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Feb 20th, 2014
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  1. Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath)
  2. Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)
  3. QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'ConnectionTest' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
  4. QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
  5. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): "Could not open the dbconfig.xml file. This file is installed with the digikam application and is absolutely required to run digikam. Please check your installation."
  6. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "digikamui.rc" for component "digikam"
  7. QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
  8. QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
  9. QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
  10. "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/WDC_WD5000LPVX_00V0TT0_WD_WX51A8302359" : property "DeviceNumber" does not exist
  11. "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/WDC_WD5000LPVX_00V0TT0_WD_WX51A8302359" : property "Device" does not exist
  12. "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0" : property "Name" does not exist
  13. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): No DB action defined for "deleteAlbumRoot" ! Implementation missing for this database type.
  14. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): Attempt to execute null action
  15. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "queuemgrwindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  16. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "queuemgrwindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  17. QString::arg: Argument missing: , /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css
  18. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  19. QString::arg: Argument missing: , 12
  20. QString::arg: Argument missing: , digiKam
  21. QString::arg: Argument missing: , Manage your photographs like a professional, with the power of open source
  22. QString::arg: Argument missing: , <h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to digiKam 4.0.0-beta4</h2><p>digiKam is an open source photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>Currently, you are in the Album view mode of digiKam. Albums are the places where your files are stored, and are identical to the folders on your hard disk.</p><p><ul><li>digiKam has many powerful features which are described in the <a href='help:/digikam/index.html'>documentation</a></li><li>The <a href=''>digiKam homepage</a> provides information about new versions of digiKam.</li></ul></p><p></p><p>Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to digiKam 2.x):</p><p><ul><li>New Faces Recognition engine;</li>
  23. <li>New Table-View view mode dedicated to show album items in a list view;</li>
  24. <li>New tool to Auto-Crop image based on black hole borders detection;</li>
  25. <li>New Aspect Ratio information displayed in icon-view and tooltips;</li>
  26. <li>New filter based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  27. <li>New search tool to find items based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  28. <li>KIPI actions tool-bar support;</li>
  29. <li>Automatic Noise Reduction tool;</li>
  30. <li>Import tool rewritten using Model/View;</li>
  31. <li>Pipelined downloads from camera device;</li>
  32. <li>Items preview when downloading from camera device;</li>
  33. <li>Video Metadata support;</li>
  34. <li>Multi-core CPU support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  35. <li>Full RAW demosaicing settings customizable in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  36. <li>Raw preview extraction support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  37. <li>Add Workflow concept to Batch Queue Manager to load/save Queue Settings between sessions;</li>
  38. <li>Add Crop tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  39. <li>Add Color Effect tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  40. <li>Support for the latest camera RAW files using <a href=''>LibRaw</a>, including Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EOS 650D, EOS 1D-X, Fujifilm X1-Pro, Nikon D4, D3200, D800, D800E, Olympus E-M5, Samsung NX20, NX210, NX100, NX-1000, Sony NEX-F3, SLT-A37, SLT-A57, DSC-RX100 (see the Help menu for the full list of RAW cameras supported);</li>
  41. <li>...and much more.</li>
  42. </ul></p><p></p><p>We hope that you will enjoy digiKam.</p><p>Thank you,</p><p style='margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left:20px;'>The digiKam team</p>
  43. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  44. QString::arg: Argument missing: , /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css
  45. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  46. QString::arg: Argument missing: , 12
  47. QString::arg: Argument missing: , digiKam
  48. QString::arg: Argument missing: , Manage your photographs like a professional, with the power of open source
  49. QString::arg: Argument missing: , <h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to digiKam 4.0.0-beta4</h2><p>digiKam is an open source photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>Currently, you are in the Album view mode of digiKam. Albums are the places where your files are stored, and are identical to the folders on your hard disk.</p><p><ul><li>digiKam has many powerful features which are described in the <a href='help:/digikam/index.html'>documentation</a></li><li>The <a href=''>digiKam homepage</a> provides information about new versions of digiKam.</li></ul></p><p></p><p>Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to digiKam 2.x):</p><p><ul><li>New Faces Recognition engine;</li>
  50. <li>New Table-View view mode dedicated to show album items in a list view;</li>
  51. <li>New tool to Auto-Crop image based on black hole borders detection;</li>
  52. <li>New Aspect Ratio information displayed in icon-view and tooltips;</li>
  53. <li>New filter based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  54. <li>New search tool to find items based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  55. <li>KIPI actions tool-bar support;</li>
  56. <li>Automatic Noise Reduction tool;</li>
  57. <li>Import tool rewritten using Model/View;</li>
  58. <li>Pipelined downloads from camera device;</li>
