

Sep 4th, 2011
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  1. Sep 04 00:47:37 <Viktor> (so you set the stage since bruce is probably going to be there before viktor)
  2. Sep 04 00:48:05 <Bruce> (Well shit, this is hard, since you're in the fight, and the talk with Ed happened in the morning)
  3. Sep 04 00:48:17 <Bruce> (Which is why I was like, wait when did this happen)
  4. Sep 04 00:51:19 <Viktor> (wait what?)
  5. Sep 04 00:51:24 <Viktor> (the talk with ed happened in the morning?)
  6. Sep 04 00:51:30 <Viktor> (I thought it happened before you went to sleep)
  7. Sep 04 00:51:54 <Bruce> (Well Ed said it was morning, but I think we can retcon to night since he didn't know about Giratina)
  8. Sep 04 00:52:02 <Bruce> (Ok, BACK TO NIGHT)
  9. Sep 04 00:52:46  Bruce walks towards Viktor's camp
  10. Sep 04 00:53:01  Bruce rubs his shoulder, sighing
  11. Sep 04 00:54:38  Viktor arrives soon from where he had been talking with charlotte
  12. Sep 04 00:54:47  Bruce sits down
  13. Sep 04 00:54:47 <Viktor> <Hey, Bruce.>
  14. Sep 04 00:54:58 <Bruce> <Hey.>
  15. Sep 04 00:55:32 <Viktor> <Care to talk?>
  16. Sep 04 00:55:43 <Bruce> <Oh phew, well uhh, yeah.>
  17. Sep 04 00:55:58 <Viktor> <So... Damascus, huh?>'
  18. Sep 04 00:56:30  Bruce nods, <Don't do it, I know what I said before.>
  19. Sep 04 00:56:51 <Viktor> <Ed change your mind?>
  20. Sep 04 00:57:19 <Bruce> <I still want him dead.>
  21. Sep 04 00:57:26 <Bruce> <But I can't do that to him.>
  22. Sep 04 00:57:37 <Bruce> <And what did you read my mind already?>
  23. Sep 04 00:59:04 <Viktor> <Nope.>
  24. Sep 04 00:59:13 <Viktor> <But I figured it's pretty much the only thing that could.>
  25. Sep 04 00:59:22 <Viktor> <Kind of like how Charlotte changed mine.>
  26. Sep 04 01:00:13 <Bruce> <Hah, well.>
  27. Sep 04 01:00:48  Bruce tosses two empty flasks into the sand, <Now I just have to explain to my pokemon why it's not happening.>
  28. Sep 04 01:01:28 <Viktor> <They're your friends. They'll understand.>
  29. Sep 04 01:02:59 <Viktor> <So what did Ed say to you anyway? About why he doesn't want to kill him.>
  30. Sep 04 01:03:22 <Bruce> <The girl.>
  31. Sep 04 01:03:57 <Viktor> <Just her, really?>
  32. Sep 04 01:05:13 <Bruce> <He'd rather leave Damascus alive until Grant is taken care of.>
  33. Sep 04 01:05:45 <Bruce> <Just, promise me nothing will happen.>
  34. Sep 04 01:05:57 <Viktor> <Geez.>
  35. Sep 04 01:06:08 <Viktor> <And here I thought I'd be the one to tell you that.>
  36. Sep 04 01:07:14 <Viktor> <Personally, girl or no girl, it really doesn't matter to me.>
  37. Sep 04 01:07:25 <Viktor> <But...>
  38. Sep 04 01:07:30 <Bruce> <What then?>
  39. Sep 04 01:07:54 <Viktor> <Char doesn't want me to kill him.>
  40. Sep 04 01:08:09 <Viktor> <She thinks we can make it through all of this without having to resort to that.>
  41. Sep 04 01:08:13 <Viktor> <That we can still win.>
  42. Sep 04 01:09:23 <Viktor> <Just... hearing her say that makes me feel like it's true.>
  43. Sep 04 01:09:33 <Bruce> <What do you mean still win.>
  44. Sep 04 01:09:52 <Viktor> <I mean we can still stop grant, save the world, and make Damascus pay for his crimes.>
  45. Sep 04 01:10:49 <Bruce> <I'm still going to kill him.>
  46. Sep 04 01:11:18 <Viktor> <What does Ed think about that?>
  47. Sep 04 01:12:30 <Bruce> <Ed doesn't like him, and thinks some of the things he might be doin' could be worth it. But that's not the question.>
  48. Sep 04 01:13:20 <Bruce> <Damascus nearly killed him, even if he is willing to forget that and go on with his life, I'm not. I won't leave him alive to get the chance to hurt him again.>
  49. Sep 04 01:14:12 <Viktor> <Hm.>
  50. Sep 04 01:14:52 <Viktor> <I understand how you feel.>
  51. Sep 04 01:15:02 <Viktor> <But... I feel like there could be a better way.>
  52. Sep 04 01:18:21 <Bruce> <Well fine, you look for a better way, but just know that I was damn serious when I said that.>
  53. Sep 04 01:18:56 <Viktor> <I know you are, Bruce.>
  54. Sep 04 01:19:13 <Viktor> <And I still don't have a clue what that better way could be.>
  55. Sep 04 01:19:46 <Viktor> <But... hearing charlotte say it just makes me feel like there has to be one.>
  56. Sep 04 01:19:52 <Viktor> <Do I make any sense?>
  57. Sep 04 01:21:11  Bruce stands up after collecting the two flasks, <You have what you feel like you should do, that's fine.>
  58. Sep 04 01:23:00 <Viktor> <Hey, wait...>
  59. Sep 04 01:23:06 <Bruce> <Just realize that since you know I'm completely serious about that, don't expect me to help you with something.>
