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- // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation
- (function() {
- function a() {
- var s = "aria-hidden",
- k = "status",
- j = "submit",
- h = "=",
- g = "undefined",
- d = -1,
- f = "",
- u = "function",
- r = "pageLoading",
- q = "pageLoaded",
- p = "initializeRequest",
- o = "endRequest",
- n = "beginRequest",
- m = "script",
- l = "error",
- t = "readystatechange",
- i = "load",
- a = null,
- c = true,
- b = false;
- Type._registerScript("MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js", ["MicrosoftAjaxCore.js", "MicrosoftAjaxSerialization.js", "MicrosoftAjaxNetwork.js", "MicrosoftAjaxComponentModel.js"]);
- var e, v;
- Type.registerNamespace("Sys.WebForms");
- e = Sys.WebForms.BeginRequestEventArgs = function(d, c, b) {
- var a = this;
- Sys.WebForms.BeginRequestEventArgs.initializeBase(a);
- a._request = d;
- a._postBackElement = c;
- a._updatePanelsToUpdate = b
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_postBackElement: function() {
- return this._postBackElement
- },
- get_request: function() {
- return this._request
- },
- get_updatePanelsToUpdate: function() {
- return this._updatePanelsToUpdate ? Array.clone(this._updatePanelsToUpdate) : []
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.BeginRequestEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs);
- e = Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs = function(e, c, d) {
- var a = this;
- Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs.initializeBase(a);
- a._errorHandled = b;
- a._error = e;
- a._dataItems = c || {};
- a._response = d
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_dataItems: function() {
- return this._dataItems
- },
- get_error: function() {
- return this._error
- },
- get_errorHandled: function() {
- return this._errorHandled
- },
- set_errorHandled: function(a) {
- this._errorHandled = a
- },
- get_response: function() {
- return this._response
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs);
- e = Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs = function(d, c, b) {
- var a = this;
- Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs.initializeBase(a);
- a._request = d;
- a._postBackElement = c;
- a._updatePanelsToUpdate = b
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_postBackElement: function() {
- return this._postBackElement
- },
- get_request: function() {
- return this._request
- },
- get_updatePanelsToUpdate: function() {
- return this._updatePanelsToUpdate ? Array.clone(this._updatePanelsToUpdate) : []
- },
- set_updatePanelsToUpdate: function(a) {
- this._updated = c;
- this._updatePanelsToUpdate = a
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs", Sys.CancelEventArgs);
- e = Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs = function(c, b, d) {
- var a = this;
- Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs.initializeBase(a);
- a._panelsUpdated = c;
- a._panelsCreated = b;
- a._dataItems = d || {}
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_dataItems: function() {
- return this._dataItems
- },
- get_panelsCreated: function() {
- return this._panelsCreated
- },
- get_panelsUpdated: function() {
- return this._panelsUpdated
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs);
- e = Sys.WebForms.PageLoadingEventArgs = function(c, b, d) {
- var a = this;
- Sys.WebForms.PageLoadingEventArgs.initializeBase(a);
- a._panelsUpdating = c;
- a._panelsDeleting = b;
- a._dataItems = d || {}
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_dataItems: function() {
- return this._dataItems
- },
- get_panelsDeleting: function() {
- return this._panelsDeleting
- },
- get_panelsUpdating: function() {
- return this._panelsUpdating
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.PageLoadingEventArgs", Sys.EventArgs);