  59. <li>Items preview when downloading from camera device;</li>
  60. <li>Video Metadata support;</li>
  61. <li>Multi-core CPU support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  62. <li>Full RAW demosaicing settings customizable in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  63. <li>Raw preview extraction support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  64. <li>Add Workflow concept to Batch Queue Manager to load/save Queue Settings between sessions;</li>
  65. <li>Add Crop tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  66. <li>Add Color Effect tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  67. <li>Support for the latest camera RAW files using <a href=''>LibRaw</a>, including Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EOS 650D, EOS 1D-X, Fujifilm X1-Pro, Nikon D4, D3200, D800, D800E, Olympus E-M5, Samsung NX20, NX210, NX100, NX-1000, Sony NEX-F3, SLT-A37, SLT-A57, DSC-RX100 (see the Help menu for the full list of RAW cameras supported);</li>
  68. <li>...and much more.</li>
  69. </ul></p><p></p><p>We hope that you will enjoy digiKam.</p><p>Thank you,</p><p style='margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left:20px;'>The digiKam team</p>
  70. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  71. QString::arg: Argument missing: , /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css
  72. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  73. QString::arg: Argument missing: , 12
  74. QString::arg: Argument missing: , digiKam
  75. QString::arg: Argument missing: , Manage your photographs like a professional, with the power of open source
  76. QString::arg: Argument missing: , <h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to digiKam 4.0.0-beta4</h2><p>digiKam is an open source photo management program designed to import, organize, enhance, search and export your digital images to and from your computer.</p><p>Currently, you are in the Album view mode of digiKam. Albums are the places where your files are stored, and are identical to the folders on your hard disk.</p><p><ul><li>digiKam has many powerful features which are described in the <a href='help:/digikam/index.html'>documentation</a></li><li>The <a href=''>digiKam homepage</a> provides information about new versions of digiKam.</li></ul></p><p></p><p>Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to digiKam 2.x):</p><p><ul><li>New Faces Recognition engine;</li>
  77. <li>New Table-View view mode dedicated to show album items in a list view;</li>
  78. <li>New tool to Auto-Crop image based on black hole borders detection;</li>
  79. <li>New Aspect Ratio information displayed in icon-view and tooltips;</li>
  80. <li>New filter based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  81. <li>New search tool to find items based on Aspect-Ratio information;</li>
  82. <li>KIPI actions tool-bar support;</li>
  83. <li>Automatic Noise Reduction tool;</li>
  84. <li>Import tool rewritten using Model/View;</li>
  85. <li>Pipelined downloads from camera device;</li>
  86. <li>Items preview when downloading from camera device;</li>
  87. <li>Video Metadata support;</li>
  88. <li>Multi-core CPU support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  89. <li>Full RAW demosaicing settings customizable in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  90. <li>Raw preview extraction support in Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  91. <li>Add Workflow concept to Batch Queue Manager to load/save Queue Settings between sessions;</li>
  92. <li>Add Crop tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  93. <li>Add Color Effect tool to Batch Queue Manager;</li>
  94. <li>Support for the latest camera RAW files using <a href=''>LibRaw</a>, including Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EOS 650D, EOS 1D-X, Fujifilm X1-Pro, Nikon D4, D3200, D800, D800E, Olympus E-M5, Samsung NX20, NX210, NX100, NX-1000, Sony NEX-F3, SLT-A37, SLT-A57, DSC-RX100 (see the Help menu for the full list of RAW cameras supported);</li>
  95. <li>...and much more.</li>
  96. </ul></p><p></p><p>We hope that you will enjoy digiKam.</p><p>Thank you,</p><p style='margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left:20px;'>The digiKam team</p>
  97. QString::arg: Argument missing: ,
  98. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "digikamui.rc" for component "digikam"
  99. digikam(21005): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
  100. klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'digikamdates'.
  101. "
  102. digikam(21005)/digikam (core) Digikam::AlbumManager::slotDatesJobResult: Failed to list dates
  103. digikam(21005): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
  104. klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'digikamalbums'.
  105. "
  106. digikam(21005)/digikam (core) Digikam::ImageAlbumModel::slotResult: Failed to list url: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:
  107. klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'digikamalbums'.
  108. ."
  109. digikam(21005)/kdecore (trader) KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "Digikam/ImagePlugin" not found
  110. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "digikamimagewindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  111. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "digikamimagewindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  112. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "lighttablewindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  113. digikam(21005) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "lighttablewindowui.rc" for component "digikam"
  114. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): No DB action defined for "deleteAlbumRoot" ! Implementation missing for this database type.
  115. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): Attempt to execute null action
  116. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): No DB action defined for "getItemIDsInTag" ! Implementation missing for this database type.
  117. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): Attempt to execute null action
  118. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): No DB action defined for "getItemIDsInTag" ! Implementation missing for this database type.
  119. digikam(21005)/digikam (core): Attempt to execute null action
  120. QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
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