  60. Sep 04 01:23:17  Bruce pauses
  61. Sep 04 01:23:45 <Viktor> <I know you're serious, Bruce.>
  62. Sep 04 01:24:04 <Viktor> <And I promise I'm going to keep fighting alongside you.>
  63. Sep 04 01:24:15 <Viktor> <And another thing...>
  64. Sep 04 01:24:28 <Viktor> <Well... if we lose that fight. The one against Giratina.>
  65. Sep 04 01:24:49 <Viktor> <I will be going after damascus's life. Full force.>
  66. Sep 04 01:27:55 <Bruce> <And if you win? I'm a bit confused now.>
  67. Sep 04 01:29:18 <Viktor> <If I win... well I'll probably try and follow charlotte's plan.>
  68. Sep 04 01:29:37 <Viktor> <I guess we kind of have different reasons for wanting him dead, huh Bruce?>
  69. Sep 04 01:30:54 <Bruce> <I guess we do.>
  70. Sep 04 01:31:38 <Viktor> <I wouldn't hate you for killing him.>
  71. Sep 04 01:31:43 <Viktor> <Heck I wouldn't even really blame you.>
  72. Sep 04 01:32:53 <Bruce> <I suppose that's good.>
  73. Sep 04 01:33:07 <Viktor> <Really, all I wanna do...>
  74. Sep 04 01:33:18 <Viktor> <Is just keep moving forward and hope everything works out for the best.>
  75. Sep 04 01:33:28 <Viktor> <It's done pretty well for us so far, hasn't it?>
  76. Sep 04 01:35:12 <Bruce> <That's what I did for ten years, I'm finally here. I could argue against that.>
  77. Sep 04 01:35:32 <Viktor> (against that?)
  78. Sep 04 01:35:42 <Viktor> (he's saying that it hasn't?)
  79. Sep 04 01:35:43 <Bruce> (It's done pretty well for us so far)
  80. Sep 04 01:35:52 <Bruce> (For ten years it didn't work for Bruce)
  81. Sep 04 01:36:04 <Bruce> (Compared to now)
  82. Sep 04 01:36:30 <Viktor> <It got you Ed, didn't it?>
  83. Sep 04 01:37:31 <Bruce> <After I stopped.>
  84. Sep 04 01:38:15 <Bruce> <I'm moving for something now. Anyway, night.>
  85. Sep 04 01:38:42 <Viktor> :/
  86. Sep 04 01:39:27 <Bruce> (What)
  87. Sep 04 01:39:43 <Viktor> (it's kind of weird)
  88. Sep 04 01:40:12 <Viktor> (Didn't he get ed by just moving forward and trying his best without worrying?)
  89. Sep 04 01:40:56 <Bruce> (You could argue yeah, but keeping on that way wouldn't bring anything good)
  90. Sep 04 01:41:04 <Bruce> (And he was doing that for TEN YEARS)
  91. Sep 04 01:41:11 <Bruce> (And just now things have changed)
  92. Sep 04 01:41:14 <Viktor> (continuing to try your best?)
  93. Sep 04 01:41:22 <Viktor> (I don't think you exactly get what viktor's saying)
  94. Sep 04 01:41:28 <Bruce> (Not at all)
  95. Sep 04 01:41:33 <Bruce> (That's not what you said)
  96. Sep 04 01:41:44 <Bruce> (Is just keep moving forward and hope everything works out for the best.)
  97. Sep 04 01:41:53 <Bruce> (Is not the same as continuing to try your best)
  98. Sep 04 01:42:07 <Viktor> (that's pretty much what it means by keep moving forward)
  99. Sep 04 01:42:29 <Viktor> (in bruce's case he wasn't moving forward he was just middling around without a direction)
  100. Sep 04 01:42:38 <Bruce> (May be what you meant, but not what I generally take from that)
