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Gold and Steel Session 9

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Mar 8th, 2012
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  1. #GoldSteel
  2. -->| YOU (antoine) have joined #GoldSteel
  3. =-= Staffen is now known as Mercer
  4. antoine Kestra men escort the fearful villagers and the guards who surrendered to the courtyard and main hall to keep them together while you stand in the room that Lyonel Corbray was killed in. The two mutinous men look to Draven, "Ya's, ya's not a real guard'ses. Tell the new boss we help's.
  5. antoine "
  6. Draven "Was that even language?"
  7. Mercer frowns. "Guards, have these two men bound. And gagged. I won't hear their treasonous lies, the selfish worms."
  8. Jaros "What a mess..."
  9. antoine "What's? We help's you!"
  10. Ralond takes a sip from his flask and punches the stupid man
  11. Mercer ignores the traitors and sheathes his sword, realizing he still quite uselessly has it out. "A mess indeed. But I suppose it works in our favor, Jaros."
  12. Jaros "Indeed. Though it remains a mystery to me. Again, the ways of the west are indeed strange at times."
  13. Ryker "My lord, do you wish to have the castle searched and secured?"
  14. Mercer "In time, Jaros, you'll see the way things work here is clear as crystal." He looks to Ryker. "William, be so good as to take the head off the dead traitor. We'll be needing it."
  15. Mercer "But as to securing - yes, that also needs to be done. But first matter of business, the man's head."
  16. Ryker "Yes, my lord, shall it be done here?"
  17. Draven "My lord, if you won't be needing me I think it is time I got out of this mail. I shall be in the wagon."
  18. Mercer nods. "He's dead as it is anyway. Best be quick about it, I'm going to need to appease the people for the death of the Corbrays."
  19. Mercer nods. "Excellent work, Goodman. Actually, no, go to the main hall once you're redressed. I'll be there shortly."
  20. Draven "Yes sir." Draven nods, before heading off to the wagon and changing into his leather armour.
  21. Draven * to change
  22. Mercer folds his arms and oversees the work, looking over the late lord's chambers.
  23. Ryker "Aye" Pulls the man off to the side and kicks him to the floor. As he attempts to rise to please for his life his head is taken off by the Valyrian blade.
  24. antoine The two mutinous men struggle as the Talons secure them with some rope, preventing them from soiling the common tongue any longer.
  25. Mercer "Very good. Keep these two here. I want two Talons to come with me and Ryker to check on the Maester. Three of you will go back with my son to oversee the securing of the peasantry in the main hall. The rest of you, watch over these two men. And nobody is to speak of what has occurred here, understood?"
  26. antoine The Lord's chambers actually have fresh rushes, now spoiled by your muddy boots. The Talons nod in understanding.
  27. Ryker nods.
  28. Ralond nods.
  29. Mercer looks to Ryker. "Let us visit the good Maester now. Ah, Ralond, you may stay here, or come with me."
  30. Ralond nods and follows mercer
  31. Jaros folows
  32. antoine At the base of the maesters tower a Corbray guard is being dragged from a nearby room by his feet, obviously dead but no sign of injury other than a bruised face.
  33. Mercer looks to Ryker and smiles knowingly before ascending the tower.
  34. antoine The stairs that lead up to the maester are spiral in shape and allow two men abreast to climb them. You arrive at a closed heavy red oak door at the peak of the tower.
  35. Mercer "Care to knock, Goodman Ryker?"
  36. Ryker gives the door a hard kick with his sabaton
  37. Mercer "Oh, come, that was not at all necessary," the Kestra lord sighs.
  38. Jaros whispers softly
  39. Jaros "By the birds, there are those outside who wish enter..."
  40. antoine The somewhat rusted iron handle falls off, crashing to the floor as the door swings into the room beyond. An old man sits slumped in a chair, a maesters cloth and chain his only clothing. His old face picked out by the many half burned candles in the room. The table next to him is covered in spilt red wax and black ink.
  41. Mercer steps forward into the dim, a hand rested on his sword's pommel. "The maester of Heart's Home, I presume?"
  42. antoine The man huffs and puffs, his long beard kept in check by his belt, "Yes, I would stand but I am afraid I have worn myself out my Lord."
