
Horse Cart Session 1

Mar 25th, 2009
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  1. [2009-03-24 16:36:51] <huh> There was a certain baron, who lived in ages past. His castle, an imposing mass of rock and metal, hewn from the bones of mountains. The stonework was masterful, and it was decorated lavishly. The castle stood beautiful and yet terrible, a reminder to the surrounding people of its owner's continued existence. That master was one who was called a demon, but always when there were watchful ears about.
  2. [2009-03-24 16:37:30] =-= Gaatz is now known as [Gtz]Lyca
  3. [2009-03-24 16:37:37] =-= Spiku is now known as [Spi]Kaz
  4. [2009-03-24 16:39:03] =-= Maryn is now known as [Ora]Alataecia
  5. [2009-03-24 16:40:26] <huh> With his white hair and golden eyes, he certainly looked the part. And his power was imense. His skill in politics and his cunning lead him into a high seat of power. From there, he needed not even exercise his might. Its mere presence kept the populace subservient, no matter their feelings toward their great leader.
  6. [2009-03-24 16:41:42] <huh> And yet, it was a fact that this leader had taken on a good amount of maids, and was accustomed to treating them well. What his true personality is, perhaps only his servants know.
  7. [2009-03-24 16:42:13] =-= Pygmalion is now known as [PYG]Remy
  8. [2009-03-24 16:42:45] =-= Dune is now known as [Dune]Yano
  9. [2009-03-24 16:46:44] =-= nftyw is now known as [nfty]Garnet
  10. [2009-03-24 16:47:18] =-= [Gtz]Lyca is now known as Gaatz
  11. [2009-03-24 16:47:24] =-= [PYG]Remy is now known as Pygmalion
  12. [2009-03-24 16:47:34] =-= [Spi]Kaz is now known as Spiku
  13. [2009-03-24 16:49:24] =-= huh is now known as [huh]GM
  14. [2009-03-24 16:49:27] =-= Spiku is now known as [Spi]Kaz
  15. [2009-03-24 16:50:40] <[huh]GM> And so that brings us to a new day, with the sun rising drowsily over the castle...
  16. [2009-03-24 16:51:27] * [Spi]Kaz snores, rocking gently in tangled mess of web that litters her niche in the ceiling
  17. [2009-03-24 16:52:37] * [Spi]Kaz "... don't run... Maryn~"
  18. [2009-03-24 16:52:41] * [nfty]Garnet looks at the time, surrounded with bits and pieces of cut green glass she used to practice her craft. "Hmm... it's almost morning."
  19. [2009-03-24 16:54:04] <[nfty]Garnet> ... Ah, they can wait.
  20. [2009-03-24 16:54:04] * [Ora]Alataecia is still in deep sleep, possibly snoring, amongst the mess in her room.
  21. [2009-03-24 16:54:16] |<-- Pygmalion has left (Quit: �­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ�­ィ)
  22. [2009-03-24 16:54:33] * [Dune]Yano rises in her bed, already fully awakened by the sun's rising.
  23. [2009-03-24 16:54:42] =-= HY is now known as HY|write
  24. [2009-03-24 16:55:01] * [nfty]Garnet returns to her work, carefully adding one of the jewels to a brass band.
  25. [2009-03-24 16:56:03] * [Spi]Kaz wiggles her fingers tentatively in her sleep with a dopey grin fixed on her head, which is lulling upsidedown from her nest
  26. [2009-03-24 16:58:48] -->| Pygmalion (~chatzilla@SHUT.UP.AND.EXPLODE) has joined #maidrpg
  27. [2009-03-24 16:59:31] * [Dune]Yano , looking blankly at the glyphs on the back of her left hand, and then gets up from the bed to dress herself in her uniform, preparing for the day.
  28. [2009-03-24 17:00:27] * [nfty]Garnet file file. Pick, tweeze. Pliers...
  29. [2009-03-24 17:01:03] =-= [huh]GM is now known as [huh]Meliel
  30. [2009-03-24 17:01:40] * [Ora]Alataecia tosses and accidently hits the shelf full of porcelian figures, one of them falling and hits Alataecia on the head. If she wasn't awake she is now.
  31. [2009-03-24 17:01:59] * [Ora]Alataecia rubs her head..
  32. [2009-03-24 17:02:07] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Ow.. what a wake-up call."
  33. [2009-03-24 17:03:25] * [Dune]Yano finishes dressing, tying her apron and moving to stand in the center of her room.
  34. [2009-03-24 17:04:04] * [Ora]Alataecia spots the broken figure on the floor. Then begins to freak out a little.
  35. [2009-03-24 17:04:20] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Aw, crap. Well I'll fix it later."
  36. [2009-03-24 17:06:48] * [Spi]Kaz shudders visiably, arches her back, and falls out of her nest!
  37. [2009-03-24 17:08:16] * [Ora]Alataecia groggily approaches the the closet for her maid clothes. This one will do.
  38. [2009-03-24 17:08:39] * [Dune]Yano stands in the middle of her personal room, wings slightly fluttering as she exhales and begins focusing herself.
  39. [2009-03-24 17:09:38] * [Spi]Kaz swings lazily back and forth from a strand of web, arms hanging limply passed her face. She still snores gently, daft grin still perpetuating on her face. Her oscilation brings her close to bashing her head on the dresser...
  40. [2009-03-24 17:13:23] =-= Gaatz is now known as Gaatz|salmon
  41. [2009-03-24 17:14:10] * [Spi]Kaz wooshes passed her unused bed's bedpost
  42. [2009-03-24 17:14:16] * [nfty]Garnet finishes making her ring! She holds it high above her head. It is a brass band encrusted with rings of green glass, menacing with spikes of obsidian etc.
  43. [2009-03-24 17:14:31] * [Dune]Yano raises her right hand so that its palm is touching the horn on her forehead, pricking it and drawing a small amount of blood.
  44. [2009-03-24 17:14:49] <[nfty]Garnet> ... I'm thirsty.
  45. [2009-03-24 17:15:13] * [nfty]Garnet finishes inspecting her masterpiece and sticks it with all the others, and goes to the kitchen to get a drink.
  46. [2009-03-24 17:16:52] * [Spi]Kaz whacks her head against the hear by her dressing table! Ow!
  47. [2009-03-24 17:17:07] =-= HY|write is now known as HY
  48. [2009-03-24 17:17:09] <[Spi]Kaz> "Nyk-argh!"
  49. [2009-03-24 17:17:22] * [Dune]Yano now holds her right hand cupped, a small pool of blood within it which she uses to smear over her the back of her left hand held in front of her, causing the glyphs to begin to glow.
  50. [2009-03-24 17:18:13] * [Spi]Kaz falls to the floor with a crash, her dressing table rocks forward and spills forth clothing upon her tangled self
  51. [2009-03-24 17:18:20] * [Ora]Alataecia finishes dressing and hears her stomach rumbles...
  52. [2009-03-24 17:18:35] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Ngh... food."
  53. [2009-03-24 17:18:47] * [Dune]Yano keeps her eyes closed while the blood disappears, and chants:
  54. [2009-03-24 17:19:16] <[Spi]Kaz> "Myoorr... Who left that there?!"
  55. [2009-03-24 17:19:39] * [Ora]Alataecia makes her way slowly into the kitchen stumbling along the way.
  56. [2009-03-24 17:19:57] * [Spi]Kaz pulls herself free of her dispatched furniture, and stretches out with a long yawn, one arm extending after another in a haphazardous splay
  57. [2009-03-24 17:20:22] <[Dune]Yano> Eye in the sky, come to my side,
  58. [2009-03-24 17:20:33] =-= HY is now known as Sigma
  59. [2009-03-24 17:20:33] =-= Sigma is now known as Guest38789
  60. [2009-03-24 17:20:33] <[Dune]Yano> fee paid, you are mine.
  61. [2009-03-24 17:20:50] =-= Guest38789 is now known as Evil_Eye_Sigma
  62. [2009-03-24 17:21:12] <[Dune]Yano> Until your contract ends, life perished in duty shall yours become rend.
