
Template OC WIP - Klaus

Jun 23rd, 2014
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  1. Name: Klaus/The Insect Child/Klao-Thograth
  2. Age: Undiscernable
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Classification: Insectoid, Demon
  5. Occupation: Demon Count
  6. Height: 3’2” (actual body), 4’5” (using hair to stand himself up)
  7. Weight: 124 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Blue
  9. Hair: Yellow
  10. Appearance:
  11. Klaus has a baby’s face, with blue eyes and pudgy cheeks, and while his body isn’t easily discernable, it does seem to be rather pudgy. Despite his appearance, he speaks in a deep voice more befitting of an older man. He wears no shoes, and it’s fairly apparent that he’s a demon, as his feet are those of a chicken’s, and both his hands and feet have large, sharp-looking talons. He wears a loose sky blue nightgown, which covers his entire body, and hides whatever isn’t sticking out in an impenetrable blackness. On his head, he wears a noticeably large turban, which in both color and shape resembles a bee’s hive. Several holes in the turban, both intentionally made by creating a gap while wrapping the fabric, and forced through as if punctured, can be seen, and when one stands near him, a sound like a swarm of bees can be heard.
  13. Powers and Abilities
  14. - Hair Plague
  15. Klaus’ main weapon is the humongous amount of super-durable hair he keeps hidden in his turban. From the various holes in his hat, Klaus can easily control his hair, creating a huge variety of tools that he can use. He likes to use them to create bug- or crustacean-inspired attacks and weapons, such as eight spider’s legs (four from two holes) to moves quickly & over any surface, create a dragonfly’s wings to allow flight, or a fiddler crab’s larger pincer to defend himself, earning him the title of The Insect Child. However, this isn’t the limits of his powers, and if he deems it necessary, he will create other forms with his hair. Klaus can control up to six different “locks” of hair, which can move an incredibly far distance, but not infinitely so. His hair is highly resistant to weapon-based attacks, and unlike his actual body isn’t weak to Faith-based damage, but in a lot of other attributes, it’s just like regular hair.
  16. - Demonic Durability
  17. Being a demon, Klaus is blessed with incredibly high durability, making him highly resistant to damage that isn’t based on Faith. However, this is only the case for his actual body, which can be considered his weak point. His hair doesn’t have this weakness, and is in fact resistant to weapon-based attacks, making it extremely difficult to actually hit his body directly.
  18. - Instill Fear
  19. Klaus can cause those with lower Toughness, or who are weak to Curse-based attacks, to experience a sudden and deep fear of him while they’re in his presence. This fear can make it difficult for one to react to his attacks, unable to concentrate on hurting him, and in a worst-case scenario, can even cause them to just give up and submit entirely to him. Those who resist Curse-based attacks, or have high willpower can overcome his fear more easily than others – for most common NPCs, however, there is little they can do about this ability.
  21. Stats: (entrant's rankings in combat statistics)
  22. -Strength: ** (on own)/**** (w/help of hair)
  23. -Projection: ***
  24. -Toughness: **** (body)/***** (hair)
  25. -Attack Type: Slash, Puncture, Impact, Curse
  26. -Resistances: Curse (+2), Slash (+2), Impact (+2)
  27. -Endurance: ****
  28. -Stamina: *****
  29. -Speed: * (on own)/**** (w/ help of hair)
  30. Standard Equipment:
  31. Rapunzel’s Tower – The incredibly fancy name for the turban in which Klaus keeps his hair tucked away until needed. The turban is mainly used as a storehouse for his massive hair, but supposedly there is also a dimension kept within, which is where he stays when not on this earth. Even if entry were possible, since it would require fitting an average-sized human in a gap far too small for even a child, it isn’t exactly recommended, as nobody is sure just what Klaus’ home dimension is like. Though, it’s highly unlikely to be friendly.
  33. Note:
  34. Best used as a boss, as in a player’s hands this can be far too powerful/inconvenient for the RP.
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