
In the Shadow of the Sun - 1

Jan 20th, 2013
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  1. >~Let's do the time-warp again! Let's do the time-warp aga-~
  2. >You shut off your alarm and sigh.
  3. >Time to wake up.
  4. >As best you can, you drag yourself to the bathroom for the morning routine.
  5. >A glistening blade glides over your face as steaming water pours from the shower head.
  6. >No reason you can't combine two actions to reduce time wasted.
  7. >Stepping out of the shower, you glances yourself over in the mirror.
  8. "Lookin' good, Anon. Looking real good."
  9. >You flex dramatically, like a bodybuilder trying to intimidate his mirror into submission.
  10. >Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time with Spike. He was starting to rub off on you.
  11. >After you've finished with the bathroom, you throw on some clothes and move to the next vict-room of the morning.
  12. >The kitchen.
  13. >You stretch as you walk through the doorway, causing your back to pop.
  14. >Ah~ That felt good.
  15. >You pour yourself a bowl of Silver Spoonies.
  16. >It's not like being the only one eating this stuff would be, like, the most embarrassing thing ever.
  17. >Most don't don't like the flavor of this brand, but you enjoy the taste of unachieved self-entitlement peppered with future failures.
  18. >And of course, "Slivers of real Silver Spoon" whatever that means...
  19. >A sudden knock at the door forces a sigh from you.
  20. >Guess the day has officially begun.
  21. >You quickly finish your meal then trudge over to your front door.
  22. >With an exasperated sigh, you pull it open.
  23. >Fluttershy stands on your stoop with...
  24. >The other Mane Six?
  25. >And they're all wearing the Elements of Harmony.
  26. >This can't be good.
  27. >The yellow pegasus trots up to you with the largest grin you've ever see-
  28. >No that's a lie. Her smile used to get progressively larger with each fetish attempt, but she hit peak-smile about thirty-eight guesses ago.
  29. >You just keep thinking that out of habit.
  30. "What do you want, Fluttershy?"
  31. >You stare disapprovingly at the show of force in front of you.
  32. >"Oh, Anon! I know I haven't gotten it yet, but this time, I'm sure I've guessed your fetish!"
  33. >You look to the other p0nies and motion to Fluttershy, trying to get at least some acknowledgement that they heard what she had said.
  34. >Nothing. Of course.
  35. *Sigh* "What is it this time?"
  36. >Fluttershy squees as she takes her place among her friends.
  37. >"Eh-hem. Is being blasted with the most powerful magic in the world your fetish, Anon?"
  38. >Wait, wha-
  39. *PHWOARR*
  40. >The six ponies in front of you burst with bright white light and begin to levitate.
  41. >Against the roaring magic, you let out a scream in an attempt to reason with the technicolored rape-enablers floating ten feet from your home.
  43. >Rainbows emerge from each p0ny's necklace and worm their way towards Twilight.
  45. >The rainbows spiral around Twilight and connect with the Element of Magic.
  47. >You are cut off by a multihued blast that engulfs you and the others.
  48. >The ground disappears from under you and you begin to fall.
  49. >Colors and shapes rush past you in your downward spiral, creating a scene that Stanley Kubrick would no doubt be envious of.
  50. >Fluttershy and the rest all share a look of confusion as they fall with you.
  51. >Rainbow Dash attempts to fly, but her wings flap uselessly, providing no motion.
  52. >Twilight attempts to cast a spell.
  53. >The moment the magic escapes her horn, it is absorbed by the warped reality you find yourself in.
  54. >The studious unicorn begins to twitch when she sees her spell fail.
  55. >Rarity and Applejack are flailing around and screaming.
  56. >Curiously enough, AJ seems to be the louder of the two.
  57. >Pinkie just laughs as all of space and time distorts around her.
  58. >And Fluttershy...
  59. >Where was she?
  60. >A warm wetness surrounding your finger draws your attention.
  61. >Fluttershy is dry humping your arm while she sucks on your fingers.
  62. >Gross.
  63. >You shake her off and position to throw her at Rainbow.
  64. >You must have something against pegasi.
  65. >...
  66. >It's not racist.
  67. >You pull back and attempt to release Fluttershy, only to be sent flying backwards as she stays perfectly still.
  68. >Your last words as you hit the edge of the magic bubble surrounding you were the most clever you could think of.
  69. "Newton says NOOOOOOOO!"
  70. >With that perfect line, you disappear from the Mane Six's sight.
  72. >The sound of rushing air fills your ears.
  73. >You were still falling, albeit at an angle now.
  74. >You wonder where you- OH GOD, WATER!
  75. *SPLASH!*
  76. >You bounce off the surface of a lake.
  77. *SPLASH!*
  78. >This is very painful.
  79. *SPLASH!*
  80. >Humans aren't meant to be skipped like stones across a body of water.
