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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. If you insist...
  3. Don't announce that you're new. People will be doing that for you for years.
  5. There is absolutely no correct genre of music to listen to. For example, if you love rock you're a rockist plebe and should fuck off back to leddit to be with your kind. If you hate rock you're a pretentious avant-teen and should fuck off back to RYM to be with your own kind
  7. Your opinions must be in one of two massive extremes. Either something is terrible and toxic to the point that it lessens music as a means of artistic expression in its mere existence. Or it's a work of art so profound, so beautiful and so flawless that you must take it as a personal attack if people don't like it. You should mention how often you cry to the latter and how often you cry about the former. Absolutely no moderate or understated opinions allowed.
  9. I hope you like pop music released in the past 60 years because that's pretty much all we talk about here. Classical, experimental and traditional are shunted off to their own threads filled with bitter little assholes like myself complaining about how the rest of this board has awful taste in everything (which isn't untrue)
  11. Be prepared for your every opinion to be perceived as having been influenced by a publication or a political agenda. Actual music discussions have been replaced with people attempting to undermine each other in ways more ludicrous than the last.
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