
cultists autopsy ic day way in the past

Aug 14th, 2014
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  1. Cultists autopsy
  3. way in the past when he was fresh
  5. important stuff
  7. The corpse lies on its side, covered in bruises and injures that by now are scabs of dry, black blood. The mouth of the animal has remained open since the day of its death, and the cut up tongue can be partially seen, sticking out covered in more dried blood. On its nape, the mane is all messy and hard, having been soaked in more of the vital fluid that abandoned the body when the crazy pony[con
  8. [23:03] <GMC> decided to start bangin his head on the wall, as Kaiasha may remember. The rest of the body is a mess as well; the white fur of the pony is barely identifiable as of that color, and there aren't many spots on which a scar or scab can't be found.
  10. The scalpel cuts fur and flesh smoothly, opening the barrel of the equine with precission. As the blade goes away, Kaia can see how the intestines of the pony start to come out slowly from the fissure she made.
  12. The entirety of the barrel is opened in channel by now, from the groin to the breastbone, revealing most of the entrails of the carcass. A putrid smell ascends, and it's now that the mares can see how the blood, dense and dark by now, coagulates and becomes black soon after making contact with the air, as if reacting to it.
  14. he rib shows to be surprisingly healthy, looking strong and thick. Equally, the muscles of the pony weren't in bad shape, only a bit swollen on the areas with too many bruises. This pony was probably fit enough to be an athlete. Looking at the organs beneath the ribcage, Kaiasha notices how they haven't lost much shape in spite of the time since death. Yet, there's something weird about them [c
  15. [23:31] <GMC> all of them look blackened and increased in size, almost swollen.
  17. The rib is white, looking liek a regular one, while the organs are all of the same dark color. Squishy as they are, Kaia's gloved hoof gets covered in sticky semi transparent fluids
  20. Flora spread the legs of the corpse, exposing his genitalia. To the surprise of the zebra, along the inner thighs there are several cuts long ago healed. They were obviously made with a knife, carefully landed and displayed almost as some kind of scik tattoo. The testicles of the stallion now come into her sight, the fleshy sack looking normal and in good shape
  22. Meanwhile, Kaiasha takes care of the skull, noticing maybe for the first time, that the stallion once had a horn. With his messy and curly black mane it was hard to see, but a stump of his horn remains on the middle of his forehead.
  24. From a quick look to the crushed nape, Kaia learns that the pony had been bashin his skull on the wall way before their visit at him in the cell, as the bones there are practically all deformed and cracked. Yet, it looks like they were healing quite fast, weld back by some sort of unnaturally fast regeneration rate.
  25. [00:05] <Flora> [oh and crouch tatooes?]
  26. [00:07] <GMC> The scars in the legs were also pretty much healed, although it's probable that they were renewed quite often, since the marks were deep and notorious.
  28. Still, from how damaged and cracked the skull is, Kaia can deduce that the servant had receives some brain damage
  30. Kaiasha can't deduce much more form the skull without opening it, while Flora stares down at the balls...
  33. The zebra carefully starts making cuts at the base of the testicles until both fleshy eggs are quite separated from the body. The scalpel then moves along the sack, opening it like a fruit. Blackish red blood gushes out slightly and coagulates before Flora can see the two exposed orbs...
  35. The skinned sack looks whitish in color, bathed in the blood of the pony and with several veins and wavy cords of flesh.
  37. The testicles feel soft and squishy
  39. [You opened the skull?]
  40. [00:43] <Kaiasha_> [yes]
  41. [00:46] <GMC> After forcing the skull open, the mares both find a bashed brain inside. It's not exactly deformed, but one can notice how the smacks on the wall were effectiv, having the cerebelum relatively swollen, and, if it probably hadn't been for the fast healing factor of the servant, would be leaking gray goo. Beyond that, they can't really recognize anything out of order
  43. Flora checks the heart, cutting down some of the ribs so to remove it properly. The vital organ looks quite well... if it weren't for how blackened it is. The arteries and veins coming out of it are almost completely dyed black and the muscle looks like it had been working absurdly fast on its last moments, all beaten and with hardened walls that now rest eternally.
