
Endtown RPG Session #18

Dec 26th, 2015
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  1. Everett S. (GM): Okay! All beg alot of patient today as I'm really don't have a grasp on this thing. I'm glad people are here!
  2. Clayton R.: Did anybody notify that they wouldn't be able to make it?
  3. Suule S.: I don't either but w/e
  4. Everett S. (GM): Excuse me while I set up the map. Okay! plum plum solid dumb, lets start!
  5. Everett S. (GM): Primary document!:
  6. Everett S. (GM): I thank you all for coming! This is the great wastes! This is a perferctly accurate map of what it looks like from overhead. Right now, you are several miles weast of Endtown. Something is kicking up dust in the north, and there is the infamous tower to the south! You are by: Several craters. What are your decisions?
  7. M. Walker: I'd stick with making for the tower, unless that's where the activity up north is going
  8. Clayton R.: Clayton still feels nervous around the craters, and even more so with the approaching anomaly from the north. ... But I think we should probably try and scope out both the tower and unknown activity for some extra details. We still have binoculars right?
  9. Suule S. gumbles "I really want to see the anomaly... but I'm not really sure if there's radation there"
  10. Clayton R.: ((Psst. How did you do that Suule?))
  11. Suule S.: ( With /me )
  12. Clayton R.: Ah, thanks
  13. Everett S. (GM): Clayton, that is correct.
  14. Martin Baron: "I'd prefer to stay as far away from... whatever that crap is over there. We should just book it towards the facility and get this done."
  15. Clayton R.: Alright. Let's have a look then
  16. M. Walker nods in agreement with a pensive glance up north
  17. Clayton R. begins rummaging around for the binoculars until he finally finds them wedged between the seats.
  18. Clayton R.: "Don't you think we should at least try and make out what it is... It could be reinforcements for the mutts here... or worse."
  19. Everett S. (GM) Clayton, you look north and see humanoid figures in a fight with other mutant figure. There are flashes of bright light.
  20. Clayton R.: "What the hell?"
  21. Martin Baron: "What? What do you see?"
  22. Everett S. (GM) You look south and see... The tower. It looks like there is just a huge pile of broken glass laying near the tower
  23. Clayton R. looks back. "I see something... vaguely human fighting some mutants... with what looks to be explosions by the bright lights going off."
  24. Suule S.: How human looking...
  25. Clayton R.: "They're far away man. It's hard to tell."
  26. Martin Baron mutters a few seconds before responding. "Not our problem. Let's keep going."
  27. Everett S. (GM) Human-esqe. To get a better view clayton might have to ...Take off his mask.
  28. Suule S. looks at Clayton "Mind borrowind me those bionculars of yours?"
  29. Clayton R.: (The mental imagery of Clayton trying to use binoculars is great.)
  30. Clayton R. shrugs, "Fine, take a look." He points out the direction where the activity was.
  31. Martin Baron:
  32. ((Like this?))
  33. Suule S.: (How to roll?)
  34. Everett S. (GM): "/r 1d100"
  35. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+40
  36. (66)+40= 106
  37. Everett S. (GM): rolling 1d100
  38. (54)= 54
  39. Clayton R.: (eh... Somewhat... really strange mask though.)
  40. Everett S. (GM): (Only thing that goes with the suit)
  41. Everett S. (GM) Suule, they are topsiders! They fight some fellow anthros.
  42. Everett S. (GM) despite their efforts, the anthros seem to be overpowering them.
  43. Clayton R.: "See anything different?"
  44. M. Walker asks, "What's going on...?"
  45. Suule S. shivers "Well.. boys and gals. We have a problem. Topsider patrol fighting some anthros and the anthros are winning. So whether we like it or not we might get some more topsiders here soon."
  46. Clayton R. curces
  47. Martin Baron: "$&%@ , we should leave now!"
  48. Everett S. (GM): You're already three leagues away.
  49. Suule S. barks at Baron "Look, we have something to do so we either do it now or fuck off far away from Endtown."
  50. Everett S. (GM): So, tower or curfluffle?
  51. Clayton R. finds his mind wandering, before asking. "We could gain some allies here, you know... nut I suppose the mission comes first."
  52. Clayton R.: (Damn. I need to proofread more.)
  53. Suule S. hands the binoculars back to Clayton "Look, in terms of risk management I've learnt to keep myself from those kinda fights."
  54. Clayton R.: me adds, "I don't like like the idea of zero weapons either... discretion may be the only safe option here, I fear."
