
Irontalon - Clamp's Session - Cemetery

Apr 22nd, 2015
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  1. 1:30 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- BGM Cemetery : ---
  2. 1:32 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Kuburan desa yang kecil ini tampak semakin menyeramkan ketika kalian tiba dan matahari sudah mulai tampak tenggelam Dimaethor Forte_A
  3. 1:32 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Suara-suara burung gagak menambah atmosfir menyeramkan di tempat ini
  4. 1:32 AM <Dimaethor> "As usual."
  5. 1:32 AM <Dimaethor> "As usual....."
  6. 1:33 AM <Forte_A> " me find sir alfonso's grave"
  7. 1:33 AM <Forte_A> *cari kuburan alfonso*
  8. 1:34 AM <Dimaethor> *open his knapsack and pull out two sundrod
  9. 1:34 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Mencari (Roll Perception)
  10. 1:34 AM <Dimaethor> "Here."
  11. 1:34 AM <Dimaethor> "Do you need it?"
  12. 1:34 AM <Dimaethor> "Or you have something else?"
  13. 1:34 AM <Forte_A> "i got myself covered, thanks"
  14. 1:34 AM <Forte_A> *dancing lights*
  15. 1:34 AM <Forte_A> *smile*
  16. 1:34 AM <Forte_A> "now..."
  17. 1:35 AM <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+6
  18. 1:35 AM — _obsidian melempar 1d20+6 dengan biasa saja untuk Forte_A: [3] + 6 = 9 Ke meja biasa saja.
  19. 1:35 AM <Dimaethor> (ada sinar bulan?)
  20. 1:35 AM <Dimaethor> (kl ada, low light sih bs liat jelas)
  21. 1:35 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Sinar matahari masih ada walaupun sudah tidak terlalu menyinari pemandangan di kuburan
  22. 1:35 AM <Dimaethor> (that should enough for Dim)
  23. 1:35 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dimaethor kau bisa melihat dengan jelas melalui matamu kondisi kuburan kecil ini
  24. 1:36 AM <Dimaethor> *simpen sunrodnya
  25. 1:36 AM <Dimaethor> !roll 1d20+4
  26. 1:36 AM — _obsidian melempar 1d20+4 dengan biasa saja untuk Dimaethor: [7] + 4 = 11 Ke meja biasa saja.
  27. 1:36 AM <Dimaethor> (walah)
  28. 1:37 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dimaethor kau melihat ada satu kuburan yang.... terbongkar
  29. 1:37 AM <Dimaethor> "....."
  30. 1:38 AM <Dimaethor> "Forte...."
  31. 1:38 AM <Dimaethor> "Here."
  32. 1:38 AM <Forte_A> "yes?"
  33. 1:38 AM <Forte_A> *samperin*
  34. 1:38 AM <Dimaethor> *cek batu nisannya
  35. 1:39 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dimaethor kau mengetahui bongkaran kuburan tersebut tampak masih baru, mungkin dibongkar beberapa hari yang lalu...
  36. 1:39 AM <Dimaethor> "Still new...."
  37. 1:39 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Dimaethor kau juga melihat nama seseorang di kuburan tersebut "Alfonso"
  38. 1:39 AM <Dimaethor> "He was here....'
  39. 1:40 AM <Forte_A> "...yes"
  40. 1:40 AM <Forte_A> (awa boleh take 10 religion? garing soalnya kalo lupa disini orz)
  41. 1:40 AM <Dimaethor> *cek lubangnya
  42. 1:40 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (doozo)
  43. 1:41 AM <_GeloraMuda_> (mau cek apa Forte_A?)
  44. 1:41 AM <Forte_A> (zombie)
  45. 1:41 AM <Forte_A> (general information soal zombie aja)
  46. 1:43 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  47. 1:44 AM <Forte_A> "guess the barkeep were right after all"
  48. 1:44 AM <Dimaethor> "There was a fight at here...."
  49. 1:44 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  50. 1:45 AM <Dimaethor> "And something like clawed it's way to get out from the grave...."
  51. 1:45 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  52. 1:45 AM <Forte_A> "...oh how are we going to explain this to sir edward" *sigh*
  53. 1:45 AM <Dimaethor> "We better hurry to find this.... Former Mr. Alfonso..."
  54. 1:46 AM <Dimaethor> "Undead?"
  55. 1:46 AM <Forte_A> "yes"
  56. 1:46 AM <Forte_A> "one of the worse type"
  57. 1:46 AM <Forte_A> "the spawn creating one"
  58. 1:47 AM <Dimaethor> "...."
  59. 1:47 AM <Dimaethor> "We better hurry then."
  60. 1:47 AM <Forte_A> "looks like splitting was the right decision after all"
  61. 1:47 AM <Dimaethor> "I've got some.... Bad feeling about this."
  62. 1:47 AM <Forte_A> "let's hurry to sir gonzales'"
  63. 1:47 AM <Dimaethor> "Splitting.... Was a bad idea....."
  64. 1:47 AM <Dimaethor> "They might be in trouble."
  65. 1:47 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  66. 1:47 AM <Forte_A> "its hard to tell"
  67. 1:48 AM <_GeloraMuda_> Suasana semakin mencekam ketika bulan mulai terlihat naik dari sisi timur
  68. 1:49 AM <Forte_A> "let's hurry"
  69. 1:49 AM <Forte_A> "we have no way of telling if he'll attack sir gonzales or miss laura"
  70. 1:49 AM <Forte_A> "-or possibly both"
  71. 1:49 AM <Forte_A> "..."
  72. 1:49 AM <Dimaethor> "Lead the way."
  73. 1:50 AM <Forte_A> *ke tempet gonzales*
  74. 1:51 AM <_GeloraMuda_> --- Gonzales #House2 ---
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