  45. he lungs are completely healthy, compared to the heart. They are untouched, surprisingly untouched, mostly due to luck, judging by the amount of injures around the torso, some of them looking like punctures
  47. The ribcage is indeed kinda damaged. As healthy as the bones are, there are marks on them that prove they protected the vital organs from damage several times
  49. The stomach is cut open, more stench being released, this time a mixture of acid and rot. The mare finds that his stomach was full of nothing but gastric juice and small, almost completely digested pieces of bones from an unknown animal. The walls of the stomach look normal, although a bit mistreated and stiff, proof of a small sickness.
  51. he rest of the organs look alright, this is a faster description :3
  57. IC
  59. Flora is here and stuff in the past~
  60. [22:36] * Kaiasha thinks Flora should lurk more. as she continues sipping water, this time, four weeks ago ~dableedooobleeedoo~
  61. [22:36] <Flora> hue read the op that shit sucks dick like im going to follow it
  62. [22:36] <Flora>
  63. [22:37] <Curiosity> [>fun in FC]
  64. [22:37] <Kaiasha> [Friendly reminder that Liven is only a Co-OP in this operation, I can do whatever the fuck I want, I just leave the OP alone to save drama
  65. [22:38] <Flora> [imma slss all over Liven's face when he gets back]
  66. [22:38] <Flora> [but on with the show!]
  67. [22:40] * Flora is totally watching Kai sip that water not even knowing that in a couple weeks she'll fail to be here for like almos 2 weks straight but hey adventure waits for no man "Hey Kai?" she asks cutely as always "Can we autopsy that cultists body today?"
  68. [22:41] <Kaiasha> [Psst Flora, I work goddamn third shift]
  69. [22:42] * Kaiasha looks over and sighs "I guess I should. Livens been out and busy and I need to get to it before it starts turning..."
  70. [22:42] <Flora> [ok?... ]
  71. [22:43] <Flora> "and i've been curious about it myself since he got here" she grumbles about how she dragged him here and he died before she cpuld see him
  72. [22:45] * Kaiasha nods "Alright lets suit up then" she grabs her doctors coat, Knife, Gloves, Mask, Book on pony anatomy, and starts her way towards the morgue
  73. [22:46] * Flora follows after wearing a apron
  74. [22:46] <Kaiasha> [incidentally Curiosity, I'ma gonna need you for a few details)
  75. [22:46] <Curiosity> [such as?]
  76. [22:46] * Kaiasha "So, this guy is probably as poisonous as shit, full protective attire is needed!"
  77. [22:47] <Kaiasha> [Any anomalies in the pony I am about to dissect.]
  78. [22:48] <Curiosity> [ah sure, that's why you are doing this I guess, hahaha]
  79. [22:49] * Flora also grabs what kai grabs minus book
  80. [22:49] == Kaiasha [~kvirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  81. [22:49] <Flora> and then she died
  82. [22:50] <Curiosity> [the body was indeed poisonoues. GG no re ]
  83. [22:52] == Kaiasha [~kvirc@] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  84. [22:52] * Flora slowly cuts Kai along her migsagital line
  85. [22:53] == Kaiasha_ [webchat@] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  86. [22:53] <Kaiasha_> [As we were...]
  87. [22:53] <Flora> :/
  88. [22:54] <Kaiasha_> [I have a shitty internet okay?]
  89. [22:54] <Flora> we walking down stairs as i totally dont cut kai open
  90. [22:54] <Curiosity> [it's alright]
  91. [22:54] == Kaiasha [~kvirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  92. [22:54] == Curiosity has changed nick to GMC
  93. [22:55] <Flora> general motor company pls go
  94. [22:56] <GMC> [HONK HONK]
  95. [22:56] <GMC> [Imma rally over some horses if they don't get to that morgue soon :3]
  96. [22:56] * Kaiasha_ approachs the body "Like I said, do not make any physical contact with the blood if at all possible, You don't want to know what this guy was drinking."
  97. [22:56] <Kaiasha_> [Sorry Cury. my internet gave me the runs]
  98. [22:57] <GMC> [oh no worries, jsut thought that IC you two were still at the lobby]
  99. [23:00] * Flora knows what's up with the blood sorta having more experience with the live ones
  100. [23:00] <Flora> "Well good luck getting threw the blood it's like molasses anddoesn't flow right"
  101. [23:01] <GMC> The corpse lies on its side, covered in bruises and injures that by now are scabs of dry, black blood. The mouth of the animal has remained open since the day of its death, and the cut up tongue can be partially seen, sticking out covered in more dried blood. On its nape, the mane is all messy and hard, having been soaked in more of the vital fluid that abandoned the body when the crazy pony[con
  102. [23:03] <GMC> decided to start bangin his head on the wall, as Kaiasha may remember. The rest of the body is a mess as well; the white fur of the pony is barely identifiable as of that color, and there aren't many spots on which a scar or scab can't be found.
