
M-12 adjustments

Jun 20th, 2015
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  1. M-12 Adjustments
  3. M-12 Made a new body it based of artificial and genetic engineering. In this body the body itself was artificially, Along with having augmentations that are made out of tugsten and coated with a Chemical alloy to keep it from getting brittle. She also removed the Eyepatch that had a built on scope onto it and applied with a cybernetic eyes, allowing her to scan through them and not relying through her large scope.
  5. Scanning also have been fixed up too.
  6. The scanning, observes the molecules that makes up on the particuler person, and deciding if its organic or in-organic, If its in-organic it zooms out, and Sees what groups of molecules makes up that particular piece. Aka if it was a Armor of just steel, the scanning mechanism will Look at what molecules and electrons that makes it up.
  7. Scanning and gaining the a schemetic of a device: When she scans a device the scanning browses all its parts and how each component works. than it goes further in depth in what metals, makes it up, and than when it all is done is than display how it works of what components relys on one another and such.
  8. X-Ray: Operates like an other X-ray machine would work : To produce an X-ray picture, an X-ray machine produces a very concentrated beam of electrons onto a metal film. The beam travels through the air until it comes in contact with our body tissues. Soft tissue, such as skin and organs, cannot absorb the high-energy rays, and the beam passes through them
  9. Thermal vision: allows her to detect Heat signatures from other people
  10. Biological Signal Radar: When she scans you she gathers Your external and internal anatomy of your body that makes it up, considering what organic compound makes you up and your DNA which she can just scan the person for (Aka, Skin, Hair, Nails, etc etc, all holds DNA.) The Radar will only focus on the person who biological Signal(DNA) matches this cannot be tricked and the only ones that can be Immune to it is robots or beings made out in-organic compounds.
  11. Sonar: She Makes a Slight highpitch noise that is sent out, When it bounces off a target she can see who's around her or the objects around her.
  12. Radar(Movement): Displays a person when they make sudden movements or typical movement speed, cannot display a target if not moving or moving very slowly.
  13. Sound: a Radar system that goes off the slightest sound, this can be tricked and even breaked if a target makes the sound to high, it can cause some serious damage onto it, this helps when M-12 is tyring to find a target that slipped passed her Radar systems.
  14. Radar Thermal: A radar that can catch heat signatures.
  15. Aura sensing Prototype: its a protype which allows M-12 to sense and detect high signatures of Aura.
  17. Weapons
  18. Aura pulse weaponry tech: an APR that has been built and miniaturized into the palm of M-12s hand, it connect into the Reactor, which allows her to send her aura into the device which can shoot out and pulse of Aura out. Now it has been improved in which it can concentrate it, and fire at her opponents it being a lot stronger and highly more accurate.Its potential went from piercing tanks, to Splitting them in half. This Tech is now tripled the amount of potential damage it can provide.
  19. Electric Shocks: Applied and circles around the APR, and also applied onto her finger tips, she can send out an electrical shock onto her user directly and can focus it onto a particular place,shocking that area first than traveling around.
  20. Barrier Burst: it is when M-12 Utilizes her Aura pulse technology to its maximum she can start compiling a large amount of aura inside of her,and than release it all at once, making a very strong kinetic place, it can blow off limbs or can send her foes back...only utilize if mobility has been hindered. Does take time for her to regenerate all her aura too.
  21. Hummer:Multi-purposed, it creates a high-frequency sound wave that can be Ear piercing and if anyone is atleast a feet away..potential of becoming deaf.
  22. She can now materialize three blades at once, that also making her massive vertically blade come down three times forward, one hitting after the other.
  23. She also have 6 phaseblades, 2 railguns.
  24. She can bring forth several blades materilizing and de-materilizing after a few seconds, it being 4 rows, and going vertically, they csan hit up to 6 ft in the air, and they are barbed, if are brought down. they can go up to 25 ft.
  26. She also have a small droid that has a built in miniaturized Jet engined, which is sent out from her back and takes flight, (imagine like a mini-plane almost) it surveys around giving her more awarness while also shooting electrical Pulses at the possible target shocking while disabling shielding systems.
  27. Built in the arm pieces of her suit she can shoot out Backwater tipped dart that allows her to gain an upper-hand
  28. She can release some missiles which have miniaturize store missiles there is two built into it and they rise up or come back down upon command, from the top of her shoulders.
  30. Physical strength/upgrade:Punches up to 20,000 tons,
  31. VI-Is more compact-able with foreign Computing systems, Unhackable any forms of Hacking may result of it Infilterating the users systems and stealing information and locking the user out of his very system.
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