- e = Sys._ScriptLoaderTask = function(b, a) {
- this._scriptElement = b;
- this._completedCallback = a
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_scriptElement: function() {
- return this._scriptElement
- },
- dispose: function() {
- var b = this;
- if (b._disposed) return;
- b._disposed = c;
- b._removeScriptElementHandlers();
- Sys._ScriptLoaderTask._clearScript(b._scriptElement);
- b._scriptElement = a
- },
- execute: function() {
- this._addScriptElementHandlers();
- document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this._scriptElement)
- },
- _addScriptElementHandlers: function() {
- var a = this;
- a._scriptLoadDelegate = Function.createDelegate(a, a._scriptLoadHandler);
- if (document.addEventListener) {
- if (!a._scriptElement.readyState) a._scriptElement.readyState = "loaded";
- $addHandler(a._scriptElement, i, a._scriptLoadDelegate)
- } else $addHandler(a._scriptElement, t, a._scriptLoadDelegate);
- if (a._scriptElement.addEventListener) {
- a._scriptErrorDelegate = Function.createDelegate(a, a._scriptErrorHandler);
- a._scriptElement.addEventListener(l, a._scriptErrorDelegate, b)
- }
- },
- _removeScriptElementHandlers: function() {
- var c = this;
- if (c._scriptLoadDelegate) {
- var d = c.get_scriptElement();
- if (document.addEventListener) $removeHandler(d, i, c._scriptLoadDelegate);
- else $removeHandler(d, t, c._scriptLoadDelegate);
- if (c._scriptErrorDelegate) {
- c._scriptElement.removeEventListener(l, c._scriptErrorDelegate, b);
- c._scriptErrorDelegate = a
- }
- c._scriptLoadDelegate = a
- }
- },
- _scriptErrorHandler: function() {
- if (this._disposed) return;
- this._completedCallback(this.get_scriptElement(), b)
- },
- _scriptLoadHandler: function() {
- if (this._disposed) return;
- var a = this.get_scriptElement();
- if (a.readyState !== "loaded" && a.readyState !== "complete") return;
- this._completedCallback(a, c)
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys._ScriptLoaderTask", a, Sys.IDisposable);
- e._clearScript = function(a) {
- !Sys.Debug.isDebug && a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
- };
- e = Sys._ScriptLoader = function() {
- var b = this;
- b._scriptsToLoad = a;
- b._sessions = [];
- b._scriptLoadedDelegate = Function.createDelegate(b, b._scriptLoadedHandler)
- };
- e.prototype = {
- dispose: function() {
- var c = this;
- c._stopSession();
- c._loading = b;
- if (c._events) delete c._events;
- c._sessions = a;
- c._currentSession = a;
- c._scriptLoadedDelegate = a
- },
- loadScripts: function(f, d, e, c) {
- var b = this,
- g = {
- allScriptsLoadedCallback: d,
- scriptLoadFailedCallback: e,
- scriptLoadTimeoutCallback: c,
- scriptsToLoad: b._scriptsToLoad,
- scriptTimeout: f
- };
- b._scriptsToLoad = a;
- b._sessions.push(g);
- !b._loading && b._nextSession()
- },
- queueCustomScriptTag: function(a) {
- if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = [];
- Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, a)
- },
- queueScriptBlock: function(a) {
- if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = [];
- Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, {
- text: a
- })
- },
- queueScriptReference: function(a) {
- if (!this._scriptsToLoad) this._scriptsToLoad = [];
- Array.add(this._scriptsToLoad, {
- src: a
- })
- },
- _createScriptElement: function(b) {
- var a = document.createElement(m);
- a.type = "text/javascript";
- for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c];
- return a
- },
- _loadScriptsInternal: function() {
- var a = this,
- c = a._currentSession;
- if (c.scriptsToLoad && c.scriptsToLoad.length > 0) {
- var d = Array.dequeue(c.scriptsToLoad),
- b = a._createScriptElement(d);
- if (b.text && Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) {
- b.innerHTML = b.text;
- delete b.text
- }
- if (typeof d.src === "string") {