  103. [23:03] * Flora pokes it with a tongue depresser
  104. [23:04] * Kaiasha_ grabs a knife and grimaces, there's a reason why she leaves corpses to liven usually. she starts from just underneath the ribs and attempts a smooth incision.
  105. [23:05] * Flora notices Kai's hand shaking a little "Hey if you want I could do it Kai"
  106. [23:06] == Curious has changed nick to Curious|driving
  107. [23:06] <GMC> [>hand]
  108. [23:07] * Kaiasha_ shakes her head and steadies her HOOF "No, I've got this."
  109. [23:08] <GMC> The scalpel cuts fur and flesh smoothly, opening the barrel of the equine with precission. As the blade goes away, Kaia can see how the intestines of the pony start to come out slowly from the fissure she made.
  110. [23:08] <Flora> [cury i swear]
  111. [23:10] <Kaiasha_> [
  112. [23:10] <Kaiasha_> [There's actually a logical medical reasoning behind this, Unless they magically came alive]
  113. [23:12] <Flora> [no i mean hands]
  114. [23:12] <Flora> [i know how bodies work silly:3]
  115. [23:13] * Kaiasha_ assuming they aren't moving in ways unnatural to.... errm what bodies do when they cease to exist, she continues cutting in, silently cursing the lack of formeldahyde present.
  116. [23:14] * Flora unfortunately is some what used to the smell of the dead and rot but formaldehyde makes her nose all stuffy as she watches Kai and making notes wanting to get a cut in the body not going to hurt her this time
  117. [23:18] == Liven [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  118. [23:18] == mode/#FourCannonClinic [+o Liven] by Spock
  119. [23:18] <GMC> The entirety of the barrel is opened in channel by now, from the groin to the breastbone, revealing most of the entrails of the carcass. A putrid smell ascends, and it's now that the mares can see how the blood, dense and dark by now, coagulates and becomes black soon after making contact with the air, as if reacting to it.
  120. [23:19] * Kaiasha_ nods "You taking notes flora?" she looks over the entrails, "The entire circulatory system seems to be infested with a chemical. Though I still haven't figured out why these cultists even do this..." she takes a moment, scraping at a rib bone to see if it is like the bones she looked at before.
  121. [23:21] <Flora> "eck" she claims seeing the mix stew before her very eyes "yea I'm taking not all right..." her voice trails off seeing Kai poke around at it
  122. [23:22] * Kaiasha_ "My theory is, it is a method of control, get some nasty shit in your underlings immune systems, give them the cure every once and a while to keep them stable, prevents mutiny. Also encourages what this poor sod did to himself."
  123. [23:24] <Flora> [if only we did this sooner things would have made more sense IC when i did cult related stuff]
  124. [23:24] <Kaiasha_> [Chill Flora, IRL is priority]
  125. [23:24] <Flora> "Makes sense but if they are filled with chemicals they probably have some mind control stuff in it like the eater beast in the river"
  126. [23:25] <Flora> [it's k]
  127. [23:28] * Kaiasha_ hmmms "Could be both, Still, he did mention needing a substance right up until he killed himself, something that might maintain a certain level of sanity, or lack thereof." she exposes a rib.
  128. [23:29] <Flora> "a lack of is a better word, so far they only listen to the higher up ones that were masks"
  129. [23:31] <GMC> The rib shows to be surprisingly healthy, looking strong and thick. Equally, the muscles of the pony weren't in bad shape, only a bit swollen on the areas with too many bruises. This pony was probably fit enough to be an athlete. Looking at the organs beneath the ribcage, Kaiasha notices how they haven't lost much shape in spite of the time since death. Yet, there's something weird about them [c
  130. [23:31] <GMC> all of them look blackened and increased in size, almost swollen.