  55. M. Walker groans with dismay, her first instinct to demand they rescue the anthros, but after listening to Suule and Martin, she grits her teeth and adds, "I hate it...but you're right."
  56. Everett S. (GM): With much grudge, you proceed to the tower
  57. Clayton R. sighs, "Well... at least they're winning..."
  58. Everett S. (GM) the tower. It as it has been described. Tall, brick laden, random graffiti and street signs hammered into its side.
  59. Suule S. sighs "I'm sorry, Walker. It's a dog eat dog wo... that was a poor choice of words."
  60. Everett S. (GM) recently someone blew a how both in the side of it and made a large tunnel in the ground.
  61. Clayton R. anticipates eyes staring daggers at a certain panda
  62. Everett S. (GM) Perhaps this place should be called The Chimney in light of recent events.
  63. M. Walker raises an eyebrow a moment, her left ear raising with suppressed ire. "Heh, indeed..."
  64. Everett S. (GM): There is little in the way of activity outside, proceed down the tunnel?
  65. Martin Baron: ((GM, can I roll a sound perception? Want to make sure there aren't any surprises nearby.))
  66. Clayton R. is surprised, but moves ahead without commenting. "We should get a lay of the area."
  67. Everett S. (GM): Sure
  68. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+20
  69. (44)+20= 64
  70. Clayton R. surveys the immediate area for anything of interest that might have been left behind.
  71. M. Walker takes a scent roll
  72. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+20
  73. (67)+20= 87
  74. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  75. (88)+40= 128
  76. Everett S. (GM): You see this.
  77. Sorry wrong layer
  78. There is not much. Some small walls, a tower with a hole in the side, and a tunnel.
  79. Martin Baron: "Don't hear anything. I think this room's clear."
  80. Suule S.: I don't like it being glass-lined
  81. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow, and notifies the group. "Hey... What do you guys make of this tunnel? You think it's an entrance?"
  82. Clayton R.: "I mean.. we have it and a big hole in the tower..."
  83. Everett S. (GM): brb
  84. back
  85. Suule S.: Well yeah it's just... a glass-lined tunnel in dust. I'm not sure if the structure wasn't compromised"
  86. Everett S. (GM): roll engineering?
  87. Suule S.: (One sec...)
  88. Clayton R.: (Damn wakk walls)
  89. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  90. (8)= 8
  91. Everett S. (GM): "/r "
  92. You have no idea.
  93. M. Walker takes a look at it herself, finding the idea of it bizarre and fascinating
  94. Suule S.: "Well... can't say I know much about architecture like that, but I still don't trust it"
  95. Clayton R. stretches. "Well... one way or another we have to enter this place, and all we have is this tunnel, and a hole in the giant chimney... By the way Baron, where might be a good place to set up that probe Mallard gave us?"
  96. Martin Baron: "Top of the tower might work... If it's still standing once we blow everything to hell."
  97. Clayton R.: "Well that's reassuring... At least I have a grappling hook, not too sure I would be ready to use it so soon."
  98. Suule S.: So... gonna go down under?
  99. Martin Baron: "Once we set off the explosives, we can set it up if the tower's still standing. Otherwise, we'll just have to hope we find another set of ruins to toss this piece of junk to."
  100. ((Where women glow and men chunder?))
