
My Little Progress: Lightbulb

Nov 6th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, stranded in Equestria, and you’ve just about had enough of your gracious host’s shit for one day.
  2. “…Okay, so you’re willing to believe that I come from some different dimension or world or some crap, but NOT that we were able to do everything without magic.”
  3. >Twilight shakes her head “Of course not! Magic is a universal constant. Even IF you came from another world, nothing you’ve mentioned would be possible without MAGIC!”
  4. >You would listen to her ramble on, but she’s gotten on your ass about this so often that you’ve stopped caring. For the most part.
  5. >She waits for your usual rebuttal, but the two of you sit in silence for a bit. With a sigh she continues “Look, Anon? We don’t have to keep arguing like this all the time. I’m sure your home’s a great place and all, but you don’t have to over exaggerate everything, let alone lie to my face…”
  6. >You go to cut her off.
  7. “Twi, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m not-“
  8. >”I know you can’t do magic, but you don’t have to lie to make yourself feel better!”
  9. >Okay, that’s new.
  10. “What?”
  11. >”Sorry, Anon… I figured us being able to use magic all the time would be a sore spot for you, so I never brought it up, but I’m getting worried about you!”
  12. >Your eyes narrow, and you stare her down in silence.
  13. >”…Anon?”
  14. “You did NOT just say that.”
  15. >You get up and start walking away, right for the front door.
  16. >”A-Anon?! Where are you going?!”
  17. “INTO TOWN.” You yell back, not even bothering to turn around. You open the door and slam it shut behind you.
  18. >You can hear her yelling something from behind the door, but you don’t care.
  19. >You’re on a warpath and you’re mad as hell. That whole spiel of hers was downright insulting!
  20. >You end up muttering to yourself as you stomp through town, until you find yourself in the town square.
  21. >You look up and notice that the sun’s already moved a good distance.
  23. >How long were you out here already for? You forget.
  24. >You sigh. Your walk and fresh air’s calmed you down, but you’re still justifiably upset.
  25. >That, and you’re getting pretty damn tired of going through this song and dance all the time. Arguing isn’t changing anything, with Twilight as pig-headed as she is. Something has to be done to break this cycle. But how?
  26. >You find a bench to sit down at, and watch ponies go about their day.
  27. >You’ve been here a while now, and most ponies are pretty used to you at this point.
  28. >Some, however…
  29. >”Hey mister…?” you hear a voice say.
  30. >You look over to the source, a small foal is standing nervously a good 15 feet from you. He looks at you, and then looks down near your feet. You follow his gaze and see a bright red ball.
  31. “Oh, sorry. Here ya go.”
  32. >You gently kick the ball in his direction, making him flinch. When he notices that it’s just the ball, he smiles a little and kicks it in his friend’s direction “Thank you!” he says happily, hopping away.
  33. >You watch him join his friend with a small smile, when you hear the friend speak up. “See?! I told you that he was okay!”
  34. >You shake your head and resume watching other ponies.
  35. >But suddenly, a thought crosses your mind: those kids just gave you the perfect idea! If you can’t just argue with her, you’ll appeal to her inner ‘scientist’ and prove it to her! But how?
  36. >You’re no scientist, adventurer, hero or whatever, so it’s not like you can go off and start your own technology-based city with blackjack and hookers, or something to that effect.
  37. >Besides, that would be way too dangerous and take more effort than you can give.
  38. >You wrack your brain for something that can show her human engineering at its finest… Well, maybe not its FINEST, but at least something small scale that you can show off a basic idea.
  39. >Finally, you have an idea. Something you can make out of mostly-household materials. Something you’ve already done before!
  41. >You get up with purpose and make your way into the marketplace. Hopefully, the stores will have what it is that you need for this…
  42. >Later, in the evening, you find yourself back at the library, with a few bags in hand, and all your needed materials. You open the door, to find Twilight pacing nervously in the entrance.
  43. >When you step in, her head whips in your direction “Anon, you’re back! I was worried you’d…” she starts, but notices the bags your holding, and how you walked right past her and into the kitchen “What’s in the bags? And where are you going?”
  44. “Supplies and kitchen.” You answer shortly. These bags were kinda heavy.
  45. >Twilight follows you, helping you out by magicing the bags onto the kitchen table “Supplies for what?”
  46. >You turn and give her a cocky smirk “Twilight, would you like to do a little science experiment with me?”
  47. >From the look on her face, you can tell she’s stuck between ecstatic and confused “Well, I’m always interested in science, but what is this for?”
  48. >You take a deep breath. You practiced your ‘speech’ on the way back home.
  49. “Twilight, our arguments have gone on long enough. What I intend to do tonight is prove to you what humanity can do.”
  50. >She seems to get more excited with every word.
  51. “Now, I may not be a scientist or be all that smart. I’m honestly kind of a dumbass. However, this experiment is something that even I can do. The end goal of this experiment will be creating artificial light without the use of magic.” You propose.
  52. >Now she starts getting a little skeptical “And how exactly do you plan to do that?”
  53. “Simple. By creating a home-made light bulb and a home-made, water and electricity powered battery for energy. All using the materials that I was able to buy at the market.”
  54. >Of course, she doesn’t believe you. But that isn’t going to stop you. You make your way over to the table, and start taking everything out of the bags and sorting them out.
  56. “Now, here’s a science lesson for ya; what is a battery? A battery is a container that uses one or more ‘cells’ that convert a chemical reaction into electricity, the flow of electrons through a circuit, and used for power. And that’s where we’ll start this experiment; with the battery.”
  57. You keep sorting out the materials for the battery portion, “Now, a battery is normally comprised of 3 main parts; a positive node, a negative node, and the electrolyte, which is where the chemical reaction happens, between the nodes. When you close the circuit connecting the positive and negative nodes together, this causes a chemical reaction in the electrolyte, creating a buildup of electrons. So long as the connection is closed, these electrons have only one way to go, and that’s through the positive node.”
