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Feb 23rd, 2021
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  1. As every one of our Freethinkers say. You watch, you decide.
  2. Note: I keep this updated constantly, check back regularly.
  3. ############################################################################################################################
  4. #FlatEarth
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  6. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO2VDdgJ8uxW2dK3V4JHwMUSOii6S6dsC
  7. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm6Vq0bTTCDj8fuDVfqcytiuxbVj_Lyq4
  8. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwLuLwI-F4hNRtLG9Do1vm4dAenwve-hL
  9. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBNnyfzA49uNWPeeSXaTz_HJTdVi-Nlgd
  10. ############################################################################################################################
  11. https://wiki.tfes.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions
  12. https://wiki.tfes.org/The_Flat_Earth_Wiki
  13. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/home/index.php/featured/religious-references
  14. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/home/index.php/featured/maps
  15. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/home/index.php/featured/Flat-Earth-Historical-Figures-People
  16. https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=60834.0
  17. http://pastebin.com/1BLGifaz
  18. ############################################################################################################################
  19. Flat Earth is the Truth ▶️️ - https://youtu.be/ZuToYSYdJS0
  20. Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha - https://youtu.be/fDBRhxryfZM
  21. Flat Earth & the Fisheye Lens ▶️️ - https://youtu.be/ZXkCgB0cOGc
  22. Flat Earth in 5 Minutes ▶️️ - https://youtu.be/GDKc6X8TXNE
  23. Is Earth Actually Flat? - https://youtu.be/VNqNnUJVcVs
  24. Total Eclipse of the Mind - https://youtu.be/m0dDw-8Nhow
  25. 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball Videobook - https://youtu.be/h5i_iDyUTCg
  26. TOP 7 REASONS Why I Believe in the Flat Earth 2016 - https://youtu.be/tu1pv2TWl-M
  27. International Space Station Hoax - https://youtu.be/Zhzjx8TsuQk
  28. FLAT EARTH Clues Introduction (subtitles in any language) - Mark Sargent ✅ - https://youtu.be/T8-YdgU-CF4
  29. The truth about the Firmament, Operation Fishbowl 2016 - https://youtu.be/XSOoY7PQWKw
  30. The Firmament & The Waters above Why did NASA Hide this Footage? Is there some Truth to all of this? - https://youtu.be/b6hOldWZNxY
  31. [FLAT AMATEUR]Amateur rocket reaches 121,000 ft - https://youtu.be/sQw_C5KLhFM
  32. [FLAT AMATEUR] FLAT EARTH ADDICT 05 : 121,000 feet Little Piggy Cam High Altitude Balloon Flight - https://youtu.be/WQITXbcz2hg
  33. [R/F NASA] Felix Baumgartner Space Jump World Record 2012 Full HD 1080p [FULL] - https://youtu.be/vvbN-cWe0A0
  34. Gravity is Just Density - https://youtu.be/Gg2URbkJo18
  35. Flat Earth Is there an edge finally explained - https://youtu.be/cjVoyIAxdfA
  36. 1979.Antarctica,Real footage of Flat Earth!!! And More!!! - https://youtu.be/9-9xdx9qzLI
  37. FLAT EARTH - 1000 YEARS OLD MAP Shows MORE Land Beyond ANTARTICA Edge/Ice Wall - Honolulu Map - https://youtu.be/OxumjAIgLiM
  38. Must see. 2 Rockets hit the dome on flat earth - https://youtu.be/iXNmj-JmrR8
  39. Flat Earth Simple Logic. It's time to wake up to our geocentric immovable flat earth. - https://youtu.be/UpIdjMqsvwo
  40. Flat Earth in Movies and TV Shows 2016 (Truth hidden in Plain Sight) - https://youtu.be/ErohcrzuySc
  41. Flat Earth AWAKENINGS - Nikola Tesla, Hitler & the CONSTRUCT - https://youtu.be/VX9r3RjIlrw
  42. Flat Earth Proof: Oahu seen from Kauai more than 90 miles away - https://youtu.be/Wc2ZIKAA6CY
  43. Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha - https://youtu.be/fDBRhxryfZM
  44. The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary - https://youtu.be/kFjG4jpUhQI
  45. The Best Flat Earth Documentary - https://youtu.be/GhRiLP32qfs
  46. Debunking the Spinning Ball Earth - https://youtu.be/Eq_JjYJPWAc
  47. Flat Earth Tesla knew Gravity Was Fake Just Like Einstein - https://youtu.be/4IrG0iIS2xA
  48. A Question That Atheist/Evolutionist Couldn't Answer - https://youtu.be/fiJdfCiWo4I
  49. Hitler & Admiral Byrd both visited another Flat Earth pond, beyond Antarctica - https://youtu.be/NBAjqDeHfMg
  50. Antartica ADMIRAL BYRD Real Footage - https://youtu.be/lzIusGEJN-Y
  51. Flat Earth Realm | Tesla knew Gravity Was Fake | Just Like Einstein - https://youtu.be/4_IvDVgg2Kg
  52. ############################################################################################################################
  53. Flat Earth Asshole - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTlbjcTWjTLqNmcF3VL7Xag
  54. ODD Reality - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuftdXePz6z73Wsg8Ao5lTg
  55. Eric Dubay - https://www.youtube.com/user/ericdubay77
  56. Markksargent - https://www.youtube.com/user/markksargent
  57. ############################################################################################################################
  58. 10 Simple Proofs.
