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Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. '''
  2. CSGO_STATS_BOT Source Code
  3. BETA v0.12 7/29/2014
  4. Created by: Quack Lord
  6. How it works:
  7. The bot scrapes for certain entries about various players in
  8. a post or when summoned with +/u/CSGO_STATS_BOT. It then saves the ID
  9. of every post/comment to a text file so it will not comment to the
  10. same one twice, preventing spam. Since doesn't neatly create
  11. a list of players for me, I had to do it myself with update_Playerlist().
  12. The rest of how it works is explained in comments.
  14. I am going to give a brief explanation of what everything does rather
  15. than how I do it because I don't have the time to do that. If you have
  16. any question on HOW or WHY I did something, pm me @ /u/CSGO_STATS_BOT.
  18. Feel free to use/modify this code in anyway you wish except for the
  19. reproducing my bot. (i.e I don't want 2 of my bot running around) If
  20. you come up with a major change, features, etc that you add to this bot
  21. please send me the source code and I will add it in and give you credit
  22. where deserved.
  23. '''
  25. import sys
  26. import time
  27. import praw
  28. from time import gmtime, strftime
  29. import urllib.request
  30. from pprint import pprint
  32. version = "BETA v0.21"
  34. #Creates a list of every player in by going through every ID 1-8410 to
  35. #check if the name is not N/A and they have played more than 1 map. If their name
  36. #is N/A or they haven't played a map, it adds a line N/A in the text file, otherwise
  37. #it adds their name. This will be used later.
  38. def update_Playerlist():
  39.     i = file_len("PlayerIDs.txt")
  40.     for b in range (1, 841-int(i/10)):
  41.         with open("PlayerIDs.txt","a") as f:
  42.             for c in range (1, 11):
  43.                 i = i+1
  44.                 url = ""+str(i)+"&eventid=0&gameid=2"
  45.                 uf = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
  46.                 text = str(
  47.                 index = text.index("Player stats: ")+14
  48.                 name = text[index:].split(" ")[0]
  49.                 index = text.index("Maps played")+126
  50.                 maps = int(text[index:index+1])
  51.                 if name != "N/A" and maps > 0:
  52.                      f.write(name+"\n")
  53.                      print(str(i)+"- " + name+":"+str(maps))
  54.                 else:
  55.                     f.write("N/A\n")
  56.                     print(str(i)+"- " +"N/A")
  58. #Opens the text file created by update_Playerlist() and adds every name to a list,
  59. #the reason I had to have the N/A in the text file was so that here it would keep
  60. #the player's ID associated with them.
  61. def getPlayers():
  62.     players = []
  63.     with open("PlayerIDs.txt") as f:
  64.         for line in f:
  65.             players.append(line.replace("\n",""))
  66.     return players
  68. #Simply gets the number of lines in a file.
  69. def file_len(fname):
  70.     with open(fname) as f:
  71.         for i, l in enumerate(f):
  72.             pass
  73.     return i + 1
  75. #Modified bubble sort I used to sort the players by ranking. I had to have 3 arrays:
  76. #Player names: Stored the name of every player
  77. #Player Ratings: Stored the rating of every player
  78. #Indexes: created in the sort to keep track of where every player moved to.
  79. def bubble_sort(arr1,arr2):
  80.     indexes = []
  81.     for i in range(0, len(arr1)):
  82.         indexes.append(i)
  83.     unsorted = True
  84.     while unsorted:
  85.         unsorted = False
  86.         for i in range(1,len(arr1)):
  87.             if arr2[i] > arr2[i-1]:                
  88.                 temp = arr2[i]
  89.                 arr2[i] = arr2[i-1]
  90.                 arr2[i-1] = temp
  92.                 temp = arr1[i]
  93.                 arr1[i] = arr1[i-1]
  94.                 arr1[i-1] = temp
  96.                 temp = indexes[i]
  97.                 indexes[i] = indexes[i-1]
  98.                 indexes[i-1] = temp
  100.                 unsorted = True
  101.     return indexes
  103. #Gets the player infor for every player in list inPost. The data points it gathers
  104. #are K/D ratio, Rounds played, Average Kills, Team, HLTV rating, profile URL, Team URL.
  105. #I used a VERY crude way of scraping the site for the data I needed. I can't go into
  106. #detail without dragging on forever, so PM if you want to know the HOW/WHY behind it.
  107. #Then it starts to put together the response with a lot of formatting and the data found.
  108. #It calls the bubble_sort method to determine the order of the people in the post.