  63. [2009-03-24 17:21:23] * [Spi]Kaz hops to her feet, and exclaims "Ha-hah!" proudly at the world! Good morning new day, and no hangover~
  64. [2009-03-24 17:21:51] =-= Evil_Eye_Sigma is now known as HY
  65. [2009-03-24 17:22:15] * [Spi]Kaz ruffles her unkept hair in a vague attempt to make it presentable, and starts to get dressed
  66. [2009-03-24 17:22:17] * [nfty]Garnet is in the pantry, chugging a large bottle of Power-Ade. Glug glug glug...
  67. [2009-03-24 17:25:18] [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. [[Help][Get more information about this error online][faq connection.reset]]
  68. [2009-03-24 17:25:45] -->| YOU (Ataisai) have joined #maidrpg
  69. [2009-03-24 17:25:45] =-= Topic for #maidrpg is ``MaidRPG IC channel. OOC in #maidrpgooc - BF Session 10 Logs - SDMR Session 6: The Softest Emperor Returns!''
  70. [2009-03-24 17:25:45] =-= Topic for #maidrpg was set by Gaatz!~Mary@BRUTAL.AND.RUTHLESS on Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:38:53 PM
  71. [2009-03-24 17:25:55] <--| Evil_Eye_Rho has left #maidrpg
  72. [2009-03-24 17:26:31] * [Spi]Kaz squints her eyes, looks left, then right... then left again, and grins once more
  73. [2009-03-24 17:26:32] =-= Ars is now known as Evil_Eye_Eta
  74. [2009-03-24 17:28:16] * [Spi]Kaz closes her door. A few moments later she remerges as a spider, and climbs across the ceiling and sneaks along to the other maid's rooms stealthily, to see who is still around
  75. [2009-03-24 17:28:46] =-= Evil_Eye_Pi is now known as Little_Devil
  76. [2009-03-24 17:28:58] =-= Little_Devil is now known as Pygmalion
  77. [2009-03-24 17:29:13] * [nfty]Garnet finishes drinking. Ahhh.
  78. [2009-03-24 17:29:46] * [Dune]Yano then exits her room and begins heading to the kitchen, the sparrow now leaving her hand to fly about the house and scout around for her.
  79. [2009-03-24 17:30:14] * [nfty]Garnet looks over at Alataecia. "Breakfast? I suppose so..."
  80. [2009-03-24 17:30:39] * [Spi]Kaz drops down from the ceiling behind Yano, and flings two arms over her shoulder, chin resting on her head and bosom pressed against her neck
  81. [2009-03-24 17:30:39] =-= Evil_Eye_Eta is now known as Ars
  82. [2009-03-24 17:30:45] <[Spi]Kaz> "MOOOORNNIIIIING~"
  83. [2009-03-24 17:30:47] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Great, y'think the the others would want some too? I don't want to leave them out too..."
  84. [2009-03-24 17:31:07] * [nfty]Garnet nods. "I am sure the Master would like to eat as well."
  85. [2009-03-24 17:31:26] <[nfty]Garnet> We should make, three meals maximum perhaps.
  86. [2009-03-24 17:32:00] * [Ora]Alataecia grins. "Alrighty. Lets cook, hopefully I can still remember that meal."
  87. [2009-03-24 17:32:01] * [Dune]Yano is taken completely by surprise, and her wings go berserk in panic.
  88. [2009-03-24 17:32:03] <[Dune]Yano> YAAH!
  89. [2009-03-24 17:32:15] =-= Ars is now known as Tokiko
  90. [2009-03-24 17:32:16] <[Spi]Kaz> "AAH!"
  91. [2009-03-24 17:32:59] * [nfty]Garnet follows Alataecia into the kitchen. "Indeed."
  92. [2009-03-24 17:33:02] * [Spi]Kaz loses her footing from the wing buffeting, and falls forward
  93. [2009-03-24 17:35:22] * [Dune]Yano goes to try and spin around to shake off the assailant, but is foiled as said assailant falls onto her back, causing Yano to fall to the floor as well in a tumble of maids and wings.
  94. [2009-03-24 17:35:56] * [Spi]Kaz grabs hold of Yano with two of her untangled arms
  95. [2009-03-24 17:36:02] <[Spi]Kaz> "Gotcha~"
  96. [2009-03-24 17:37:34] * [Ora]Alataecia finishes cooking. Took a little bit longer than usual but at least it looks good enough to eat. "Its ready Garnet. Help yourself, the others should be here shortly. Don't forget to save some for the master."
  97. [2009-03-24 17:37:57] * [Dune]Yano blushes a little upon hearing Kaz's voice and feeling her weight on top of herself.
  98. [2009-03-24 17:38:05] * [nfty]Garnet takes about a third of the food. "Thank you. This smells pretty good."
  99. [2009-03-24 17:38:40] * [nfty]Garnet sets her plate on the table. "Actually, I wonder what the master is doing."
  100. [2009-03-24 17:39:04] <[Spi]Kaz> "Haha! No good morning?"
  101. [2009-03-24 17:39:10] * [nfty]Garnet goes to see what is up with that.
  102. [2009-03-24 17:39:17] * [Spi]Kaz rests her chin on Yano's shoulder, cheek to cheek, and grins
  103. [2009-03-24 17:39:25] * [Ora]Alataecia takes her share as well and seats herself down.
  104. [2009-03-24 17:39:36] * [Dune]Yano blushes a little more, but speaks:
  105. [2009-03-24 17:40:01] <[Dune]Yano> Good morning...and please rise thyself off of me.
  106. [2009-03-24 17:40:33] * [Dune]Yano 's voice is softer than usual, in part from her embarrassment, and in part from lacking air in her lungs.
  107. [2009-03-24 17:40:54] * [Spi]Kaz puts on a serious face, looks to the side, and whispers from the corner of her mouth
  108. [2009-03-24 17:41:02] <[Spi]Kaz> "what's the password?"
  109. [2009-03-24 17:42:22] =-= Gaatz|salmon is now known as Gaatz
  110. [2009-03-24 17:42:35] * [nfty]Garnet finds herself in front of the master's room, and pounds on the door.
  111. [2009-03-24 17:43:06] * [Dune]Yano 's blush retains its slight tinge upon her cheeks, as she mutters.
  112. [2009-03-24 17:43:12] <[Dune]Yano> ...please.
  113. [2009-03-24 17:43:23] * [Spi]Kaz beams a wide smile
  114. [2009-03-24 17:43:23] * [huh]Meliel doesn't answer.
  115. [2009-03-24 17:43:32] <[Spi]Kaz> "You /really/ do know magic! Haha!"
  116. [2009-03-24 17:43:56] * [Spi]Kaz hops to her feet, hands on hips and laughs, before marching off to the master's room noisily
  117. [2009-03-24 17:44:12] =-= Klaymen|AFK is now known as Klaymen
  118. [2009-03-24 17:44:18] * [nfty]Garnet tries the doorknob.
  119. [2009-03-24 17:44:31] * [Dune]Yano rises and brushes herself off, fluttering her wings to check they're not broken.
  120. [2009-03-24 17:44:47] <[huh]Meliel> [The door opens.]
  121. [2009-03-24 17:45:43] * [nfty]Garnet quickly heads into the room and moves to Meliel's bed.
  122. [2009-03-24 17:46:50] * [Spi]Kaz reaches a turning towards the masters room, grins, and starts to tread a little more delicately down the hallway
  123. [2009-03-24 17:46:54] * [Dune]Yano huffs as she marches off to the kitchen to prepare the master's breakfast.
  124. [2009-03-24 17:47:30] <[nfty]Garnet> Maaaster.
  125. [2009-03-24 17:48:11] <[huh]Meliel> nnggg.
  126. [2009-03-24 17:48:15] * [nfty]Garnet tries to look for Meliel. Where is that -- oh.
  127. [2009-03-24 17:48:36] * [nfty]Garnet digs him out from under the blankets.
  128. [2009-03-24 17:49:30] <[huh]Meliel> nnnggg...
  129. [2009-03-24 17:49:34] * [Spi]Kaz notices the open door, and the call from before hand.. oh well~ Kaz attempts to sneak in the room up onto the ceiling to spy
  130. [2009-03-24 17:49:35] * [huh]Meliel waves a hand feebly.
