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a guest
Apr 19th, 2013
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  1. worth:
  2. stone: (NUMBER)
  3. grass:
  4. dirt:
  5. cobblestone:
  6. woodplank:
  7. darkplank:
  8. lightplank:
  9. forestplank:
  10. woodsapling:
  11. darkwoodsapling:
  12. lightwoodsapling:
  13. junglewoodsapling:
  14. bedrock:
  15. water:
  16. stationarywater:
  17. lava:
  18. stationarylava:
  19. sand:
  20. gravel:
  21. goldore:
  22. ironore:
  23. coalore:
  24. oakwood:
  25. darkwood:
  26. lightwood:
  27. forestwood:
  28. oakleaves:
  29. spruceleaves:
  30. lightleaves:
  31. jungleleaves:
  32. sponge:
  33. glass:
  34. lapisore:
  35. lapisblock:
  36. dispenser:
  37. sandstone:
  38. hieroglyphicsandstone:
  39. smoothsandstone:
  40. musicblock:
  41. bedblock:
  42. poweredrail:
  43. detectorrail:
  44. stickypiston:
  45. spiderweb:
  46. tallgrass:
  47. fern:
  48. deadbush:
  49. pistonnormal:
  50. pistonextension:
  51. whitewool:
  52. orangewool:
  53. magentawool:
  54. lightbluewool:
  55. yellowwool:
  56. limewool:
  57. pinkwool:
  58. graywool:
  59. lightgraywool:
  60. cyanwool:
  61. purplewool:
  62. bluewool:
  63. brownwool:
  64. darkgreenwool:
  65. redwool:
  66. blackwool:
  67. pistonmovingpiece:
  68. yellowflower:
  69. redrose:
  70. brownmushroom:
  71. redmush:
  72. goldblock:
  73. ironblock:
  74. smoothstonedslab:
  75. sandstonedslab:
  76. woodstonedslab:
  77. cobblestonedslab:
  78. brickdslab:
  79. stonebrickdslab:
  80. netherdslab:
  81. smoothstoneslab:
  82. sandstoneslab:
  83. woodstoneslab:
  84. cobblestoneslab:
  85. brickblockslab:
  86. stonebrickslab:
  87. hellbrickslab:
  88. tnt:
  89. bookshelf:
  90. mossycobblestone:
  91. obsidian:
  92. torch:
  93. flame:
  94. monstercage:
  95. woodenstairs:
  96. chest:
  97. redstonewireblock:
  98. diamondore:
  99. diamondblock:
  100. workbench:
  101. crops:
  102. soil:
  103. furnace:
  104. burningfurnace:
  105. signpost:
  106. woodendoorhalf:
  107. ladder:
  108. rail:
  109. cobblestonestairs:
  110. wallsign:
  111. lever:
  112. stonepressureplate:
  113. irondoorhalf:
  114. woodenpressureplate:
  115. redstoneore:
  116. glowingredstoneore:
  117. redstonetorchoff:
  118. redstonetorchon:
  119. stonebutton:
  120. snowcover:
  121. snowblock:
  122. cactus:
  123. clayblock:
  124. sugarcaneblock:
  125. jukebox:
  126. woodenfence:
  127. pumpkin:
  128. netherrack:
  129. soulsand:
  130. glowstoneblock:
  131. portal:
  132. pumpkinlantern:
  133. cakeblock:
  134. repeateroff:
  135. repeateron:
  136. lockedchest:
  137. trapdoor:
  138. monstereggsmoothstone:
  139. monstereggcobblestone:
  140. monstereggstonebrick:
  141. stonebrick:
  142. mossystonebrick:
  143. crackedstonebrick:
  144. circlestonebrick:
  145. giantredmushroom:
  146. giantbrownmushroom:
  147. ironbars:
  148. glasspane:
  149. watermelon:
  150. pumpkinstem:
  151. watermelonstem:
  152. vine:
  153. woodenfencegate:
  154. brickstairs:
  155. stonebrickstairs:
  156. mycelium:
  157. lily:
  158. netherbrick:
  159. netherfence:
  160. netherbrickstairs:
  161. netherwart:
  162. enchantmenttable:
  163. brewingstandblock:
  164. cauldron:
  165. endportal:
  166. endportalframe:
  167. endstone:
  168. dragonegg:
  169. redstonelampoff:
  170. redstonelampon:
  171. woodenplankdoubleslab:
  172. sprucewoodplankdoubleslab:
  173. birchwooddoubleslab:
  174. junglewooddoubleslab:
  175. woodenplankslab:
  176. sprucewoodslab:
  177. birchwoodslab:
  178. junglewoodslab:
  179. cocaoplant:
  180. sandstonestairs:
  181. emeraldore:
  182. endchest:
  183. tripwirehook:
  184. tripwireblock:
  185. emeraldblock:
  186. spruceplankstairs:
  187. birchwoodenstairs:
  188. forestwoodenstairs:
  189. cmdblock:
  190. beaconblock:
  191. cobblestonewall:
  192. mosscobblestonewall:
  193. emptyflowerpot:
  194. rosepot:
  195. dandelionpot:
  196. saplingflowerpot:
  197. sprucesaplingflowerpot:
  198. birchsaplingflowerpot:
  199. forestsaplingflowerpot:
  200. redmushroomflowerpot:
  201. brownmushroomflowerpot:
  202. cactusflowerpot:
  203. deadshrubflowerpot:
  204. fernflowerpot:
  205. carrots:
  206. potatoes:
  207. woodenbutton:
  208. headblock:
  209. slightlydamagedanvil:
  210. anvil:
  211. verydamagedanvil:
  212. ironshovel:
  213. ironaxe:
  214. flintandsteel:
  215. redapple:
  216. bow:
  217. arrow:
  218. coal:
  219. charcoal:
  220. diamond:
  221. ingotiron:
  222. ingotgold:
  223. ironsword:
  224. woodensword:
  225. woodenshovel:
  226. woodenpickaxe:
  227. woodenaxe:
  228. stonesword:
  229. stoneshovel:
  230. stonepickaxe:
  231. stoneaxe:
  232. diamondsword:
  233. diamondshovel:
  234. diamondpickaxe:
  235. diamondaxe:
  236. stick:
  237. bowl:
  238. mushroomsoup:
  239. goldsword:
  240. goldshovel:
  241. goldpickaxe:
  242. goldaxe:
  243. string:
  244. feather:
  245. gunpowder:
  246. woodenhoe:
  247. stonehoe:
  248. ironhoe:
  249. diamondhoe:
  250. goldhoe:
  251. seed:
  252. wheat:
  253. bread:
  254. leatherhelmet:
  255. leatherchestplate:
  256. leatherleggings:
  257. leatherboots:
  258. chainmailhelmet:
  259. chainmailchestplate:
  260. chainmailleggings:
  261. chainmailboots:
  262. ironhelmet:
  263. ironchestplate:
  264. ironleggings:
  265. ironboots:
  266. diamondhelmet:
  267. diamondchestplate:
  268. diamondleggings:
  269. diamondboots:
  270. goldhelmet:
  271. goldchestplate:
  272. goldleggings:
  273. goldboots:
  274. flint:
  275. rawporkchop:
  276. grilledporkchop:
  277. painting:
  278. supergoldenapple:
  279. sign:
  280. woodendoor:
  281. bucket:
  282. waterbucket:
  283. lavabucket:
  284. minecart:
  285. goldenapple:
  286. saddle:
  287. irondoor:
  288. redstonedust:
  289. snowball:
  290. boat:
  291. leather:
  292. milkbucket:
  293. brick:
  294. clayball:
  295. sugarcane:
  296. paper:
  297. book:
  298. slimeball:
  299. chestminecart:
  300. furnaceminecart:
  301. egg:
  302. compass:
  303. fishingrod:
  304. clock:
  305. glowstonedust:
  306. rawfish:
  307. cookedfish:
  308. blackdye:
  309. reddye:
  310. greendye:
  311. browndye:
  312. bluedye:
  313. purpledye:
  314. cyandye:
  315. lightgraydye:
  316. graydye:
  317. pinkdye:
  318. limedye:
  319. yellowdye:
  320. lightbluedye:
  321. magentadye:
  322. orangedye:
  323. whitedye:
  324. bone:
  325. sugar:
  326. cake:
  327. bed:
  328. repeater:
  329. cookie:
  330. chart:
  331. map0:
  332. map1:
  333. map2:
  334. map3:
  335. map4:
  336. map5:
  337. map6:
  338. map7:
  339. map8:
  340. map9:
  341. map10:
  342. map11:
  343. map12:
  344. map13:
  345. map14:
  346. map15:
  347. shears:
  348. watermelonslice:
  349. pumpkinseeds:
  350. watermelonseeds:
  351. rawsteak:
  352. rawchicken:
  353. cookedchicken:
  354. cookedsteak:
  355. rottenflesh:
  356. enderpearl:
  357. blazerod:
  358. ghasttear:
  359. goldnugget:
  360. netherstalk:
  361. clearpotion:
  362. waterbottle:
  363. clearextendedpotion:
  364. diffusepotion:
  365. artlesspotion:
  366. thinpotion:
  367. thinextendedpotion:
  368. awkwardpotion:
  369. bunglingpotion:
  370. bunglingextendedpotion:
  371. smoothpotion:
  372. suavepotion:
  373. debonairpotion:
  374. debonairextendedpotion:
  375. thickpotion:
  376. charmingpotion:
  377. charmingextendedpotion:
  378. refinedpotion:
  379. cordialpotion:
  380. sparklingpotion:
  381. sparklingextendedpotion:
  382. potentpotion:
  383. rankpotion:
  384. rankextendedpotion:
  385. acridpotion:
  386. grosspotion:
  387. stinkypotion:
  388. stinkyextendedpotion:
  389. mundaneextendedpotion
  390. mundanepotion:
  391. regenpotion:
  392. swiftnesspotion:
  393. fireresistancepotion:
  394. poisonpotion:
  395. healingpotion:
  396. nightvisionpotion:
  397. weaknesspotion:
  398. strengthpotion:
  399. slownesspotion:
  400. harmingpotion:
  401. invisiblitypotion:
  402. regenlevel2potion:
  403. swiftnesslevel2potion:
  404. poisonlevel2potion:
  405. healinglevel2potion:
  406. strengthlevel2potion:
  407. harminglevel2potion:
  408. regenerateextendedpotion:
  409. swiftnessextendedpotion:
  410. fireresistanceextendedpotion:
  411. poisonextendedpotion:
  412. nightvisionextendedpotion:
  413. weaknessextendedpotion:
  414. strengthextendedpotion:
  415. slownessextendedpotion:
  416. invisibilityextendedpotion:
  417. regendualbitpotion:
  418. swiftnessdualbitpotion:
  419. poisondualbitpotion:
  420. strengthdualbitpotion:
  421. splashmundanepotion:
  422. splashregenpotion:
  423. splashswiftnesspotion:
  424. splashfireresistancepotion:
  425. splashpoisonpotion:
  426. splashhealingpotion:
  427. splashclearpotion:
  428. splashclearextendedpotion:
  429. splashweaknesspotion:
  430. splashstrengthpotion:
  431. splashslownesspotion:
  432. splashdiffusepotion:
  433. splashharmingpotion:
  434. splashartlesspotion:
  435. splashthinpotion:
  436. splashthinextendedpotion:
  437. splashawkwardpotion:
  438. splashbunglingpotion:
  439. splashbunglingextendedpotion:
  440. splashsmoothpotion:
  441. splashsuavepotion:
  442. splashdebonairpotion:
  443. splashdebonairextendedpotion:
  444. splashthickpotion:
  445. splashregenlevel2potion:
  446. splashswiftnesslevel2potion:
  447. splashpoisonlevel2potion:
  448. splashhealinglevel2potion:
  449. splashcharmingpotion:
  450. splashcharmingextendedpotion:
  451. splashstrengthlevel2potion:
  452. splashrefinedpotion:
  453. splashharminglevel2potion:
  454. splashcordialpotion:
  455. splashsparklingpotion:
  456. splashsparklingextendedpotion:
  457. splashpotentpotion:
  458. splashrankpotion:
  459. splashrankextendedpotion:
  460. splashacridpotion:
  461. splashgrosspotion:
  462. splashstinkypotion:
  463. splashstinkyextendedpotion:
  464. splashmundaneextendedpotion:
  465. splashregenerateextendedpotion:
  466. splashswiftnessextendedpotion:
  467. splashfireresistanceextendedpotion:
  468. splashpoisonextendedpotion:
  469. splashnightvisionextendedpotion:
  470. splashweaknessextendedpotion:
  471. splashstrengthextendedpotion:
  472. splashslownessextendedpotion:
  473. splashinvisibilityextendedpotion:
  474. splashregendualbitpotion:
  475. splashswiftnessdualbitpotion:
  476. splashposiondualbitpotion:
  477. splashstrengthdualbitpotion: glassbottle:
  478. spidereye:
  479. fermentedspidereye:
  480. blazepowder:
  481. brewingstand:
  482. cauldronitem:
  483. endereye:
  484. goldmelon:
  485. eggcreeper:
  486. eggskeleton:
  487. eggspider:
  488. egggiant:
  489. eggzombie:
  490. eggslime:
  491. eggghast:
  492. eggzombiepigman:
  493. eggenderman:
  494. eggcavespider:
  495. eggsilverfish:
  496. eggblaze:
  497. eggmagmacube:
  498. eggbat:
  499. eggwitch:
  500. eggpig:
  501. eggsheep:
  502. eggcow:
  503. eggchicken:
  504. eggsquid:
  505. eggwolf:
  506. eggmooshroom:
  507. eggsnowgolem:
  508. eggocelot:
  509. eggirongolem:
  510. eggvillager:
  511. bottleofenchanting:
  512. firecharge:
  513. bookandquill:
  514. writtenbook:
  515. emerald:
  516. itemframe:
  517. flowerpot:
  518. carrot:
  519. potato:
  520. bakedpotato:
  521. posionouspotato:
  522. emptymap:
  523. goldencarrot:
  524. skeletonhead:
  525. witherskeletonhead:
  526. zombiehead:
  527. playerhead:
  528. creeperhead:
  529. carrotonastick:
  530. netherstar:
  531. pumpkinpie:
  532. fireworkrocket
  533. fireworkball:
  534. enchantingbook:
  535. 13mdisk:
  536. catmdisk:
  537. blocksmdisk:
  538. chirpmdisk:
  539. farmdisk:
  540. mallmdisk:
  541. mellohimdisk:
  542. stalmdisk:
  543. stradmdisk:
  544. wardmdisk:
  545. crackedmdisk:
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