
A Dazzling Pack XIII

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. >"Come on Nonny!"
  2. "No."
  3. >"Come swim with us. The water isn't cold or anything!"
  4. "No thank you."
  5. >It was an early Tuesday morning
  6. >You and your girls had decided that going to school today was something that none of you wanted to do
  7. >So you all decided to play hookie
  8. >And where did you go instead of school, you may ask?
  9. >The movies, maybe?
  10. >Or the mall?
  11. >Maybe you all just decided to stay at home and lay around like the pieces of lazy shit that you were?
  12. >None of the above
  13. >Because your girlfriends were fish people, they liked to go swimming every once in awhile
  14. >They preferred to swim in the ocean, but because the nearest coast was a hundred and fifty miles away, the three had a standing agreement with a local YMCA
  15. >Every year they'd get a ludicrous amount of money in the form of "donations", while the girls were able to use the pool whenever and however they wanted
  16. >So there you all were
  17. >The pool was completely empty other than the three of you
  18. >The lights had been turned down
  19. >Up above you could barely make out the wooden support beams of the roof
  20. >Everything smelled wet with just a hint of salt
  21. >You could see all of the things that they had at public swimming pools
  22. >Those dingy things
  23. >Half chewed pool noodles
  24. >Those giant bundles of rope that let people make lanes
  25. >Pool toys that no doubt would give you pink eye if you so much as LOOKED at them
  26. >You could see both Aria and Adagio doing laps in the pool
  28. >Back and forth they went, far faster than any human could hope to swim
  29. >They'd zoom down the length of the pool, kick off the end with enough force that you could heard it from a hundred feet away, and zoom right back to the shallow end
  30. >There weren't a lot of times that you thought your girls as anything other than a bunch of cute girls, but seeing them do this?
  31. >Moving like that?
  32. >Seeing their eyes GLOW in the water?
  33. >It helped punctuate the fact that even though they LOOKED like women, walked like women, and talked like them, it didn't actually mean that they were WOMEN
  34. >They were something more, something different
  35. >Something even a little bit scary
  36. >And that was fucking AWESOME
  37. >You had been watching them for the past ten minutes and not once had they come up for air!
  38. >How neat was that shit?
  39. >You, standing a safe distance away from the edge of the pool in nothing but a pair of swim shorts, couldn't help but find yourself smiling as you watched the girls
  40. >Though their faces were distorted by the water, they looked happy, content, at ease
  41. >They looked like they were home
  42. >You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt a hand brush against your foot
  43. >Looking down, you saw Sonata standing in the shallows
  44. >Lil' blue was soaked from the head down
  45. >Her hair hung wetly against her forehead and the sides of her neck
  46. >Droplets of water were running down her perfect skin, down her revealing bikini and those two big, beautiful breasts of hers
  47. >She was pushing those breasts against the concrete edge of the pool you saw, giving you a very nice view
  48. >For the past ten minutes she had been standing there pawing at you, giving you a sad puppy dog stare
  49. >But you weren't going to be swayed
  50. >Not this time
  52. >Nope
  53. >"Nonnnnnnnnny!" Sonata whined, her lip quivering. "Swim with us!"
  54. >You looked out onto the calm, crystal clear water of the swimming pool
  55. >Your stomach sinks
  56. "No thank you," you sad, fiddling with the beach towel in your hands. "I'm alright here."
  57. >Grunting, Sonata pulls herself out of the water a bit so that she can properly grab your ankle
  58. >"Come on! Just for a little while!" she begged, tugging on your leg. "Come play with us!"
  59. >Usually, you'd be out of your fucking mind not to take Sonata up on her offer
  60. >Who wouldn't want to swim with half naked beautiful women?
  61. >But there was a problem with that
  62. >A big one
  63. >See, when you were little you had seen the Jaws movie
  64. >And sweet god almighty did it fuck you up
  65. >Seeing that giant shark tear into those people, listening to them scream, watching blood pour into the water, it scarred you
  66. >It scarred you so much, in fact, that you were scared of going onto any sizeable bit of water
  67. >Bathtubs were fine, and so were jacuzzis
  68. >But the ocean?