- a._currentTask = new Sys._ScriptLoaderTask(b, a._scriptLoadedDelegate);
- a._currentTask.execute()
- } else {
- document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b);
- Sys._ScriptLoaderTask._clearScript(b);
- a._loadScriptsInternal()
- }
- } else {
- a._stopSession();
- var e = c.allScriptsLoadedCallback;
- e && e(a);
- a._nextSession()
- }
- },
- _nextSession: function() {
- var d = this;
- if (d._sessions.length === 0) {
- d._loading = b;
- d._currentSession = a;
- return
- }
- d._loading = c;
- var e = Array.dequeue(d._sessions);
- d._currentSession = e;
- if (e.scriptTimeout > 0) d._timeoutCookie = window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(d, d._scriptLoadTimeoutHandler), e.scriptTimeout * 1e3);
- d._loadScriptsInternal()
- },
- _raiseError: function() {
- var a = this,
- d = a._currentSession.scriptLoadFailedCallback,
- c = a._currentTask.get_scriptElement();
- a._stopSession();
- if (d) {
- d(a, c);
- a._nextSession()
- } else {
- a._loading = b;
- throw Sys._ScriptLoader._errorScriptLoadFailed(c.src);
- }
- },
- _scriptLoadedHandler: function(c, d) {
- var b = this;
- if (d) {
- Array.add(Sys._ScriptLoader._getLoadedScripts(), c.src);
- b._currentTask.dispose();
- b._currentTask = a;
- b._loadScriptsInternal()
- } else b._raiseError()
- },
- _scriptLoadTimeoutHandler: function() {
- var a = this,
- b = a._currentSession.scriptLoadTimeoutCallback;
- a._stopSession();
- b && b(a);
- a._nextSession()
- },
- _stopSession: function() {
- var b = this;
- if (b._timeoutCookie) {
- window.clearTimeout(b._timeoutCookie);
- b._timeoutCookie = a
- }
- if (b._currentTask) {
- b._currentTask.dispose();
- b._currentTask = a
- }
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys._ScriptLoader", a, Sys.IDisposable);
- e.getInstance = function() {
- var a = Sys._ScriptLoader._activeInstance;
- if (!a) a = Sys._ScriptLoader._activeInstance = new Sys._ScriptLoader;
- return a
- };
- e.isScriptLoaded = function(b) {
- var a = document.createElement(m);
- a.src = b;
- return Array.contains(Sys._ScriptLoader._getLoadedScripts(), a.src)
- };
- e.readLoadedScripts = function() {
- if (!Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts)
- for (var c = Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts = [], d = document.getElementsByTagName(m), b = d.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
- var e = d[b],
- a = e.src;
- if (a.length) !Array.contains(c, a) && Array.add(c, a)
- }
- };
- e._errorScriptLoadFailed = function(b) {
- var a;
- a = Sys.Res.scriptLoadFailed;
- var d = "Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: " + String.format(a, b),
- c = Error.create(d, {
- name: "Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException",
- scriptUrl: b
- });
- c.popStackFrame();
- return c
- };
- e._getLoadedScripts = function() {
- if (!Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts) {
- Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts = [];
- Sys._ScriptLoader.readLoadedScripts()
- }
- return Sys._ScriptLoader._referencedScripts
- };
- e = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager = function() {
- var c = this;
- c._form = a;
- c._activeDefaultButton = a;
- c._activeDefaultButtonClicked = b;
- c._updatePanelIDs = a;
- c._updatePanelClientIDs = a;
- c._updatePanelHasChildrenAsTriggers = a;
- c._asyncPostBackControlIDs = a;
- c._asyncPostBackControlClientIDs = a;
- c._postBackControlIDs = a;
- c._postBackControlClientIDs = a;
- c._scriptManagerID = a;
- c._pageLoadedHandler = a;
- c._additionalInput = a;
- c._onsubmit = a;
- c._onSubmitStatements = [];
- c._originalDoPostBack = a;
- c._originalDoPostBackWithOptions = a;
- c._originalFireDefaultButton = a;
- c._originalDoCallback = a;
- c._isCrossPost = b;
- c._postBackSettings = a;
- c._request = a;
- c._onFormSubmitHandler = a;
- c._onFormElementClickHandler = a;