  131. [2009-03-24 17:51:36] [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. [[Help][Get more information about this error online][faq connection.reset]]
  132. [2009-03-24 17:54:52] -->| YOU (Ataisai) have joined #maidrpg
  133. [2009-03-24 17:54:52] =-= Topic for #maidrpg is ``MaidRPG IC channel. OOC in #maidrpgooc - BF Session 10 Logs - SDMR Session 6: The Softest Emperor Returns!''
  134. [2009-03-24 17:54:52] =-= Topic for #maidrpg was set by Gaatz!~Mary@BRUTAL.AND.RUTHLESS on Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:38:52 PM
  135. [2009-03-24 17:55:31] * [Spi]Kaz arrives in the kitchen and drops clumsily to the floor
  136. [2009-03-24 17:55:45] <[Spi]Kaz> "What you dooooiiinng?~"
  137. [2009-03-24 17:55:58] * [Dune]Yano looks over at Kaz, the glance hardening slightly as she cooks.
  138. [2009-03-24 17:56:00] * [nfty]Garnet follows Meliel quietly.
  139. [2009-03-24 17:56:04] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Breakfast, you want some?"
  140. [2009-03-24 17:56:07] <[Dune]Yano> cooking breakfast, what were you doing?
  141. [2009-03-24 17:56:17] * [Dune]Yano is surprised by the new voice.
  142. [2009-03-24 17:56:18] <[Dune]Yano> eh?
  143. [2009-03-24 17:56:27] * [Dune]Yano turns, and sees Alatecia.
  144. [2009-03-24 17:56:38] <[Dune]Yano> oh, hello Alataecia.
  145. [2009-03-24 17:56:44] * [Spi]Kaz smiles widly "Checking on the Master, silly! Here let me help you~!"
  146. [2009-03-24 17:56:49] * [Dune]Yano then turns back to her cooking.
  147. [2009-03-24 17:57:04] =-= Klaymen is now known as CY
  148. [2009-03-24 17:58:26] [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. [[Help][Get more information about this error online][faq connection.reset]]
  149. [2009-03-24 18:08:09] -->| YOU (Ataisai) have joined #maidrpg
  150. [2009-03-24 18:08:09] =-= Topic for #maidrpg is ``MaidRPG IC channel. OOC in #maidrpgooc - BF Session 10 Logs - SDMR Session 6: The Softest Emperor Returns!''
  151. [2009-03-24 18:08:09] =-= Topic for #maidrpg was set by Gaatz!~Mary@BRUTAL.AND.RUTHLESS on Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:38:53 PM
  152. [2009-03-24 18:08:13] <[huh]Meliel> Hah?
  153. [2009-03-24 18:08:30] <[Spi]Kaz> "Heehee."
  154. [2009-03-24 18:08:43] * [nfty]Garnet looks around at the table. Where'd her plate go?
  155. [2009-03-24 18:10:34] * [nfty]Garnet looks over at Kaz.
  156. [2009-03-24 18:11:01] * [Spi]Kaz is still leaning back facing the master beaming stupidly
  157. [2009-03-24 18:11:27] * [huh]Meliel sits down at the table.
  158. [2009-03-24 18:12:03] <[nfty]Garnet> I don't recognize some of this meal. I thought Alataecia had cooked some food earlier.
  159. [2009-03-24 18:12:50] <[Ora]Alataecia> I did. A certain someone took the rest of the meal. I'm not sure who.
  160. [2009-03-24 18:13:36] <[Spi]Kaz> "Aaah hah, don't be silly~ That was nowhere near as special enough for our great and /powerful/ Master! We thought that was just for lowly us!"
  161. [2009-03-24 18:13:49] <[Spi]Kaz> "Tell them what we have over here Yunaa~"
  162. [2009-03-24 18:14:07] * [nfty]Garnet thinks. (There's no way Meliel is going to buy that.)
  163. [2009-03-24 18:14:12] * [Dune]Yano puts her hand on her hips, huffing slightly and puting.
  164. [2009-03-24 18:14:20] <[Dune]Yano> hey, you didn't cook at all~!
  165. [2009-03-24 18:15:14] <[Spi]Kaz> "Awh, no need to be competative Yano! Here I'll go sit over here and let you finish up~"
  166. [2009-03-24 18:15:50] * [Spi]Kaz presses her cheeck to Yano's, grins, and gooses her
  167. [2009-03-24 18:16:06] * [huh]Meliel looks etween the arguing sides, confused.
  168. [2009-03-24 18:16:07] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Suit yourself, the master shall be the one who judges our food."
  169. [2009-03-24 18:16:33] * [Dune]Yano stiffens suddenly, emitting a small shriek and blushing more heavily.
  170. [2009-03-24 18:16:38] * [Spi]Kaz prances over to the master
  171. [2009-03-24 18:16:40] <[Dune]Yano> eek!
  172. [2009-03-24 18:16:50] <[Spi]Kaz> "Careful Yano! Don't want to burn yourself~"
  173. [2009-03-24 18:17:12] * [Spi]Kaz gives Alataecia her plate
  174. [2009-03-24 18:17:22] * [Spi]Kaz smiles widly
  175. [2009-03-24 18:17:35] * [Dune]Yano turns to glare at Kaz, but something odd lurks behind her eyes. Her face shows no amusement.
  176. [2009-03-24 18:17:52] <[Dune]Yano> mm, just what was that for?
  177. [2009-03-24 18:17:56] * [Ora]Alataecia accepts the plate and puts in back on the table.
  178. [2009-03-24 18:18:15] <[Ora]Alataecia> Would you like to try some of my food master?
  179. [2009-03-24 18:18:54] * [huh]Meliel nods, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of finally getting his meal.
  180. [2009-03-24 18:19:02] * [nfty]Garnet sighs and just sits next to Meliel. " looks like they're trying to compete for your attention again."
  181. [2009-03-24 18:19:31] * [Spi]Kaz turns to Yano and beams a big open mouthed-closed-eye'd smile, mimicing in one hand a bowl, another stirring, another tipping some invisble goods into the device, and a generall flurry of mime, which ends in her accidently hitting herself in the head... but at least the impression is still relayed
  182. [2009-03-24 18:19:53] <[huh]Meliel> 14Eh, it gets me fed...
  183. [2009-03-24 18:20:29] * [Ora]Alataecia looks dishearten but cheers up. "I'll do better next time."
  184. [2009-03-24 18:20:34] * [huh]Meliel tries the meal...
  185. [2009-03-24 18:21:29] * [Dune]Yano keeps her glare upon Kaz, but breaks it as she begins taking the food and placing it onto plates, bringing them to the dining table.
  186. [2009-03-24 18:21:45] * [Dune]Yano lightening her voice for the master, she proclaims,
  187. [2009-03-24 18:21:59] <[Dune]Yano> Here master, i hope you enjoy it.
  188. [2009-03-24 18:22:05] <[Dune]Yano> Some of my finest cooking yet.
  189. [2009-03-24 18:22:30] * [huh]Meliel tries some of the other meal, carefully tasting each and contrasting flavors and texture.
  190. [2009-03-24 18:23:30] <[huh]Meliel> This...
  191. [2009-03-24 18:23:46] * [huh]Meliel motions to Alataecia's meal.
  192. [2009-03-24 18:23:50] <[huh]Meliel> Is rather god.
  193. [2009-03-24 18:23:53] <[huh]Meliel> good.
  194. [2009-03-24 18:24:04] * [huh]Meliel swallows.
  195. [2009-03-24 18:24:14] <[huh]Meliel> This, on the other hand...
  196. [2009-03-24 18:24:32] <[huh]Meliel> Is excellent.
  197. [2009-03-24 18:24:41] * [Dune]Yano smiles, upon the compliment.
  198. [2009-03-24 18:24:43] * [huh]Meliel motions to Yano's meal.
  199. [2009-03-24 18:25:56] * [Spi]Kaz leans her elbow on Alataecia's shoulder and ruffles her hair with another
  200. [2009-03-24 18:26:23] <[huh]Meliel> All in all, good job all around.
  201. [2009-03-24 18:26:37] <[huh]Meliel> 15I was right to get a few maids...
  202. [2009-03-24 18:26:41] * [Spi]Kaz whispers to Alataecia; "Don't worry honey, next time I bet you'll blow her~"
  203. [2009-03-24 18:26:51] * [Spi]Kaz ...away"
  204. [2009-03-24 18:27:11] * [Ora]Alataecia smiles at Kaz.