  69. >Lakes?
  70. >Pools bigger than ten feet
  71. >It wasn't going to happen
  72. >Even the whole pool only went up to your knees you didn't want to get into it
  74. >Because there was a shark in that fucking pool
  75. >And the moment that you let your guard down he'd get you
  76. >HE'D. GET. YOU.
  77. "I'm fine right here, Sonata," you said, giving lil' blue a weak smile. "Why don't you go and swim with the other girls?"
  78. >"I don't wanna swim with the other girls, I wanna swim with you!" Sonata said, pouting
  79. >You looked back out at the water
  80. >...
  81. >There was a fin there...
  82. >You KNEW you saw a fin...
  83. >Dryly gulping, you tried to take a step back, only for lil' blue to hold onto you fast
  84. "Me and pools don't exactly mix very well, hon," you said
  85. >"And why not?" Sonata demanded
  86. >Shit...
  87. >She almost sounded stern for a second...
  88. >You looked down at your feet, her mind racing
  89. >A part of you wants to lie
  90. >Why the hell would you be scared of a shark being in a pool
  91. >Sharks didn't live in pools
  92. >This local YMCA didn't bring in a shark this morning so that it could eat you
  93. >You were also pretty sure that a shark couldn't survive in chlorinated water
  94. >But still
  95. >There was a voice in the back of your mind telling you that the water was dangerous
  96. >That you'd be shark food the second that you got in it
  97. >...
  98. >Fuck...
  99. >Making a face, you looked down at blue
  100. "I might be... SCARED of the water," you admitted
  101. >Sonata blinked slowly
  102. >"...Scared of water? Why are you scared of water?" she asked
  103. >You flinched
  104. "I'm not scared of the WATER," you said, a little more harshly than you meant to. "I'm scared of what's in the water. What could be in the water. I'm scared of what I think might be in the--"
  105. >You sighed, covering your face with a hand
  106. "I'm scared that there might be a shark in the water," you mumbled, shifting your weight from left to right
  108. >You braced yourself, waiting for Sonata to loudly repeat what you said
  109. >Because why wouldn't she?
  110. >You had the dumbest fear in the whole world
  111. >The dumbest, silliest fear that only a little kid should have
  112. >Blue might not be the one to poke fun at you but Adagio and Aria were
  113. >And if they heard her they were sure as shit going to make sure that you didn't hear the end of it
  114. >But that didn't happen
  115. >Instead, Blue let go of your leg
  116. >Before you could open your eyes to see what she was up to, there was a slash, and the sound of something heavy hitting the tiled floor
  117. >When you did manage to open your eyes you saw Sonata standing in front of you
  118. >She was dripping wet and her fists were clenched
  119. >Her face had lost all of its playfulness
  120. >She looked serious
  121. >Dead serious
  122. >...
  123. >Did...
  124. >Did she jump out of the pool?
  125. >Did she jump out of water like a fucking dolphin?
  126. >Puffing her chest out, she quickly closed the distance between the two of you
  127. >A little confused as to why she had gotten out of the pool you tried to take a step back, but you were too late
  128. >Wrapping her arms around you, Sonata pulled you into a hug, burying her face into the nape of your neck
  129. >You twitched in surprise as her wet, incredibly warm skin came into contact with yours
  130. >Her wet hair brushed against your nose, letting you smell the chlorine on it
  131. >Making a sound that was a mixture between a sigh and a whine, Sonata looked up at you with her pretty purple eyes
  132. >"D-Don't you love us, Nonny?" she whispered
  134. >You stiffened at the question
  135. "Love you? Of course I love you!"
  136. >Lil’ blue sniffled
  137. >"Then why won't you swim with u-us?" she asked, her voice cracking
  138. >Your stomach sank down into your toes
  139. >You might have been able to resist the puppy dog eyes, but the look that Sonata was giving you was too much
  140. >She looked, for all the world, like she was going to start crying
  141. >And there was nothing sadder than seeing lil blue crying
  142. "I-I, um," you sputtered, eyes darting around the room. "I really want to swim with you girls, but--"
  143. >"You know that we'd make sure that nothing would happen to you," Sonata whispered, rubbing her cheek against your bare chest. "We love you Nonny. We all love you a lot..."
