
Iauron/Balamaethor Spells and Talents

Jul 14th, 2017
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  3. Biologically Immortal - He will not die of old age.
  5. Darkvision - He can see in the dark as if it were dim light and can see in dim light as if it were bright light. He can’t discern color while in darkness, only shades of grey.
  7. Keen Senses - He has heightened senses such as hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch.
  9. Fey Ancestry - It is very hard for him to be magically charmed and magic cannot put him to sleep.
  11. Trance - He doesn’t need to sleep. Instead, each night he goes into a meditative state remaining semiconscious. This state only lasts 4 hours and gives him the same benefits as 8 hours of sleep.
  15. Second Wind - He has a limited well of stamina he can draw on to protect himself from harm. His body forces itself to keep going in dire situations and puts him right back into the fight.
  17. Action Surge - He can push himself past his normal limits if only for a moment giving him enough time to gain the upperhand in some situations.
  19. Indomitable - He is really hard to put down and control on the battlefield. It’s hard for him to be dazed, knocked down, paralyzed, or otherwise controlled both physically and mentally.
  21. Weapon Bond - He has bonded to his weapons. The bond is a magical one and grants him many benefits. He cannot be disarmed of his weapons unwillingly and if the weapons are on the same plane of existence as him, he can have them teleport into his hand instantly.
  23. Improved War Magic - He is attuned to both fighting with magic and a sword, being able to combine the two in a single strike.
  25. Eldritch Strike - His weapon strikes undercut the targets resistance to his spells, marking the target with a magical aura. His next spell he casts is much more effective against his target while marked by this aura. The aura disappears after about a minute, or when a spell is cast on the target.
  27. Arcane Charge - When using his action surge talent, he can also teleport to a new destination up to 30 feet away from his original spot.
  29. War Caster - He has an aggressively strong focus on his spells even in the midst of battle, it is extremely hard to break his concentration on said spellcasting.
  31. CANTRIPS - These are magical effects and spells that take little to no effort to cast.
  33. Blade Ward - He speaks a word of power and the spell encases his body for the next minute with a soft aura that dampens the effects of physical objects against his body such as the blade of a sword, the flanges of a mace, or the tip of an arrow.
  35. Control Flames - He has subtle control over fire.
  37. Create Forge Fire - He creates a fire that burns hot enough to sustain a smithing forge.
  39. Fire Bolt - He hurls an ember of fire at a target and magically catches it on fire.
  41. Gust - He has subtle control over wind.
  43. Light - He touches a single object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. For the next hour, the object sheds bright light out to about 40 feet in every direction. He can make the color of the light any that he wishes. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light such as a bucket or thick blanket.
  45. Mage Hand - He can create a spectral, floating hand within 30 feet of him. He can manipulate objects, pone doors or containers, or carry objects up to 10 pounds in weight.
  47. Mending - He can repair a single break or tear in an object he touches, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, he can mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. Fixing a magical item or construct repairs the physical damage but doesn’t restore the magic to it.
  49. Mold Earth - He has subtle control over earth.
  51. Prestidigitation - This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spell-casters use for practice. He creates one of the following magical effects. He can create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor. He can instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, torch, or small campfire. He can instantly clean or soil an object no larger than a 1 foot cube. He can chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour. He can make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour. He can create a nonmagical trinket or illusory image that can fit in the hand and lasts for 1 hour. He can cast this spell multiple times, having up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time.
  53. Ray of Frost - He can fire a frigid beam of blue-white light toward a target within range magically causing it to start freezing.
  55. Shape Water - He has subtle control over water.
  57. Shocking Grasp - He can cause lightning to spring forth from his hand to deliver a shock to something he’s touching. The lightning attacks to metal objects and surges through them. A person or creature hit by this spell has a change to be paralyzed or stunned for a short duration.
  59. True Strike - His magic grants him a brief insight into his target’s defenses. His next attack becomes swifter and more debilitating than normal.
  61. SPELLS - These are proper spells that require training and study, taking more effort and energy to cast.
  63. Absorb Elements - He covers himself in a magical barrier that absorbs the next elemental type sent at him. This includes Acid, Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Thunder. He can then use this same energy to fuel his magic or attacks causing them to deal more damage of that type.
