

Mar 14th, 2012
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  1. >Wake up
  2. >feel the bed shift a little
  3. >panic mode activated
  4. >jump out of the bed fast as hell
  5. >allclear.jpg
  6. "Wow…I thought someone was on my bed"
  7. >Oh shit you're losing it
  8. >do the usual morning things; fap, shit, piss, fap, shower, and eat
  9. >walk up the stairs
  10. >hear soft hoofbeats
  11. >ninja mode on
  12. >jump off the staircase and into a roll. Look up…no one there, look behind you…same
  13. "Okay I need to get out of the house"
  14. >You walk out the door and lock that bitch
  15. >You rip out a hair and leave it tucked in the door frame
  16. >Manly tears were shed
  17. >you walk over to the park and greeted many ponies on the way
  18. >notice some mares check you out
  19. >awwwyeeaahhh.jpg
  20. >sadly though you noticed that no other female human will ever see your new acquired athletic body
  21. >foreveralone.tif
  22. >”Hey Anon”
  23. >You look around and see it was Twilight that greeted you
  24. "Hey Twilight, need something?"
  25. >Twilight: "Have you seen Fluttershy? I stopped by her cottage this morning and she wasn’t there”
  26. >Gladly your day has not been ruined by one of her ridiculous attempts of shagging with you
  27. "Sorry Twilight I (luckily) haven’t seen her all day"
  28. >Twilight: ”Well okay, if you do see her please tell her that she needs to return some of the books she burrowed”
  29. "Okay Twilight I will"
  30. >You both depart and do your own thing
  31. >Your day just got 20% cooler
  32. >RD: ”Hey Anon, wanna hang for a bit?”
  33. "Sure thing Rainbro, what do you wanna do?"
  34. >RD: ”I was thinking hanging under a tree and just relaxing”
  35. "Sure why not"
  36. >You hang under a tree while your bro relaxes on a branch
  37. >You guys talk for a while till you doze off
  38. >You wake up
  39. >Your bro is right next to you helping you staying warm, what a bro
  40. >You move a little closer to her and Rainbow Dash wakes up with a blush
  41. "Hey thanks for keeping me warm bro"
  42. >RD: ”No problem Anon…just making sure we both stay warm
  43. >you get up and help RD up
  44. >RD: ”Well…uh see ya Anon”
  45. >You noticed that some time has passed since the sun is going to set soon
  46. "Bye Rainbro, see ya another time"
  47. >You bump your fist with her hoof
  48. >”Yeah see ya…bro and be careful, there is a planned storm tonight”
  49. "Thanks for the warning"
  50. >what a bro
  51. >You walk your happy ass back to your home
  52. >you inspect that door with a keen fucking eye
  53. >the hair is still in place as you left
  54. >you walk in and head to the kitchen
  55. >you noticed for some odd reason an apple is out in the middle of the table
  56. >you shrugged it off and figured you left it there that morning
  57. >you head over to your couch and hear a page turn
  58. >the room suddenly feels cold
  59. "Burr…why is it cold?"
  60. >as you sit down on the couch you see a book open to a random page
  61. >you pick it up and see what it was left on
  62. >the pros of a human having sex with a Pegasus written and published by Fluttershy
  63. >oh shit it suddenly feels more colder
  64. >you look around for any open windows
  65. >you hear the creaking of the floor board
  66. "…but I stopped moving…"
  67. >suddenly your zipper goes down
  68. "OH SHIT!"
  69. >your pants fall on the ground
  70. >you feel like a fool and try picking them up but you're suddenly knocked down to the ground
  71. "Oh shit, oh shit"
  72. >than it all clicked
  73. "FLUTTERSHY! Ghosts are not my fetish!"
  74. >silence fills the room and you no longer feel pressure
  75. >then you jump once you hear lightning
  76. >you see a shadow of a pony on your wall
  77. "Man that is creepy, please leave Fluttershy and…"
  78. >wait…how is she a ghost…OH SHIT
  79. >Ghost FS: ”I am sorry…Anon…I…thought it was your…”
  80. >You can barely hear her but god damn that sends shivers down your spine
  81. "Okay listen Fluttershy, I will head over to Twilight’s and see if she can help you"
  82. >because the last thing you need is to be haunted by her
  83. >Fucking Fluttershy
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