  58. >By now, you’ve sorted out everything for the battery and the light bulb, when Twilight speaks up “That’s nice and all, but I already know how electricity is created, in the clouds, and works just about the same way.”
  59. “And THAT’S nice and all, but we’re not here to talk about clouds. We’re here to talk about SCIENCE!” you reply, much to her unamusement. “But anyway, enough backstory! We’re ready to start with the construction.” You declare.
  60. >You move over to the battery side, and start getting things ready while you explain.
  61. “So the way we’ll be simulating the battery is with a few simple ingredients: A plastic cup with water in it, two 3/4-inch-wide strips of different metal that are longer than the cup, one tablespoon of salt, and some lead wire.”
  62. >Twilight watches you take the tablespoon of salt and pour it into the water, and stir it.
  64. This salt water will act as our electrolyte for the electricity.” You explain, as you take the metal strips and bend them, before attaching the end of one of the lead wires to one of the strips “Next, we need two different types of conductive metals for the strips. In my case, I grabbed copper and aluminium, since they were easier to find. And the lead wire will be our connection to the light bulb.”
  65. >You step back from your setup, letting her look at it “…That’s it?” Twilight asks.
  66. “Yeah, pretty much, for the battery. The next part is a little tougher, but not much.”
  67. >You move over to the other side of the table, and start working at the lightbulb, when Twilight taps your thigh “Anon, you forgot one of the lead wires.” She points out, pointing her hoof at the one you left unattached.
  68. “I did that on purpose; since we won’t have a way to actually cut off the current with a switch in this experiment, we need to leave that one off until we get the rest of it finished, so we don’t get shocked while working.”
  69. >She nods sagely, before looking back up at you “…Is this dangerous?”
  70. “Not really, it would just hurt. The amount of electricity created by the salt water isn’t nearly enough to actually be really dangerous.” You admit.
  71. >You get back to work on the light bulb.
  72. “So basically, this light bulb will work by using the electricity to heat up a piece of metal and making it glow from the heat. To do this, out first step is taking some this bottle cork, and poking two holes through it.” You explain, grabbing a nail and pushing it through twice. “Next, we’ll file the copper wires from earlier through the holes, then take the ends and…” you continue, carefully bending the end of the wires into small loops. “Make two loops.” You reach over and grab some more wires “Next, we’ll need some iron wire. Iron will heat up nicely, and won’t melt easily.”
  74. >”…Anon, Iron’s kinda expensive… Actually, a hoofull of these things must have been at least sorta expensive… How did you afford it?”
  75. “I’ve been saving money to use on /something/, but I figured it could wait a little longer to make room for this.” You explain “Besides, I said ‘mostly household materials’ earlier. Back home, this stuff’s cheap and easy to come by.”
  76. >She looks at you like she wants you to keep going, but you choose not to.
  77. “Anyway, back on track. We take a few strands of iron wire, and…” you say as you twist them together “We bring’em together into one piece. Now, we just slip this in the hoops…” you start, before putting the cork and wires down, and placing a glass jar over it “And a jar, for protection.”
  78. >You look at your ‘masterpiece’, all put together “So this is it, then?” Twilight asks “This doesn’t even look like it’ll work.”
  79. “Trust me, Twi, it’ll work. Now!” you say, clapping your hands together “We need this room a little darker.” You make your way over to the window, and shut the blinds “Twilight, on my signal, I’ll need you to lift the loose end of lead wire, and touch it to the copper strip on the battery. That’ll finish the connection.”
  80. >She nods her head, and lifts the wire, holding it just above the strip. You count down with her fingers in silence, and on 3, she touches them together. Suddenly, a small spark occurs in the jar, and the iron wires start glowing. Twilight is stuck staring at the glowing jar, and you’re filled with pride.
  81. “See? What’d I tell ya! Artificial light without magic! And you were there to watch me do it from scratch, so you can’t say there’s something hidden, either!”
  82. >”You know what, Anon? I’m impressed. You really did create artificial light without magic.” She responds with a small smile.
  83. “So you believe me now?”
  85. >”Oh, of course not! You might have created this, but this is really primitive, like you said! This doesn’t nearly measure up to the other stuff you’ve mentioned.” She attaches the wire to the strip and lets it go.
  86. “B-But why?! If an idiot like me could throw this together, shouldn’t it stand to reason that someone much smarter could do more?!”
  87. >Twilight shakes her head “I believe you when you say that humans could do neat things without magic, but most of the stuff you mentioned is still impossible.” She starts walking out of the room, before she stops, smiles and says “And while I am proud that you went through all this trouble, you need to clean this up when you’re done.”
  88. >Your arms drop to your side and you watch her leave in disbelief. All that time, effort and money sunk into this, and you’re back at square one. Square two, at most.
  89. >You shake your head and sit down, staring at the flickering light bulb, your ‘foolproof plan’, when you notice Spike walk in.
  90. >”Hey Anon, what’s all the commotion? Are you and Twilight- Whoa, what’s that?!” he asks, getting excited when he sees your experiment.
  91. “Hey Spike… Just an experiment that let me create artificial light without magic which STILL wasn’t enough for Twilight, by the way…”
  92. >Spike makes his way over to the table, and hops up on to a chair “Say, could you show me how to do all this?”
  93. >You give him a curious look, before a grin makes its way onto your face.
  94. “Sure, Spike! I think I can come up with a few experiments we can try.”
  95. >You start explaining how the bulb and the battery work to Spike, when you come to a new conclusion; So long as you know what your home is like, who cares what Twilight thinks? Having a captive audience is much better than a skeptic one, after all.
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