  144. >Hnnnnnnnng
  145. >One of her hands found yours as you had a mini heartattack
  146. >"I just want to swim with you for a little while," she sadly mumbled, pressing herself a little more firmly against you. "Please? For a couple of minutes?"
  147. >...
  148. >FUCK!
  149. >Shutting your eyes tightly, you puff your cheeks out
  150. "Fine. FINE. Just stop giving me that fucking look!" you snapped. "I'll get in the fucking pool for a couple of minutes."
  151. >Sonata sharply inhaled
  152. >You made the mistake of opening your eyes to see if she was alright
  153. >In an instant Sonata turned from teary-eyed and sad to as happy as you've ever seen her
  154. >Her body language changed
  155. >She seemed taller
  156. >It might have been a trick of the low light in the room, but you were pretty sure that she glowed for half a second
  157. >She began bouncing like an excitable puppy, her hair bobbing with her
  159. >"Really?!" she chirped, a unrestrained smiling coming to her face
  160. >HNNNNNNNG!
  161. >Trying not to fall over, you nodded
  162. "Yeah, yeah, I'll get in the pool with you," you told her. "But I'm not going in the deep end."
  163. >That's where the sharks lived after all
  164. >If you stayed away from there maybe they wouldn't get you
  165. >Maybe
  166. >Her eyes positively SPARKLING, Sonata broke the hug
  167. >Grabbing your hand, she began talking a mile a minute
  168. >She talked about what the two of you were going to do in the water, how much fun you were going to have, how by the end of it you'd love to swim just as much as her and the other girls, how much she loved you
  169. >You barely heard any of it
  170. >Your gaze was on the water
  171. >Toward that deep end where you couldn't see the bottom
  172. >...
  173. >Whoo boy...
  174. >So that's what it feels like when you balls go up into your body...
  175. >Your movements are tense and jerky as Sonata leads you to the pool's edge
  176. >Letting go of your hand, she sat down and placed her feet in the water, a smile on her face
  177. >"Come on, Nonny, the water's nice and warm!"
  178. >You took a half-step toward the end
  179. >Then another half-step
  180. >You sat down, her nails scrapping against the miniature tiles near the concrete edge
  181. >Taking a deep, shaky breath, you slowly placed your feet into the water
  182. >You'regoingtobealright!
  183. >Nothingbadisgoingtohappen!
  184. >There'snosharksinthispool!
  185. >You jumped as, with a giggle, Sonata bumped your side
  187. >"That feels nice, doesn't it?" she asked
  188. >A great white shark can swim thirty five miles an hour
  189. >It can cover a hundred meters in less than five seconds
  190. >You keep your tap shut, wiggling your toes in the water
  191. >Sonata seems to take your silence as confirmation that you LIKE having your feet in a fucking DEATH TRAP
  192. >She smiles, reaching over and grabbing your hand while she playfully kicks her legs back and forth in the water
  193. >You squeeze her hand tightly, taking deep, slow breaths
  194. >In this position you could see both Aria and Adagio zooming through the water
  195. >They kept clear of the two of you, keeping their bellies low to the pool floor
  196. >After about a minute of sitting there trying not to sit your pants Sonata slowly slipped into the water
  197. >You jumped at the sudden movement, your head snapping over to her
  198. >"Come on, Nonny," she said with a bright smile. "Let's swim around a little."
  199. >She tugged on your hand
  200. >You gulped
  201. >A bull shark has fifty rows of teeth
  202. >It also has a bite pressure of six thousand newtons
  203. >With a few encouraging tugs from blue, you find yourself slowly slipping into the water
  204. >Surprisingly, it's warm
  205. >And, since you were in the shallow end, it only came up to your waist
  206. >No sharks hiding here!
  207. >Nope!
  208. >You were safe!
  209. >"Good job, Nonny!" Sonata cried, pulling you into a hug. "I knew that you could do it!"
