Guest User


a guest
Jul 29th, 2014
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  1. MyChunkCommands: MyChunk Commands
  2. 'Yes': 'Yes'
  3. 'No': 'No'
  4. 'On': 'On'
  5. 'Off': 'Off'
  6. 'true': 'True'
  7. 'false': 'False'
  8. Your: Your
  9. '''s': '''s'
  10. Unowned: Unowned
  11. Server: Server
  12. Public: Public
  13. Price: Price
  14. Player: Player
  15. Flags: Flags
  16. Page: Page
  17. Limit: Limit
  18. Rate: Rate
  19. Days: Days
  20. World: World
  21. Setting: Setting
  22. Optional: Optional
  23. Required: Required
  24. Everyone: EVERYONE
  25. None: None
  26. By: by
  27. Disabled: Disabled
  28. All: ALL
  29. Animals: Animals
  30. Build: Build
  31. Destroy: Destroy
  32. AccessChests: Access Chests
  33. Enter: Enter Chunk
  34. IgniteBlocks: Ignite Blocks
  35. DropLava: Drop Lava
  36. DropWater: Drop Water
  37. OpenWoodenDoors: Open Wooden Doors
  38. UseButtonsLevers: Use Buttons/Levers etc
  39. PVP: PVP
  40. NoPVP: NoPVP
  41. Mobs: Mobs
  42. NoMobs: NoMobs
  43. ChunkForSale: Chunk For Sale
  44. FirstChunkFree: Your first chunk claim is free!
  45. AmountDeducted: was deducted from your account
  46. BoughtFor: bought one of your chunks for
  47. ClaimedYourChunk: claimed a chunk you were selling
  48. ChunkClaimed: Chunk claimed!
  49. ChunkClaimedFor: Chunk claimed for
  50. ChunkUnclaimed: Chunk unclaimed!
  51. ChunkUnclaimedFor: Chunk unclaimed for
  52. YouOwn: You own this chunk!
  53. OwnedBy: This Chunk is owned by
  54. Allowed: Allowed
  55. AllowedPlayers: Allowed Players
  56. PermissionsUpdated: Permissions updated!
  57. ChunkIs: This chunk is
  58. StartClaimArea1: Claim Area Started!
  59. StartClaimArea2: Place a second [ClaimArea] sign to claim all chunks in the area.
  60. StartUnclaimArea1: Unclaim Area Started!
  61. StartUnclaimArea2: Place a second [UnclaimArea] sign to unclaim all chunks in the area.
  62. ClaimAreaCancelled: Area claim cancelled!
  63. UnclaimAreaCancelled: Area unclaim cancelled!
  64. YouWereCharged: You were charged
  65. ChunksClaimed: Chunks Claimed
  66. ChunksUnclaimed: Chunks Unclaimed
  67. ChunksOwned: Owned Chunks
  68. TotalClaimedChunks: Total Claimed Chunks
  69. Yours: Yours
  70. Unlimited: Unlimited
  71. DefaultMax: Default Max Chunks Per Player
  72. MaxChunkClaim: Max Chunks You Can Claim
  73. Chunk: Max Chunks
  74. AllowNeighbours: Allow Neighbours
  75. ChunkPrice: Next Chunk Price
  76. AllowOverbuy: Allow Overbuy
  77. OverbuyFee: Fee
  78. AllowMobGrief: Allow Mob Griefing
  79. ProtectUnclaimed: Protect Unclaimed
  80. Resales: resales
  81. UnclaimRefunds: Unclaim Refunds
  82. DaysWithoutLogin: day(s) with no login
  83. ClaimExpiry: Claim Expiry
  84. AllowNether: Allow Nether
  85. AllowEnd: Allow End
  86. OwnerNotifications: Owner Notifications
  87. PreventEntry: Prevent Chunk Entry
  88. PreventPVP: PVP Prevention
  89. PermissionFlags: Permission Flags
  90. Reloaded: Mychunk files have been reloaded!
  91. ToggleRefundOn: Unclaiming chunks now provides a refund
  92. ToggleRefundOff: Unclaming chunks no longer provides a refund
  93. ToggleOverbuyOn: Players may now overbuy chunks
  94. ToggleOverbuyOff: Players now cannot overbuy chunks
  95. ToggleResalesOn: Players may now pay overbuy fees on resales
  96. ToggleResalesOff: Players no longer pay overbuy fees on resales
  97. ToggleNeighboursOn: Players may now claim chunks next to other players
  98. ToggleNeighboursOff: Players no longer claimchunks next to other players