  101. Clayton R. shrugs. "Very well, I take it we'll be taking the tunnel then?"
  102. Suule S. sighs "Guess so... we have flashlights, right?"
  103. Everett S. (GM): Right...
  104. M. Walker nods, fishing it out from her pack.
  105. Everett S. (GM): You are in the factory
  106. Martin Baron takes out his blaster and begins winding it. 20% chance to mince his hands be damned.
  107. Everett S. (GM): What is everyone's current hp?
  108. Clayton R. equips his flashlight and his old flamethrower.
  109. Martin Baron: ((72/100))
  110. Martin Baron: ((Let me guess, the roof suddenly collapses and all but one dies?))
  111. M. Walker: ((110/110))
  112. Everett S. (GM): No, I want to exercise the token info option
  113. Clayton R.: ((110/110)+106 armor)
  114. Martin Baron: ((Oh right, I forgot I bought leather armor and a spear before we left endtown))
  115. Everett S. (GM): Important to know
  116. Everett S. (GM) you enter the factory, remarkably the glass tube doesn't collapse and harm you all.
  117. M. Walker: ((Oh, so 110/110 +70 armor))
  118. Clayton R.: (I have to go for a moment. I'll be back shortly.))
  119. Martin Baron: ((Studded leather armor, 96 health is what I got))
  120. Everett S. (GM) You enter the facility and see that whatever powers this place still functions.
  121. Everett S. (GM) You notice-- Oh hey, mutts!
  122. Everett S. (GM): (Yeah I know, the distance ranges all stacked.
  123. Lets all roll for intiative!
  124. Suule S. whispers "OH FOR FUCK'S..."
  125. Clayton R.: ((back now))
  126. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+40
  127. (29)+40= 69
  128. M. Walker equips her rifle with a stern eye
  129. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  130. (26)+40= 66
  131. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  132. (78)+35= 113
  133. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  134. (52)+35= 87
  135. Everett S. (GM): rolling 7d100+10
  136. (8+61+38+21+45+34+61)+10= 278
  137. Clayton R.: (Man, I can't remember anything from the tutorial. How do we edit our turn order?)
  138. Martin Baron: ((DM's job, I believe))
  139. Everett S. (GM): Correct
  140. Clayton R.: (Ah. I was trying to click at it like an idiot then.)
  141. M. Walker: ((Digging up some appropriate music for this encounter))
  142. Martin Baron: ((Think this'll do?))
  143. Everett S. (GM): Sorry, guess we are ready to go!
  144. Clayton R.: ((I've been listening to Fallout 4 Ambient Music this whole time... it's even in a combat phase right now too.))
  145. Everett S. (GM): Ok!
  146. Walker!
  147. I have assigned you all control of your tokens now.
  148. I think.
  149. Anyway map rules
  150. 1 point of agility = 1 tile.
  151. Everett S. (GM): Thus ends special map rules.
  152. Sorry, additional: Sprinting= 1 point of agility= 2 tiles.
  153. That's it.
  154. The light area around the map is a raised level, a catwalk about 15 up.
  155. Walker, your turn!
  156. Martin Baron: ((Move the Sniper up on the roof to get a flanking shot))
  157. ((Before getting wrecked due to being in half cover))
  158. M. Walker: ((right))
  159. Everett S. (GM): (Well, there are no thinmints so I think you'll be fine.)
  160. Martin Baron: ((Bad XCOM joke, ignore me))
  161. Suule S.: ((I think I'll just gonna toss a HE and leg it. Like in XCOM. Where's the skyranger again?))
  162. Everett S. (GM): (Terror missions are a success as long as you save yourselves, right? Right?!)
  163. Martin Baron: ((We're technically civilians, so that's true))
  164. Everett S. (GM): Walker, make an action or I will skip you.
  165. M. Walker decides to ignore the mutt on the right at first, it'll have to climb down stairs before it can get to her. So she takes aim at the Mutt directly in front of her
  166. M. Walker opens fire at the Mutt
  167. Everett S. (GM): Roll
  168. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  169. (42)= 42
  170. Everett S. (GM): You mean mutt 5 right?
  171. Anyway, hit. damage
  172. M. Walker: rolling 3d10+30
  173. (6+1+4)+30= 41
  174. Everett S. (GM): Pop! Right in the center mass.
  175. Remaining action?
  176. M. Walker: Can I take another shot at it if it's still alive?
  177. Everett S. (GM): It still stands
  178. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  179. (70)= 70
  180. Everett S. (GM): hit
  181. M. Walker: rolling 3d10+30
  182. (9+9+1)+30= 49
  183. Everett S. (GM): Oddly specfici
  184. He droops!
  185. M. Walker heaves a sigh of relief
  186. Everett S. (GM): Martin!
  187. Martin Baron: ((What's the bonus for shooting with a blaster again? +5?))
  188. Everett S. (GM): You got the skill at 1 so yeah, +5
  189. Martin Baron: ((Thanks.))
  190. Martin Baron 's blaster is set at "Drill", and he aims at the fourth Mutt!
  191. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  192. (57)+5= 62
  193. Everett S. (GM): hit
  194. Suule S.: Wow, that's a first!
  195. Martin Baron: ((And how many dice of damage is that again? I know it's enough to fill a bathtub))
  196. Everett S. (GM): You burn a hole straight through him!
  197. Ded
  198. Martin Baron: ((Crud, I just realized I could have shot two at once if I positioned myself better.))
  199. ((Oh well, still got 2 more actions.))