  101. Sep 04 01:43:34 <Viktor> (well when you go somewhere even if you turn you're always moving 'forward' from your point of view unless you're crabwalking)
  102. Sep 04 01:43:37  Bruce waves a hand and walks back over to his pokemon
  103. Sep 04 01:44:11 <Viktor> <So you're all out?> he asks, glancing at the flasks.
  104. Sep 04 01:44:30 <Bruce> <All done.>
  105. Sep 04 01:45:25  Viktor frowns and digs a bottle out of his bag and hands it to Bruce.
  106. Sep 04 01:45:27 <Viktor> <Here.>
  107. Sep 04 01:46:01 <Bruce> <And what's this?>
  108. Sep 04 01:46:20 <Viktor> <Some of the stuff I got back in that club in Old Black Hills. Imported.>
  109. Sep 04 01:46:24 <Viktor> <I've been saving it.>
  110. Sep 04 01:46:41  Bruce turns around and hands it back, <I'm not taking something you bought for yourself.>
  111. Sep 04 01:47:32 <Viktor> <It was complimentary. Didn't cost me a dime.>
  112. Sep 04 01:48:14 <Bruce> <Hrm, fine then.>
  113. Sep 04 01:48:35 <Viktor> <'Sides. It's not 'for myself' either.>
  114. Sep 04 01:48:46  Bruce sits back down, auracalling his pokemon that are still awake over
  115. Sep 04 01:49:07 <Bruce> <Who is it for?>
  116. Sep 04 01:49:51 <Viktor> <Doesn't matter. But drinking's better when you've got someone to drink with.>
  117. Sep 04 01:51:53  Bruce grins and splits little portions out into some flasks, handing them around to the pokemon
  118. Sep 04 01:52:03  Bruce hands the bottle back
  119. Sep 04 01:52:34  Viktor takes a swig and hands it back to Bruce.
  120. Sep 04 01:54:15 <Bruce> <Think we would have taken him?>
  121. Sep 04 01:54:33 <Viktor> <Just the two of us?>
  122. Sep 04 01:54:47  Bruce drinks some, putting his ice arm around the bottle to chill it slightly
  123. Sep 04 01:54:51  Bruce nods
  124. Sep 04 01:55:39 <Viktor> <Maybe. It'd be tough odds but I have a few spells I think I'd like to surprise him with.>
  125. Sep 04 01:56:09 <Bruce> <Oh, spells now? So you're a real warlock huh?>
  126. Sep 04 01:56:41 <Viktor> <Hehehe, call it what you like.>
  127. Sep 04 01:57:20 <Viktor> <But either way, all I know is if and when you do fight him, I'll be right there to back you up, buddy.>
  128. Sep 04 01:58:33  Bruce laughs, flexing his hand, "Eigh lamh."
  129. Sep 04 01:58:55 <Viktor> <Pardon?>
  130. Sep 04 01:58:58 <Bruce> <Thanks, buddy.>
  131. Sep 04 01:59:18 <Bruce> <Roughly ice hand.>
  132. Sep 04 01:59:38 <Bruce> <Never good with gaelic, too slow, but it's easy to pick up small bits.>
  133. Sep 04 01:59:40  Bruce points at his head
  134. Sep 04 02:00:50 <Bruce> <Jet Little Cloak, for example.>
  135. Sep 04 02:02:48  Bruce shrugs and takes a few more drinks
  136. Sep 04 02:02:57  Viktor grins, "Keine Ursache, Kamerad"
  137. Sep 04 02:05:24 <Viktor> <No problem, buddy.>
  138. Sep 04 02:06:04  Bruce nods, idly talking for a bit longer, with Viktor and his pokemon, before heading back to his camp, and settling down, pulling a few pokemon in close and sleeping
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