  99. ToggleUnclaimedOn: Unclaimed chunks are now protected
  100. ToggleUnclaimedOff: Unclaimed chunks are no longer protected
  101. ToggleTNTOn: TNT protection in unclaimed chunks is now enabled
  102. ToggleTNTOff: TNT protection in unclaimed chunks is now disabled
  103. ToggleExpiryOn: Claimed chunks now expire after inactivity
  104. ToggleExpiryOff: Claimed chunks no longer expire after inactivity
  105. ToggleNetherCannot: Users now CANNOT claim chunks in Nether worlds
  106. ToggleNetherCan: Users now CAN claim chunks in Nether worlds
  107. ToggleEndCannot: Users now CANNOT claim chunks in End worlds
  108. ToggleEndCan: Users now CAN claim chunks in End worlds
  109. ToggleNotifyOn: Owners will now receive protection notifications
  110. ToggleNotifyOff: Owners will now NOT receive protection notifications
  111. ToggleEntryOn: Chunk entry protection enabled
  112. ToggleEntryOff: Chunk entry protection disabled
  113. TogglePVPOn: PVP protection enabled
  114. TogglePVPOff: PVP protection disabled
  115. ToggleMobGriefOn: Mob Griefing IS now Allowed
  116. ToggleMobGriefOff: Mob Griefing is NO LONGER Allowed
  117. ToggleChatFormatOn: Now using Chat Formatting
  118. ToggleChatFormatOff: No longer using Chat Formatting
  119. ToggleFirstChunkFreeOn: Players can now claim 1 chunk for free
  120. ToggleFirstChunkFreeOff: Players now DO NOT get their first chunk free!
  121. RefundSet: 'Refund Percentage set to '
  122. RampRateSet: 'Ramp Rate set to '
  123. Percentage: Percentage
  124. WorldEnabled: World enabled
  125. WorldDisabled: World disabled
  126. AllWorldsEnabled: All worlds enabled
  127. AllWorldsDisabled: All worlds disabled
  128. NewRampRate: New rate
  129. NextPage: Next Page
  130. OwnedChunks: owned chunks
  131. CommandMessageStats: Show stats and plugin settings
  132. CommandMessageHelp: Command Help
  133. CommandMessageInfo: Claimed chunk info
  134. CommandMessageAllow: Allow players access to your chunk
  135. CommandMessageDisallow: Disallow chunk access for players
  136. CommandMessageAllowAll: Allow players access to all your chunks
  137. CommandMessageDisallowAll: Disallow access for players in all your chunks
  138. CommandMessageClaim: Claim the chunk you're standing in
  139. CommandMessageClaimArea: Claim an area of chunks
  140. CommandMessageUnclaim: Unclaim the chunk you're standing in
  141. CommandMessageUnclaimArea: Claim an area of chunks
  142. CommandMessageFlags: List all available chunk flags
  143. CommandMessageForsale: Put your chunk up for sale
  144. CommandMessageNewGangMultiplier: New maximum chunks per gang member set to
  145. CommandMessageGangMultiplier: Set maximum chunks per gang member
  146. CommandMessageGangnamelength: Set maximum length of a Gang name
  147. CommandMessageAllowmobs: Allow mobs to spawn in the current chunk
  148. CommandMessageAllowpvp: Set if PVP is allowed in the current chunk
  149. CommandMessageMax: Set new maximum chunk claim limit
  150. CommandMessageNotforsale: Take your chunk off sale
  151. CommandMessageObprice: Set new overbuy price
  152. CommandMessageOwner: See who owns the chunk you're in
  153. CommandMessagePrice: Set new chunk price
  154. CommandMessageRamprate: Set new price ramping rate
  155. CommandMessageExpirydays: Set new chunk expiry cutoff
  156. CommandMessagePercentage: Set new unclaim refund percentage
  157. CommandMessagePurgep: Unclaim all chunks claimed by a player
  158. CommandMessagePurgew: Unclaim all chunks claimed in a world