  200. Everett S. (GM): Fine, go.
  201. Martin Baron aims at the second Mutt.
  202. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  203. (60)+5= 65
  204. Everett S. (GM): hit!
  205. Martin Baron: ((Sorry, copying and pasting text into the paste))
  206. Clayton R. gives Martin a thumbs up.
  207. Everett S. (GM): You blast through and pierce the wall behind!
  208. Final action?
  209. Martin Baron takes his last shot at the third Mutt!
  210. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  211. (49)+5= 54
  212. Everett S. (GM): You blast through and pierce the wall behind! Again!
  213. The Martinpocalypse is over.
  214. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, but now I'm gonna tank HARD in MP))
  215. Suule S.: ((I'll hide away, bombs in enclosed space are NEVER a good thing))
  216. Everett S. (GM): Could you try to move your character then?
  217. Martin Baron: ((Just call me the Mutter Gutter))
  218. Everett S. (GM): (For now, blue dots mark kills. For xp, of course
  219. Suule S.: I'll run behind Manalisha and cover behind her
  220. Everett S. (GM): Most brave
  221. So that's both actions?
  222. Suule S.: Yes
  223. Martin Baron: ((Consequences?))
  224. Everett S. (GM) the lights flicker and blip out!
  225. Martin Baron: "Oh sodding hell."
  226. Everett S. (GM): Good thing you have your flashlights
  227. Claytons turn!
  228. Martin Baron: ((A flamethrower also works in the dark))
  229. Everett S. (GM): True.
  230. Clayton R. find himself feeling a bit better now that the room has been mostly cleared of mutts save the ones on the catwalk, but hey that's what heavy weapons are for right?.. Than the lights went out. "Ah hell, this'll be great."
  231. Everett S. (GM): (You must spend an action shining a light in the area you want.
  232. I will reveal accorindly.
  233. Martin Baron: ((At the least they're a good distance away from us. Probably don't have enough agility to make it to us and attack.))
  234. Clayton R. begins jogging toward the stairs
  235. Everett S. (GM): Hey hey! This is cool!
  236. Clayton R.: he lights his way
  237. (So that's 2 actions right?)
  238. Everett S. (GM): yep
  239. Don't you have 3?
  240. Clayton R. hunkers down near the foot of the stairs, preparing to face any mutts that come down. He speaks to the rest of the group. "I think out only exits are up on the catwalks. We should all move as a group."
  241. Clayton R.: (I'm going to try and stick on the safe side and stay downstairs for now.)
  242. Martin Baron: ((They're melee, so stay on Overwatch))
  243. Clayton R.: ( I don't think I can take aim at just stairs anyway. )
  244. Suule S. is scared shitless "Oh dear, oh dear..."
  245. Everett S. (GM): Unknown Mutt Activity
  246. Walker's turn
  247. M. Walker: ((Do I have line of sight on the 7th mutt that Clayton lit?))
  248. Everett S. (GM): It has cover from you, -30 penalty
  249. (Incidently, does Walker know about 'mutts'?)
  250. Martin Baron: ((Now'd be the time for some negotiations from ambassador pineapple))
  251. Clayton R.: ((Nope))
  252. ((I think she went to the hostel while we brought them to Mallard's))
  253. M. Walker: ((Yup))
  254. Clayton R.: ((Ahh... Blissful ignorance))
  255. Everett S. (GM): (Actions walker?)
  256. M. Walker moves up beside and behind Clayton, to cover him better
  257. Everett S. (GM): Endturn?
  258. M. Walker: Yup
  259. Everett S. (GM): Martin!
  260. Martin Baron: ((Can I position myself so that I can get a clear shot on Lucky Mutt?))
  261. ((Or is he completely covered?))
  262. Everett S. (GM): You can try!
  263. Martin Baron: ((Actually, wait, forget that. I have a laser))
  264. ((Fuck his cover))
