
RCA's HUD Version XIII Update 3

Jan 11th, 2015
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  2. --Please use cracker64's script manager
  3. --VER 13 UPDATE {Not Available At Current Time}
  5. --Version 13.3.5
  7. print("RCA's HUD")
  8. print("Version XIII.III.V")
  9. print("Have Fun!")
  11. local rclr, gclr, bclr = 0, 255, 165
  12. local rSlider, gSlider, bSlider, rtext, btext, gtext
  13. local defaultc, purplec, turquoisec, realisticCheck, saveCheck
  14. local coloruw
  15. local openCheck
  16. local tOn
  17. local t
  19. if not tpt.version.jacob1s_mod then --support jacob1's mod (jacob1 edit)
  20. --Windows
  21. local window1 = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  22. local creditw = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  23. local infow = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  24. colourw = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  25. local messagew = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  26. local realisticw = Window:new(-1, -1, 611, 383)
  28. --Texts
  29. local saveq = Label:new(0, 10, 200, 15, "Save/Load Checked Colour?")
  30. local creditsttl = Label:new(270, 1, 50, 15, "CREDITS")
  31. local creditstxt = Label:new(1, 20, 611, 15, "Jacob1, Cracker 64, and the knowledge gained from all Lua programmers in TPT.")
  32. local infotxt = Label:new(1, 20, 611, 15, "How to use RCA's HUD (XIII V.3):")
  33. local instructions = Label:new(1, 40, 611, 15, "To turn the HUD on or off, use the H key on your keyboard.")
  34. local instructions2 = Label:new(1, 60, 611, 15, "To turn on or off the extra level of the HUD (TMP2, VX, VY) use the D key.")
  35. local instructions3 = Label:new(1, 80, 611, 15, "Pressing the M key will engage Realistic Mode. Every five frames WTRV is turned into DSTW")
  36. local instructions4 = Label:new(1, 90, 611, 15, "and all pixels are reset to normal temp. Press M again to turn off.")
  37. local rca = Label:new(500, 5, 100, 15, "RCA Production (2014)")
  38. rtext = Label:new(275, 10, 50, 15)
  39. rtext:text("0")
  40. gtext = Label:new(275, 40, 50, 15)
  41. gtext:text("255")
  42. btext = Label:new(275, 70, 50, 15)
  43. btext:text("165")
  44. local redl = Label:new(325, 10, 50, 15, "Red")
  45. local greenl = Label:new(325, 40, 50, 15, "Green")
  46. local bluel = Label:new(325, 70, 50, 15, "Blue")
  47. local messageText = Label:new(5, 5, 611, 15, "Hallo Sam. Jeg elsker deg... Du er veldig vakker... Jeg er forelsket.")
  48. local messageQuote1 = Label:new(5, 25, 611, 15, "Never get tired of doin' little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy")
  49. local messageQuote2 = Label:new(5, 40, 611, 15, "the biggest part of their hearts. -lostfox")
  51. --Red Slider
  52. rSlider = Slider:new(10, 10, 255, 15, 255)
  53. rSlider:value(0)
  54. --Green Slider
  55. gSlider = Slider:new(10, 40, 255, 15, 255)
  56. gSlider:value(255)
  57. --Blue Slider
  58. bSlider = Slider:new(10, 70, 255, 15, 255)
  59. bSlider:value(165)
  61. if MANAGER then
  62. rSlider:onValueChanged(function() r = rSlider:value() MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "redColour", r) rclr = rSlider:value() rtext:text(rclr) end)
  63. if MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "redColour", r) == nil then rSlider:value(0) else
  64. rSlider:value(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "redColour", r))
  65. end
  66. rclr = rSlider:value()
  67. rtext:text(rclr)
  68. gSlider:onValueChanged(function() g = gSlider:value() MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "greenColour", g) gclr = gSlider:value() gtext:text(gclr) end)
  69. if MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "greenColour", g) == nil then gSlider:value(255) else
  70. gSlider:value(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "greenColour"))
  71. end
  72. gclr = gSlider:value()
  73. gtext:text(gclr)
  74. bSlider:onValueChanged(function() b = bSlider:value() MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "blueColour", b) bclr = bSlider:value() btext:text(bclr) end)
  75. if MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "blueColour", b) == nil then rSlider:value(165) else
