
Template Boss WIP - Ash

Feb 17th, 2015
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  1. Name: Ash
  2. Age: Unknown
  3. Gender: M
  4. Classification: Fire Demon
  5. Occupation: Firestarter
  6. Height: 4’10”
  7. Weight: 99 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Red
  9. Hair: Red-orange
  10. Appearance:
  11. While it takes a bit of work to reveal Ash’s true form, he appears like a thin young teenager, with some muscles, and noticeably red-pink skin, with pointed ears and sharp nails. His head is large, with his most striking feature being his long hair, which would normally reach to around his hips, but instead it constantly fly upwards, blowing like a strong flame, and while it is overall a bright reddish orange, it flickers and gleams with streaks of yellow occasionally, and a aura of heat can be seen around it. His eyes are rather large, and even catlike, being colored red and with pretty thick eyebrows that match his hair in most ways. His nose, however, is quite small. He usually has a playful smirk, and often appears cocky, with a fang protruding upwards from his mouth. He wears very little, save some loose, baggy, indigo colored pants, with simple sandals. Around his wrists are large, thick golden bracelets, from which flames fly out and dance.
  13. Powers and Abilities:
  14. - Fires of Hatred
  15. Ash is a Fire Demon, which means that he has the power to control fire, and will even absorb it if he is hit with Fire damage, making him immune to damage from this element. However, Ash can do much more with his flames, as his flames must have some kind of fuel. In Ash’s case, he can use two things for fuel – hatred and anger.
  16. While not exactly the most pleasant sources of fuel, Ash will gladly do whatever it takes to feed his flames. While Ash can regularly create & control fire regardless, the more others express hatred or anger towards him, the stronger his flames grow. The degree to which doesn’t matter, so much as the amount of people – the strength of his flames are proportionate to the amount of people with such feelings for him, and while with no attention his flames are only as powerful as one might expect of a box of explosives, by the time just fifty people have such feelings for him, his flames are enough to wipe out a city in one go. When at least ten people are fuelling his flames, or when he himself is fuelling them, his flames also become near-impossible to put out, as they will then only disappear when running out of physical fuel or when Ash is defeated. This makes him very dangerous to take on, and being able to control one’s emotions when dealing with him even more important. It is important to note it can be absolutely anyone, and even mild feelings such as “eh this guy is annoying I hate that” will count towards fuelling his flames, so long as they are active feelings.
  17. Examples of his fiery techniques include:
  18. ~ Wyrm – A serpentine stream of fire is created, which is controlled by will and can travel anywhere within a distance of 200 meters. The amount of time it stays active is dependent on how much fuel it has, initially lasting two turns and gaining a turn every two people fuelling it.
  19. ~ Phoenix – Ash creates a large circular explosion around himself or a single target, ranging drastically depending on fuel, but starting off as being around 100 meters, growing by 10 meters per person fuelling it. Any physical objects in Phoenix’s range are lit on fire or completely melted, and if the ground is caught in this range, it will turn into molten lava.
  20. ~ Cerberus – Ash creates three orbs of fire, which then each fire three beams of flame in any direction he wishes. How long they stay active increases proportionally to how much fuel they have, initially lasting a turn and then gaining a turn for every two people fuelling the flame, and Ash cannot summon any more than three at a time, though Ash may dismiss any amount of them as he wishes.
  21. ~ Dragonbreath – Ash performs a lunging stab with Salamandr for about 25 meters, surrounded in flames as he does so. Once he stops or collides with someone/something, a large burst of flame is created around the blade, which will light any enemies it hits on fire, dealing constant Fire damage and burning away at their defenses, reducing their Toughness and Speed by one star. These flames will also weaken the opponent’s Toughness & Speed by one star for every two people.
  22. ~ Ifrit – Ash summons a large fiery spirit, which appears like a cartoonishly portioned demon, with a huge chest & arms, small featureless face with tall bull horns, and a small wisp from his waist down. This spirit will independently attack enemies in a 50 meter radius, using its fiery fists to pound enemies & melt most substances. Ifrit can be activated and deactivated any time Ash wants, but while it’s active, it can only take 5 separate attacks before dissipating, and once it takes these hits, it becomes unable to be used for five turns. Hits will be stored, even when deactivated, though when it is hit once, it creates a burst of flames that surrounds it & renders it invulnerable to extra attacks. Ifrit also benefits from Fire Soul.
  23. ~ Will-O-Wisp – After three people are fuelling Ash’s flames, he gains the ability to teleport anywhere in a range of 200 meters, disappearing in a puff of flames. Ash is invincible when he initially teleports, but is vulnerable when he reappears.
  25. - Distorting Smoke
  26. Where there’s a fire, there’s usually smoke, and Ash is no exception. Ash can control smoke to create the illusion that he has transformed, allowing him to take on the form of another quite convincingly. This can also be used to disguise his voice, and he can even use these illusions to create a weak imitation of the target’s powers. Ash can also use this power to create illusions wherever his flames burn, allowing him to distract others, though Ash can only have up to four of these illusions active at a time. However, breathing in smoke is dangerous, and will make one not only more susceptible to Ash’s illusions, but also make them more prone to anger and hatred – making his fires only stronger. Characters can resist the effects of his smoke through resistance to the Wind element, however.
  28. - Fire Demon Properties
  29. Alongside the aforementioned immunity to Fire damage, there are other traits that Ash has. One major one is his body takes on most properties of fire – flammable substances will burn at his touch, and direct contact with him can cause burns with how hot he is. Both of these traits can be disguised through self-regulation, however. Ash also is quite light, and can actually fly pretty easily, much like how fire lacks weight. Despite being a strong source of heat, which makes him vulnerable to heat-seeking attacks, due to his said immunity, even a nuclear explosion won’t faze him.
  31. - Fire Soul
  32. When at least three others are fuelling his flames, Ash can also use a power called Fire Soul, which for four turns grants him a body made of flame, which makes him completely invulnerable to physical, mental, and spirit attacks, though he becomes completely vulnerable to water. After these four turns, Ash cannot reactivate Fire Soul for three turns.
  34. Stats:
  35. -Strength: ***
  36. -Projection: ****
  37. -Toughness: ****
  38. -Attack Type: Fire, Wind, Impact, Slash
  39. -Resistances: Fire (Absorb), Water (-3, when in Fire Soul)
  40. -Endurance: ****
  41. -Stamina: *****
  42. -Speed: ****
  44. Standard Equipment:
  45. ~ Salamandr
  46. Ash’s signature broadsword, which he can materialize as he wishes. A great sword made of an otherworldly metal, colored and glowing much like molten steel, it is forever hot, vaporizing any liquids it touches and easily cutting through any metal. It is quite large, with a length of 140 centimeters, and despite looking like a two-handed weapon, Ash can easily wield it in one hand if he wishes. The blade itself features a series of crude runes on the blade, which morph constantly from the intense heat of the blade, and with a hilt that, surprisingly enough, just appears to be a basic one made of metal. The blade can transform if needed, though usually he only changes it to other blades.
  48. NOTES:
  49. ~ To put it bluntly, Ash is not intended to be used as a regular character, as he’s ill-suited for the role of protagonist and can get overly powerful in this setup. He is intended to be used as an antagonist strictly, and is designed as a boss. However, in the event one does wish to use Ash as a regular character for some reason, it is greatly recommended that it should be done in a scenario where he has no possible way to boost his fire abilities. As an antagonist, Ash is best put in scenarios where he can be aggravating to his opponents, the degree to which the GM can decide.
  51. ~ A turn refers to the time take during a player’s post, which starts when the player posts and lasts until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for effects based on rounds to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
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