  265. Clayton R.: (but you also have allies in front of you.)
  266. Everett S. (GM): Keep in mind you are shooting passed two people
  267. Martin Baron: ((What if I move here?))
  268. Everett S. (GM): on a 21-39 you'll hit them.
  269. Same odds.
  270. Clayton R.: (isn't that an intsakill weapon too?))
  271. Everett S. (GM): Nah, just extremely high damage.
  272. And its set to bore through objects it hits.
  273. Martin Baron: ((But for generally everyone it might as well be))
  274. Everett S. (GM): So, sure, fire away!
  275. Martin Baron: ((I got 9 agility, so is that 9 tiles per action))
  276. Everett S. (GM) Do it!
  277. Martin Baron: ((I can try moving past them, take two turns if I have to and use the last to off him.))
  278. GM (GM): Sure.
  279. Martin Baron: ((Alright, hope it hits.))
  280. GM (GM): They rookies are clear!
  281. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  282. (70)+5= 75
  283. ((Phooosh))
  284. GM (GM): minus 30 for cover?
  285. Martin Baron: ((It goes straight through the cover anyways, right? Plus, that makes it 45, isn't that a hit?))
  286. ((And sorry, forgot to subtract that))
  287. GM (GM): Well, yeah, Just making sure.
  288. Martin Baron: ((Yep, it's -30))
  289. GM (GM): He's toast.
  290. Martin Baron: ((Just hogging all the kills to myself))
  291. GM (GM): Done?
  292. Martin Baron: ((Yep, took 2 to move, took 1 to shoot.))
  293. GM (GM): Suule!
  294. Suule S.: I'll throw a flare onto the catwalk
  295. GM (GM): Okay, 1 to light, on to throw.
  296. Where is your target? (Hold click on the map.
  297. Suule S.: That should light things up there
  298. Martin Baron: ((He hasn't moved an inch, has he?))
  299. GM (GM): He was in the back
  300. M. Walker: ((He moved to hide behind me))
  301. GM (GM): End turn?
  302. Martin Baron: ((Nah, meant the Mutt))
  303. Suule S. shouts "THERE'S THE LAST ONE"
  304. Suule S.: (Yeah I'm done)
  305. GM (GM): Clay!
  306. Clayton R. nodded back toward Everett, thankful for the additional visibility, and he turns to the rest of the group. "I'm heading up, stick close and also behind me so you don't get lit up."
  307. Clayton R.: (by the way, is that big black line next to that dead mutt something to be worried about?)
  308. GM (GM): (Its the strutural damage Martin has been doing to the building. I'm sure it's perfectly fine!
  310. Clayton R. takes deep breath and climbs the stairs
  311. Suule S.: Don't fall off, Clayton!
  312. Clayton R. takes aim at the remaining mutt
  313. GM (GM) Something happens!
  314. GM (GM): The catwalk collapses!
  315. Clayton R.: (fug)
  316. Martin Baron: ((Probably not my fault))
  317. Clayton R. curses his luck
  318. GM (GM): rolling 2d10
  319. (2+9)= 11
  320. Clayton R.: (whelp, it's about time my kneepads cam in handy)
  321. GM (GM): take 11 damage
  322. Clayton R.: rolling 1d10
  323. (3)= 3
  324. GM (GM): oh right
  325. take 8
  326. Clayton R.: (Hah, take that GM)
  327. GM (GM): This is why you always wear your pads, kids.
  328. You are prone.
  329. Clayton R.: (does this use up my remaining action?)
  330. GM (GM): I would think so.
  331. Suule S.: ( This is where my first aid comes in handy)
  332. GM (GM): Let's move on.
  333. Clayton R. Clayton continuously curses over a minor wound., more over his hardheadedness than the wound itself.
  334. GM (GM): The mutt attacks you!
  335. M. Walker yelps, seeing the Mutt go for Clayton
  336. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  337. (43)+25= 68
  338. That's a hit, and without actions Clayton takes it.
  339. .r 1d10+5+8
  340. rolling 1d10+5+8
  341. (4)+5+8= 17
  342. Suule S.: (It would be extremly bad if his mask was to be damaged)
  343. GM (GM): 17 to armor
  344. Next, secret mutt
  345. Clayton R.: (I knew there was another mutt!)
  346. GM (GM): Walker's turn
  347. (I feel bad that Clayton is suddenly taking it in the chest here.
  348. M. Walker moves over to get a clear shot on the secret mutt jumping Suule
  349. GM (GM): Cool
  351. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  352. (20)= 20
  353. GM (GM): zip!
  354. Luckily, that's a miss miss.
  355. Martin Baron: ((This aint good))
  356. M. Walker feels her heart sink in dread and frustration
  357. GM (GM): (Nonsense, proving time for the panda! Get some CQC in there!)
  358. Martin's turn?
  359. Martin Baron: ((Where's the oceleot mutants dual wielding revolvers when we need them?))
  360. ((I can try to take out both mutts, if my good rolls hold up.))
  361. GM (GM): Sure!
  362. Martin Baron: ((Actually, can I take aim? How much bonus does that give?))
  363. Clayton R.: (Martin. Martin... Martin! I do not like this.)
  364. GM (GM): So just doing that would give a +15 off the bat
  365. Clayton R.: (no no no)
  366. Suule S.: ((This is bad
  367. GM (GM): (Honestly, martin is the biggest threat here.
  368. Clayton R.: (I'm more scared of Martin's gun than the mutt.)
  369. Martin Baron: ((Doesn't help that Martin's in the red zone on the MP meter.))
  370. Clayton R.: (at least I can torch the mutt at this close.)
  371. Martin Baron: ((Common sense is optional in battle))
  372. ((But no, I'll use my first turn to move here.))