  210. >Your eyes dart all around the water
  211. "I'm doing... something alright," you muttered, trying to calm yourself by nuzzling the top of blue's head
  213. >She lets out a coo, nuzzling you right back
  214. >You can hear the little man in the back of your head SCREAMING to get out of the pool, but you ignored it as best as you could
  215. >You were fine
  216. >You were going to swim around with your beautiful girlfriends, touch their butts a bit, and play around
  217. >Nothing was going to happen to you
  218. >You would be fine as long as you stay on right here in the corner where you can see everything
  219. >It's the p-perfect plan
  220. >Unfortunately for you, Sonata had other ideas
  221. >"Come on, Nonny," she said. "Lets swim around a little bit."
  222. >Her hands found yours and she began tugging you toward the middle of the pool
  223. >Your eyes widened hugely
  224. "H-Hang on a second," you said, a little loudly. "I'm f-fine where I am, thank you very much."
  225. >You tried to pull away, but Sonata's grip on you was iron
  226. >She began slowly but surely pulling you to the center of the pool
  227. >"We won't go to the deep end, Nonny, we're just going to the middle so we can splash around," she promised, giving both of your hands a squeeze. "You're doing really good. Just trust me."
  228. >Sharks can eat anything
  229. >They're death machines
  230. >They eat people
  231. >YOU'RE a people!
  232. >Though you want nothing more than to hop out of the water and onto dry land, you HAD promised lil blue that you'd play with her
  233. >So you allowed her to lead your sorry butt to the middle of the pool
  234. >Sonata, being the fucking genius that she was, did her best to make sure that you didn't have a panic attack
  235. >She stopped every few feet
  237. >Whenever you would try to look toward the deep end she'd pull your attention back to her
  238. >Every dozen or so steps she would pull you into a hug and kiss you
  239. >She also made sure to bounce those beautiful breasts of hers in your face whenever she could
  240. >Surprisingly, everything that she did worked pretty well
  241. >You mostly forgot the fact that you were swimming in a pool that may or may not possibly be filled to the BRIM with sharks
  242. >Your breath began to slow
  243. >Your balls dropped back into your sack
  244. >Your heartbeat began to slow
  245. >Soon, you found yourself standing in the middle of the shallows
  246. >"You did it, Nonny!" Sonata happily cried, throwing her arms around you. "Good job!"
  247. >The water was a little deeper here, but you did your best to ignore it
  248. >You instead smiled and wrapped your adorable little siren into a hug
  249. "Y-Yeah, I guess I--EEP!"
  250. >Before you could finish your sentence, you felt something brush against your backside
  251. >...
  252. >Sharks nibbled on something before they bit it
  253. >A shark was nibbling you
  254. >You had let your guard down
  255. >It was going to eat you and shit out your bones
  256. >Youweregoingtofuckingdie!
  257. >With a squeal you launched yourself up into the air
  258. >Because fear of death is one hell of a motivator, you managed to get a little bit of air before bellyflopping into the water
  259. >When that happened you puffed your chest up, tucked in your chin, and began to wildly flail in the water like a wounded seal
  260. >Hah!
  261. >T-That'd teach t-that fucking shark...
  262. "Dkfjvndkjnslknlkn!"
  263. >Sonata, gasping, quickly pulled grabbed you and pulling you against her
  265. "DON'T EAT ME!"
  266. >"NONNY!"
  270. >Sonata gave you a little shake
  271. >"It's alright, Nonny! That was just Aria! Aria touched you!"
  274. >Be Aria Blaze
  275. >You could feel your eyebrow twitch as your mate flailed around like a crazy person
  277. >...
  278. >Sharks?
  279. >Those pussies?
  280. >You shook your head as Anon did his very best to drown both himself and Sonata
  281. >You don't care what your mate says about being from a TOUGH GUY world
  282. >He was the biggest pansy in the world
  283. >He was YOUR pansy, but a pansy nonetheless
  284. >Smiling to yourself, you reach over and give that butt of his a pinch
  285. >He lets out a squeal, leaping into the air like a salmon
  286. >You extend your arms, catching him before he hit the water
  288. >...
  289. >Chuckling, you leaned down and kissed his nose
  290. "You're lucky you're cute."
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