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a guest
Mar 13th, 2012
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  1. # gst-inspect
  2. videotestsrc: videotestsrc: Video test source
  3. app: appsrc: AppSrc
  4. app: appsink: AppSink
  5. uridecodebin: decodebin2: Decoder Bin
  6. uridecodebin: uridecodebin: URI Decoder
  7. coreelements: capsfilter: CapsFilter
  8. coreelements: fakesrc: Fake Source
  9. coreelements: fakesink: Fake Sink
  10. coreelements: fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source
  11. coreelements: fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
  12. coreelements: filesrc: File Source
  13. coreelements: funnel: Funnel pipe fitting
  14. coreelements: identity: Identity
  15. coreelements: input-selector: Input selector
  16. coreelements: output-selector: Output selector
  17. coreelements: queue: Queue
  18. coreelements: queue2: Queue 2
  19. coreelements: filesink: File Sink
  20. coreelements: tee: Tee pipe fitting
  21. coreelements: typefind: TypeFind
  22. coreelements: multiqueue: MultiQueue
  23. coreelements: valve: Valve element
  24. alsa: alsamixer: Alsa mixer
  25. alsa: alsasrc: Audio source (ALSA)
  26. alsa: alsasink: Audio sink (ALSA)
  27. typefindfunctions: video/x-ms-asf: asf, wm, wma, wmv
  28. typefindfunctions: audio/x-musepack: mpc, mpp, mp+
  29. typefindfunctions: audio/x-au: au, snd
  30. typefindfunctions: video/x-msvideo: avi
  31. typefindfunctions: audio/qcelp: qcp
  32. typefindfunctions: video/x-cdxa: dat
  33. typefindfunctions: video/x-vcd: dat
  34. typefindfunctions: audio/x-imelody: imy, ime, imelody
  35. typefindfunctions: audio/midi: mid, midi
  36. typefindfunctions: audio/riff-midi: mid, midi
  37. typefindfunctions: audio/mobile-xmf: mxmf
  38. typefindfunctions: video/x-fli: flc, fli
  39. typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v2: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
  40. typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v1: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
  41. typefindfunctions: application/x-apetag: mp3, ape, mpc, wv
  42. typefindfunctions: audio/x-ttafile: tta
  43. typefindfunctions: audio/x-mod: 669, amf, dsm, gdm, far, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, okt, sam, s3m, stm, stx, ult, xm
  44. typefindfunctions: audio/mpeg: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga
  45. typefindfunctions: audio/x-ac3: ac3, eac3
  46. typefindfunctions: audio/x-dts: dts
  47. typefindfunctions: audio/x-gsm: gsm
  48. typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-sys: mpe, mpeg, mpg
  49. typefindfunctions: video/mpegts: ts, mts
  50. typefindfunctions: application/ogg: anx, ogg, ogm
  51. typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-elementary: mpv, mpeg, mpg
  52. typefindfunctions: video/mpeg4: m4v
  53. typefindfunctions: video/x-h263: h263, 263
  54. typefindfunctions: video/x-h264: h264, x264, 264
  55. typefindfunctions: video/x-nuv: nuv
  56. typefindfunctions: audio/x-m4a: m4a
  57. typefindfunctions: application/x-3gp: 3gp
  58. typefindfunctions: video/quicktime: mov
  59. typefindfunctions: image/x-quicktime: qif, qtif, qti
  60. typefindfunctions: image/jp2: jp2
  61. typefindfunctions: video/mj2: mj2
  62. typefindfunctions: text/html: htm, html
  63. typefindfunctions: application/vnd.rn-realmedia: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
  64. typefindfunctions: application/x-pn-realaudio: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
  65. typefindfunctions: application/x-shockwave-flash: swf, swfl
  66. typefindfunctions: video/x-flv: flv
  67. typefindfunctions: text/plain: txt
  68. typefindfunctions: text/uri-list: ram
  69. typefindfunctions: application/x-hls: m3u8
  70. typefindfunctions: application/sdp: sdp
  71. typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil
  72. typefindfunctions: application/xml: xml
  73. typefindfunctions: audio/x-wav: wav
  74. typefindfunctions: audio/x-aiff: aiff, aif, aifc
  75. typefindfunctions: audio/x-svx: iff, svx
  76. typefindfunctions: audio/x-paris: paf
  77. typefindfunctions: audio/x-nist: nist
  78. typefindfunctions: audio/x-voc: voc
  79. typefindfunctions: audio/x-sds: sds
  80. typefindfunctions: audio/x-ircam: sf
  81. typefindfunctions: audio/x-w64: w64
  82. typefindfunctions: audio/x-shorten: shn
  83. typefindfunctions: application/x-ape: ape
  84. typefindfunctions: image/jpeg: jpg, jpe, jpeg
  85. typefindfunctions: image/gif: gif
  86. typefindfunctions: image/png: png
  87. typefindfunctions: image/bmp: bmp
  88. typefindfunctions: image/tiff: tif, tiff
  89. typefindfunctions: image/x-portable-pixmap: pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm
  90. typefindfunctions: video/x-matroska: mkv, mka
  91. typefindfunctions: video/webm: webm
  92. typefindfunctions: application/mxf: mxf
  93. typefindfunctions: video/x-mve: mve
  94. typefindfunctions: video/x-dv: dv, dif
  95. typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-nb-sh: amr
  96. typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-wb-sh: amr
  97. typefindfunctions: audio/iLBC-sh: ilbc
