
YetiChow on 1.0 vs BnS

Jul 15th, 2013
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  1. The truth is, the original cult community of the alpha and beta eras is NOT the real AoS community any more. 1.0 is where it's at, and there's no way to deny that it's a hell of a lot more populated than 0.75 ever was. The thing is, 0.75 was played in LOCAL regions - a few hundred people on in any one area at any one time, and virtually no-one else anywhere else. 1.0 has gone global, and the population of players is more spread out so it looks smaller when you're looking at any one server/area. However, when you look at the big picture, BnS and such otehr 0.75 "revival" groups are pathetic in comparison to the real AoS - there are very few players, the servers are going nowhere, the code isn't going anywhere, the legal side is on the shakiest foundation anyone has ever seen (seriously, it'd take about 2 days of work for Jagex to utterly dismantle BnS on legal grounds alone - they don't simply because BnS is no threat to them and therefore not worth expending any effort on).
  3. The old AoS community is dying, yes, but it only has itself to blame. It's not an 'invader' in the form of Jagex which is attacking the AoS community, the attack is coming from a cancer growing from the haters and trolls who can't bear the thought of change. AoS has evolved, BnS and the like are the atrophied throwbacks and will be extinct soon enough from their own stupid actions.
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