- c._onWindowUnloadHandler = a;
- c._asyncPostBackTimeout = a;
- c._controlIDToFocus = a;
- c._scrollPosition = a;
- c._processingRequest = b;
- c._scriptDisposes = {};
- c._textTypes = /^(text|password|hidden|search|tel|url|email|number|range|color|datetime|date|month|week|time|datetime-local)$/i
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_isInAsyncPostBack: function() {
- return this._request !== a
- },
- add_beginRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.addEventHandler(this, n, a)
- },
- remove_beginRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.removeEventHandler(this, n, a)
- },
- add_endRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.addEventHandler(this, o, a)
- },
- remove_endRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.removeEventHandler(this, o, a)
- },
- add_initializeRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.addEventHandler(this, p, a)
- },
- remove_initializeRequest: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.removeEventHandler(this, p, a)
- },
- add_pageLoaded: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.addEventHandler(this, q, a)
- },
- remove_pageLoaded: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.removeEventHandler(this, q, a)
- },
- add_pageLoading: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.addEventHandler(this, r, a)
- },
- remove_pageLoading: function(a) {
- Sys.Observer.removeEventHandler(this, r, a)
- },
- abortPostBack: function() {
- var b = this;
- if (!b._processingRequest && b._request) {
- b._request.get_executor().abort();
- b._request = a
- }
- },
- beginAsyncPostBack: function(h, e, k, i, j) {
- var d = this;
- if (i && typeof Page_ClientValidate === u && !Page_ClientValidate(j || a)) return;
- d._postBackSettings = d._createPostBackSettings(c, h, e);
- var g = d._form;
- g.__EVENTTARGET.value = e || f;
- g.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = k || f;
- d._isCrossPost = b;
- d._additionalInput = a;
- d._onFormSubmit()
- },
- _cancelPendingCallbacks: function() {
- for (var b = 0, g = window.__pendingCallbacks.length; b < g; b++) {
- var e = window.__pendingCallbacks[b];
- if (e) {
- if (!e.async) window.__synchronousCallBackIndex = d;
- window.__pendingCallbacks[b] = a;
- var f = "__CALLBACKFRAME" + b,
- c = document.getElementById(f);
- c && c.parentNode.removeChild(c)
- }
- }
- },
- _commitControls: function(b, d) {
- var c = this;
- if (b) {
- c._updatePanelIDs = b.updatePanelIDs;
- c._updatePanelClientIDs = b.updatePanelClientIDs;
- c._updatePanelHasChildrenAsTriggers = b.updatePanelHasChildrenAsTriggers;
- c._asyncPostBackControlIDs = b.asyncPostBackControlIDs;
- c._asyncPostBackControlClientIDs = b.asyncPostBackControlClientIDs;
- c._postBackControlIDs = b.postBackControlIDs;
- c._postBackControlClientIDs = b.postBackControlClientIDs
- }
- if (typeof d !== g && d !== a) c._asyncPostBackTimeout = d * 1e3
- },
- _createHiddenField: function(d, e) {
- var b, a = document.getElementById(d);
- if (a)
- if (!a._isContained) a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
- else b = a.parentNode;
- if (!b) {
- b = document.createElement("span");
- = "display:none !important";
- this._form.appendChild(b)
- }
- b.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' />";
- a = b.childNodes[0];
- a._isContained = c;
- = = d;
- a.value = e
- },
- _createPageRequestManagerTimeoutError: function() {
- var b = "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: " + Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_TimeoutError,
- a = Error.create(b, {
- name: "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException"
- });
- a.popStackFrame();
- return a
- },
- _createPageRequestManagerServerError: function(a, d) {
- var c = "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: " + (d || String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_ServerError, a)),