  131. [23:34] * Flora looks over studying the innards noting the odd size and coloration "try peeling back one of the organs. I wan't to know if that's due to rot or unatual colorization"
  132. [23:34] <Kaiasha_> "This one paid good attention to hardboil when he started talking their language, gave a bit of information before it panicked." she frowns "Whatever is in the blood also affected the internal organs.... she reaches in and gently moves organs aside, seeing if what is below is the same as above.
  133. [23:36] * Flora looks at what color that rib is
  134. [23:41] * Kaiasha_ Yep they are all the same color, "Interesting..."
  135. [23:42] <GMC> The rib is white, looking liek a regular one, while the organs are all of the same dark color. Squishy as they are, Kaia's gloved hoof gets covered in sticky semi transparent fluids.
  136. [23:42] * Flora is waiting on official reposrt for that one
  137. [23:45] * Kaiasha_ looks at the fluid. "Yep. defintely all the same there, I'm not sure why anyone would willingly work for a cult that treats their patrons so badly. So I'm guessing chemical additives are involved... So. the solution obviously is to find the cults source of alchemy or chemistry, and find a counteragent."
  138. [23:47] <GMC> which part of the pony will you inspect now?
  139. [23:47] <Flora> "well look at Grace. So far only answer is stupidity"
  140. [23:48] * Flora wants to inspect the balls
  141. [23:49] * Kaiasha_ grabs a saw, It's time to bisect the skull, wheeeeee
  142. [23:49] * Flora is going there yes she is and goes to find her own pair of scissors never before haging seen a pair of skinned testicles
  143. [23:49] <Flora> [honest i have no idea how they look
  144. [23:50] <Kaiasha_> [Flora you wot]
  145. [23:53] <Flora> [ssh it's happening and we have to look everywhere for clues]
  146. [23:54] * Kaiasha_ coughs "Flora, What on earth are you doing?"
  147. [23:55] * Flora asks the same question to Kai
  148. [23:57] * Kaiasha_ "Checking the brain for signs of..." she stops for a moment "Chemical deterioration, see if I can determine if it effects particular parts worse than others..."
  149. [23:57] <GMC> Flora spread the legs of the corpse, exposing his genitalia. To the surprise of the zebra, along the inner thighs there are several cuts long ago healed. They were obviously made with a knife, carefully landed and displayed almost as some kind of scik tattoo. The testicles of the stallion now come into her sight, the fleshy sack looking normal and in good shape
  150. [23:58] == Liven [] has quit []
  151. [23:59] <GMC> Meanwhile, Kaiasha takes care of the skull, noticing maybe for the first time, that the stallion once had a horn. With his messy and curly black mane it was hard to see, but a stump of his horn remains on the middle of his forehead.
  152. [23:59] <Flora> [do they make a shape or just random?]
  153. [00:00] * Kaiasha_ hmms "Well I've just figured out one thing about the heirarchy. There is no promotion. This underling had a horn once."
  154. [00:01] == EyeSpy|2 [~kvirc@] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  155. [00:01] <Flora> "Well I'm doing kinda the same but he has a whole bunch of scars on his thighs and I think they could mean somethin gsince they don't just look out of place. Oh and say out load what you see up their so I can write it down" she'll make sure to burn the pencil she used that night
  156. [00:02] <Flora> "and and speaking of appendages the pegaus all had broken wings like they were clipped birds" [or they were missing i forget]
  157. [00:02] <GMC> [broken, you are right AFAIK]
  158. [00:03] == EyeSpy [~kvirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
  159. [00:04] <Flora> [sweet ]
  160. [00:05] <GMC> From a quick look to the crushed nape, Kaia learns that the pony had been bashin his skull on the wall way before their visit at him in the cell, as the bones there are practically all deformed and cracked. Yet, it looks like they were healing quite fast, weld back by some sort of unnaturally fast regeneration rate.
  161. [00:05] <Flora> [oh and crouch tatooes?]
  162. [00:07] <GMC> The scars in the legs were also pretty much healed, although it's probable that they were renewed quite often, since the marks were deep and notorious.
  163. [00:08] <Flora> "so you see anything up top Kai?" she snips the sack her own scientific ventures underway
  164. [00:08] <Kaiasha_> me hmms "Well the skull is deformed as hell, but it looks like it was healing before he killed himself. remarkable."