  76. bSlider:value(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "blueColour"))
  77. end
  78. bclr = bSlider:value()
  79. btext:text(bclr)
  80. else
  81. rSlider:onValueChanged(function() rclr = rSlider:value() rtext:text(rclr) end)
  82. gSlider:onValueChanged(function() gclr = gSlider:value() gtext:text(gclr) end)
  83. bSlider:onValueChanged(function() bclr = bSlider:value() btext:text(bclr) end)
  84. end
  86. --Credits Button
  87. local credits = Button:new(5, 5, 50, 15, "Credits")
  88. credits:action(function() ui.showWindow(creditw) end)
  89. --Close Credits Button
  90. local close2 = Button:new(508, 365, 100, 15, "Close Credits")
  91. close2:action(function() ui.closeWindow(creditw) end)
  92. --Info Button
  93. local info = Button:new(5, 25, 50, 15, "Info")
  94. info:action(function() ui.showWindow(infow) end)
  95. --Close Info Button
  96. local close3 = Button:new(508, 365, 100, 15, "Close Info")
  97. close3:action(function() ui.closeWindow(infow) end)
  98. --Colour Button
  99. local colourButton = Button:new(5, 45, 50, 15, "Colours")
  100. colourButton:action(function() ui.showWindow(colourw) end)
  101. --Close Colour Window
  102. local closeColour = Button:new(508, 365, 100, 15, "Close Colours")
  103. closeColour:action(function() ui.closeWindow(colourw) end)
  104. --Realistic Mode
  105. local realisticb = Button:new(5, 65, 50, 15, "Realistic")
  106. realisticb:action(function() ui.showWindow(realisticw) end)
  107. --Close Realistic
  108. local realisticc = Button:new(508, 365, 100, 15, "Close Realistic")
  109. realisticc:action(function() ui.closeWindow(realisticw) end)
  110. --Message
  111. local message = Button:new(5, 85, 50, 15, "Message")
  112. message:action(function() ui.showWindow(messagew) end)
  113. --Close Message
  114. local messagec = Button:new(508, 365, 100, 15, "Close Message")
  115. messagec:action(function() ui.closeWindow(messagew) end)
  117. --I Button
  118. local infoButton = Button:new(597, 1, 15, 15, "I", "Info about RCA's HUD - Extras")
  119. infoButton:visible(false)
  120. infoButton:action(function() ui.showWindow(window1) end)
  121. --Exit Button
  122. local enterButton = Button:new(558, 365, 50, 15, "Exit")
  123. enterButton:action(function() ui.closeWindow(window1) end)
  124. --C Button
  125. local closeButton = Button:new(597, 97, 15, 15, "C", "Close")
  126. closeButton:visible(false)
  127. closeButton:action(function() infoButton:visible(false) closeButton:visible(false) end)
  129. --E Button
  130. local extraButton = Button:new(613, 97, 15, 15, "E", "Extra Menu - Elements - Info")
  131. extraButton:action(function() infoButton:visible(true) closeButton:visible(true) end)
  133. --Checkbox Default
  134. defaultc = Checkbox:new(10, 100, 10, 10, "Default")
  135. if MANAGER then
  136. defaultc:action(function(sender, checked) MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "defaultOn", checked and 1 or 0) end)
  137. defaultc:checked(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "defaultOn") == "1" and true or false)
  138. end
  139. --Checkbox Purple
  140. purplec = Checkbox:new(10, 120, 10, 10, "Purple")
  141. if MANAGER then
  142. purplec:action(function(sender, checked) MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "purpleOn", checked and 1 or 0) end)
  143. purplec:checked(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "purpleOn") == "1" and true or false)
  144. end
  145. --Checkbox Turquoise
  146. turquoisec = Checkbox:new(10, 140, 10, 10, "Turquoise")
  147. if MANAGER then
  148. turquoisec:action(function(sender, checked) MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "turqoiseOn", checked and 1 or 0) end)
  149. turquoisec:checked(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "turqoiseOn") == "1" and true or false)
  150. end
  152. --Realistic Checkbox (Turns realistic ability off)
  153. realisticCheck = Checkbox:new(10, 10, 10, 10, "Disable Realistic Mode")
  154. if MANAGER then
  155. realisticCheck:action(function(sender, checked) MANAGER.savesetting("RCA", "realistic", checked and 1 or 0) end)
  156. realisticCheck:checked(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "realistic") == "1" and true or false)