  159. CommandMessageReload: Reload MyChunk config
  160. CommandMessageToggle: Toggle plugin settings
  161. CommandMessageAvailable: Available settings
  162. CommandMessageChunkPrice: Chunk price set to
  163. CommandMessageOverbuyPrice: Overbuy price set to
  164. CommandMessageAllChunksFor: All chunk for
  165. CommandMessageAllChunksIn: All chunk in
  166. CommandMessageAreNow: are now
  167. CommandMessageClaimedChunksExpire: Claimed chunks will now expire
  168. CommandMessageDaysofInactivity: day(s) of inactivity
  169. AlreadyOwner: You already own this chunk!
  170. AlreadyOwned: This Chunk is already owned by
  171. AlreadyOwn: You already own
  172. ChunkNotOwned: This chunk is not owned!
  173. Chunks: chunks
  174. ClaimWorldDisabled: You cannot claim chunks in this world!
  175. NoNeighbours: You cannot claim a chunk next to someone else's chunk!
  176. CantAfford: You cannot afford to claim that chunk!
  177. GangCantAfford: Your Gang cannot afford to claim this chunk!
  178. MaxChunksReached: Claiming that would put you over your maximum chunk limit!
  179. DoNotOwn: You do not own this chunk!
  180. GangDoesNotOwn: Your Gang does not own this chunk!
  181. NoChunksOwned: You do not own any chunks!
  182. Line2Player: Line 2 must contain a player name (or * for all)!
  183. AllowSelf: You dont need to allow yourself!
  184. DisallowSelf: You cannot disallow yourself!
  185. CannotDestroyClaim: You cannot destroy another player's Claim sign!
  186. ClaimAreaWorldError: '[ClaimArea] signs must both be in the same world!'
  187. UnclaimAreaWorldError: '[UnclaimArea] signs must both be in the same world!'
  188. UnclaimAreaNoneFound: There were no chunks to be unclaimed in that area!
  189. AreaTooBig: You cannot claim more than 64 chunks in one area!
  190. UnclaimAreaTooBig: You cannot unclaim more than 64 chunks in one area!
  191. FoundClaimedInArea: At least one chunk in the specified area is already claimed!
  192. FoundNeighboursInArea: At least one chunk in the specified area has a neighbour!
  193. ClaimAreaTooLarge: cannot claim that many chunks!
  194. ChunksInArea: Chunks In Area
  195. CantAffordClaimArea: You cannot afford to buy that many chunks!
  196. SpecifyNewGangMultiplier: You must specify a new maximum chunk limit!
  197. SpecifyNewMaxChunks: You must specify a new maximum chunk limit!
  198. NewLimit: new limit
  199. SpecifyNewChunkPrice: You must specify a new chunk price!
  200. NewPrice: New Price
  201. SpecifyNewOverbuyPrice: You must specify a new overbuy price!
  202. SpecifyToggle: You must specify what to toggle!
  203. SpecifyPurgePlayer: You must specify which player to purge!
  204. PlayerName: Player Name
  205. SpecifyPurgeWorld: You must specify which world to purge!
  206. WorldName: World Name
  207. NoEcoPlugin: There is no economy plugin running! Command aborted.
  208. NoOverbuy: Overbuy is disabled! Command aborted.
  209. NoUnclaimed: Unclaimed chunk protection is not enabled! Command aborted.
  210. NotFound: not found
  211. FactionsClash: You cannot claim land owned by a faction!
  212. TownyClash: You cannot claim land owned by a town!
  213. MyChunkClash: That land is already owned!
  214. NotPublicSign: You can't use that sign in public chunks!
  215. NotPublicCommand: You can't use that command in public chunks!
  216. SpecifyRefund: You must specify a new refund percentage!
  217. SpecifyRampRate: You must specify a new price ramp rate!