- b = Error.create(c, {
- name: "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException",
- httpStatusCode: a
- });
- b.popStackFrame();
- return b
- },
- _createPageRequestManagerParserError: function(b) {
- var c = "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: " + String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_ParserError, b),
- a = Error.create(c, {
- name: "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException"
- });
- a.popStackFrame();
- return a
- },
- _createPanelID: function(e, b) {
- var c = b.asyncTarget,
- a = this._ensureUniqueIds(e || b.panelsToUpdate),
- d = a instanceof Array ? a.join(",") : a || this._scriptManagerID;
- if (c) d += "|" + c;
- return encodeURIComponent(this._scriptManagerID) + h + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&"
- },
- _createPostBackSettings: function(d, a, c, b) {
- return {
- async: d,
- asyncTarget: c,
- panelsToUpdate: a,
- sourceElement: b
- }
- },
- _convertToClientIDs: function(a, g, e, d) {
- if (a)
- for (var b = 0, i = a.length; b < i; b += d ? 2 : 1) {
- var c = a[b],
- h = (d ? a[b + 1] : f) || this._uniqueIDToClientID(c);
- Array.add(g, c);
- Array.add(e, h)
- }
- },
- dispose: function() {
- var b = this;
- Sys.Observer.clearEventHandlers(b);
- if (b._form) {
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(b._form, j, b._onFormSubmitHandler);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(b._form, "click", b._onFormElementClickHandler);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(window, "unload", b._onWindowUnloadHandler);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(window, i, b._pageLoadedHandler)
- }
- if (b._originalDoPostBack) {
- window.__doPostBack = b._originalDoPostBack;
- b._originalDoPostBack = a
- }
- if (b._originalDoPostBackWithOptions) {
- window.WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions = b._originalDoPostBackWithOptions;
- b._originalDoPostBackWithOptions = a
- }
- if (b._originalFireDefaultButton) {
- window.WebForm_FireDefaultButton = b._originalFireDefaultButton;
- b._originalFireDefaultButton = a
- }
- if (b._originalDoCallback) {
- window.WebForm_DoCallback = b._originalDoCallback;
- b._originalDoCallback = a
- }
- b._form = a;
- b._updatePanelIDs = a;
- b._updatePanelClientIDs = a;
- b._asyncPostBackControlIDs = a;
- b._asyncPostBackControlClientIDs = a;
- b._postBackControlIDs = a;
- b._postBackControlClientIDs = a;
- b._asyncPostBackTimeout = a;
- b._scrollPosition = a
- },
- _doCallback: function(d, b, c, f, a, e) {
- !this.get_isInAsyncPostBack() && this._originalDoCallback(d, b, c, f, a, e)
- },
- _doPostBack: function(e, l) {
- var d = this;
- d._additionalInput = a;
- var j = d._form;
- if (e === a || typeof e === g || d._isCrossPost) {
- d._postBackSettings = d._createPostBackSettings(b);
- d._isCrossPost = b
- } else {
- var f = d._masterPageUniqueID,
- k = d._uniqueIDToClientID(e),
- i = document.getElementById(k);
- if (!i && f)
- if (k.indexOf(f + "$") === 0) i = document.getElementById(k.substr(f.length + 1));
- if (!i)
- if (Array.contains(d._asyncPostBackControlIDs, e)) d._postBackSettings = d._createPostBackSettings(c, a, e);
- else if (Array.contains(d._postBackControlIDs, e)) d._postBackSettings = d._createPostBackSettings(b);
- else {
- var h = d._findNearestElement(e);
- if (h) d._postBackSettings = d._getPostBackSettings(h, e);
- else {
- if (f) {
- f += "$";
- if (e.indexOf(f) === 0) h = d._findNearestElement(e.substr(f.length))
- }
- if (h) d._postBackSettings = d._getPostBackSettings(h, e);
- else d._postBackSettings = d._createPostBackSettings(b)
- }
- } else d._postBackSettings = d._getPostBackSettings(i, e)
- }
- if (!d._postBackSettings.async) {
- j.onsubmit = d._onsubmit;
- d._originalDoPostBack(e, l);
- j.onsubmit = a;