  205. [2009-03-24 18:28:04] <[huh]Meliel> But, have all of you already eaten?
  206. [2009-03-24 18:28:21] <[Spi]Kaz> "Ah hah! Of course not Master, you always come first~!"
  207. [2009-03-24 18:28:36] * [huh]Meliel nods.
  208. [2009-03-24 18:28:42] * [Dune]Yano makes a slight grimace for a moment, but it disappears.
  209. [2009-03-24 18:28:46] <[Ora]Alataecia> "I think Kaz and Yano have not eaten. But so far I am the only one who has ate. I apologize for my rudeness."
  210. [2009-03-24 18:28:56] * [nfty]Garnet ahems.
  211. [2009-03-24 18:28:58] <[Dune]Yano> yes, serving thine master comes first.
  212. [2009-03-24 18:29:42] * [Spi]Kaz slides over to Meliel and rubs his shoulders in a textbook demonstration of lack of etiquette
  213. [2009-03-24 18:29:45] <[huh]Meliel> Ah, it's no issue. Please, sit with me.
  214. [2009-03-24 18:29:48] <[nfty]Garnet> I put aside my meal to go and wake you first. I can take care of the leftovers after you are finished.
  215. [2009-03-24 18:29:56] <[Spi]Kaz> "Alataecia had made food before all of us had got up, so she had loooots of time~"
  216. [2009-03-24 18:31:44] * [Dune]Yano sits down at the table upon her master's request, diagonal from him (and thus, Kaz).
  217. [2009-03-24 18:33:56] <[Spi]Kaz> "Sooo~ What important things has Master got planned for world today? Fear and adventure and important big scary things~?
  218. [2009-03-24 18:34:19] <[huh]Meliel> Yes, yes, all of that~
  219. [2009-03-24 18:34:29] <[huh]Meliel> But first...
  220. [2009-03-24 18:34:53] <[huh]Meliel> We can't forget that today happens to be Yano's birthday.
  221. [2009-03-24 18:34:55] * [huh]Meliel claps.
  222. [2009-03-24 18:35:12] * [Spi]Kaz gasps
  223. [2009-03-24 18:35:15] * [Dune]Yano at first is surprised, but then smiles and blushes.
  224. [2009-03-24 18:35:29] <[Dune]Yano> a-ah, thank you...
  225. [2009-03-24 18:35:32] * [Spi]Kaz puts on a huge grin and narrows her eyes
  226. [2009-03-24 18:35:42] * [Ora]Alataecia is slightly confuses but joins in anyway.
  227. [2009-03-24 18:36:05] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Happy Birthday, how rude of me to have forgotten a fellow maid's birth."
  228. [2009-03-24 18:36:32] <[Spi]Kaz> "Master is so thoughtful~"
  229. [2009-03-24 18:36:35] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah... I should make a piece of jewelry to celebrate this occasion.
  230. [2009-03-24 18:36:41] <[huh]Meliel> So, I'm going to go into town a bit later and pick a present for her. Nnnn... Alataecia, you come with me.
  231. [2009-03-24 18:37:23] * [Ora]Alataecia stops for a second.. "wait.. master wants me?"
  232. [2009-03-24 18:37:45] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Y-yes master."
  233. [2009-03-24 18:37:58] * [Spi]Kaz pushes her bosom against Meliel's nick and gives him a hug, before whisking herself into the rafter by a strand of web
  234. [2009-03-24 18:38:07] * [Dune]Yano still blushes and smiles, but addresses the whole table.
  235. [2009-03-24 18:38:14] <[Dune]Yano> thank you, everyone...
  236. [2009-03-24 18:38:20] <[huh]Meliel> Ah, Kaz, you're always so playful~
  237. [2009-03-24 18:38:34] <[Spi]Kaz> "Hee~"
  238. [2009-03-24 18:38:42] <[huh]Meliel> No, thank you, Yano, for your diligent service.
  239. [2009-03-24 18:38:52] * [huh]Meliel smiles warmly.
  240. [2009-03-24 18:38:59] * [Spi]Kaz lands from the ceiling and sits down next to Yano, leans with all her elbows on the table holding her chin in her hands and looks at Yano with a grin
  241. [2009-03-24 18:39:03] * [Dune]Yano bows humbly in her chair.
  242. [2009-03-24 18:39:24] <[Spi]Kaz> "/haaaaaaapy birthday, Yano~"
  243. [2009-03-24 18:39:50] * [Spi]Kaz luls her head to the side and beams "How old are you now~?"
  244. [2009-03-24 18:40:09] * [Dune]Yano blushes a little more, but manages to respond.
  245. [2009-03-24 18:41:15] * [nfty]Garnet just sits there, thinking about the details of the trinket she should make...
  246. [2009-03-24 18:43:17] * [Dune]Yano only manages to whisper.
  247. [2009-03-24 18:43:22] <[Dune]Yano> 15
  248. [2009-03-24 18:43:38] <[Dune]Yano> 15 a-ah, twenty, now...
  249. [2009-03-24 18:43:46] * [Spi]Kaz rolls her head to the other side
  250. [2009-03-24 18:43:48] * [Dune]Yano 's heart thumps slightly more heavily.
  251. [2009-03-24 18:44:07] <[Spi]Kaz> "What was that sorry~?"
  252. [2009-03-24 18:45:02] * [Dune]Yano fidgets a little, and blushes a little more heavily.
  253. [2009-03-24 18:45:30] <[Dune]Yano> 15 t-twenty, i said~...
  254. [2009-03-24 18:45:56] <[huh]Meliel> How much?
  255. [2009-03-24 18:46:52] * [Dune]Yano manages to speak just loudly enough for the whole table to hear, now.
  256. [2009-03-24 18:47:09] <[Dune]Yano> twenty...
  257. [2009-03-24 18:47:19] =-= Gaatz is now known as Gaatz|killerclean
  258. [2009-03-24 18:48:09] <[Spi]Kaz> "WoW! Yano is becoming a mature woman~ You make me feel all young and inexperienced~"
  259. [2009-03-24 18:48:19] * [Spi]Kaz smiles at Yano
  260. [2009-03-24 18:48:19] <[huh]Meliel> Twenty? Such an age, too. I need to get something really special...
  261. [2009-03-24 18:48:20] * [Ora]Alataecia tilts her head in confusion.
  262. [2009-03-24 18:48:28] <[Spi]Kaz> "Congratulations~"
  263. [2009-03-24 18:48:47] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Now that wasn't so hard. I'm 24 now, I should feel old compared to you girls."
  264. [2009-03-24 18:49:18] <[nfty]Garnet> Mmm. I have only been online for approximately two years.
  265. [2009-03-24 18:50:09] <[Spi]Kaz> "Lifts some arms and raises them behind her head, leaning back in her chair and exposing more of her cleavage"
  266. [2009-03-24 18:50:24] <[Spi]Kaz> "Oh Cia~ Surely not, you're so young and pretty~"
  267. [2009-03-24 18:50:45] * [Dune]Yano remains as red-faced as she was before, her head slightly down in embarrassment from all the attention.
  268. [2009-03-24 18:51:21] * [Ora]Alataecia blushes slightly. Giving a soft bow and thanks towards Kaz.
  269. [2009-03-24 18:51:38] * [Spi]Kaz beams her silly smile
  270. [2009-03-24 18:51:47] * [Spi]Kaz he he he
  271. [2009-03-24 18:52:59] * [Ora]Alataecia pats Kaz on the head. "Good girl.."
  272. [2009-03-24 18:53:43] * [Spi]Kaz leans over as she's patted and hugs Alataecia, smooshing her head under her cleavage
  273. [2009-03-24 18:53:59] <[Spi]Kaz> "Soooo~ Master! What shall the rest of us do for dear Yano today~"
  274. [2009-03-24 18:54:13] * [huh]Meliel looks up from the food, still eating.
  275. [2009-03-24 18:56:50] * [Spi]Kaz waves hand
  276. [2009-03-24 18:57:34] <[nfty]Garnet> Well, I think I will spend some time making something nice for her...
  277. [2009-03-24 18:58:05] <[huh]Meliel> I think you all can have the day off. It's a celebration day!