  157. realisticCheck:checked(MANAGER.getsetting("RCA", "realistic") == "1" and true or false)
  158. end
  160. window1:addComponent(rca)
  161. window1:addComponent(enterButton)
  162. window1:addComponent(credits)
  163. window1:addComponent(info)
  164. window1:addComponent(colourButton)
  165. window1:addComponent(message)
  166. window1:addComponent(realisticb)
  168. creditw:addComponent(close2)
  169. creditw:addComponent(creditsttl)
  170. creditw:addComponent(creditstxt)
  172. infow:addComponent(infotxt)
  173. infow:addComponent(close3)
  174. infow:addComponent(instructions)
  175. infow:addComponent(instructions2)
  176. infow:addComponent(instructions3)
  177. infow:addComponent(instructions4)
  179. colourw:addComponent(rSlider)
  180. colourw:addComponent(rtext)
  181. colourw:addComponent(closeColour)
  182. colourw:addComponent(gSlider)
  183. colourw:addComponent(bSlider)
  184. colourw:addComponent(gtext)
  185. colourw:addComponent(btext)
  186. colourw:addComponent(redl)
  187. colourw:addComponent(greenl)
  188. colourw:addComponent(bluel)
  189. colourw:addComponent(purplec)
  190. colourw:addComponent(defaultc)
  191. colourw:addComponent(turquoisec)
  193. realisticw:addComponent(realisticc)
  194. realisticw:addComponent(realisticCheck)
  196. messagew:addComponent(messagec)
  197. messagew:addComponent(messageText)
  198. messagew:addComponent(messageQuote1)
  199. messagew:addComponent(messageQuote2)
  201. ui.addComponent(extraButton)
  202. ui.addComponent(infoButton)
  203. ui.addComponent(closeButton)
  204. end
  206. hudon = true
  207. hudon2 = false
  209. function keyclicky(key, nkey, modifier, event)
  210. if (key == "h" and event == 1) then
  211. hudon = not hudon
  212. hudon2 = false
  213. end
  214. if (key == "d" and event == 1) and hudon == true then
  215. hudon2 = not hudon2
  216. end
  217. end
  219. tpt.register_keypress(keyclicky)
  221. function DrawHUD()
  223. if hudon == true then
  224. vis1 = 200
  225. else
  226. vis1 = 0
  227. end
  228. if hudon2 == true then
  229. vis2 = 200
  230. else
  231. vis2 = 0
  232. end
  233. if tpt.mousex >= 611 then
  234. x2 = 611
  235. else
  236. x2 = tpt.mousex
  237. end
  239. if tpt.mousey >= 383 then
  240. y2 = 383
  241. else
  242. y2 = tpt.mousey
  243. end
  245. local x, y = sim.adjustCoords(x2, y2)
  247. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  248. ptype = tpt.element(tpt.get_property("type", x, y))
  249. else
  250. ptype = "Empty,"
  251. end
  253. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) == 6 and tpt.get_property("ctype", x, y) >= 1 then
  254. ptype = "Molten"
  255. end
  257. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  258. var1 = tpt.get_property("temp", x, y)-273.15
  259. else
  260. var1 = 293.15
  261. end
  263. local var2 = var1*100
  264. local var3 = math.floor(var2)/100
  266. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  267. temp = var3
  268. else
  269. temp = "()"
  270. end
  272. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  273. tempb = var3
  274. else
  275. tempb = 21.99
  276. end
  278. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  279. temp2 = math.floor(tpt.get_property("temp", x, y)*10)/10
  280. else
  281. temp2 = "()"
  282. end
  284. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  285. var12312389 = tpt.get_property("ctype", x, y)
  286. end
  288. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 and var12312389 >= 0 and var12312389 < sim.PT_NUM then
  289. ctype = tpt.element(tpt.get_property("ctype", x, y))
  290. end
  292. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) == 0 or tpt.get_property("ctype", x, y) < 1 then
  293. ctype = "()"
  294. end
  296. if x >= 609 then
  297. x1 = 609/4
  298. else
  299. x1 = x/4
  300. end
  302. if y >= 381 then
  303. y1 = 381/4
  304. else
  305. y1 = y/4
  306. end
  308. local var4 = sim.pressure(x1, y1)*100
  309. local var14 = math.floor(var4)/100
  311. if var14 == "nan" then
  312. pressure = "Infinite"
  313. else
  314. pressure = var14
  315. end
  317. local parts = tpt.get_numOfParts()