  109. def get_player_info(inPost):
  110.     Reply = "Player Name | Primary Team | K/D Ratio | Kills per round | More\n"+":----------|:------------|:---------|:---------------|:-----:\n"
  111.     KDs = []
  112.     Rounds = []
  113.     AverageKills = []
  114.     Team = []
  115.     TeamURLs = []
  116.     Ratings = []
  117.     URLs = []
  119.     for i in range (0, len(inPost)):
  120.         url = ""+str(inPost[i].split("|")[0])+"&eventid=0&gameid=2"
  121.         uf = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
  122.         text = str(
  123.         URLs.append(url)
  125.         index = text.index("K/D Ratio")+124
  126.         index2 = text[index:].index("</div>")
  127.         KDs.append(text[index:index+index2])
  129.         index = text.index("Rounds played")+128
  130.         index2 = text[index:].index("</div>")
  131.         Rounds.append(text[index:index+index2])
  133.         index = text.index("Average kills per round")+138
  134.         index2 = text[index:].index("</div>")
  135.         AverageKills.append(text[index:index+index2])
  137.         index = text.index("Rating <a href")+259
  138.         index2 = text[index:].index("</div>")
  139.         Ratings.append(float(text[index:index+index2]))
  141.         index = text.index("Primary team:")+129
  142.         index = index + text[index:].index(">")+1
  143.         index2 = text[index:].index("</a>")
  144.         Team.append(text[index:index+index2])
  146.         index = text.index("Primary team:")+138
  147.         index2 = text[index:].index("\"")
  148.         TeamURLs.append(""+text[index:index+index2].replace("&amp;","&"))
  151.     if len(inPost) > 0:
  152.         indexes=bubble_sort(inPost,Ratings)
  153.         for i in range(0, len(inPost)):
  154.            # print(str(Ratings[i]) + " " + inPost[i])
  155.             Reply = Reply + inPost[i].split("|")[1] + "(["+str(Ratings[i])+"]( | [" + Team[indexes[i]] + "]("+TeamURLs[indexes[i]]+") | " + KDs[indexes[i]] + " | " + AverageKills[indexes[i]] + " | [HLTV](" + URLs[indexes[i]] + ")\n"
  156.         Reply = Reply + "^Players ^ordered ^by ^rating ^on ^  \n\n**NOTE:** *Some players may not appear because I have no stats for them on HLTV, I am looking for more websites to gather data from.*\n\n**DISCLAIMER** *You should not use these stats to solely determine your bet, please do more research before you bet as this bot is not responsible for your bets*\n\n Questions? Comments? Improvements? Let me know [on this bot's thread!](\n  \n  \n Moderators, Please remove (or message me about) any spam created by this bot (SORRY!) and message me with any bugs you notice, thanks!  \n*Current Version: " + version + "* [source]("
  158.         return Reply
  160. #Stores comment ID to a text file so it doesn't double post.
  161. def store_comment_ID(comment):
  162.     with open("CommentIDs.txt", "a") as f:
  163.         f.write("\n")
  165. #Stores post ID to a text file so it doesn't double post.
  166. def store_submission_ID(submission):
  167.     with open("SubmissionIDs.txt", "a") as f:
  168.         f.write("\n")
  170. #Checks to see if the supplied comment ID has been replied to yet.
  171. def check_comment_ID(cid):
  172.     with open("CommentIDs.txt") as f:
  173.         for line in f:
  174.             if cid in line:
  175.                 return False
  176.     return True
  178. #Checks to see if the supplied post ID has been replied to yet.
  179. def check_submission_ID(sid):
  180.     with open("SubmissionIDs.txt") as f:
  181.         for line in f:
  182.             if sid in line:
  183.                 return False
  184.     return True  
  186. #Main method:
  187. #Logs into reddit and gets the newest 20 posts to check through.
  188. #First it will check for posts with the flair 'Match' so that it only
  189. #goes to matches that haven't been finished yet. It checks the selftext
  190. #for names and then saves them to a list and send them up to get_player_info()
  191. #Next it goes to comments, searching any of the newest 20 posts for the
  192. #+/u/CSGO_STATS_BOT summon. Once it finds the summon, it will search the
  193. #same way it does the post. Then both post the replies.
  195. #update_Playerlist()
  196. r = praw.Reddit('Counter Strike:Global Offensive player stats bot version: ' + version)
  197. r.login("USERNAME","PASSWORD")
  198. already_done = set()
  199. players = getPlayers()
  200. print ("Bot logged in...")
  202. while True:
  203.     subreddit = r.get_subreddit('csgobetting')
  204.     subs = [];
  205.     subs.append(r.get_submission(submission_id="2byr6w"))
  206.     for submission in subreddit.get_new(limit=10):
  207.         subs.append(submission)
  208.     for submission in subs:
  210.         inPost = []
  211.         #Each Post
  212.         if submission.link_flair_text == "Match" and check_submission_ID(
  213.             text = submission.selftext.replace(","," ").lower().split()
  214.             for i in range (0, len(players)):
  215.                 player = players[i].lower()
  216.                 if player in text and players[i] != "N/A" and players[i] not in inPost:
  217.                     print("Found "+players[i]+"(#"+str(i+1)+") in the post!")
  218.                     inPost.append(str(i+1)+"|"+players[i])
  219.             try:
  220.                 submission.add_comment(get_player_info(inPost))
  221.                 store_submission_ID(submission)
  222.             except:
  223.                 print("Error! not posting(post) " +
  224.                 pass
  226.         #Each comment
  227.         submission.replace_more_comments(limit=25, threshold=1)
  228.         flat_comments = praw.helpers.flatten_tree(submission.comments)
  229.         for comment in flat_comments:
  230.             inComment = []
  231.             text = comment.body.replace(","," ").lower().split()
  232.             if "+/u/csgo_stats_bot" in text and check_comment_ID(
  233.                 for i in range (0, len(players)):
  234.                     player = players[i].lower()
  235.                     if player in text and players[i] != "N/A" and players[i] not in inComment:
  236.                         print("Found "+players[i]+"(#"+str(i+1)+") in a comment!")
  237.                         inComment.append(str(i+1)+"|"+players[i])
  238.                 if len(inComment) > 0:
  239.                     comment.reply(get_player_info(inComment))
  240.                     store_comment_ID(comment)
  241.     print("Sleeping for 1 minutes. Time of sleep: " + strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
  242.     time.sleep(60)
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