
Ionak Clearwater

May 6th, 2012
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  1. Born in Skullstone, he was raised fairly normally in that society, was clever and studious and great things were predicted of him. However, he realised that the society of Skullstone didn't add up. He didn't know what was the secret, but he knew there were secrets from the population, that they were likely being used. He also knew that if he pointed this out, it would likely go very badly for him.
  3. Unforntunately, when he could find no more information about what was happening, it wore at him, he grew more and more irritated about the obvious (to him) inconsistencies, yet no clues as to what the truth was. Eventually this resulted in him getting very drunk, and spouting off about it.
  5. If there had been a Solar Exaltation running free at that point, he might've convinced those that were listening. He might have had the sudden inspiration to work out more of the Silver Prince's plans. There wasn't. He was hounded out of town, and when people started throwing stones at him, he got in a small boat and despite his lack of skill with such managed to persuade it to sail away from the island.
  7. As he floated in the blank ocean, with no food, little water, no idea where he was or the tides, the demon approached him. It commended his perceptiveness, and said there was a place for those with vision amongst the forces of hell. Ionak listened, but kept his eyes on the demons many beweaponed extremities. He realised that he must accept or die, though he was already unsure of the viability of the Reclaimation. Everything that occurred throughout his induction as a new infernal backed convinced him more that this was the case, however he'd already learned the consequences of spouting off, of letting his temper get the better of him.
  9. So, he waited for an opportunity, for when he was trusted, for when he could get away. And when he was ready, he left.
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