  81. *SPLASH!*
  82. *SPLASH~Blub* *Blub*
  83. >You finally manage to come to a stop.
  84. >Underwater.
  85. >Which is ironic because your body feels like it's on fire from all the high powered water skimming you just performed.
  86. >You slowly float to the surface as muscle control comes back online.
  87. *Gasp*
  88. >Air has never tasted so good.
  89. >You manage to swim to the lakeside and collapse on the beach.
  90. >Turning onto your back, you attempt to discern your location.
  91. >Waterfalls pouring into the lake draw your attention towards a mountain.
  92. >A magnificent white city juts out of the mountainside and glows in the light of the rising sun.
  93. >Looks like you're near Canterlot.
  94. >A sudden flash of blue light causes you to clamp your eyes shut.
  95. >*Sniff* "Stupid Tia..."
  96. >That voice... you know you've heard it before.
  97. >"It's not fair. They all love you."
  98. >You prop yourself up and scan the area for the source of the familiar voice.
  99. >A dark sapphire pegasus hangs her head by the lakeside.
  100. >"They care nothing for me though!"
  101. >The lake explodes into a geyser as the pegasus flings her head up in a fit of rage.
  102. >She has a horn.
  103. >This pegasus is more than meets the eye it seems.
  104. >As the water rains down on both of you, she lowers her head again.
  105. >"No one cares about my beautiful night..."
  106. >That's it, Luna! This p0ny was Princess Luna!
  107. >You had never actually met the night princess, she always seemed to vanish when you tried to approach her.
  108. >The only reason you even recognized the voice was because Luna tends to forget how to speak quietly.
  109. >She could be heard clear from the other side of Ponyville, in fact.
  110. >The lunar princess gives on last sigh and picks herself up.
  111. >Keeping her head low, she turns and walks towards you.
  112. >No, not towards… AT you.
  113. >You try to drag yourself out of the way but…
  114. *Pomf*
  115. >Muscle control decides to call it a day, so you fall helplessly against the soft sand.
  116. >Luna is much closer now and apparently still hasn't seen you, judging from her unresponsive state.
  117. >This is going to be awkward. Maybe she'll turn away before reaching you though?
  118. >*Sigh* "I just want- Whoa!"
  119. >The mighty sovereign of the moon trips over you and falls flat on her face.
  120. >You stare at her flank.
  121. >Not because you're a pervert or anything, but because it is positioned right in front of your face.
  122. >This very close analysis of the p0ny in front of you causes you to realize something.
  123. >Luna is a lot smaller than you remember.
  124. >That, and her mane isn't a bizarre collection of stars and flowing aether.
  125. >All in all, she looks… younger.
  126. >"Ow~"
  127. >The young princess removes herself from you and stands up.
  128. >She looks down at you and backs away frightened.
  129. >"Wh- What are you?"
  130. >'What am I'?
  131. "Uh… Are you alright, princess? You're looking a little… deflated."
  132. >When she hears you speak, Luna begins to panic.
  133. >"How do you know of me? What is going on? What-"
  134. >Her face becomes serious.
  135. >"What did you overhear?"
  136. >Your eyes dart from side to side, looking for something to stare at that isn't an intimidating governor of a celestial body.
  137. >They determine the lake is the best thing to work with.
  138. >Keeping your sight fixated on the water, you speak.
  139. "Oh… You know… Nothing really. Heh, heh."
  140. >Your eyes betray you and steal a quick glance at Luna.
  141. >Her eyes are mere inches away from yours, looking down at you.
  142. >"I guess I'll have to find out the hard way."
  143. >A soft blue glow surrounds you as Luna places her horn against your chest.
  144. "No wai-"
  145. >An explosion of magic sends Luna soaring through the air.
  146. >She collides with a tree and slumps onto the ground, unconscious.
  147. >You gather your strength for a moment then force yourself up.
  148. >All four limbs protest, but you quiet their screams as you stumble over to Luna.
  149. >A patch of blood mars her coat near her head.
  150. >This probably wouldn't look good, you standing over the crumpled, unconscious body of a princess.
  151. >You lift your hand and gaze at the sparking ring on one of your fingers.
  152. >A token gift for you from the royal sisters due to your incessant complaining about Fluttershy.
  153. >It absorbed all mind spells used on you and turned the magic into a powerful explosion.
  154. >Non-lethal of course, but powerful enough to launch p0nies into trees apparently.
  155. >As you examine Luna for any major complications, a loud voice surprises you.
  157. "Wha-"
  158. *Thud*
  159. >The world fades to black as you fall to the ground.
  161. >You awake in some kind of dungeon.
  162. >The dank cell smells of hay and blood, a combination you never thought you'd experience.
  163. >Light filters through a small window lined with iron bars.
  164. >Shackles chained to your limbs, combined with your already exhausted state prevent exploring the chamber much.
  165. >You resolve to learn more about your surroundings after a nice nap.
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