  318. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  319. tmp = tpt.get_property("tmp", x, y)
  320. else
  321. tmp = "0"
  322. end
  324. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  325. life = tpt.get_property("life", x, y)
  326. else
  327. life = "0"
  328. end
  330. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  331. tmp2 = tpt.get_property("tmp2", x, y)
  332. else
  333. tmp2 = "0"
  334. end
  336. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  337. var11 = tpt.get_property("vy", x, y)*1000
  338. else
  339. var11 = 0
  340. end
  341. if var11 <= 9999 or var11 <= -9999 then
  342. vy = math.floor(var11)/1000
  343. else
  344. vy = "Err(2)"
  345. end
  347. if tpt.get_property("type", x, y) >= 1 then
  348. var12 = tpt.get_property("vx", x, y)*1000
  349. else
  350. var12 = 0
  351. end
  352. if var12 <= 9999 or var12 <= -9999 then
  353. vx = math.floor(var12)/1000
  354. else
  355. vx = "Err(1)"
  356. end
  358. if not tpt.version.jacob1s_mod then --jacob1 edit
  359. if purplec:checked() == true then
  360. rclr, gclr, bclr = 164, 95, 255
  361. end
  363. if defaultc:checked() == true then
  364. rclr, gclr, bclr = 0, 255, 165
  365. end
  367. if turquoisec:checked() == true then
  368. rclr, gclr, bclr = 0, 255, 255
  369. end
  371. colourw:onDraw(function() graphics.fillRect(300, 150, 90, 90, rclr, gclr, bclr) end)
  372. end
  374. local draw = graphics.drawText
  375. local rect = graphics.fillRect
  377. rect(398, 13, 187, 12, 55, 55, 55, vis1)
  378. rect(398, 27, 200, 12, 55, 55, 55, vis1)
  379. rect(14, 13, 210, 12, 55, 55, 55, vis1)
  380. rect(398, 41, 180, 12, 55, 55, 55, vis2)
  382. draw(16, 15,, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  383. draw(550, 30, x, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  384. draw(578, 30, y, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  385. draw(541, 30, "X:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  386. draw(570, 30, "Y:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  387. draw(435, 15, ctype, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  388. draw(400, 15, ptype, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  389. draw(558, 15, pressure, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  390. draw(465, 15, "Temp:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  391. draw(465, 30, "Tmp:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  392. draw(400, 30, "Life:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  393. draw(535, 15, "Pres:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  394. draw(160, 15, "Parts:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  395. draw(490, 15, temp, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  396. draw(485, 30, tmp, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  397. draw(422, 30, life, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  398. draw(187, 15, parts, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis1)
  400. draw(400, 44, "Tmp2:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  401. draw(426, 44, tmp2, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  402. draw(465, 44, "VX:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  403. draw(535, 44, "VY:", rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  404. draw(480, 44, vx, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  405. draw(550, 44, vy, rclr, gclr, bclr, vis2)
  406. --Useful for programming, shows an element's number (Not name) at mouse X, Y. By default is commented out.
  407. --draw(550, 54, tpt.get_property("type", x, y), 0, gclr, bclr, 200)
  409. --Temperature Colour Graph
  410. local dx = ((tempb-1550)/50)
  411. if dx >= 39 then
  412. ddx = 565
  413. visb = 255
  414. dddx = (dx-39)+490
  415. else
  416. ddx = dx+526
  417. visb = 0
  418. dddx = 1
  419. end
  421. if dddx >= 565 then
  422. ddddx = dddx-75
  423. dddx = 565
  424. visbb = 255
  425. else
  426. ddddx = 1
  427. visbb = 0
  428. end
  429. if tempb >=-290 then
  430. tpt.drawpixel(490, 25, 80, 54, 254, vis1)
  431. end
  432. if tempb >= -250 then
  433. tpt.drawpixel(491, 25, 60, 54, 254, vis1)
  434. end
  435. if tempb >= -200 then
  436. tpt.drawpixel(492, 25, 60, 74, 254, vis1)