  373. GM (GM): k
  374. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  375. (22)+5= 27
  376. GM (GM): miss!
  377. Martin Baron: ((Thank goodness I moved then.))
  378. GM (GM): The bore beam flies in the the tunnel.
  379. Martin Baron takes one last shot at the last Mutt!
  380. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  381. (16)+5= 21
  382. GM (GM): He shoots!
  383. Martin Baron: ((Shit))
  384. ((Just one point less and bye bye hands.))
  385. GM (GM): 600 total damage to the tunnel!
  387. Martin Baron: (End turn)
  388. Suule S. is in full panic mode
  389. GM (GM): Suule! whatchagunnado?
  390. Clayton R.: (Oh boy. Martin's Scary.)
  391. *is scary
  392. Martin Baron: ((Final boss is me gone feral with a blaster in hand.))
  393. Suule S.: ((I'm really considering running at this point but my choices are limited
  394. GM (GM): (Biff him out!)
  395. Suule S.: ((Hey don't I still have the knife I shanked that Mutt with?))
  396. GM (GM): Sure!
  397. Suule S.: ((Well, it's sucidal, but Nerd rage active...))
  398. r 1d100+20
  399. rolling 1d100+20
  400. (78)+20= 98
  401. GM (GM): Bop!
  402. So close to a crit.
  403. rolling 1d100+25
  404. (95)+25= 120
  405. And it's parried.
  406. Next action?
  407. Suule?
  408. Suule S.: Yeah I'm thinking
  409. Things don't look very good
  410. GM (GM): Well you can just move away.
  411. Suule S.: I'm not gonna stick a thermite bomb up his ass
  412. GM (GM): Well, keep that option on hand though, just saying.
  413. Suule S.: How many squares can I move back to?
  414. GM (GM): What's your agility?
  415. Suule S.: 4
  416. GM (GM): 4 squares per action
  417. Wise decisions
  418. Clayton!
  419. Suule S. yells "AH SCREW THIS" seeing the mutt deflecting the blow with ease
  420. Clayton R. on pissed
  421. GM (GM): Getting up is a double action.
  422. Clayton R.: (Is it possible to fire from the ground?)
  423. GM (GM): (It is!)
  424. (It's easier than melee)
  425. Clayton R. fires his flamethrower at the plastic menace
  426. GM (GM) The air is delightful in here, it should be noted. Burn sand and plastic and expired oil.
  427. GM (GM): Blast away!
  428. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  429. (71)= 71
  430. GM (GM): Foosh!
  431. Clayton R.: rolling 2d10+30
  432. (2+2)+30= 34
  433. GM (GM): 2 more actions
  434. Clayton R. decides he isn't satisfied yet
  435. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  436. (83)= 83
  437. GM (GM): damage
  438. Clayton R.: rolling 2d10+30
  439. (6+9)+30= 45
  440. Suule S. hears a whoosh hoping that the mutt is toast
  441. GM (GM): Wires are popping and the duraplasti is melted but he still functions!
  442. He's also on fire.
  443. Clayton R.: (how much health do these things have?)
  444. GM (GM): The little red bar should show that he's got 11.
  445. I don't know if you can see it.
  446. Clayton R.: (I cannot)
  447. GM (GM): Oh, in general 90
  448. Slightly more durable than things of equal size.
  449. They aren't really 'combat grade' for Topsiders.
  450. Clayton R. can tell this thing isn't gonna last much longer, better to get some distance between in
  451. Clayton R. tries to kick the mutt away
  452. GM (GM): Fine!
  453. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  454. (35)= 35
  455. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  456. (26)+25= 51
  457. parried
  458. Mutts turn.
  459. Clayton R. grunts as his kick is deflected
  460. GM (GM): It's running in circles at this point.
  461. Mutt 1!
  462. move and attack!
  463. rolling {1d100 + 25}<0
  464. {(65)+25}= 0 Successes
  465. rolling 1d100 + 25
  466. (97)+25= 122
  467. Sorry, not used to it.
  468. GM (GM): 122 to Martin!
  469. Parry?
  470. Martin Baron: (Dear lord please)
  471. rolling 1d100+45
  472. (21)+45= 66
  473. Clayton R.: (Martin, why have the gods forsaken you?)
  474. GM (GM): .r 1d10+13
  475. Martin Baron: (I expect it every Saturday)
  476. GM (GM): rolling 1d10+13
  477. (2)+13= 15
  478. 15 damage to the chesticles.