  65. Alarm - He can set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. He can choose a door ,window, or area no larger than a 20-foot cube. For the next 8 hours, an alarm alerts him whenever someone or something enters or touches the warded area. He can choose who and what won’t set off the alarm. The alarm can either be a mental ping or a loud bell. If it’s a mental ping, it will wake him if he’s in his trance as long as he’s within 1 mile of the warded area. The loud bell rings for 10 seconds and can be heard up to 60 feet away.
  67. Armor of Agathys - He covers himself in a layer of magical ice. A creature close to him will suffer from frostbite and must get through the armor before being able to reach him.
  69. Burning Hands - He bursts forth a 15 foot long cone of magical fire that ignites flammable objects.
  71. Chromatic Orb - He can hurl a 4-inch-diameter sphere of energy at a target he can see. He can choose an element between Acid, Ice, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder and creates the orb entirely of that element.
  73. Comprehend Languages - For 1 hour he can understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that he can hear. You also can understand any written language as long as he can touch the surface the writing is on. The spell doesn’t decode secret messages in text or a glyph that isn’t a part of a written language.
  75. Detect Magic - For the next 10 minutes he can sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of him. He can see a faint aura around any visible beings or objects in that area that bear magic. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
  77. Expeditious Retreat - For the next 10 minutes he magically enhances his speed to double its normal capacity. Although the name suggests running away, that is not the only application available.
  79. Feather Fall - Up to 5 people, including himself, slowly float to the ground unharmed.
  81. Identify - This spell takes him a minute to cast and he must be touching the object in question throughout the duration of the casting. After that amount of time he learns the properties of the object and how to use it. You also learn its brief history and any magic that might be affecting it.
  83. Illusory Script - He writes on a piece of writing material and imbues it with a potent illusion that lasts for 10 days. To him, and anyone else he chooses when casting the spell, the writing appears normal, written in his hand, and conveys whatever meaning he wanted it to when he wrote it. To all others, the writing appears as if it were written in an unknown or magical script that is unintelligible. Alternatively, he can cause the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in a different hand and language. Should the spell end, both the true text and the false one magically disappear.
  85. Mage Armor - He touches a willing creature within range. A protective magical force surrounds them for the next 8 hours (or until he ends the spell himself). The barrier isn’t impenetrable and ends if the target puts on armor.
  87. Magic Missile - He creates up to 10 magical bolts of energy and chooses a target or targets he can see. The bolts will hit their target and will take 90 degree turns and pass through small cracks or holes just to find its target, exploding with a small concussive force on impact.
  89. Shield - He creates a dome of magical energy around himself, this spell instantly stops the magic missile spell. Otherwise, the dome is not impenetrable but is increases his defenses tremendously, stopping most area of effect attacks and spells.
  91. Silent Image - He can create an image of an object, creature, person, or other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 15-foot cube. The image appears at a spot within 60 feet of him and lasts for 10 minutes. The image is purely visual; it isn’t accompanied by sound, smell, or other sensory effects. He can make the image move to a new point in range and rotate it. If it’s a person he can make it appear to walk. Physically interacting with the image reveals it to be an illusion as things pass through it.
  93. Sleep - He magically attempts to cause a 20 foot area of beings to fall asleep.
  95. Thunderwave - A surge of thunderous force explodes outward from him to about 20 feet, causing all things caught inside to be shook to the core causing physical damage to anything caught inside and pushing them up to 10 feet away from him.
  97. Unseen Servant - The spell creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at his command for the next hour. The servant can do simple tasks that a normal human could do such as pour a glass of water or retrieve an object for him.
  99. Arcane Lock - He magically locks a window, door, chest, or other entryway (a physical lock isn’t required). Him and anyone he chooses can open the object normally. He can also set a password that when spoken within 5 feet of the object, suppresses the spell for 1 minute. Otherwise it is impassable until it is broken or the spell is dispelled or suppressed.
  101. Blur - For the next minute, his body seems to vibrate tremendously, making hitting him harder. When looking in his general direction his body appears to be shifting and wavering.
