
Where She Belongs [mlp]

Nov 6th, 2014
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  1. "I'm sorry, but Equestria simply can not spare that much money."
  2. >The dog shifts in his seat a bit before trying to push his point further.
  3. >"I don't think you understand, my people are suffering, the recent war was very hard on us, and I've had to ask every ally I have for help."
  4. "I do understand, but I simply can not offer the type of money you're asking without serious risk to our own economic stability."
  5. "However, I could offer you soldiers to act as peace keepers while you rebuild your nation. Our army is large, so I can offer many thousands."
  6. >"Hmm, yes, I believe that would be a significant help." he says, as his ears turn down in worry. "But this begs the question, what do you hope to gain in exchange?"
  7. "Simply" you say as you signal your server to pour the both of you a new fresh glass of wine. "Your laborers for our soldiers."
  8. >"If we had laborers to spare, we would not be asking for help." he says, a small, annoyed growl escaping his mouth.
  9. "Ah, but you see, my understanding is that your lands are over-mined, correct?"
  10. >"I don't believe that should be a surprise to anyone" he says, nodding.
  11. "Well, Equestria has no shortage of wealth beneath the ground. Wealth I'd like to be able to use."
  12. "We may be the most advanced nation, but a single determined diamond dog is a match for 5 of the best pony miners with the best tools we have."
  13. "So let me put some of your otherwise jobless people to work, and I'll help defend your lands. Your nation and miners will get a small cut of what they dig out, of course."
  15. >The dog scratches his head a bit, seeming deep in thought.
  16. >"I'll need to check just how rich your ground is, but I think this may be acceptable."
  17. "Excellent. Was there anything else?"
  18. >"No, thank you. We'll discuss numbers after I've had a chance to speak to my advisers."
  19. "Very well." you say, clapping your hands. "Feel free to stay at the castle as long as you need to decide, my staff will ensure you are well taken care of."
  20. >The dog king nods, and takes his leave, leaving you to your thoughts.
  21. >A few moments after he leaves, your personal assistant, Golden Glow approaches.
  22. >"Is everything alright sir? Do you need anything?"
  23. "Yeah, I'm fine, just the stresses of court, you know." you say, picking at what remains of your meal.
  24. >"I understand sir, but for what it's worth, I believe you're doing a wonderful job."
  25. >You grab your glass, and toss back the rest of your wine in a very unkingly way.
  26. "Thanks...I'm going to bed, get this cleaned."
  27. >"Of course sir." she says as she bows, the sound of her magic ringing in your ears as you leave.
  28. >The same as always, the moment you leave the room you're flanked by guards, their sole purpose to protect your life, even at the cost of their own.
  29. >Every civillian you pass bows, every guard salutes. It gets quite dull, but no less flattering.
  30. >Soon enough, you reach your room and your guards take place at the sides, relieving the previous ones of duty.
  32. >As soon as you step into the large, open room, you bar the door and begin pulling off your clothes as you sit in front of the statue that dominates the room centre.
  33. >At least, that's what people think. It isn't a statue at all, it's a prison, containing your wife and queen, Twilight.
  34. >You'd first arrived when she'd summoned you, some number of years after she'd been made princess.
  35. >She found herself instantly facinated by your world, your technology, your people....and especially by you.
  36. >It wasn't long before you found yourselves falling for each other. As strange as it was, especially for you, it's not surprising given the sheer amount of time you spent together.
  37. >Before you knew it, you'd found yourself married, and a prince. You'd honestly love if you could have seen your family's face.
  38. >However, it wasn't until her friends began to die off that a realization hit her. She was immortal now.
  39. >For you don't even know how long, she begged her mentor Celestia to save everyone, only to be denied.
  40. >You understood the reasoning, people need to be able to die.
  41. >She did convince her to make a single exception, and grant you immortality.
  42. >It's kind of a bum deal to be honest, Twilight at least got wings and better magic. You just don't age, nothing else.
  43. >Still, it could be worse. Twilight is the type who needs an anchor.
  44. >After her friends and family died of age, Cadance slain in an attempted invasion, and the princesses simply disappeared, you became that anchor.
  46. >Indeed, perhaps the only thing that kept her from simply giving up, especially under the stress of being THE authority of the land.
  47. >She became clingy, perhaps even obsessive. It was fine, you knew what she was like before you got into a relationship with her.
  48. >Not to say you didn't try to get her some help, but she would hear nothing of it.
  49. >Sighing, you run your fingers over the smooth stone in front of you before you continue your reminiscing.
  50. >Anything she thought would make you happy, anything to keep you with her.
  51. >This hit it's peak when she decided to appeal to your two biggest kinks. Encasement and denial.
  52. >Which would have been fine, except she decided to surprise you with it. And that it was completely over the top.
  53. >She secretly had artists create a remarkably lifelike shell in her likeness, made of the finest marble and accented with gold trim.
  54. >The shell wore the form of the finest regal clothing.
  55. >Her stony face wore an expression of a restrained smile, such as her mentor often wore, hiding behind it a dildo gag of your member, every curve and vein a perfect match.
  56. >A ring was fitted around the base of her love bud, then secured with a piercing.
  57. >A similar trick prevented her magic once in place, while ensuring just enough flowed to make her horn extremely sensitive.
  58. >The whole thing enchanted with the strongest enchantments she could find to maximize torment.
  59. >She didn't need to eat or sleep, even her breathing was handled magically. Existing purely on mana, she needed but exist.