  479. That is his turn.
  480. Conditions, fire!
  481. rolling 1d10
  482. (6)= 6
  483. Walkers turn.
  484. Martin Baron grunts in surprise as his armor absorbs the blow.
  485. M. Walker: Do I have a clean shot on Mutt #6?
  486. GM (GM): Eh, let's say yeah.
  487. M. Walker: Okay
  488. Clayton R.: (it will take fire damage too soon.)
  489. GM (GM): Just to speed things along.
  490. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  491. (16)= 16
  492. (Bah)
  493. GM (GM): Oh sorry, that's to hit.
  494. Clayton R.: ye
  495. GM (GM): You have missed.
  496. Clayton R.: (At least we can rely on our old friend fire)
  497. GM (GM): Yeah, it's not looking pretty.
  498. M. Walker steps in front of Suule, keeping him away from it
  499. GM (GM): Okay, endturn?
  500. M. Walker: Yup
  501. GM (GM): Martin!
  502. Martin Baron: ((I'm gonna yell "TRAITOR", do some sick spins, and whack the Mutt in the face))
  503. GM (GM): Cool!
  504. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  505. (37)+45= 82
  506. GM (GM): hit
  507. Martin Baron: (Weird)
  508. GM (GM): It spend it's actions so it can't parry.
  509. Yeah.
  510. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+23
  511. (7+2)+23= 32
  512. GM (GM): 32 to hed.
  513. A nasty hit that sends out chunks.
  514. Martin Baron: ((And again!))
  515. rolling 1d100+45
  516. (58)+45= 103
  517. roll 2d10+23
  518. GM (GM): ouch.
  519. Clayton R.:
  520. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+23
  521. (8+10)+23= 41
  522. Clayton R.:
  523. GM (GM): Head unit destroy!
  524. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  525. (36)+45= 81
  526. rolling 2d10+23
  527. (9+9)+23= 41
  528. GM (GM): It's already dead!
  529. Martin Baron continues bashing the Mutt with his table leg, even after completely destroying the head.
  530. Clayton R.: (Whack 'em! Whack 'em some more!)
  531. GM (GM): Suule!
  532. Martin Baron: ((How is that pronounced? I'm imagining Zuul from Ghostbusters))
  533. GM (GM): Martin is just done a finisher on mutt!
  534. One is going full Lost Ark!
  535. ((That's how I'm pronouncing it.))
  536. Any actions suule?
  537. Suule S.: ((Hmm is that other mutt burnt?))
  538. ((Because if no I will bash it till it dies))
  539. GM (GM): Burning, present tense.
  540. got enough to make it.
  541. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+20
  542. (66)+20= 86
  543. GM (GM): hit
  544. Clayton R.: (It should honestly be barely functional at this point anyway.)
  545. GM (GM): (Perfect time to strike!)
  546. Martin Baron: ((Better safe than sorry))
  547. GM (GM): (btw, have you checked the handouts tab? I got the quick rules there.)
  548. Suule S.: (Oh I have not)
  549. (Also should I roll for dam?)
  550. GM (GM): (For some reason I'm paranoid about putting the whole book up there.)
  551. Sure
  552. Martin Baron: ((I'd be fine, and would actually prefer, having the book there for easy access.))
  553. Suule S.: (Hmmm... what as the knifu damage?)
  554. (1d10+str?)
  555. GM (GM): 1d10+10+str
  556. Suule S.: rolling 1d10+14
  557. (8)+14= 22
  558. (Angry panda is angry)
  559. GM (GM): rolling 2d10
  560. (7+7)= 14
  562. Clayton R. groans and raises himself from the floor.
  563. Martin Baron drops the club and walks a few steps forward, only to fall on his knees and start throwing up.
  564. GM (GM): Let's boomark here. and continue next session.
  565. Clayton R.: (I'm a bit upset I didn't get the kill. Eh, oh well.)
  566. GM (GM): But let's do xp first.
  567. You got sniped by a red panda, man.
  568. +5 xp per mutt!
  569. M. Walker sighs with palpable relief
  570. Clayton R.: (We didn't do EXP last week either or the week before that.)
  571. Suule S. is standing over the smoldering wreck shaking visibly
  572. Martin Baron: What, no Combo points?
  573. GM (GM): I'm getting to that!
  574. Martin Baron: I was joking, but cool
  575. GM (GM): Last week was a bust. Last session went pretty well.
  576. And, I'm afraid to admit, last session I just kinda gave you guys the run around.
  577. So let's have 20 xp for last session
  578. What with the good ideas and not running into craters.
  579. +10 to Clayton and Suule for scoping stuff out before acting.