  278. [2009-03-24 18:58:20] * [Spi]Kaz eye's open wide
  279. [2009-03-24 18:58:30] * [Ora]Alataecia stops breathing for a second.
  280. [2009-03-24 18:58:36] <[Ora]Alataecia> "A-are you sure master?"
  281. [2009-03-24 18:58:56] <[huh]Meliel> Well, as long as you come into town with me, yes.
  282. [2009-03-24 18:59:14] <[Ora]Alataecia> "O-of course!"
  283. [2009-03-24 18:59:16] <[nfty]Garnet> Don't get lost...
  284. [2009-03-24 18:59:18] * [Spi]Kaz squeals and dives across the table frantically, pushing Alataecia back, then falling off the side before getting very far
  285. [2009-03-24 18:59:36] <[Ora]Alataecia> H-hey! Kaz what are you doin-.
  286. [2009-03-24 18:59:51] * [Spi]Kaz stands up, knocking her head against the table, then lunges a huge at Meliel
  287. [2009-03-24 19:00:02] <[Spi]Kaz> "Master is too kind!"
  288. [2009-03-24 19:00:03] <[huh]Meliel> Wha-
  289. [2009-03-24 19:01:23] * [huh]Meliel is knocked down by the force of Kaz's lunge.
  290. [2009-03-24 19:01:24] * [Spi]Kaz hugs Meliel again; pressing her cheek against his and generally disrupting his dining experience
  291. [2009-03-24 19:02:27] <[huh]Meliel> Ah, it's.... no problem....
  292. [2009-03-24 19:02:35] <[Spi]Kaz> "Bweee~"
  293. [2009-03-24 19:02:44] * [nfty]Garnet can't help but snicker at Meliel's predicament.
  294. [2009-03-24 19:02:57] * [huh]Meliel tries to free himself.
  295. [2009-03-24 19:02:58] * [Spi]Kaz smooshes her cleavage against his shoulder and progressively adds more arms to the hug
  296. [2009-03-24 19:03:13] * [huh]Meliel doesn't succeed, at all.
  297. [2009-03-24 19:03:55] * [Spi]Kaz ~~<3
  298. [2009-03-24 19:06:19] * [Spi]Kaz narrows her eyes and grins
  299. [2009-03-24 19:07:21] * [Ora]Alataecia observes the situation and decides to help master out.
  300. [2009-03-24 19:07:25] <[nfty]Garnet> Alright, I think that's enough Kaz.
  301. [2009-03-24 19:07:31] * [Ora]Alataecia taps Kaz on the shoulder.
  302. [2009-03-24 19:07:44] <[Ora]Alataecia> "At this rate you may kill the master with your kindness Kaz."
  303. [2009-03-24 19:08:15] * [huh]Meliel is finding it getting difficult to breathe...
  304. [2009-03-24 19:08:17] * [Spi]Kaz rolls off of the master and sits on her knees.
  305. [2009-03-24 19:08:32] <[huh]Meliel> Haa.. Haa..
  306. [2009-03-24 19:08:42] * [Ora]Alataecia attends to the master.
  307. [2009-03-24 19:08:47] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Are you alright?"
  308. [2009-03-24 19:08:58] <[huh]Meliel> I'm... fine...
  309. [2009-03-24 19:09:14] <[Spi]Kaz> "I'm sorry, Master is too generous"
  310. [2009-03-24 19:09:25] * [Spi]Kaz bows to Meliel
  311. [2009-03-24 19:09:35] <[huh]Meliel> no problem...
  312. [2009-03-24 19:09:57] -->| Kiri (~dotsight@86AFF2B9.72894E83.1CE41D81.IP) has joined #maidrpg
  313. [2009-03-24 19:09:57] =-= Mode #maidrpg +h Kiri by ChanServ
  314. [2009-03-24 19:10:54] <[huh]Meliel> [And so, as promised, Meliel and Alataecia head off to town. Presently, they arrive at the outskirts...]
  315. [2009-03-24 19:12:53] * [Ora]Alataecia has been with Meliel this whole time but did not question why we are going out to town.
  316. [2009-03-24 19:13:01] <[Ora]Alataecia> Any particular reason we are going to town master?
  317. [2009-03-24 19:13:36] <[huh]Meliel> Why, for Yano's present, of course!
  318. [2009-03-24 19:13:53] <[huh]Meliel> But... what should we get?
  319. [2009-03-24 19:15:40] * [huh]Meliel wanders through town, not seeing or not caring that the entire town seems to be avoiding him.
  320. [2009-03-24 19:16:07] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Ah yes of course. Hm..."
  321. [2009-03-24 19:16:27] =-= Gaatz|killerclean is now known as Gaatz
  322. [2009-03-24 19:19:15] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Now that I think of it, I'm not too familiar with Yano. What do you think she would like?"
  323. [2009-03-24 19:19:21] <[huh]Meliel> Hmmm...
  324. [2009-03-24 19:19:41] <[huh]Meliel> Maybe... a nice dress?
  325. [2009-03-24 19:20:17] <[Ora]Alataecia> Ok, but should we keep it simple or do you think she would like frilly things?
  326. [2009-03-24 19:20:33] <[huh]Meliel> Definitely frilly.
  327. [2009-03-24 19:21:08] <[Ora]Alataecia> Ok~
  328. [2009-03-24 19:23:02] <[Ora]Alataecia> Oh, how about a Robe with frills since she seems to be into the occult?
  329. [2009-03-24 19:24:38] <[huh]Meliel> Hm...
  330. [2009-03-24 19:24:43] <[huh]Meliel> That sounds perfect!
  331. [2009-03-24 19:26:35] * [huh]Meliel looks around, spots a shop, and heads for it.
  332. [2009-03-24 19:27:18] <[Ora]Alataecia> What color should we get master?
  333. [2009-03-24 19:42:22] =-= Tokiko is now known as Ars
  334. [2009-03-24 19:52:29] <--| Kiri has left #maidrpg
  335. [2009-03-24 19:58:45] |<-- UBOA has left ()
  336. [2009-03-24 20:15:04] |<-- Gaatz has left (Quit: BATTLE CONTROL TERMINATED)
  337. [2009-03-24 20:18:41] <[huh]Meliel> Color... I like purple. Do you think she likes purple?
  338. [2009-03-24 20:18:44] |<-- Marysleep has left (Quit: Goodnight~)
  339. [2009-03-24 20:19:16] <[Ora]Alataecia> I think its a good choice, its not too grim yet still retains this atmospheric feel to it.
  340. [2009-03-24 20:20:36] <[huh]Meliel> Excellent!
  341. [2009-03-24 20:20:46] * [huh]Meliel enters the shop.
  342. [2009-03-24 20:20:51] <[huh]Meliel> Anyone here?
  343. [2009-03-24 20:21:46] <[huh]Meliel> [There is an aged man behind the counter.]
  344. [2009-03-24 20:21:57] * [huh]Meliel walks up to the man.
  345. [2009-03-24 20:22:17] <[huh]Meliel> Alataecia, tell the good man what we want!
  346. [2009-03-24 20:22:45] -->| Kiri (~dotsight@86AFF2B9.72894E83.1CE41D81.IP) has joined #maidrpg
  347. [2009-03-24 20:22:45] =-= Mode #maidrpg +h Kiri by ChanServ
  348. [2009-03-24 20:22:55] <[Ora]Alataecia> Yes master.
  349. [2009-03-24 20:23:28] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Sire, we wish to purchase this robe here."
  350. [2009-03-24 20:24:24] * [Ora]Alataecia taps the old man on the back.
  351. [2009-03-24 20:25:50] <[huh]Meliel> [The man looks at you, rather distractedly.]
  352. [2009-03-24 20:26:19] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Ah, yes. Sire, we would like to purchase that purple robe you have displayed there."
  353. [2009-03-24 20:26:20] * [huh]Meliel is suddenly overcome! People leap from hiding and seize him!
  354. [2009-03-24 20:26:38] <[huh]Meliel> Uwah!
  355. [2009-03-24 20:27:01] * [Ora]Alataecia fends off the people with what little arms combat she know
  356. [2009-03-24 20:27:15] <[Ora]Alataecia> Get up master!