  165. [00:09] == EyeSpy|2 has changed nick to EyeSpy
  166. [00:10] <Flora> "probably on account of all those healing potions they have, but I don't blame him for smashing it. He probably tried to Sudoku do to mistreatment and whatever the hell goes on in their"
  167. [00:10] <GMC> Still, from how damaged and cracked the skull is, Kaia can deduce that the servant had receives some brain damage
  168. [00:14] * Kaiasha_ sighs "I don't know about you, but even if we take the organization down, The cleanup process is going to be a nightmare."
  169. [00:14] <Flora> "Wouldn't even bother Kai, I wouldn't even bother"
  170. [00:18] * Flora can only wait in anticipation
  171. [00:18] * Kaiasha_ "Nasty piece of work here though, Fanaticism backed up by chemical modifications to psyche to prevent any chance of betrayal.... Though I suspect at higher ranks there is more free will. and loyalty is enforced in... different ways
  172. [00:21] <GMC> [Whoops]
  173. [00:21] <GMC> Kaiasha can't deduce much more form the skull without opening it, while Flora stares down at the balls...
  174. [00:22] <Flora> "Well I can assure you loyalty is inforced since one of the higher ups stabbed one in the neck for disobeying" i snipped the sack awhile ago
  175. [00:22] <Flora> "try taking away pieces of the skull Look at the brain itself"
  176. [00:23] == Curious|driving has changed nick to Curious
  177. [00:25] * Kaiasha_ starts cutting into the skull. "Hrumm, but why would they need to enforce fear if they already have control through the chemistry...."
  178. [00:25] <Flora> "Well it wasn't fear, think of it more as hitting a dog with a newspaper for doing something wrong"
  179. [00:26] <GMC> The zebra carefully starts making cuts at the base of the testicles until both fleshy eggs are quite separated from the body. The scalpel then moves along the sack, opening it like a fruit. Blackish red blood gushes out slightly and coagulates before Flora can see the two exposed orbs...
  180. [00:28] * Flora debates internally in her head over what to do
  181. [00:33] * Kaiasha_ "Aye, still, it's quite a remarkable turnover rate they have, If it wasn't for their magic, they wouldn't have any members..." she sighs "And I'm obligated to seek a cure for those affected in this way. It's clear to me that with exceptions, most ponies inducted into this cult were not willfully so..."
  182. [00:35] <GMC> The skinned sack looks whitish in color, bathed in the blood of the pony and with several veins and wavy cords of flesh.
  183. [00:35] * Flora grabs them fuck it "Kai honestly based off the things I've seen it's better to kill them then to try to save them. Maybe if you get a new recruit you would get lucky but anything past that has to die. Trust me on this"
  184. [00:38] <GMC> The testicles feel soft and squishy
  185. [00:41] * Flora lets them go before Kai sees her as she leans up ffelings things she shouldn't ad she makes her way to the front checking out the skull job
  186. [00:42] * Kaiasha_ harumphs, "If a Alicorn turned monsters can spend a thousand years chilling in the moon and still get out with sanity intact, then surely there is something that can be done for these ponies..." she sighs "Besides we need to find alternative solutions to dealing with our foes... Head on assaults only work when we have the advantage, we gotta find another way to beat them..."
  187. [00:42] <GMC> [You opened the skull?]
  188. [00:43] <Kaiasha_> [yes]
  189. [00:46] <GMC> After forcing the skull open, the mares both find a bashed brain inside. It's not exactly deformed, but one can notice how the smacks on the wall were effectiv, having the cerebelum relatively swollen, and, if it probably hadn't been for the fast healing factor of the servant, would be leaking gray goo. Beyond that, they can't really recognize anything out of order
  190. [00:47] <Flora> "Kai no offense but enough bull shit magic alicoen horse crap, seriously look at this fucker, he's beyond gone and if anything is probably happy to be dead then in the torment he had to be in in that place. Take it from someone who's been their and damn near died their. I'ts beyond all repair. Even reading through the journal they don't even have a moral compass anymore"
  191. [00:48] * Flora sees the motor function and balance part of the brain is fucked "and to think he's the clumsly one who dropped a rock on his head"
  192. [00:52] == EyeSpy [~kvirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  193. [00:52] <GMC> What do you do now?
  194. [00:54] <Flora> "Well might as well take the brain out, vivasect, and put into a jar of preservatives if we have any?"
