
Red & Anon (Anon & Red) CYOA 1

Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. >while on a lazy friday afternoon you decide to go fishing
  2. >pole, boots, b8 and boat all ready
  3. >a couple of hours of fishing yields no results
  4. >feels bad man
  5. >the weather's picking up and you smell a storm a' brewing
  6. >just as you're about to leave for home again something appears out of the ordinary
  7. >some red shit is floating about on what you can only guess is drifting wood
  8. >you decide to check it out
  9. >as you row closer the red object starts to take form
  10. >it looks like a dyed dog of some sort
  11. >maybe a kid's toy or something
  12. >you row up to it to inspect it further
  13. >the weather's getting really bad now
  14. >oh shit!
  17. >it looks like one of those ponies you've seen being shitposted everywhere on the internet for the past 5 years
  18. >you decide to haul it out of the ocean
  19. >shit's heavy
  20. >the sound of pone hitting wood could be heard as it knocks it's head against the bottom boards of your boat
  21. >well shit.mp4
  22. >it's probably already dead anyways
  23. >the wind was really starting to whip the sea around now
  24. >better hurry the fuck up back to shore before you're swept up by the storm
  25. >why didn't you invest in a motorboat?
  27. >salty sea water splashes hard against your bow as you make it towards dry land
  28. >holy shit that was close
  29. >you stare at the mute body splayed out at the bottom of your boat
  30. >what the fuck are you gonna do with it
  31. >maybe if you…
  32. >nah that's fucking stupid
  33. >there's no way this thing has a pulse
  34. >you lay your head to what you just discovered to be a 'her's chest and listen
  35. >nothing
  36. >you figured
  38. >you should still bury her though
  39. >she can't lay here and rot
  40. >a burial at sea after all the effort of dragging her out of that mess of a weather seemed stupid
  41. >you sigh and sing her over your back
  43. >back home at last
  44. >the weather has blocked out the sun
  45. >with gray skies and rainy weather you figured this to be the perfect gloomy mood for a funeral
  46. >you know that if someone found you dead at sea you'd want a burial
  47. >an hour passes in the pouring rain as you finally finish her grave
  48. >a little shallow but you don't want to risk getting a cold being outside for too long
  49. >you pick the pony… thing up for the last time and lay her into her final resting place
  50. >you start to shovel dirt onto her when suddenly you start to hear gurgling sounds
  51. >the pony starts coughing up sea water in a fit as she twirls around in the mud hole frantically
  53. >the pony rears up in what you believe to be shock and fear as she turns her big blue eyes on you
  54. =="Neeigh!"==
  55. >well shit
  56. >maybe you should ask her what's up
  57. >she's probably pretty fucking freaked out
  58. >you know you'd be for sure
  62. "Hey, you alright?"
  63. >the mare's breathing sped up and you could see her chest rise and lower quickly
  64. >your words didn't seem to reassure her
  65. >and quite honestly, why would it?
  66. >horses can't speak
  67. "Sorry about the whole trying-to-bury-you-alive thing. I didn't know you were still kicking."
  68. =="Spare me!"==
  69. >there must be something in the water because you were sure that pony was responding verbally
  70. "Woah, chill, I'm not gonna kill you."
  71. >….
  72. >what the fuck were you supposed to say to her?
  73. "Hey, Ehh. What's your name?"
  74. >smooth, anon. Real smooth
  75. =="R-red."==
  76. >she's still shook up
  77. >you decide to take off the hood of your raincoat to look less like a serial-killer
  78. "Look, I come in peace or whatever. Shit girl. Relax."
  79. >you approach her and try to lift her out of the grave
  80. >Red immediately recoils at your touch
  81. >"Re-lax. I promise i'm not gonna hurt you."
  82. >you looked at her again
  83. >poor thing was shivering
  84. "You're soaked in seawater. If you stay out here you'll freeze to death. Let me help you."
  85. =="But, you're-"==
  86. "Look at it as an apology for trying to bury you alive."
  87. >"Oh. Hmm, Ok"
  88. >finally
  89. >you pick her up by the torso and cradle her
  90. >shit, she's heavier than she looks
  91. >and dirty as fuck
  92. >you figure being lost at sea and near homicide (ponycide?) will do that to you
  95. >getting her indoors you carefully place her in the hallway
  96. >Red shook herself getting all kinds of dirt on your previously clean shoes
  97. >you motherfucker
  98. >chill, anon. Chill
  99. >Red still looked miserable
  100. >maybe you should borrow her your shower
  101. >do ponies shower?
  102. >would the hair clog your drain?
  104. "Hey, you might want to shower all that shit off. You're not threading my house with all that mud and salt on you."
  105. >wow anon, rood much?
  106. >"I mean. You should probably take a shower or something, you look cold, mam."