  218. RefundNotNumber: Refund percentage must be a number!
  219. CommandMustBeRunByPlayer: This command must be run by a player!
  220. ServerNoChunks: The console doesn't own any chunks!
  221. NoEntry: has denied you access to this chunk!
  222. PVPNotAllowed: PVP is not allowed here!
  223. CannotFindWorld: Cannot find a world called
  224. CommandNotRecognised: 'Command not recognised:'
  225. Try: Try
  226. PriceNotNumber: Price must be a number!
  227. PageNotNumber: Page must be a number!
  228. RateNotNumber: Rate must be a number!
  229. AmountNotInteger: Amount must be a integer!
  230. Doesn'tOwnChunks: doesn't own any chunks
  231. ClaimExpiryDisabled: Claim Expiry is disabled!
  232. SpecifyClaimExpiry: You must specify a new expiry period!
  233. NotInteger: must be a integer
  234. LessThanOne: must be greater than 0
  235. SpecifyPlayer: You must specify a player name!
  236. FlagsNotFound: Flags Not Found
  237. ReceivedFlags: received the following flags
  238. LostFlags: lost the following flags
  239. ReceivedFlagsAll: received the following flags on all our chunks
  240. LostFlagsAll: lost the following flags on all our chunks
  241. NewFlags: New Flags
  242. DisallowEveryone: You cannot disallow flags allowed to EVERYONE!
  243. DenyPublicEntry: You cannot deny entry access (E) on public chunks!
  244. Line2SellPrice: Line 2 must contain your sale price!
  245. SpecifySellPrice: You must specify your sale price!
  246. SellPriceNumber: Sell price must be a number!
  247. SellPriceZero: Sale price cannot be 0!
  248. ChunkOnSale: Chunk For Sale
  249. ChunkOffSale: Chunk taken off sale!
  250. ChunkNotForSale: This chunk is not for sale!
  251. SpecifyOnOff: You must specify 'on' or 'off'!
  252. MobsCanSpawn: Mobs now CAN spawn in this chunk!
  253. MobsCannotSpawn: Mobs now CANNOT spawn in this chunk!
  254. PVPAllowed: PVP is now ALLOWED in this chunk!
  255. PVPDisallowed: PVP is now DISALLOWED in this chunk!
  256. LeaseRequiresEco: '[Lease] signs require an economy plugin!'
  257. LeaseOnWall: '[Lease] signs must be attached to a wall!'
  258. LeaseAboveDoor: '[Lease] signs must be above a Wooden Door, Gate or Hatch!'
  259. DoorAlreadyLeased: This door already has a [Lease]!
  260. Line2LeasePrice: Line 2 must contain the lease price (or 0)!
  261. LeaseCreated: Lease created!
  262. NoPermsCommand: You do not have permission to use this command!
  263. NoPermsAnimals: You do not have permission to interact with animals here!
  264. NoPermsBuild: You do not have permission to build here!
  265. NoPermsBreak: You do not have permission to break blocks here!
  266. NoPermsFire: FIRE! Oh phew... you're not allowed!
  267. NoPermsLava: Are you crazy!? You can't drop lava there!
  268. NoPermsWater: Are you crazy!? You can't drop water there!
  269. NoPermsDoor: '>KNOCK< >KNOCK< This door is locked!'
  270. NoPermsDoorOwner: '>KNOCK< >KNOCK< Someone is visiting your chunk!'
  271. NoPermsButton: '>BUZZZ< The button tripped a silent alarm!'
  272. NoPermsButtonOwner: '>BUZZ< Someone pressed a button in your chunk!'
  273. NoPermsLever: '>CLICK< The lever tripped a silent alarm!'
  274. NoPermsLeverOwner: '>CLICK< Someone touched a lever in your chunk!'
  275. NoPermsChest: '>CLUNK< That chest isn''t yours!'
  276. NoPermsChestOwner: '>CLUNK< Someone tryed to open a chest on your chunk!'
  277. NoPermsSpecial: '>BUZZZ< Hands off! That''s a special block!'
  278. NoPermsSpecialOwner: '>BUZZZ< Someone touched a special block in your chunk!'