  437. end
  438. if tempb >= -150 then
  439. tpt.drawpixel(493, 25, 60, 94, 254, vis1)
  440. end
  441. if tempb >= -100 then
  442. tpt.drawpixel(494, 25, 60, 114, 254, vis1)
  443. end
  444. if tempb >= -50 then
  445. tpt.drawpixel(495, 25, 60, 134, 254, vis1)
  446. end
  447. if tempb >= 0 then
  448. tpt.drawpixel(496, 25, 60, 153, 254, vis1)
  449. end
  450. if tempb >= 50 then
  451. tpt.drawpixel(497, 25, 60, 154, 234, vis1)
  452. end
  453. if tempb >= 100 then
  454. tpt.drawpixel(498, 25, 60, 174, 234, vis1)
  455. end
  456. if tempb >= 150 then
  457. tpt.drawpixel(499, 25, 60, 194, 234, vis1)
  458. end
  459. if tempb >= 200 then
  460. tpt.drawpixel(500, 25, 60, 214, 234, vis1)
  461. end
  462. if tempb >= 250 then
  463. tpt.drawpixel(501, 25, 60, 234, 234, vis1)
  464. end
  465. if tempb >= 300 then
  466. tpt.drawpixel(502, 25, 60, 254, 234, vis1)
  467. end
  468. if tempb >= 350 then
  469. tpt.drawpixel(503, 25, 60, 254, 214, vis1)
  470. end
  471. if tempb >= 400 then
  472. tpt.drawpixel(504, 25, 60, 254, 94, vis1)
  473. end
  474. if tempb >= 450 then
  475. tpt.drawpixel(505, 25, 60, 254, 74, vis1)
  476. end
  477. if tempb >= 500 then
  478. tpt.drawpixel(506, 25, 60, 254, 54, vis1)
  479. end
  480. if tempb >= 550 then
  481. tpt.drawpixel(507, 25, 80, 254, 54, vis1)
  482. end
  483. if tempb >= 600 then
  484. tpt.drawpixel(508, 25, 100, 254, 54, vis1)
  485. end
  486. if tempb >= 650 then
  487. tpt.drawpixel(508, 25, 120, 254, 54, vis1)
  488. end
  489. if tempb >= 750 then
  490. tpt.drawpixel(509, 25, 140, 254, 54, vis1)
  491. end
  492. if tempb >= 800 then
  493. tpt.drawpixel(510, 25, 160, 254, 54, vis1)
  494. end
  495. if tempb >= 850 then
  496. tpt.drawpixel(511, 25, 180, 254, 54, vis1)
  497. end
  498. if tempb >= 900 then
  499. tpt.drawpixel(512, 25, 200, 254, 54, vis1)
  500. end
  501. if tempb >= 950 then
  502. tpt.drawpixel(513, 25, 220, 254, 54, vis1)
  503. end
  504. if tempb >= 1000 then
  505. tpt.drawpixel(514, 25, 240, 254, 54, vis1)
  506. end
  507. if tempb >= 1050 then
  508. tpt.drawpixel(515, 25, 254, 254, 54, vis1)
  509. end
  510. if tempb >= 1100 then
  511. tpt.drawpixel(516, 25, 254, 254, 54, vis1)
  512. end
  513. if tempb >= 1150 then
  514. tpt.drawpixel(517, 25, 254, 214, 54, vis1)
  515. end
  516. if tempb >= 1200 then
  517. tpt.drawpixel(518, 25, 254, 194, 54, vis1)
  518. end
  519. if tempb >= 1250 then
  520. tpt.drawpixel(519, 25, 254, 174, 54, vis1)
  521. end
  522. if tempb >= 1300 then
  523. tpt.drawpixel(520, 25, 254, 154, 54, vis1)
  524. end
  525. if tempb >= 1350 then
  526. tpt.drawpixel(521, 25, 254, 134, 54, vis1)
  527. end
  528. if tempb >= 1400 then
  529. tpt.drawpixel(522, 25, 254, 114, 54, vis1)
  530. end
  531. if tempb >= 1450 then
  532. tpt.drawpixel(523, 25, 254, 94, 54, vis1)
  533. end
  534. if tempb >= 1500 then
  535. tpt.drawpixel(524, 25, 254, 74, 54, vis1)
  536. end
  537. if tempb >= 1550 then
  538. tpt.drawpixel(525, 25, 254, 54, 54, vis1)
  539. end
  540. if tempb >= 1600 then
  541. graphics.drawLine(526, 25, ddx, 25, 255, 0, 0, vis1)
  542. end
  543. graphics.drawLine(490, 26, dddx, 26, 255, 0, 0, visb)
  544. graphics.drawLine(490, 27, ddddx, 27, 255, 0, 0, visbb)
  545. --Keeps normal HUD off
  546. tpt.hud(0)
  547. end
  549. tpt.register_step(DrawHUD)
  551. function keyclicky(key, nkey, modifier, event)
  552. if (key == "m" and event == 1) then
  553. realistic = not realistic
  554. end
  555. end
  557. tpt.register_keypress(keyclicky)
  559. local counter = 0
  560. function resettemp()
  561. counter = (counter + 1)%5
  562. if counter == 0 and realistic == true and realisticCheck:checked() == false then
  563. sim.resetTemp()
  564. tpt.set_property("temp", 293.15, "wtrv")
  565. infoOn = true
  566. end
  567. if realistic == false or realisticCheck:checked() == true then
  568. infoOn = false
  569. end
  570. if infoOn == true then
  571. graphics.fillRect(14, 27, 134,12, 55, 55, 55, 200)
  572. graphics.drawText(16, 29, "Realistic Mode Enabled (M)", rclr, gclr, bclr, 200)
  573. end
  574. end
  575. tpt.register_step(resettemp)
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