  195. [00:54] <Flora> [also im going to check each organ]
  196. [00:54] * Kaiasha_ shakes her head "What's the point of keeping brains around? I have what I need."
  197. [00:56] <Flora> "do we have preserving material?"
  198. [00:57] == Liven [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  199. [00:57] == mode/#FourCannonClinic [+o Liven] by Spock
  200. [00:57] * Kaiasha_ she shakes he head "Not really." she mulls about her mind still whirring...
  201. [00:58] <GMC> [>check every organ]
  202. [00:58] <GMC> [You know how many organs there are, right?]
  203. [00:59] <Flora> 7
  204. [00:59] <Flora> but we did brain
  205. [01:00] * Flora decides to check that heart of his
  206. [01:00] <Kaiasha_> [ahahahaha Flora, The digestive system alone has at least 15. ]
  207. [01:00] <Flora> [i can do it tomorrow if you like]
  208. [01:00] <Flora> [i meant major organs Kai]
  209. [01:01] <Kaiasha_> [Here, let me remove your pancreas and gallbladder and hear if you think those weren't major]
  210. [01:01] * Flora has no use for gal bladder
  211. [01:01] <Flora> [kai pls]
  212. [01:01] * Flora will remove your appendices
  213. [01:02] * Kaiasha_ "I think we've got enough info for now, I'm gonna clean this sod up, and ship him to the graveyard later."
  214. [01:04] <GMC> [gimme a minute pleas,e solving something]
  215. [01:05] <Flora> "actually Kai I wanted to look at some more things before I go. I can clean up if you like and give you the end notes in the morning"
  216. [01:05] <Flora> [srs i wasnt done yet]
  217. [01:05] <Flora> [you can sleep if you like]
  218. [01:06] <GMC> Flora checks the heart, cutting down some of the ribs so to remove it properly. The vital organ looks quite well... if it weren't for how blackened it is. The arteries and veins coming out of it are almost completely dyed black and the muscle looks like it had been working absurdly fast on its last moments, all beaten and with hardened walls that now rest eternally.
  219. [01:10] <Kaiasha_> [I be dedding soonish meself]
  220. [01:10] <Flora> [go get some rest Kai]
  221. [01:12] * Flora feels it up noteing the results on a paper as Kai goes to let her finish up "Stiff vascular walls.. check right ventricular atrium open... le check a roo. Guy could have used a bayer asprin" she chuckles before looking at the lungs
  222. [01:15] <GMC> The lungs are completely healthy, compared to the heart. They are untouched, surprisingly untouched, mostly due to luck, judging by the amount of injures around the torso, some of them looking like punctures
  223. [01:18] <Flora> "strange not a scratch on them." she documents them wondering is any bone markins are present
  224. [01:19] == Liven [] has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
  225. [01:20] <GMC> The ribcage is indeed kinda damaged. As healthy as the bones are, there are marks on them that prove they protected the vital organs from damage several times
  226. [01:22] <Flora> [none of the stuff from talassa?
  227. [01:23] <GMC> [nope]
  228. [01:23] == Liven [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  229. [01:24] <GMC> The marks are uneven
  230. [01:25] * Flora checks stomach contents
  231. [01:29] <GMC> The stomach is cut open, more stench being released, this time a mixture of acid and rot. The mare finds that his stomach was full of nothing but gastric juice and small, almost completely digested pieces of bones from an unknown animal. The walls of the stomach look normal, although a bit mistreated and stiff, proof of a small sickness.
  232. [01:32] * Flora covers her nose wafting off the smell Kai slamming the door shut so it doesnt go upstairs "uck you are atinky" she complains before doing a general slice of all major organs to make this a faster process
  233. [01:33] <GMC> the rest of the organs look alright, this is a faster description :3
  234. [01:39] <Flora> give me a sec
  235. [01:43] <GMC> [flora, what else are you gonna check?]
  236. [01:45] * Flora was just going to fondle them again and go home and wonder about her life just keeping it to herself and god
  237. [01:45] <GMC> Yeah, that's alright. GM is tired, so that happens and such. Night
  238. [01:45] <Flora> dont judge
  239. [01:45] <Flora> night
  240. [01:45] == GMC has changed nick to Cury-Sleep
  241. [01:46] <Cury-Sleep> [Flora found her new fetish, huh]
  242. [01:46] <Flora> hehe...
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