  59. 1. There is no curvature, no matter the altitute.
  60. 2. Everything is perspective, you can zoom and see things that would otherwise be "below the curvature".
  61. 3. NASA even said they can't get to space, so they faked everything.
  62. 4. UN Logo is the flat earth map (similar to gleasons model)
  63. 5. Admiral Byrd's Expedition.
  64. 6. Not allowed to freely explore antartica
  65. 7. Flight paths in the southern hemisphere MUST go to the northern hemisphere before going back to another place in the southern hemisphere.
  66. 8. If the Sea "Level" stays the same, why do people think it can curve? Because gravity?
  67. 9. Gravity is false, because it would pull balloons, layered drinks and more down.
  68. 10. Ancient civilizations and religions have even quoted or artistically depicted the flat earth model with God's Firmament above.
  69. ############################################################################################################################
  70. 60 reasons THE EARTH IS FLAT
  71. 1. The Bible repeatedly describes the Earth as Immovable (Stationary), Geocentric, and Enclosed in a solid dome structure called the firmament.
  72. 2. All images of the Earth from space are admitted to be computer generated.
  73. 3. We're able too see objects such as land, buildings, and boats that are supposed to be behind the "curve".
  74. 4. NASA and Obama say we can't leave low earth orbit due to the Van Allen Belts of Radiation.
  75. 5. The North Star, Polaris, never moves and the constellations have never changed, ever.
  76. 6. Weather balloon footage and footage from airplanes show the horizon to be flat and always at eye level.
  77. 7. None of the AstroNOTS that supposedly landed on the moon would swear on the Bible.
  78. 8. Water is always level and it makes up 71% of our earth.
  79. 9. NASA is budgeted $50,000,000 a day.
  80. 10. Operation Paperclip Nazi Germany helped form NASA (e.g. Wernher Von Braun)
  81. 11. The heliocentric model was created by Freemasonic Satanic Occultists.
  82. 12. All the "space" agencies across the land share the same vector logo.
  83. 13. AstroNOT almost drowning in "space".
  84. 14. Water bubbles & Scuba tank viewed in "space".
  85. 15. Density, buoyancy, & Electromagnetism are better explanations for gravity.
  86. 16. Gravity is strong enough to hold the oceans to the earth yet birds, planes, & clouds fly with ease.
  87. 17. GoPro lenses used to fake the "curve" of Earth.
  88. 18. No observable proof of evolution.
  89. 19. Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel.
  90. 20. Moon Light always tests colder then Moon Shade.
  91. 21. Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve.
  92. 22. Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped while we've always been shown perfect spheres.
  93. 23. Photo forensics shows NASA faked the Earth Rise during Moon Landings.
  94. 24. More than one light source during the Moon landings.
  95. 25. The United Nation's logo is a Flat Earth map.
  96. 26. It took Captain Cook 3 years and 60,000 miles to circumnavigate the Antarctic Circle.
  97. 27. Underground cables and ground based towers are used for our communication.
  98. 28. Flight paths make much more sense on a Flat Earth.
  99. 29. All but one challenger crew members are proven to still be alive today.
  100. 30. NASA undeniably caught using Green Screens.
  101. 31. No genuine 24 hour live feed of the Earth from space.
  102. 32. No actual photos of Satellites in Space.
  103. 33. Lighthouses.
  104. 34. Sun dogs and Sun Hot spots.
  105. 35. Antarctic Treaty .
  106. 36. Admiral Byrd said that there is more land.
  107. 37. The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the Earth is stationary.
  108. 38. Auguste Piccard, the first man to reach the stratosphere, said the Earth seemed a disk with upturned edges.
  109. 39. The Sun & Moon visible in the same sky.
  110. 40. Rockets never go straight up.
  111. 41. Bedford Level Experiment.
  112. 42. Tesla's real scientific findings.
  113. 43. Our own senses tell us that the earth is flat and stationary.
  114. 44. The Sun & Moon appear as the same size.
  115. 45. The Globe Model was created 500 years ago by Masonic members of the Occult.
  116. 46. No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south, only east to west.
  117. 47. The Antikythera.
  118. 48. Sun dials.
  119. 49. Gyroscopes.
  120. 50. Astrolabes.
  121. 51. No parallax with the stars.
  122. 52. Time lapse Star Trails shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star.
  123. 53. Bolivian Salt Flats missing curvature.
  124. 54. Sun shrinks smaller as it sets.
  125. 55. We only see one side of the Moon.
  126. 56. Architects, Excavators, and Railroad Engineers don't account for the curve.
  127. 57. Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve.
  128. 58. We've only been able to dig 8 miles into the Earth, yet they say we have a molten core.
  129. 59. The Selenelion Lunar Eclipse.
  130. 60. The Analemma Time Lapse of the Sun.
  131. ############################################################################################################################
  132. BONUS. Everything they teach you about the religion of science is all based on belief and to get you away from god. Oh, the earth is round, spinning through the galaxy at over 100,000 mph? It was created by the big bang theory? Evolution Theory explains life? We were an accident? We evolved from Primordial Soup? We are specs in the universe? Some peoplee are more valuable that others? Foundation for the NWO? You are Worthless. Flat Earth Supports God's Flat Earth. Creation is the only explanation. We are incredibly valuable. The bible is 100% True. We live on an unmoving firm foundation. You we're created by god. God Loves You!
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