  107. >Geez, you were not good with women
  108. >being an isolated fuck will do that to you
  109. "Here, I'll show you the bathroom."
  110. >you walked her to your shower
  111. =="thanks…. Eh, what was your name?"==
  112. "Anon."
  113. >no way you're giving out your name to a talking horse
  114. >you're pretty sure talking horses were one of the seven signs of the apocalypse
  115. >damnshame.jpg
  118. "You know how to shower, right?"
  119. =="What? Why wouldn't I?"==
  120. "It's just that, y'know. Not every day you see a talking horse."
  121. =="I am a pony though! What to you mean 'not every day?' Were are we?"==
  122. "What?"
  123. =="Were in Equestria are we, right now?"==
  124. "Uhh. Equestria?"
  125. "Look, just take a shower and we'll talk, alright?"
  126. >Red shot you a suspicious look
  127. =="Alright. But you better spill the guts afterwards."==
  128. "I will, promise."
  131. >you heard Red successfully manage to turn on the shower
  132. >you also heard her slip and fall
  133. >about to check it out you heard red call out somewhat in pain
  134. =="I'm alright, Anon!"==
  136. >deciding to give her some peace you slumped down on your couch
  137. >what the fuck was going on?
  138. >maybe you should call the police, or the animal protective services
  139. >she might belong to some rich, gene-splicing scientist or something
  140. >maybe a government experiment?
  141. >it would have to wait til tomorrow though
  142. >even if you called now, it would take quite some time for authorities to reach your distant location
  143. >while getting caught up in deep thought you heard Red at the bathroom door
  144. >sounded like he was having some difficulties unlocking it
  145. >no hands
  146. >it makes sense how a horse would have a hard time opening doors now that you think about it
  147. >you walk on over and open it up for her
  148. =="Stupid door! Hey. Thanks by the way."==
  149. >Red was now squeaky clean and her cream colored coat was no longer defiled with dirt
  150. >she was still wet though
  151. "You know what a door is?"
  152. >Res shook herself like a dog, getting water all over you and her surroundings before heading to your living room
  153. >you mad
  154. =="Why wouldn't I know what a door is?"==
  155. >easy, anon. Easy
  156. "You don't have hands, for one thing."
  157. =="My hooves usually does the trick. I don't know why they didn't work just now."==
  158. >how?
  159. >Red sat down on your floor and you retired to your favorite spot on the couch
  160. =="So. Mr Anon. I have a lot of questions to ask you."==
  161. "I could say the same."
  162. =="Well shoot. Who's first?"==
  164. >you got up to your feet to get a towel for the mess she made but figured you'd ask her some questions while doing so
  165. "So, how lazy were your parents when they decided to name you 'Red'?"
  166. =="I guess they thought it fitted my mane."==
  167. "Mhm."
  168. >you found a towel and started cleaning up after her
  169. =="I also heard from other ponies that it might be some form of symbolism but I've never really put too much thought into it. Why'd you ask? It's a pretty rude question."==
  170. "Messing up my house is pretty rude too. Stop drying yourself like a dog."
  171. >you tossed the towel in her face
  172. "There, clean up after yourself. I'm gonna make some food."
  173. >it was getting late and you'd hope to squeeze in a meal before night time
  175. >you head into the kitchen but to your dismay there's not enough spaghetti left from last night to fill two stomachs
  176. "Fuck."
  177. =="What's wrong?"==
  178. >wait a minute
  179. >horses eat grass!
  180. >Anon, you're such a genius
  181. "You don't mind eating grass, do you? I don't have enough sketties for both."
  182. =="Yuck! Grass? Do I look like some sort of cow to you?"==
  183. "You're shitting me. Horses eat grass!"
  184. "But I'm not a horse, Anon."
  185. >god damnit
  186. "Alright, alright. There's a local bakery 15 minutes away from here. We'll go get some pizza and I can tell you all you need to know abut this place on the way."
  187. >there's no way you'd let that thing out of sight in your home
  188. =="Actually, I'm feeling a little bit tired, Anon. Can I borrow your floor for the night?"==
  189. "Eh, I'm not too comfortable having you sleep here and all."
  190. =="Pleeease~!"==
  191. >Red did a puppy look
  192. >it's super effective
  193. "Ffffuck. Fine. But I'll be watching you."
  194. =="That's fine, it's your home after all."==
  195. >Red took a couple of circles before laying down on a carpet
  196. >you kept looking at her from your spot on the couch
  197. >hours passed with vidya on your cellphone before you ere convinced she was sound asleep
  198. >with the grace of a Russian ballet dancer you swooped her up and placed her on the couch.
  199. >you got a blanket and wrapped her in before going to bed in your own room
  200. >tomorrow's gonna be fun
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