- return
- }
- j.__EVENTTARGET.value = e;
- j.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = l;
- d._onFormSubmit()
- },
- _doPostBackWithOptions: function(a) {
- this._isCrossPost = a && a.actionUrl;
- this._originalDoPostBackWithOptions(a)
- },
- _elementContains: function(d, a) {
- while (a) {
- if (a === d) return c;
- a = a.parentNode
- }
- return b
- },
- _endPostBack: function(d, f, g) {
- var c = this;
- if (c._request === f.get_webRequest()) {
- c._processingRequest = b;
- c._additionalInput = a;
- c._request = a
- }
- var e = new Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs(d, g ? g.dataItems : {}, f);
- Sys.Observer.raiseEvent(c, o, e);
- if (d && !e.get_errorHandled()) throw d;
- },
- _ensureUniqueIds: function(a) {
- if (!a) return a;
- a = a instanceof Array ? a : [a];
- for (var c = [], b = 0, g = a.length; b < g; b++) {
- var f = a[b],
- e = Array.indexOf(this._updatePanelClientIDs, f);
- c.push(e > d ? this._updatePanelIDs[e] : f)
- }
- return c
- },
- _findNearestElement: function(b) {
- while (b.length > 0) {
- var f = this._uniqueIDToClientID(b),
- e = document.getElementById(f);
- if (e) return e;
- var c = b.lastIndexOf("$");
- if (c === d) return a;
- b = b.substring(0, c)
- }
- return a
- },
- _findText: function(b, a) {
- var c = Math.max(0, a - 20),
- d = Math.min(b.length, a + 20);
- return b.substring(c, d)
- },
- _fireDefaultButton: function(d, h) {
- if (d.keyCode === 13) {
- var f = d.srcElement ||;
- if (!f || f.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") {
- var e = document.getElementById(h);
- if (e && typeof !== g) {
- this._activeDefaultButton = e;
- this._activeDefaultButtonClicked = b;
- try {
- } finally {
- this._activeDefaultButton = a
- }
- d.cancelBubble = c;
- typeof d.stopPropagation === u && d.stopPropagation();
- return b
- }
- }
- }
- return c
- },
- _getPageLoadedEventArgs: function(r, g) {
- var q = [],
- p = [],
- o = g ? g.version4 : b,
- h = g ? g.updatePanelData : a,
- i, k, l, e;
- if (!h) {
- i = this._updatePanelIDs;
- k = this._updatePanelClientIDs;
- l = a;
- e = a
- } else {
- i = h.updatePanelIDs;
- k = h.updatePanelClientIDs;
- l = h.childUpdatePanelIDs;
- e = h.panelsToRefreshIDs
- }
- var c, j, n, m;
- if (e)
- for (c = 0, j = e.length; c < j; c += o ? 2 : 1) {
- n = e[c];
- m = (o ? e[c + 1] : f) || this._uniqueIDToClientID(n);
- Array.add(q, document.getElementById(m))
- }
- for (c = 0, j = i.length; c < j; c++)(r || Array.indexOf(l, i[c]) !== d) && Array.add(p, document.getElementById(k[c]));
- return new Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs(q, p, g ? g.dataItems : {})
- },
- _getPageLoadingEventArgs: function(h) {
- var l = [],
- k = [],
- c = h.updatePanelData,
- m = c.oldUpdatePanelIDs,
- n = c.oldUpdatePanelClientIDs,
- p = c.updatePanelIDs,
- o = c.childUpdatePanelIDs,
- e = c.panelsToRefreshIDs,
- a, g, b, i, j = h.version4;
- for (a = 0, g = e.length; a < g; a += j ? 2 : 1) {
- b = e[a];
- i = (j ? e[a + 1] : f) || this._uniqueIDToClientID(b);
- Array.add(l, document.getElementById(i))
- }
- for (a = 0, g = m.length; a < g; a++) {
- b = m[a];
- Array.indexOf(e, b) === d && (Array.indexOf(p, b) === d || Array.indexOf(o, b) > d) && Array.add(k, document.getElementById(n[a]))
- }
- return new Sys.WebForms.PageLoadingEventArgs(l, k, h.dataItems)
- },
- _getPostBackSettings: function(f, h) {
- var e = this,
- i = f,
- g = a;
- while (f) {
- if ( {
- if (!g && Array.contains(e._asyncPostBackControlClientIDs, g = e._createPostBackSettings(c, a, h, i);
- else if (!g && Array.contains(e._postBackControlClientIDs, return e._createPostBackSettings(b);
- else {
- var j = Array.indexOf(e._updatePanelClientIDs,;
- if (j !== d) return e._updatePanelHasChildrenAsTriggers[j] ? e._createPostBackSettings(c, [e._updatePanelIDs[j]], h, i) : e._createPostBackSettings(c, a, h, i)
- }