  357. [2009-03-24 20:28:28] <[huh]Meliel> [You seem to be making progress, but more people stream in through the dorrs and windows. Is the entire town here? You see even some small children in the back...]
  358. [2009-03-24 20:28:41] <[Ora]Alataecia> W-what is going on here!?
  359. [2009-03-24 20:29:27] =-= [huh]Meliel is now known as [huh]Peasantry
  360. [2009-03-24 20:29:39] <[huh]Peasantry> We're usurping this vile ruler!
  361. [2009-03-24 20:31:15] * [Ora]Alataecia remains silent looking for a way out...
  362. [2009-03-24 20:32:29] * [huh]Peasantry carries away Meliel
  363. [2009-03-24 20:32:42] =-= [huh]Peasantry is now known as [huh]Meliel
  364. [2009-03-24 20:32:46] <[huh]Meliel> Heelp~
  365. [2009-03-24 20:32:49] <[huh]Meliel> Heelp~
  366. [2009-03-24 20:32:52] =-= [huh]Meliel is now known as [huh]Peasantry
  367. [2009-03-24 20:32:53] * [Ora]Alataecia attempts to get Meliel back.
  368. [2009-03-24 20:33:25] * [huh]Peasantry rebuffs Alataecia! This horde seems too much for just one unprepared maid...
  369. [2009-03-24 20:33:51] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Urg..."
  370. [2009-03-24 20:34:16] * [Ora]Alataecia "God damn it.. what should I do now."
  371. [2009-03-24 20:34:56] <[huh]Peasantry> Maid! We will let you leave, but if you try to take him back, we swear we will come for your head!
  372. [2009-03-24 20:35:16] * [Ora]Alataecia stands in silence...
  373. [2009-03-24 20:36:28] =-= Kiri is now known as [kiri]Familiar
  374. [2009-03-24 20:37:06] * [Ora]Alataecia runs off back to the maids to notify the others.
  375. [2009-03-24 20:39:13] * [kiri]Familiar , out of nowhere, swoop down from the cloud and take form as a cluster of steamy dirt or something like that. With some scary roar,scaring the peasant.
  376. [2009-03-24 20:39:21] <[kiri]Familiar> GYAAAAAAAAAR!
  377. [2009-03-24 20:39:38] <[huh]Peasantry> Wah!
  378. [2009-03-24 20:39:58] * [Ora]Alataecia turns around immediately and sees the familiar.. "That's.. Yano's."
  379. [2009-03-24 20:39:59] <[huh]Peasantry> The demon has summoned his fou;d kindred! Stand fast, men!
  380. [2009-03-24 20:40:07] <[huh]Peasantry> Justice will prevail!
  381. [2009-03-24 20:41:42] * [Ora]Alataecia notices an oppportunity amongst the scattered mobs and charges for the one carrying the master.
  382. [2009-03-24 20:42:05] <[Ora]Alataecia> NOT NOW! NOW NEVER! GIVE HER BACK!
  383. [2009-03-24 20:46:04] * [Ora]Alataecia mutters to herself." I could really use some help here.."
  384. [2009-03-24 20:46:15] * [kiri]Familiar dusty body forms a large bird wing, and blow the sandstorm at the pack of peasant.
  385. [2009-03-24 20:47:26] * [Dune]Yano , back at the castle and relaxing by staring out into the surrounding wilderness notices a sudden twinge of panic, and recognizes its source.
  386. [2009-03-24 20:47:32] |<-- Klaymen has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910])
  387. [2009-03-24 20:47:44] * [nfty]Garnet is in her room working on something again...
  388. [2009-03-24 20:47:56] * [Spi]Kaz is in Yano's room working on something again...
  389. [2009-03-24 20:48:07] * [Dune]Yano instantly realizes the peril that is occuring in the village, and she runs about the maid's quarters, rallying the staff:
  390. [2009-03-24 20:48:26] <[Dune]Yano> Everyone! the master's in danger!
  391. [2009-03-24 20:48:43] <[Dune]Yano> or at the least, something's happening in the village?
  392. [2009-03-24 20:48:46] * [huh]Peasantry recoils at the assault, and the one holding Meliel is injured. However, the group preses onward, now heading to the town's central church.
  393. [2009-03-24 20:49:02] <[kiri]Familiar> GYAAAAAAAAAR!
  394. [2009-03-24 20:49:22] * [Ora]Alataecia makes another attempt at the one holding the master.
  395. [2009-03-24 20:49:25] <[Ora]Alataecia> MADA MADA!
  396. [2009-03-24 20:49:35] * [Dune]Yano also channels what spare energy she can to the far-away familiar, giving it its full power.
  397. [2009-03-24 20:49:46] <[Spi]Kaz> "Zuh?"
  398. [2009-03-24 20:50:39] * [Dune]Yano 's voice becomes slightly hoarse as she shouts with increased intensity:
  399. [2009-03-24 20:50:52] <[Dune]Yano> Everyone to the front gate, now!
  400. [2009-03-24 20:51:19] * [Spi]Kaz shrugs, open's Yano's window, and scuttles down the outside of the Castle... it looks a long way to the village.
  401. [2009-03-24 20:51:52] * [Spi]Kaz yells "It's a long walk Yano; do we have to?"
  402. [2009-03-24 20:52:03] * [nfty]Garnet looks annoyed, running to the front gate.
  403. [2009-03-24 20:52:04] * [kiri]Familiar become a little bit stronger, maybe.
  404. [2009-03-24 20:52:35] * [Dune]Yano runs as fast as she can to the front gate, so they may organize and move to the village together.
  405. [2009-03-24 20:52:36] * [nfty]Garnet mumble mumble "Those annoying peasants are interrupting my work again?"
  406. [2009-03-24 20:52:46] <[Dune]Yano> of course we do, the master's in danger!
  407. [2009-03-24 20:53:12] <[Spi]Kaz> "The Master? He's a powerful demon! Anyway, if he -is- in danger, how will we get there?"
  408. [2009-03-24 20:53:39] * [Dune]Yano keeps on running.
  409. [2009-03-24 20:53:43] <[nfty]Garnet> Take the car, I guess?
  410. [2009-03-24 20:54:23] * [huh]Peasantry is holding fast. Prepared this time, the peasant holding Meliel, who seems to be larger and stronger than he others, headbutts the familiar while catching Alataecia with a high kick.
  411. [2009-03-24 20:54:50] * [Ora]Alataecia falls to the ground, face first.
  412. [2009-03-24 20:55:30] * [nfty]Garnet thinks "Oh, maybe I should say cart. Maybe just horses? Well, whatever."
  413. [2009-03-24 20:55:48] <[Dune]Yano> to the stables!
  414. [2009-03-24 20:55:55] * [Spi]Kaz pouts "I don't like horses"
  415. [2009-03-24 20:56:00] * [kiri]Familiar is a cloud of dust, so it's fine. It's also throwing some sand into his nose.
  416. [2009-03-24 20:56:17] <[huh]Peasantry> What devilry is this?
  417. [2009-03-24 20:56:35] <[kiri]Familiar> NYAAAAAAA~~!
  418. [2009-03-24 20:57:37] * [Ora]Alataecia gets up from the ground. Cover in dirt and a mix of blood from the face.
  419. [2009-03-24 20:58:17] * [nfty]Garnet mumbles and heads over to the stables, taking her trusty frying pan in hand.
  420. [2009-03-24 20:59:00] * [kiri]Familiar get into the peasant's shoes and boots. Make them feel itchy and uncomfortable.
  421. [2009-03-24 20:59:05] * [huh]Peasantry has stopped in the face of the maid's resistance. They've formed a circle around Alataecia and their leader, and are shouting and jeering.
  422. [2009-03-24 20:59:38] <[nfty]Garnet> Welp, better hurry it up...
  423. [2009-03-24 21:00:02] * [nfty]Garnet gets on a horse. The horse isn't too pleased about having to support a large mobile hunk of metal, but it manages.
  424. [2009-03-24 21:00:30] * [Dune]Yano climbs onto another horse, kicking it to full dead run instantly.
  425. [2009-03-24 21:00:33] |<-- Nineko has left ()
  426. [2009-03-24 21:00:47] <[nfty]Garnet> Geez, wait for me!
  427. [2009-03-24 21:00:53] * [Ora]Alataecia looks around for the sign of the first assailant who will attack first.. "This doesn't look too good."