  43. Mercer "You are fine to sit, maester. But how have you come to exhaust yourself so, pray-tell?"
  44. antoine "Ravens", he points to the empty cages that line the rookery in the adjoining room, "Not my finest quill work but the Lord Corbray demanded quick work."
  45. Mercer nods. "Very good. I cannot begrudge you doing your duty. I trust you know who I am, then?"
  46. antoine "Lord Corbray would not be well served if I did not, "You are the Lord of Whitemane, Lord Mercer Kestra."
  47. Mercer "It is so. And by what name do you go, honored maester?"
  48. Jaros glances around the room
  49. antoine "I am Maester Amor"
  50. Ralond takes a swig from his flask and burps
  51. Ryker "Give me a swig of that, woodsman"
  52. antoine Draven soon appears by the heavy red oak door, he surprises all but Jaros as his footsteps did not echo up the stairway.
  53. Draven "What did I miss?
  54. Draven *"
  55. Ryker "This old bastard has been up here sending ravens from High Garden to the Wall"
  56. Ralond throws the flask to ryker
  57. Ralond "Fool, we should kill him eh?"
  58. Ralond "ehhhhh?"
  59. Draven "Shit! Well any chance of this staying quite, literally just flew out the window."
  60. Ryker "No, that is for Lord Mercer to determine"
  61. Ryker takes a drink of the flask and grits a bit. "Strong stuff, but good, dealing with the Corbray afterbirth will be more displeasing than the battle"
  62. Jaros walks to the doorway, leaning on the door. Jaros crosses his arms, watching the exchange
  63. antoine The maester looks at Ralond, "I am required to serve the lord of this castle, as I am now bound to serve Lord Mercer while he holds it."
  64. Ryker tosses the flask back to Ralond "By the way, next time you go to shoot an arrow over my shoulder to kill a man I've already broken you might as well just hit me because I'll turn my sword on you, drunk bastard"
  65. Ralond grabs the flask and goes to take a sip and notices its empty
  66. Ralond enraged, "You drink the rest of my ale and threaten me?!"
  67. Ralond holds up his ear necklace "Alwas more room."
  68. Ryker "Don't consider it a threat, just some arching advice"
  69. Ryker "Haha, arrows, bolts, the weapons of cowards, women ,and enuchs"
  70. Ryker while being very slight about he shows the hilt of "Talon's Grasp" (THE SWORD FORMERLY KNOWN AS LADY FORLORN" "This is what one gets from killing while looking him in the face as you best him at the blade"
  71. Ryker "I suppose ears for arrows is fair, we've both done well here, just stay out of my fights in the next battle"
  72. Mercer glares over his shoulder at the lot.
  73. Mercer "Maester Amor," the Lord says, uncomfortably adjusting his sword belt, "I regret to inform you that Lord Corbray is now deceased. I am assuming control of Heart's Home as recourse for damages against my person, and I would prefer to do such as peacefully as possible."
  74. antoine "That is most gratefully received my Lord. I thank you for your mercy."
  75. Mercer "And I will appreciate your cooperation, Maester Amor. As I figure out precisely what to do with this holding I will need to rely on you greatly for assistance, I imagine."
  76. Mercer "Now." Lord Kestra steps further into the room. "I wish to examine Lord Corbray's letters, particularly the ones of the last month. Would you have them among your things here?"
  77. antoine "Yes, a few may be in his solar, he liked to read there. Just a moment." he shuffles through some papers while moving stacks of books from table edges and stools until he, while panting, produces a handful of letters.
  78. Mercer patiently waits on the old maester, contemplating how to handle the rising situation.
  79. antoine He hands them over with shaking hands.
  80. Mercer takes the letters, but tilts his head to the maester. "Are you well, Amor? Do you have need of anything?"
  81. antoine "Just rest my Lord. I might mix-myself some Sweetsleep after I have seen to the common folks injuries."
  82. Mercer nods. "Very good. If you need any assistance getting down, feel free to ask my men." Mercer turns away, and begins looking through the letters.
  83. Draven "Ahhh lord Mercer before you get too engrossed in Corbray's final days, I thought you should know about some foreigners I spoted among the survivors we have rounded up in the hall."