  580. +5 to Suule for the flare idea, revealing the mutt.
  581. GM (GM): Clayton tried very hard to use some sort of tactics and leadership so I think that's a +5.
  582. Any recommendations for MVP?
  583. Suule S.: Not Martin, certainly not Martin
  584. Clayton R.: Me, because I'm a cool dude
  585. Martin Baron: But you use a flamethrower, you aint got no chill
  586. GM (GM): First time we have had a negative vote..
  587. Suule S.: (Note to self first thing to do next session - shake Martin.)
  588. Martin Baron: Best not do that while I'm barfing
  589. Clayton R.: (seriously though. Are wee giving the MVP for this session or the last session since we never did EXP there?)
  590. Suule S.: Why not... this would make a perfect mental image
  591. (I think I got +5 from last session for callng bullshit)
  592. GM (GM): This session.
  593. Martin Baron: I vote Clayton though.
  594. GM (GM): So many people were there that day that are not here today.
  595. If you're here, add +20xp for last time.
  596. Martin Baron: We can just say that they hanged out at the car
  597. GM (GM): Covering the exits.
  598. +10 to clayton.
  599. Martin Baron: So, last thing: How we doing with MP?
  600. GM (GM): Yeah.
  601. I wanted to do that last since your character has been raking it in.
  602. No one sustained any major wounds or failed objectives.
  603. Suule... doesn't know as well as Walker.
  604. Clayton R.: (but I scraped my knee GM. Scraped it!)
  605. GM (GM): 12 short of suffering any damage.
  606. mind damage.
  607. clench up.
  608. rolling 5d10
  609. (10+7+7+10+1)= 35
  610. Martin Baron: Hohoho fuck
  611. Suule S.: ( To be honest, DM. By the fact Everett have been living on the wastes for so long he probably knows.)
  612. GM (GM): Martin, you suffer 35 mind damage!
  613. Suule S.: ( So I'm fine with taking it )
  614. GM (GM): That is true.
  615. okay.
  616. Martin Baron: I'm at -35 out of 50 MP
  617. * -39
  618. GM (GM): rolling 3d10
  619. (4+7+2)= 13
  620. You suffer -13 for first kill!
  621. Martin you suffer:Despair: In every combat, or even every basic confrontation, roll a d100. On a 01-33 you are combat paralyzed. Your character either locks up and says nothing to running and hiding to curling up in a ball where you stand. -10 to skill rolls.
  622. Clayton R.: (Oh jeez... you really aren't doing well, huh?)
  623. GM (GM): Terror: Your initiative is null. You always go last for every combat. Your perception and persuasion bonus is now 0. -10 to skill rolls.
  624. Martin Baron: Nope. I'm going off the deep end
  625. Suule S.: ( Oh, man that will make Everett pissed off at Martin thing next session SUPER awkward )
  626. Clayton R.: (alright GM. How far is Martin from the point of no return?.. because he is dropping fast.)
  627. GM (GM): In short -40 to skill rolls, -10 to persuade, no intiative, and there is a 1/3 chance you will freeze in combat.
  628. Clayton R.: (Like, Martin needs legitimate therapy, and support from everyone here if he even wants to make it back to Endtown.)
  629. Martin Baron: I go below -50, and there's a chance I get possessed
  630. GM (GM): Or just outright shoot yourself or comrades.
  631. Martin Baron: Really doesn't help that the crazy guy has a insta-death gun
  632. GM (GM): I suppose it seems extreme but its kind of to prioritize mp recovery.
  633. I mean, you killed nearly -everyone- in this room.
  634. Martin Baron: Almost nearly killing Suule, Clayton, and myself in the process
  635. GM (GM): Also you've done 2000 to the surrounding area.
  636. If this was Rifts then that would be a good day!
  637. Martin Baron: I still call it a good day.
  638. Clayton R.: (That is not to mention the fact that Walker won't even know why you're so upset aside the fact that you were attacked.)
  639. Clayton R.: (That is not to mention the fact that Walker won't even know why you're so upset aside the fact that you were attacked.)
  640. Martin Baron: (Be neat if her player makes her think that I suffered serious injury)
  641. Like "clear sight of your bone" injury
  642. GM (GM): And Everett got some mp loss as well.
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