  428. [2009-03-24 21:01:05] * [Spi]Kaz sighs, she really doesn't like horses. Oh well!
  429. [2009-03-24 21:01:24] * [nfty]Garnet slowly gets the horse moving, berating and complaining at it while it grudgingly gets up to speed. "Hyah!"
  430. [2009-03-24 21:01:24] * [Spi]Kaz grins and leaps up onto Yano's horse as she rides by
  431. [2009-03-24 21:01:31] <[Spi]Kaz> "Haiiii~"
  432. [2009-03-24 21:01:49] * [Dune]Yano would blush, but the current situation is too dire.
  433. [2009-03-24 21:02:09] * [Spi]Kaz holds with arms around yano's waist and chest
  434. [2009-03-24 21:02:34] * [nfty]Garnet is barely able to keep Kaz and Yano in sight, but the sudden acquition of Kaz seems to have slowed the horse down.
  435. [2009-03-24 21:03:24] * [Dune]Yano blushes slightly to the physical contact, but manages to remain focused.
  436. [2009-03-24 21:06:53] * [nfty]Garnet makes it to the village I suppose since Kaz and Yano are so slow.
  437. [2009-03-24 21:07:08] * [Spi]Kaz presses her cheek against Yano's, tightens her grip ;"I don't like horse riding Yano, they're scary!" Her tertiary hands migrate little too north for comfort... Kaz has little sense of sensible timing
  438. [2009-03-24 21:08:14] * [Dune]Yano following only slightly behind Garnet, she manages to enter the village while somehow at the same time trying to comfort Kaz and suppressing a certain distraction...
  439. [2009-03-24 21:08:53] <[Dune]Yano> don't worry, horses are nice.
  440. [2009-03-24 21:08:55] <[Dune]Yano> peaceful.
  441. [2009-03-24 21:09:03] * [Dune]Yano 's voice falls to seriousness.
  442. [2009-03-24 21:09:15] <[Dune]Yano> but we have to get to work, now.
  443. [2009-03-24 21:09:16] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Cmon, is that all you *coughs blood* got!?"
  444. [2009-03-24 21:09:31] <[Dune]Yano> the peasants...i wonder why they're doing this?
  445. [2009-03-24 21:09:35] * [Ora]Alataecia is barely concious now.
  446. [2009-03-24 21:09:41] * [Spi]Kaz squeezes Yano firmly and grins "You really are becoming a woman"
  447. [2009-03-24 21:09:42] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah, there's Alataecia!
  448. [2009-03-24 21:09:47] <[Spi]Kaz> "Lets go find Master~"
  449. [2009-03-24 21:09:50] <[huh]Peasantry> More of them!
  450. [2009-03-24 21:09:55] <[nfty]Garnet> I think we found him...
  451. [2009-03-24 21:09:58] * [Spi]Kaz hops off her horse and trots after Garnet
  452. [2009-03-24 21:10:02] <[Ora]Alataecia> "Y-.. you guys...m." *passes out*
  453. [2009-03-24 21:10:03] * [nfty]Garnet jumps off the horse with a clang.
  454. [2009-03-24 21:10:07] * [Dune]Yano blushes intensely, but somehow retains a cool mind.
  455. [2009-03-24 21:10:09] <[Dune]Yano> yes, let's.
  456. [2009-03-24 21:10:14] <[kiri]Familiar> NYAAAAA~~! (Master~)
  457. [2009-03-24 21:10:17] * [huh]Peasantry turns towards the newcomers, cries of anger and fear intermixed among them,
  458. [2009-03-24 21:10:22] * [Dune]Yano and Kaz arrive, and drop off of their own horses as well.
  459. [2009-03-24 21:10:38] * [Spi]Kaz Oooh, it's your thingy Yano!
  460. [2009-03-24 21:10:44] <[Spi]Kaz> ... "Ooh, it's your thingy Yano!"
  461. [2009-03-24 21:10:48] * [Spi]Kaz points at the Familiar
  462. [2009-03-24 21:11:37] * [Dune]Yano triumphantly shouts:
  463. [2009-03-24 21:11:38] <[Dune]Yano> it is, but that's not all!
  464. [2009-03-24 21:11:58] * [Spi]Kaz looks at the hustled Master, and scowls
  465. [2009-03-24 21:12:40] * [Spi]Kaz narrows her eyes, and puts on her dopey grin
  466. [2009-03-24 21:12:51] * [Ora]Alataecia is out cold if no one has noticed by now.
  467. [2009-03-24 21:12:56] * [kiri]Familiar 's sandstorm gathers at one point, and after it finished stwirling around, reveals a fairy girl with a wing composed of leaf and branches.
  468. [2009-03-24 21:13:14] <[Spi]Kaz> "I'm gonna eat you all~"
  469. [2009-03-24 21:13:16] * [Dune]Yano produces, out of nowhere, what appear to be three cast-iron spheres and tosses them to the ground around her.
  470. [2009-03-24 21:13:44] * [nfty]Garnet heads over and tries to pull Alataecia to relative safety while the peasants are distracted by the crazy spider and summoner over there.
  471. [2009-03-24 21:13:55] <[huh]Peasantry> Sorcerers, demons, and monsters! This lord keeps foul company!
  472. [2009-03-24 21:14:05] <[Dune]Yano> ha!
  473. [2009-03-24 21:14:21] <[Dune]Yano> says the scum who would assault an innocent girl, and kidnap a man!
  474. [2009-03-24 21:14:23] * [Spi]Kaz bends backwards, her arms lenghthen into points, 6 dots appear across her forehead and converge into eyes, and a mandibled maw replaces her own, as she transoforms into a gaint spider
  475. [2009-03-24 21:14:51] * [Dune]Yano glares in wonder at her nature familiar, amazed while the spheres burst in a flash of light to reveal three self-animated and armed suits of armor.
  476. [2009-03-24 21:14:57] * [nfty]Garnet dragdrag. Where'd that horse go?
  477. [2009-03-24 21:15:26] * [Spi]Kaz screetches an alien howl and rears up at the crows, waving her limbs menacingly! Woooo! Scary!
  478. [2009-03-24 21:15:39] <[huh]Peasantry> It matters not what is against us. Stand strong, and the light will guide us to victory!
  479. [2009-03-24 21:15:47] * [Dune]Yano commands her knights to advance forward, and attack!
  480. [2009-03-24 21:15:55] <[kiri]Familiar> Hau~! Hyaaaau~~!?(Master~ am I doing good?)
  481. [2009-03-24 21:16:16] <[Dune]Yano> (you are, keep it up.)
  482. [2009-03-24 21:16:24] <[Dune]Yano> ( did you come to that form?)
  483. [2009-03-24 21:16:30] * [huh]Peasantry however, the main mass seems to have ther plans. Zealous against a child and a maid, they're quickly giving ground and deserting in the face of real danger.
  484. [2009-03-24 21:16:50] * [Dune]Yano addresses her nature familiar in her mind, trying to provide support, and gain answers.
  485. [2009-03-24 21:17:02] <[kiri]Familiar> Hauuu~! (I don't know, I just did!)
  486. [2009-03-24 21:17:36] =-= [huh]Peasantry is now known as [huh]Peasant
  487. [2009-03-24 21:17:47] <[Dune]Yano> (don't worry about it, let's just reclaim the master!)
  488. [2009-03-24 21:17:50] * [nfty]Garnet sticks the unconcious form of Alataecia onto a horse.
  489. [2009-03-24 21:18:02] <[nfty]Garnet> Alright you, go home!
  490. [2009-03-24 21:18:14] * [huh]Peasant remians, along with two stalwart men flanking him.
  491. [2009-03-24 21:18:26] -->| Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  492. [2009-03-24 21:18:38] * [nfty]Garnet gives ths horse a whack and signals it to head back to the castle.
  493. [2009-03-24 21:19:38] * [nfty]Garnet looks at the raging angry mob that is over there.
  494. [2009-03-24 21:19:51] <[nfty]Garnet> ... you know, the Master DID say we were on break, so...
  495. [2009-03-24 21:19:56] * [nfty]Garnet leaps on the other horse and rides off!
  496. [2009-03-24 21:20:12] * [Dune]Yano glances back at Garnet.
