(*)(void*,size_t)"
  70. "void*(*)(void*,unsigned long)"
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