- if (!g && e._matchesParentIDInList(, e._asyncPostBackControlClientIDs)) g = e._createPostBackSettings(c, a, h, i);
- else if (!g && e._matchesParentIDInList(, e._postBackControlClientIDs)) return e._createPostBackSettings(b)
- }
- f = f.parentNode
- }
- return !g ? e._createPostBackSettings(b) : g
- },
- _getScrollPosition: function() {
- var b = this,
- a = document.documentElement;
- if (a && (b._validPosition(a.scrollLeft) || b._validPosition(a.scrollTop))) return {
- x: a.scrollLeft,
- y: a.scrollTop
- };
- else {
- a = document.body;
- return a && (b._validPosition(a.scrollLeft) || b._validPosition(a.scrollTop)) ? {
- x: a.scrollLeft,
- y: a.scrollTop
- } : b._validPosition(window.pageXOffset) || b._validPosition(window.pageYOffset) ? {
- x: window.pageXOffset,
- y: window.pageYOffset
- } : {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- }
- }
- },
- _initializeInternal: function(k, l, d, e, h, f, g) {
- var b = this;
- if (b._prmInitialized) throw Error.invalidOperation(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_CannotRegisterTwice);
- b._prmInitialized = c;
- b._masterPageUniqueID = g;
- b._scriptManagerID = k;
- b._form = Sys.UI.DomElement.resolveElement(l);
- b._onsubmit = b._form.onsubmit;
- b._form.onsubmit = a;
- b._onFormSubmitHandler = Function.createDelegate(b, b._onFormSubmit);
- b._onFormElementClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(b, b._onFormElementClick);
- b._onWindowUnloadHandler = Function.createDelegate(b, b._onWindowUnload);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(b._form, j, b._onFormSubmitHandler);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(b._form, "click", b._onFormElementClickHandler);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(window, "unload", b._onWindowUnloadHandler);
- b._originalDoPostBack = window.__doPostBack;
- if (b._originalDoPostBack) window.__doPostBack = Function.createDelegate(b, b._doPostBack);
- b._originalDoPostBackWithOptions = window.WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions;
- if (b._originalDoPostBackWithOptions) window.WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions = Function.createDelegate(b, b._doPostBackWithOptions);
- b._originalFireDefaultButton = window.WebForm_FireDefaultButton;
- if (b._originalFireDefaultButton) window.WebForm_FireDefaultButton = Function.createDelegate(b, b._fireDefaultButton);
- b._originalDoCallback = window.WebForm_DoCallback;
- if (b._originalDoCallback) window.WebForm_DoCallback = Function.createDelegate(b, b._doCallback);
- b._pageLoadedHandler = Function.createDelegate(b, b._pageLoadedInitialLoad);
- Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(window, i, b._pageLoadedHandler);
- d && b._updateControls(d, e, h, f, c)
- },
- _matchesParentIDInList: function(e, d) {
- for (var a = 0, f = d.length; a < f; a++)
- if (e.startsWith(d[a] + "_")) return c;
- return b
- },
- _onFormElementActive: function(a, e, f) {
- var b = this;
- if (a.disabled) return;
- b._postBackSettings = b._getPostBackSettings(a,;
- if ( {
- var c = a.tagName.toUpperCase();
- if (c === "INPUT") {
- var d = a.type;
- if (d === j) b._additionalInput = encodeURIComponent( + h + encodeURIComponent(a.value);
- else if (d === "image") b._additionalInput = encodeURIComponent( + ".x=" + e + "&" + encodeURIComponent( + ".y=" + f
- } else if (c === "BUTTON" && !== 0 && a.type === j) b._additionalInput = encodeURIComponent( + h + encodeURIComponent(a.value)
- }
- },
- _onFormElementClick: function(a) {
- this._activeDefaultButtonClicked = === this._activeDefaultButton;
- this._onFormElementActive(, a.offsetX, a.offsetY)
- },
- _onFormSubmit: function(r) {
- var e = this,
- m, C, q = c,
- D = e._isCrossPost;
- e._isCrossPost = b;
- if (e._onsubmit) q = e._onsubmit();
- if (q)
- for (m = 0, C = e._onSubmitStatements.length; m < C; m++)