  98. typefindfunctions: audio/x-sid: sid
  99. typefindfunctions: image/x-xcf: xcf
  100. typefindfunctions: video/x-mng: mng
  101. typefindfunctions: image/x-jng: jng
  102. typefindfunctions: image/x-xpixmap: xpm
  103. typefindfunctions: image/x-sun-raster: ras
  104. typefindfunctions: application/x-bzip: bz2
  105. typefindfunctions: application/x-gzip: gz
  106. typefindfunctions: application/zip: zip
  107. typefindfunctions: application/x-compress: Z
  108. typefindfunctions: subtitle/x-kate: no extensions
  109. typefindfunctions: audio/x-flac: flac
  110. typefindfunctions: audio/x-vorbis: no extensions
  111. typefindfunctions: video/x-theora: no extensions
  112. typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-video: no extensions
  113. typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-audio: no extensions
  114. typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-text: no extensions
  115. typefindfunctions: audio/x-speex: no extensions
  116. typefindfunctions: audio/x-celt: no extensions
  117. typefindfunctions: application/x-ogg-skeleton: no extensions
  118. typefindfunctions: text/x-cmml: no extensions
  119. typefindfunctions: application/x-executable: no extensions
  120. typefindfunctions: audio/aac: aac, adts, adif, loas
  121. typefindfunctions: audio/x-spc: spc
  122. typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack: wv, wvp
  123. typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack-correction: wvc
  124. typefindfunctions: application/postscript: ps
  125. typefindfunctions: image/svg+xml: svg
  126. typefindfunctions: application/x-rar: rar
  127. typefindfunctions: application/x-tar: tar
  128. typefindfunctions: application/x-ar: a
  129. typefindfunctions: application/x-ms-dos-executable: dll, exe, ocx, sys, scr, msstyles, cpl
  130. typefindfunctions: video/x-dirac: no extensions
  131. typefindfunctions: multipart/x-mixed-replace: no extensions
  132. typefindfunctions: application/x-mmsh: no extensions
  133. typefindfunctions: video/vivo: viv
  134. typefindfunctions: audio/x-nsf: nsf
  135. typefindfunctions: audio/x-gym: gym
  136. typefindfunctions: audio/x-ay: ay
  137. typefindfunctions: audio/x-gbs: gbs
  138. typefindfunctions: audio/x-vgm: vgm
  139. typefindfunctions: audio/x-sap: sap
  140. typefindfunctions: video/x-ivf: ivf
  141. typefindfunctions: audio/x-kss: kss
  142. typefindfunctions: application/pdf: pdf
  143. typefindfunctions: application/msword: doc
  144. typefindfunctions: application/octet-stream: DS_Store
  145. typefindfunctions: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: psd
  146. typefindfunctions: application/x-yuv4mpeg: y4m
  147. typefindfunctions: image/x-icon: no extensions
  148. typefindfunctions: xdgmime-base: no extensions
  149. typefindfunctions: image/x-degas: no extensions
  150. theora: theoradec: Theora video decoder
  151. theora: theoraenc: Theora video encoder
  152. theora: theoraparse: Theora video parser
  153. coreindexers: memindex: A index that stores entries in memory
  154. coreindexers: fileindex: A index that stores entries in file
  155. ximagesink: ximagesink: Video sink
  156. videoscale: videoscale: Video scaler
  157. pango: textoverlay: Text overlay
  158. pango: timeoverlay: Time overlay
  159. pango: clockoverlay: Clock overlay
  160. pango: textrender: Text renderer
  161. decodebin: decodebin: Decoder Bin
  162. audiorate: audiorate: Audio rate adjuster
  163. audiotestsrc: audiotestsrc: Audio test source
  164. ogg: oggdemux: Ogg demuxer
  165. ogg: oggmux: Ogg muxer
  166. ogg: ogmaudioparse: OGM audio stream parser
  167. ogg: ogmvideoparse: OGM video stream parser
  168. ogg: ogmtextparse: OGM text stream parser
  169. ogg: oggparse: Ogg parser
  170. ogg: oggaviparse: Ogg AVI parser
  171. gdp: gdpdepay: GDP Depayloader
  172. gdp: gdppay: GDP Payloader
  173. gio: giosink: GIO sink
  174. gio: giosrc: GIO source
  175. gio: giostreamsink: GIO stream sink
  176. gio: giostreamsrc: GIO stream source
  177. video4linux: v4lsrc: Video (video4linux/raw) Source
  178. playback: playbin: Player Bin
  179. playback: playbin2: Player Bin 2
  180. playback: playsink: Player Sink
  181. playback: subtitleoverlay: Subtitle Overlay
  182. encoding: encodebin: Encoder Bin
  183. audioconvert: audioconvert: Audio converter
  184. audioresample: audioresample: Audio resampler
  185. tcp: tcpclientsink: TCP client sink
  186. tcp: tcpclientsrc: TCP client source
  187. tcp: tcpserversink: TCP server sink
  188. tcp: tcpserversrc: TCP server source
  189. tcp: multifdsink: Multi filedescriptor sink
  190. subparse: subparse_typefind: srt, sub, mpsub, mdvd, smi, txt, dks
  191. subparse: subparse: Subtitle parser
  192. subparse: ssaparse: SSA Subtitle Parser
  193. videorate: videorate: Video rate adjuster
  194. volume: volume: Volume
  195. adder: adder: Adder
  196. ffmpegcolorspace: ffmpegcolorspace: FFMPEG Colorspace converter
  197. staticelements: bin: Generic bin
  198. staticelements: pipeline: Pipeline object
  200. Total count: 29 plugins, 197 features
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