
AT: whiteprivilege

May 12th, 2014
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  1. Whites are definitely a victim, a victim to far left radicalism that states they cant be victims, to a system that doesn't acknowledge it, and to millions of minorities who are unable to take personal responsibility and would rather blame everything on one race instead of themselves.
  3. Here is something to think about; if white countries are so bad, why do so many minorities want to live in them? Why not their own countries where they are the majority race? Why do they come over here and try to ruin our countries by turning them into the countries that they are running from?
  5. If you want to claim that whites have a benefit on the lands they conquered in the countries and systems they created, then why are you in the lands that whites are a majority in? Considering whites only make up roughly 10% of the world population it makes more sense to fuck off to the countries where your race is dominant and succeed there.
  7. but instead you have a bunch of retards speaking a white language (English) while using white inventions going on about how much white people suck - the retardation of it is mind blowing. Tell the white person who worked his ass off out of poverty and dedicated himself to a field of study that gets rejected based on minority quotas that he's privileged, a society that no longers puts the best and brightest first based on race.
  9. but no, because all white based accomplishments are based on privilege, and minorities should take no personal responsibility for not becoming employable. Oh wait - Asians are a minority and they are succeeding more so than white people
  11. No, it's only large amounts of blacks and hispanic illegal immigrants who are not succeeding. Even Hispanics (which the U.S now classify's as Caucasian) are succeeding.
  13. All you have is a bunch of racist twats blaming their lack of success on whitey. Sort of like how feminists like to blame men for everything - all of it is a product of cultural marxism. 
  17. We shoved Chinamen who couldn't speak a lick of English into caves to blow them up with dynamite to make way for railroads. Asians were the only race to be shoved into internment camps because of the war. Many people hated Asians because of Pearl Harbor, even if they weren't Japanese.
  19. Shall we fast forwards? Those illiterate Asians who once worked on railroads and the generation working laundries afterwords saved up for their children to attend college and get an education. Now they're the top earner and most educated race in the country. Outside of the US, Asian nations top education charts and are rather innovative.
  21. So in a country where they faced incredible amounts of prejudice, they ended up thriving. In countries where they didn't, they still thrive.
  23. And they say they race is a construct.
  25. Anyways, back on topic for rap. What about Latino groups such as Cypress Hill? Did they 'steal' rap from black culture too?
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