  103. Darkness - He causes a cloud of magical darkness that spreads out into a 15-foot radius sphere for the next 10 minute. The darkness spreads around corners. Someone with darkvision (even him) can’t see through the darkness and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. He can cast it on an object he can touch, causing the darkness to emanate from that object and moves with it. Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object such as a bucket or thick blanket blocks the darkness.
  105. Darkvision - A person he touches gains the darkvision trait for the next 8 hours.
  107. Earthbind - He forces a flying creature to plummet to the earth, making the air around them magically unable to sustain their flight.
  109. Enlarge/Reduce - He can either double the size of an object or being, or reduce its size by half.
  111. Heat Metal - He can cause a piece of metal within 60 feet of him to heat up to a red hot state for 1 minute.
  113. Invisibility - He can touch a being who is willing and causes them and anything they are wearing to become invisible for the next hour.
  115. Knock - He can magically open a locked door, window, chest, or other entryway. If used on Arcane Lock, it suppresses the spell for 10 minutes. After casting this spell, the sound of a loud knock comes from the source.
  117. Locate Object - He can detect the location of an item he is familiar with or a type of item he is looking for as long as it within 1,000 feet of him.
  119. Magic Weapon - He touches a non-magical weapon, filling it with arcane energy. The weapon is then considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.
  121. Silence - For the next 10 minutes, no sound can be created within a 20-foot cube of his choice and anyone inside that area is deaf as long as they remain.
  123. Acid Arrow - He fires a magical arrow made purely of acid from his bow. Upon impact it explodes splashing acid to everything within 10 feet of impact.
  125. Magic Aura - For 24 hours he can encase a targeted being or object in a magic aura that reveals false information about said being or object. He can make a magical being or object appear mundane or something mundane appear magical.
  127. Shatter - A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point within 60 feet of him. Anything within 10 feet of that point is shook to its very core causing stone, clay, glass and other inorganic materials to shatter, crack, or warp.
  129. Counterspell - When he sees a creature casting a spell he can counteract their magical energy with his own. Pouring the opposite energies as their to disrupt the spell.
  131. Dispel Magic - He can end one magical effect or disrupt one spell within 30 feet of him.
  133. Fear - He can magically instill fear into even the bravest of people. Only someone truly or magically immune to being frightened can be immune to this spell though it’s not impossible to ignore its effects. Though the feeling will remain regardless.
  135. Fireball - He hurls a flaming sphere of molten fire that explodes in a 20 foot radius of a point of impact.
  137. Fly - He can grant the ability to fly to any being he touches.
  139. Glyph of Warding - He inscribes an extremely faint glyph on an object or in a container. He can choose what causes the glyph to activate and upon activation the glyph either causes a magical explosion of raw energy, or it immediately casts a spell that he must store into the glyph. The glyph can only store one spell at a time.
  141. Haste - He magically enhances the speed in which he can move and attack to 4 times its normal speed. The target gains this ability for the next 10 minutes but collapses from exhaustion after the spell ends.
  143. Lightning Bolt - He fires a crackling bolt of lightning in a straight line that is 300 feet long.
  145. Protection From Energy - For the next hour, a being he touches can brave the elements. Acid, Ice, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder don’t do nearly as much damage as they should against the target of this spell.
  147. Slow - He magically forces up to 6 beings within 40 feet of each other to have the speed of their movements reduced by half for the next minute.
  149. Water Breathing - A creature he touches can be granted the ability to breath water for the next hour.
  151. Water Walk - A creature he touches can be granted the ability to walk on water for the next hour.
  153. Fabricate - He can bend the matter of materials around him to form new objects such as turning a tree into a wooden bridge, a rocky slope into stone steps, or a rope into a ladder.
  155. Locate Creature - He can detect the location of a living thing he is familiar with or a type of living thing he is looking for as long as it within 1,000 feet of him.
  157. Private Sanctum - He makes an area within range magically secure for 24 hours. Casting this spell in the same spot every day for a year renders the spell permanent. The area is a cube that can be as small as 5 feet to as large as 100 feet. He decides what sort of security the spell provides, choosing any or all of the following properties. Sound can’t pass through the barrier at the edge of the warded area. The barrier of the warded area appears dark and foggy, preventing vision through it. Nothing can teleport into or out of the warded area. Planar travel is blocked within the warded area.