  84. Mercer looks up from the letters. "Foreigners? Where-from?"
  85. Draven "Hell if I know?"
  86. Draven "Bravos maybe."
  87. Jaros stands, alert
  88. Jaros "Oh?"
  89. Mercer casts a look at the Bravo, before returning to the letters.
  90. Jaros "I should speak to them, Lord Kestra. May I have your leave."
  91. Mercer "If you're going to do something stupid, Jaros," says Kestra, suddenly transfixed with one piece of postage, "then take it away from the commonfolk, and you're free to do it."
  92. Jaros "No promises."
  93. Jaros leaves to go to the men
  94. Draven "Should I follow?"
  95. Ralond "could be interesting..."
  96. Mercer "Do so," Mercer distractedly says.
  97. Ralond follows Jaros
  98. Mercer "Stay, Lors," Mercer calls.
  99. Draven follows Jaros as well.
  100. Ralond frowns and stays
  101. Mercer strokes his chin. "Interesting..."
  102. Mercer folds up the letter, and places the rest of the stack on the maester's table. "Thank you, Maester Amor. There has been a most intriguing development in the Vale, it seems."
  103. Mercer immediately passes his men, stepping through the door. "Talons, stay with the maester and aid him if he needs it. Ralond, Ryker, with me."
  104. Ryker "As you wish"
  105. Ralond grunts
  106. Mercer heads back to the lord's chambers in stride, an urgency to his pace.
  107. antoine The lord's chambers still have their pair of mutinous guards held in place.
  108. Mercer "Talons," Mercer calls, pointing to the traitors as he enters. "Take these men out to the yard, we have things that need to be said to the commoners."
  109. Mercer looks to his son. "Markas... my son. What we are about to do here today will set our house down the path of greatness. If we falter, we will all die. You must watch me silently, and learn from my example."
  110. Mercer motions for the party to follow him out.
  111. antoine The men roughly bring them to their feet and start taking them outside.
  112. Mercer (Statement to son redacted. Lord Mercer is slightly deranged.)
  113. antoine As you step into the courtyard you spot three men in cloths so bright they would embarrass a maid at a summer festival for their lack of taste. Jaros and Draven are in discussion with them. The common folk cower under Kestra might, disarmed guards clinging to their common families while others wail for lost brothers, sons, fathers and husbands.
  114. Mercer leans against the architecture of Heart's Home, and waits on his sworn swords to finish their business with the men.
  115. antoine One of the foreigners points at Lord Mercer.
  116. Mercer looks down at the man.
  117. |<-- Draven has left (Quit: )
  118. Mercer "Talons, be ready in the event the Braavosi start anything."
  119. Mercer looks back at the Bravos, and casts a low glare at them, studying them carefully.
  120. antoine The man claps his hands once in a display of delight
  121. Jaros walks toward Lord Kestra
  122. Mercer "Jaros," Lord Kestra greets. "Who are these good men?"
  123. Jaros "Traders, apparently. In cloth and wine."
  124. Jaros "I have purchased 20 bottles of fine wine to give to you as a gift in celebration."
  125. Mercer "I see..."
  126. Mercer "And that was what your heated conversation was about?"
  127. Jaros "Just investigating why braavosi are in Corbray, who happen to be wine traders... since the poisoning attempt."
  128. Jaros "And since we found the note with iron coins looking for someone"
  129. Jaros "Though you may attempt to purchase the rest of his stock should you choose. He says he has half a cargo load to sell, and the King is away from the castle."
  130. Jaros "Hey may be looking to get rid of it cheap."
  131. Mercer grumbles. "I will consider it." Lord Kestra looks to his guards. "Have someone sound a horn. I need the peasantry's attention. Ralond, Ryker, go inside."
  132. antoine A infantry man taps the base of a stolen halberd on a nearby stone while another blows on a warhorn, quickly gaining the attention of the cringing smallfolk.
  133. Ryker exits the courtyard
  134. Mercer "Good folk of Heart's Home!" Lord Kestra calls out. "On this night, the holding of this castle, and its lands, has been changed. I am Lord Mercer Kestra of Whitemane, and I am now Lord of Heart's Home as well, for Lord Corbray and his heirs are no more!"
  135. Mercer "I feel for you on this day. The circumstances which brought me here this day have been very grim, and this occurrence has been an unfortunate one, but I had hoped to put a swift end to this before you were forced to suffer through months of siege."