  61. >They also prevent her removal, or the prison being damaged, and deflected any sort of dispel've tried, a lot.
  62. >Truly, she'd done everything in her power to ensure she'd stay there for all time.
  63. >She had but a few links to the outside.
  64. >A telepathic link to you alone, activated at your discretion, and your touch could temporarily dissolve stone over her hindquarters or horn to allow access.
  65. >Tubing through the gag and ending in a small collection bowl under her allowed you to force feed her any fluids you desired.
  66. >She was at your mercy, and your will was literally her whole world.
  67. >Finished living in your memories for today, you close your eyes and focus, opening the telepathic link to talk with her. She instantly responds.
  68. >"Hello Anon! Evening already?"
  69. "Yes, I hope the day wasn't too hard for you."
  70. >"Not at all. How about you? How was court today?"
  71. "Well, King Fidus is visiting."
  72. >"Hmm, he's the leader of Canis, right? Why's he here?"
  73. "He's asking for help keeping his country stable because they just got out of a hard war."
  74. >"That's awful, what did you do?"
  75. "I offered soldiers for workers. They'll dig up our gems for us, they get a cut and our protection."
  76. >"Oh, did he accept?"
  77. "Not yet. But considering any dick with an army could probably take their country right now, I don't think he's in any position to refuse."
  79. >"Oh, well that's too bad for them. I'm guessing it might be good business for Equestria though?"
  80. "Exactly. I feel for them, but I've got my own country to worry about."
  81. >"I understand. So, anything else of interest happening?"
  82. "Well, there is one thing....Do you know what tomorrow is?"
  83. >"Not really, no."
  84. "Course not." You say, leaning back and laying on the floor. "It's the anniversary of when you where put in stone."
  85. >"It is? How long has it been now? 5 years? 8?"
  86. "216... Twi, we go through this every year."
  87. >"Well sorry if this messes with my head!"
  88. "Yeah, I know...sorry."
  89. >"You wish I hadn't done it, don't you?"
  90. "Well....kinda. I mean, yeah it's really hot and everything, but that's not all there is to life. I wish we could, I dunno, just cuddle or something."
  91. >"Aaaaanon, we've had this talk a thousand times, I KNOW it was stupid of me, I'm sorry!"
  92. "Yes, well...moping won't change anything." you say as you go to grab a book from a chest at your bed's foot. "I picked up a book I think you'll like, if you want me to read to you."
  93. >"EEEEEE! YES! I'd love that Anon!"
  94. "Alright. *Ahem*, "Darkest Descent, A Scholar's Journey Through Tartarus". Chapter 1....."
  95. >Several hours pass as the two of you read and discuss the thick tome, getting about a third of the way through.
  96. "Alright Twi, I'm getting pretty tired, talk to you tomorrow. Love you."
  97. >"Awww, okay. Love you too."
  98. >You cut the mental link as you rise and head to bed.
  100. >Night gives way to another boring day of court.
  101. >Handle punishments, settle land disputes, decide how the national budget should be spent, tweak some laws.
  102. >Talking with Fidus's advisers is a little different from the norm, but not much. They still haven't made up their minds, though you can't blame them.
  103. >The group of donkeys trying to get the word "Ass" to be legally punishable were funny though. People really will bitch about anything.
  104. >Finally though, night rolls around and you retire to your chambers and simply sit in front of your queen.
  105. >For an hour you wait as she remains oblivious to your presence, before you decide it's time.
  106. >Peeking outside, you inform a guard to fetch your court wizard, High Fire.
  107. >It takes him mere moments to arrive.
  108. >"Yes my king, you required my services?" He says, his voice becoming more drawn as he sees you standing beside Twilight.
  109. >"Is it that time again already?" he asks with a sigh.
  110. "Yes, it is."
  111. >"Very well, but if I may be so bold, I didn't work my hooves to the frogs becoming court wizard just to help with sex games."
  112. "Noted, disregarded." you say as you tap her hindquarters, causing the stone to disappear. "We'll try something small this time, try to remove the denial ring."
  113. >You grab Twilight's tail to keep it still, and with an annoyed groan, High Fire fires a blast at her sex which grabs and works the ring.
  114. >For several minutes he works it, before finally his magic cuts out.
  116. >"Apologies sir, but I couldn't do it." He says while trying desperately to catch his breath.
  117. "I can see that. Thank you for your time, we'll try again some other time, you may go."
  118. >He bows and leaves, no doubt angry at having to do this.
  119. >Sitting, you open the mental channel.
  120. "Evening Twi."
  121. >"Good evening Anon. You really should have told me before you hit me with magic."
  122. "Sorry, was just trying to get a piece off again. I figured such a small piece would be easy enough to get rid of."
  123. >"That's really sweet Anon, but I really don't need to get off." she says as her still free tail raises to the side. "I know how much you really used to enjoy that."
  124. "Yeah... I've been thinking. What if we start over? Go back to the teasing and torture we did when this was new?"
  125. >"Really? What prompted this?"
  126. "I just realized how sad I've been over it recently. I fear it's affecting my ability to lead."
  127. "Nothing I know of right now can fix this. I'm sure magical advancement will provide the answer one day. Until then, it seems ungrateful to squander this gift."
  128. >"See. That's the Anon I know. Or should I say, Master?"
  129. "Better to get back into the habit now. While you can still think."
  130. >"I await your cruel touch, Master!"
  131. "I know you do, Twilight." you say as you search the room for phallic objects and irritants. "I know you do."
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