  159. Resilient Sphere - For 1 minute he encases a target of his choice within a shimmering sphere of force. Nothing, not physical objects, energy, or other spell effects, can pass through the barrier, in or out, though a being can breath inside the sphere. The sphere is immune to all damage and anything inside the sphere cannot be damaged by attacks from the outside and anything from the outside cannot damage anything inside. The sphere is weightless and a being inside it can push against its walls to make it roll and beings outside the sphere can pick it up and or move it.
  161. Stone Skin - His skin is covered in a magical barrier of stone with the ability to flex and bend with his body. It is able to deflect most weapons and impacts.
  163. Wall of Fire - He creates a wall of fire on a solid surface. It can be up to 60 feet long, 20 feet tall, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. He can also create a ring of fire 20 feet in diameter.
  165. Cone of Cold - He bursts forth a 15 foot long cone of magical chilling wind that freezes objects solid.
  167. Creation - He pull wisps of arcane energy to create a nonliving object of vegetable matter. Soft goods, rope, wood, or something similar. He can also use this spell to create mineral objects such as stone, crystal, or metal. The object created must be no larger than a 5-foot cube, and the object must be of a form and material that he has seen before. The material only last for about a minute though.
  169. Arcane Gate - He can create two linked teleportation portals that remain open for the duration. The first one must be within sight of him and the other one can be anywhere he can think of clearly (even in a different plane of existence). The portal is transparent and you can clearly see through it to the other side which shows you a view as if the other portal were directly adjacent to it.
  171. Chain Lightning - He casts a bolt of crackling lightning toward a target that then arcs to other targets around the source which then arc to another target (including the original target again).
  173. Disintegrate - He fires a thin beam of destructive energy that ruptures the bonds between atoms the beam touches. This causes the material or being to be vaporized into a grey powdered substance. He can disintegrate up to a 20 foot cube of material at a time.
  175. Globe of Invulnerability - He summons an immobile sphere of invisible magical force that surrounds him 10 feet in any direction. Spells and their effects from outside the barrier cannot pass through them for the next minute. After that minute the spell ends.
  177. True Seeing - This spell gives the willing creature he touches the ability to see things as they actually are. For the next hour, the creature has can see through illusions, see invisible creatures, see the true form of a shapechanger, notices secret doors hidden by magic, and can see into the spirit realm, all out to a range of 120 feet.
  179. Wall of Ice - He creates a wall of freezing ice on a solid surface. It can be up to 60 feet long, 20 feet tall, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. He can also create a ring of freezing ice 20 feet in diameter.
  181. Antipathy/Sympathy - He can cast a spell that either magically attracts or repels creatures of a specified type such as goblins, dragons, or vampires. He targets a being (can be himself) and chooses Antipathy or Sympathy. If choosing Antipathy, the enchantment causes creatures of the kind designated to feel an intense urge to leave the area and avoid the target. If Sympathy, the enchantment causes creatures of the kind designated to feel an intense urge to approach the target.
  183. Control Weather - He can control the weather to a small extent, turning it either sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy or dry within an area of 1 mile of where he cast the spell.
  185. Dominate Monster - He has a strong willpower that he can impose on a monstrous being he can see. That creature has an overwhelming sense of fear of Iauron and is magically charmed by him. Iauron can then command the monster to do his bidding. The spell ends if Iauron intentionally harms the creature or after 1 hour. He also gains a telepathic bond to the creature in which it can understand him even if it doesn’t speak his language.
  187. Meteor Swarm - He summons 4 large meteors that fall from the sky to hit a target within 1 mile of him that he can see, they crash into the ground causing an explosive impact that radiates out to 100 feet of each impact site.
  189. True Polymorph - He touches a willing living being or non living object and turns the creature into another creature of similar life power, a creature into an object of your choice, or an object into any creature of your choice as long as there is enough matter for the transformation. This lasts for 1 hour though if he focuses on it for the entire duration, the transformation will become permanent.
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