  279. NoPermsPVP: That player is protected by a magic shield!
  280. NoPermsClaim: You do not have permission to claim chunks!
  281. NoPermsClaimArea: You do not have permission to use [ClaimArea] signs!
  282. NoPermsBuyOwned: You do not have permission to buy owned chunks!
  283. NoPermsClaimServer: You do not have permission to claim chunks for the server!
  284. NoPermsClaimPublic: You do not have permission to claim public chunks!
  285. NoPermsClaimOther: You do not have permission to claim chunks for other players!
  286. NoPermsUnclaimServer: You do not have permission to unclaim chunks for the server!
  287. NoPermsUnclaimPublic: You do not have permission to unclaim public chunks!
  288. NoPermsUnclaimOther: You do not have permission to unclaim chunks for other players!
  289. NoPermsNether: You do not have permission to claim chunks in Nether worlds!
  290. NoPermsEnd: You do not have permission to claim chunks in End worlds!
  291. NoPermsSell: You do not have permission to sell chunks!
  292. NoPermsSellFree: You can claim chunks for free! You're not allowed to sell them!
  293. NoPermsMobSign: You do not have permission to use [AllowMobs] signs!
  294. NoPermsPVPSign: You do not have permission to use [AllowPVP] signs!
  295. NoPermsLease: You do not have permission to use [Lease] signs!
  296. NoPermsDisbandOther: You do not have permission to disband other gangs!
  297. GangCommands: Gang Commands
  298. CommandMessageGangClaim: Claim chunk for your gang
  299. CommandMessageGangCreate: Create new gang
  300. CommandMessageGangDisband: Disband your gang
  301. CommandMessageGangDetails: Gang information
  302. CommandMessageGangHelp: Gang command help
  303. CommandMessageGangInvite: Invite player to your gang
  304. CommandMessageGangInviteCancel: Cancel player invite to your gang
  305. CommandMessageGangUnclaim: Unclaim chunk for your gang
  306. CommandMessageGangJoin: Join a gang
  307. CommandMessageGangLeave: Leave your gang
  308. GangName: Gang Name
  309. Boss: Boss
  310. Assistants: Assistants
  311. Members: Members
  312. Influence: Influence
  313. Invites: Invites
  314. Allys: Allys
  315. Enemies: Enemies
  316. NotInGang: You are not in a Gang!
  317. GangCreated: started a new Gang
  318. AlreadyInGang: You are already in a Gang! Leave your Gang first!
  319. GangExists: That Gang already exists!
  320. SpecifyGangName: You must specify a Gang name!
  321. GangNameTooLong: That Gang name is too long!
  322. SpecifyNewGangnamelength: You musy specify a new Gang name length!
  323. NotGangBoss: Only the Gang boss can do that!
  324. NotGangBossOrAssistant: Only the Gang boss or an assistant can do that!
  325. GangFundsWithdrawn: withdrawn from Gang account.
  326. GangDisbanded: Gang has been disbanded!
  327. NotGang: Gang name not found!
  328. SpecifyPlayerToInvite: You musy specify a player to invite!
  329. NoInvitationFoundFor: No invitation found for
  330. InvitationCancelledFor: Gang invitation cancelled for
  331. NoLongerInvitedTo: You are no longer invited to
  332. InvitationAddedFor: Gang invitation added for
  333. InvitedToGang: You received a gang invitation from
  334. SpecifyGangToJoin: You musy specify a gang to join!
  335. NotInvitedToGang: You are not invited to join this gang!
  336. JoinedGang: joined the gang
  337. AlreadyGangMember: is already a gang member!
  338. BossCantLeave: The Gang Boss can't leave!
  339. LeftGang: left the gang
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