  497. [2009-03-24 21:20:26] <[Dune]Yano> What are you doing!?
  498. [2009-03-24 21:20:38] * [Dune]Yano 's voice gaining a tone of rage,
  499. [2009-03-24 21:20:47] <[Dune]Yano> thine spirit is that of a coward!!!
  500. [2009-03-24 21:20:52] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah, just hold them off! I know you can handle this!
  501. [2009-03-24 21:21:14] * [Dune]Yano becomes more calm as Garnet grows more distant.
  502. [2009-03-24 21:21:19] * [huh]Peasant attacks with surprising ferocity.
  503. [2009-03-24 21:21:29] <[Dune]Yano> don't let her die, that will be thy contribution!
  504. [2009-03-24 21:21:31] <[Spi]Kaz> "Silly Yano~ she's just a golem"
  505. [2009-03-24 21:21:46] * [Dune]Yano turns back to Kaz, and the battle.
  506. [2009-03-24 21:22:08] * [kiri]Familiar reverts to the sandstorm form, "Shai Hulud". it begins swirling around, sprinkling sand into everyone's eyes.
  507. [2009-03-24 21:23:45] <[Dune]Yano> even the coldest of golems have hearts.
  508. [2009-03-24 21:24:03] <[Dune]Yano> but we have to save our master!
  509. [2009-03-24 21:28:15] * [Dune]Yano 's three Dullahan armor suits clunk forward, attempting to assist with the battle and engage in melee with the remaining peasants.
  510. [2009-03-24 21:29:08] * [Spi]Kaz waits for the suits to engage, then shoots a jet of webbing out to the leg of the nearest guard
  511. [2009-03-24 21:30:15] <[huh]Peasant> [a piercing blow is aimed for the leader, but a guard jumps in the way, using his body as a shielf, and falls incapacitated.]
  512. [2009-03-24 21:31:31] <[huh]Peasant> You bastards!
  513. [2009-03-24 21:31:56] * [kiri]Familiar manage to scare the rest of peasant away, and is taking form once again, chirping, pleased with her victory.
  514. [2009-03-24 21:31:58] <[Spi]Kaz> "That's no way to speak to a lady~"
  515. [2009-03-24 21:32:00] <[kiri]Familiar> Hau~!
  516. [2009-03-24 21:33:24] <[nfty]Garnet> Suddenly, something happens!
  517. [2009-03-24 21:35:52] * [Spi]Kaz fires another line of webbing, dragging at the next guard's legs
  518. [2009-03-24 21:37:46] * [nfty]Garnet suddenly appears and points something at a guard, a loud 'bang!' is heard and something small and shiny flies into the mob of peasants.
  519. [2009-03-24 21:38:06] <[nfty]Garnet> Take -- !!
  520. [2009-03-24 21:38:10] <[huh]Peasant> [The guard falls, and the leader dodges to the side just in time to avoid a projectile launched at him from far away. Off, in the distance, is Garnet, on her horse and poised with a ranged weapon of some kind.]
  521. [2009-03-24 21:39:32] -->| DrDoujin ( has joined #maidrpg
  522. [2009-03-24 21:39:37] * [Dune]Yano notices Garnet's assistance and smiles, but quickly returns to directing the actions of her summoned creatures.
  523. [2009-03-24 21:39:46] * [Spi]Kaz drags the helpless guard over to her,lifts him to her mandibles and, transforming back to normal, gives him a kiss before kicking him to the side
  524. [2009-03-24 21:40:03] <[Spi]Kaz> "Will you do the honours Yano?"
  525. [2009-03-24 21:40:18] * [Spi]Kaz stretches and saunters over to the fight
  526. [2009-03-24 21:40:47] * [kiri]Familiar swoop dorn and hug the captain's head tight, cover his sight with the leafy wing and all that jazz. Plus some ear-biting.
  527. [2009-03-24 21:40:52] <[kiri]Familiar> HYUUUUUN~!!
  528. [2009-03-24 21:41:49] * [Dune]Yano grins at the helpless guard, smiling perhaps evilly.
  529. [2009-03-24 21:42:06] <[Dune]Yano> I don't know why you've tried to kill us today,
  530. [2009-03-24 21:42:19] * [Dune]Yano pulls a fairly hefty club out of one of her pockets.
  531. [2009-03-24 21:42:44] <[Dune]Yano> but undoubtedly, my allies will be very, very unhappy.
  532. [2009-03-24 21:42:51] * [Dune]Yano raises the club over his head.
  533. [2009-03-24 21:42:55] <[Dune]Yano> goodnight~.
  534. [2009-03-24 21:43:08] * [Dune]Yano then swings it mightily, knocking the guard unconscious.
  535. [2009-03-24 21:44:09] * [huh]Peasant falls to the ground, bleeding heavily. Meliel falls from his grasp, unconscious.
  536. [2009-03-24 21:44:53] <[huh]Peasant> Heh... heheh....
  537. [2009-03-24 21:44:58] <[huh]Peasant> Damn you...
  538. [2009-03-24 21:45:14] <[huh]Peasant> But... I haven't lost yet... we haven't lost yet...
  539. [2009-03-24 21:45:20] <[kiri]Familiar> Nyuuun~!! (Flawless victory!)
  540. [2009-03-24 21:45:29] * [kiri]Familiar spins around happily.
  541. [2009-03-24 21:45:38] <[huh]Peasant> This is but one town, out of many. More will come, you bastards, and more and more...
  542. [2009-03-24 21:45:38] * [Dune]Yano turns to her nature familiar, smiling and addressing her out loud:
  543. [2009-03-24 21:45:42] <[Dune]Yano> yep!
  544. [2009-03-24 21:45:50] * [Dune]Yano then turns back to the fallen peasant.
  545. [2009-03-24 21:46:08] * [Dune]Yano then huffs and places her hands on her hips.
  546. [2009-03-24 21:46:23] <[Spi]Kaz> "You are so... ignorant! You should be greatful to have the opportunity to be at his heel!"
  547. [2009-03-24 21:46:37] <[Dune]Yano> and at the least, you should be more polite.
  548. [2009-03-24 21:46:55] * [nfty]Garnet heads over to the others, pulling a horse with an unconcious Alataecia in tow still.
  549. [2009-03-24 21:47:09] <[Dune]Yano> besides, what would he have done to anger you so much, that you would turn against thine master?
  550. [2009-03-24 21:47:20] * [Spi]Kaz rushes to the Master and picks him up bodily
  551. [2009-03-24 21:47:58] * [huh]Peasant coughs up blood, and collpases.
  552. [2009-03-24 21:48:13] * [kiri]Familiar circles around Alataecia, looks concerned.
  553. [2009-03-24 21:48:28] * [Dune]Yano sighs, and then addresses the group.
  554. [2009-03-24 21:48:32] * [Spi]Kaz strokes his haaair~ "Poor master!"
  555. [2009-03-24 21:48:32] =-= [huh]Peasant is now known as [huh]Meliel
  556. [2009-03-24 21:48:40] * [huh]Meliel is completely out cold.
  557. [2009-03-24 21:48:56] * [Spi]Kaz sighs
  558. [2009-03-24 21:49:43] <[Dune]Yano> we all need to get back to the castle, quickly.
  559. [2009-03-24 21:50:11] * [nfty]Garnet nods.
  560. [2009-03-24 21:50:28] =-= [huh]Meliel is now known as huh
  561. [2009-03-24 21:50:42] =-= [nfty]Garnet is now known as nftyw
  562. [2009-03-24 21:50:50] =-= [Dune]Yano is now known as Dune
  563. [2009-03-24 21:51:18] =-= [Spi]Kaz is now known as [Spi]Kosha
  564. [2009-03-24 21:51:52] =-= [Ora]Alataecia is now known as Maryn
  565. [2009-03-24 21:52:15] =-= [kiri]Familiar is now known as Kiri
  566. [2009-03-24 21:52:51] =-= Maryn is now known as Guest48340
  567. [2009-03-24 21:53:03] =-= Guest48340 is now known as Orange
  568. [2009-03-24 21:53:51] =-= Orange is now known as Rin_Satsuki
  569. [2009-03-24 21:55:23] <--| Kiri has left #maidrpg
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