  136. Mercer "A month ago, Lord Corbray sent his men to the footholds of Whitemane, intent on warring with me over what a perceived slight against his household. I know not what you have been told, but he was envious of my own lands, this much I gleaned from his sworn men the day they were imprisoned. Ser Lyn died honorably on the field of battle beneath the shadow of my ancient holding, and, as I
  137. Mercer understand, so too did Lucas Corbray die earlier today."
  138. Mercer "I came with the men of Lord Jon Arryn, Hand of the King and Warden of the East, to demand justice from Lord Lyonel for the offense against the King's Peace. I regret to inform you that he was denied any such honors, for the lord of the venerable Corbrays was murdered... by cowards amongst his own sworn protectors!"
  139. Mercer motions to his guards. "Bring forth the prisoners! And the heads!"
  140. Mercer *head
  141. antoine A woman cries out, "Thats my son! He would never hurt the old man!"
  142. antoine The two men are brought forth and sent to their knees.
  143. antoine a few murmurs of ascent are heard but for the most part the small folk keep quiet and dutifully kneel.
  144. Jaros dissent?
  145. antoine dissent**
  146. antoine A Talon stands by, indicating the prisoners. "My lord?"
  147. Mercer lowers his brow, and gestures to the woman. "Ah, my lady, it pains me to say it, but your son conspired in panic. He would not be the first beloved by family to betray lord and home, however. Even in my own household we weep for Maelon Kestra, who betrayed his family and his honor for the love of another. But! With mine own eyes did I see these two and others bathed in Lord Lyn's
  148. Mercer blood. Fear grips men, and no doubt they did it out of love for their families as much as for their own sakes. But this does not change the atrocity of the act they have committed before gods and men!"
  149. antoine She just sobs into her dress in response.
  150. Mercer "I grieve, good folk, I truly do. And I acknowledge my own duty to you now that I have partaken of this work. In any other instance another Lord might well have put this castle to the torch and slain all its people. But I recognize your distress: Corbray was poor, and had I besieged the house's people would have suffered. But now that the household is dead, and I have claimed this land in
  151. Mercer the name of recompense, I intend to do you all honor. You all shall keep your lands and entitlements, and I shall see to it that you all live with the same standards as my own in Fallcrest!"
  152. antoine The woman continues to sob as murmurs are heard throughout the crowd, they sound positive but you can't be sure.
  153. |<-- Jaros has left (Quit: )
  154. Mercer "I want peace to be restored as soon as possible, and this I swear to do. As I understand it, mountain clansmen driven from my borders squat in the surrounding lands - this is my duty to you, for I am indeed responsible for this. Once Heart's Home has been settled down, and you have been returned to your homes, I vow that I will ride my army against them and bring safety for you all."
  155. Mercer "But from you, I ask only for your cooperation and patience. This transition will upset many, I understand this. Corbray was an old house, and it should never have come to such an end. I need you all to set aside any anger you might have towards me, for your sakes and for the sakes of your children. I will rule justly, fairly, and not without compassion, and I will ensure you are well
  156. Mercer protected. For this all I ask is a minimum of revolt."
  157. Mercer "But on this subject I must see to the soldiers. I want all my men - and that includes Lord Arryn's, and those formerly of Corbray, to meet with me in the main hall of Heart's Home. Afterwards, I shall hold a short session of court where you may request assistance from me in finding any lost family or report any abuses by my men."
  158. Mercer looks to his guards. "Take the two prisoners to Lord Corbray's chambers," he commands, loudly, for the crowd to hear. "I will see to them shortly. They have committed a dark deed, but I will decide whether they may be forgiven or not soon."
  159. antoine That seems to have won them over, a few nods go with the murmurs of agreement in the crowd.
  160. Mercer enters into Heart's Home once more. Once he has turned, his mouth curls into a smile. "Markas," he barks, calling for his son.
  161. antoine Your son moves to your side, maintaining his silence throughout the speech.
  162. -->| Movac ( has joined #GoldSteel
  163. |<-- Ryker has left (Ping timeout)
  164. Mercer "Do you know why I did it, son?" he asks, talking low. "You must understand, Markas. This is how the game is played. Through lying. But what I have done is not the only aspect - your love for chivalry and war will serve you one day, for I have started things that you may well need to see through when I am finally gone. You have my thanks for keeping your silence, I know it must shake you
  165. Mercer greatly."
  166. Mercer stops before the main hall's high seat. "Now, my son, we must commence with the future of House Kestra."
  167. Mercer ascends to the chair.
  168. antoine replying in a low voice, "You were not lying about helping the smallfolk though father? The poor women and children do need our help."
