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Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. Bakkheia - Red -
  2. As an action attempt to replace a scene distinction with a version of "Bakkheia", inducing a funky madness for a time. Roll 1d6 to determine which attribute the "Bakkheia" will affect, while this distinction is in effect you are required to use the attribute in any roll you attempt to make. Should the roll require an attribute, the "Bakkheia" attribute will override the requited attribute. Along with the roll's standard dc the "Bakkheia" distinction will impose a separate dc. On failure the action will be dramatically hampered, possibly still succeeding based on the other factors of the roll but not to the desired effect. When used Evan can denote any number of targets(including himself) to obtain "Substance", an item that will increase the chance of success for those who consume it. "Substance" will make the "Bakkheia" dc on the turn of consumption(For out of combat assume within a 10-20 second period) easier to pass. However anyone who consumes more than three doses within a 24 hour period will suffer 1d10 Magical and 1d10 Emotional Stress. "Bakkheia" can be ended as an item action for 2pp or else it will continue to be in effect until decided by the GM.
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