  169. Movac "I trust it was a good speech, my lord"
  170. Mercer frowns. "I must confess, son, I was not lying. The peasantry must be pitied indeed. As we lords play our dark games, they are forced to go along with it, dying for crimes that we committed." He looks up at the boy, suddenly admiring how tall he is - he's become a handsome young man, and he'll make an excellent leader of men. "And I do tire of the slaughter especially. Of all the
  171. Mercer things I do, it gives me pause."
  172. =-= Movac is now known as Ryker
  173. Mercer looks to Ryker. "Perhaps not one of my best, but they were satisfied. A happy people is a complacent people. There is use to being just, Markas. But you must also be stern at times, though never inconsistently."
  174. Mercer sits back, resting his arms against the chair's arms, and waits.
  175. Ryker "As I said before the attack, my lord, if we won I would be renaming the Valyrian blade "Talon's Grasp"
  176. Ryker "It is now so"
  177. Mercer "A fine name. I have half a mind to have you dabbed with oils, Ryker, you're going to need them if you want to keep that sword in your line."
  178. antoine The men shuffle in, Corbray's men in the middle. Surrounded by Kestra and Arryn men.
  179. antoine The look on edge but the recent speech has eased them somewhat.
  180. Mercer "Well, firstly my good men, I must say I am terribly sorry that I had to catch you all with your breeches down tonight."
  181. antoine The Kestra and Arryn men laugh as do a few Corbray men, whether out of social pressure or in an attempt to gain favor.
  182. Mercer "You lost men tonight though, which makes my quips in poor taste. I respect your deceased friends, comrades, and family for their losses. But I have discovered a very bleak letter."
  183. Mercer takes the folded piece of paper from under his armor. "Dark wings carry dark words. This apparently happened by the time I was out marching, so I am uncertain to whether or not you already know... but Jon Arryn, Hand of the King, is dead."
  184. Mercer holds the paper out for all to see, before holding it before his eyes to read. "John Arryn has died in his sleep, may the Father judge him worthy," Mercer reads aloud. "Robert Arryn is declared Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East. His mother Lysa Tully is named regent until he reaches the age of majority. You are to pay homage to his lordship at the Eyrie
  185. Mercer and bring two hundred men to man the Bloody Gate..."
  186. antoine The Corbrays nod, seemingly already informed of this.
  187. Mercer "Two-hundred men. I imagine my own household has already received this information, and likely also a demand for two-hundred men. But Lord Robert is only a boy, and if what I have heard is true, a very frail one at that. And I fear his mother is dangerously overprotective. How the blazes can you need two-hundred foot from each house in the Vale to hold the Bloody Gate?"
  188. Mercer visibly twitches. "I will not stand for this. There is eminent danger here in the Vale itself, not from beyond, and the Eyrie is impenetrable with a garrison of ten!"
  189. Mercer looks over the soldiers. "Men of House Arryn. Your Lord Jon Arryn sent you to me to help bring justice. I would ask you remain in my service so that we may combat these mountain men, at the least. If you refuse, I understand you wholly. But mark my words, you will be squandered when you return to the Gates."
  190. antoine Arryn's men shout out in favorable response.
  191. Mercer "I am grateful to you." Lord Kestra looks down to the prisoners, and narrows his eyes. "Men of Corbray. I am a new lord to you all. And you are all soldiers. Your loyalties were to the Corbrays, this I understand. You all have homes and families, this too I understand. But you have also have held weapons in your hands."
  192. Mercer "I grant each of you a simple choice. Each of you is free to choose as you will. You may join with my house for the good of Heart's Home, for your people, or if you loved Corbray too much to serve else, you may take the Black and head North for the Wall."
  193. antoine There are murmurs as they discuss this 'choice' amongst themselves before one of them shouts out, "We'll defend our homes from the mountain men."
  194. Mercer "Excellent. You are all free to go to your families. You are all acknowledged now as off-duty, and we'll organize you all later. You may participate in court with your families."
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