- if (!e._onSubmitStatements[m]()) {
- q = b;
- break
- }
- if (!q) {
- r && r.preventDefault();
- return
- }
- var v = e._form;
- if (D) return;
- e._activeDefaultButton && !e._activeDefaultButtonClicked && e._onFormElementActive(e._activeDefaultButton, 0, 0);
- if (!e._postBackSettings || !e._postBackSettings.async) return;
- var f = new Sys.StringBuilder,
- F = v.elements.length,
- z = e._createPanelID(a, e._postBackSettings);
- f.append(z);
- for (m = 0; m < F; m++) {
- var l = v.elements[m],
- o =;
- if (typeof o === g || o === a || o.length === 0 || o === e._scriptManagerID) continue;
- var u = l.tagName.toUpperCase();
- if (u === "INPUT") {
- var w = l.type;
- if (e._textTypes.test(w) || (w === "checkbox" || w === "radio") && l.checked) {
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(o));
- f.append(h);
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(l.value));
- f.append("&")
- }
- } else if (u === "SELECT")
- for (var E = l.options.length, x = 0; x < E; x++) {
- var A = l.options[x];
- if (A.selected) {
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(o));
- f.append(h);
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(A.value));
- f.append("&")
- }
- } else if (u === "TEXTAREA") {
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(o));
- f.append(h);
- f.append(encodeURIComponent(l.value));
- f.append("&")
- }
- }
- f.append("__ASYNCPOST=true&");
- if (e._additionalInput) {
- f.append(e._additionalInput);
- e._additionalInput = a
- }
- var i = new Sys.Net.WebRequest,
- j = v.action;
- if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) {
- var y = j.indexOf("#");
- if (y !== d) j = j.substr(0, y);
- var t = j.indexOf("?");
- if (t !== d) {
- var B = j.substr(0, t);
- if (B.indexOf("%") === d) j = encodeURI(B) + j.substr(t)
- } else if (j.indexOf("%") === d) j = encodeURI(j)
- }
- i.set_url(j);
- i.get_headers()["X-MicrosoftAjax"] = "Delta=true";
- i.get_headers()["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
- i.set_timeout(e._asyncPostBackTimeout);
- i.add_completed(Function.createDelegate(e, e._onFormSubmitCompleted));
- i.set_body(f.toString());
- var s, k;
- s = e._postBackSettings.panelsToUpdate;
- k = new Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs(i, e._postBackSettings.sourceElement, s);
- Sys.Observer.raiseEvent(e, p, k);
- q = !k.get_cancel();
- if (!q) {
- r && r.preventDefault();
- return
- }
- if (k && k._updated) {
- s = k.get_updatePanelsToUpdate();
- i.set_body(i.get_body().replace(z, e._createPanelID(s, e._postBackSettings)))
- }
- e._scrollPosition = e._getScrollPosition();
- e.abortPostBack();
- k = new Sys.WebForms.BeginRequestEventArgs(i, e._postBackSettings.sourceElement, s || e._postBackSettings.panelsToUpdate);
- Sys.Observer.raiseEvent(e, n, k);
- e._originalDoCallback && e._cancelPendingCallbacks();
- e._request = i;
- e._processingRequest = b;
- i.invoke();
- r && r.preventDefault()
- },
- _onFormSubmitCompleted: function(h) {
- var d = this;
- d._processingRequest = c;
- if (h.get_timedOut()) {
- d._endPostBack(d._createPageRequestManagerTimeoutError(), h, a);
- return
- }
- if (h.get_aborted()) {
- d._endPostBack(a, h, a);
- return
- }
- if (!d._request || h.get_webRequest() !== d._request) return;
- if (h.get_statusCode() !== 200) {
- d._endPostBack(d._createPageRequestManagerServerError(h.get_statusCode()), h, a);
- return
- }
- var e = d._parseDelta(h);
- if (!e) return;
- var g, j;
- if (e.asyncPostBackControlIDsNode && e.postBackControlIDsNode && e.updatePanelIDsNode && e.panelsToRefreshNode && e.childUpdatePanelIDsNode) {
- var x = d._updatePanelIDs,
- t = d._updatePanelClientIDs,
- n = e.childUpdatePanelIDsNode.content,
- v = n.length ? n.split(",") : [],
- s = d._splitNodeIntoArray(e.asyncPostBackControlIDsNode),
- u = d._splitNodeIntoArray(e.postBackControlIDsNode),
- w = d._splitNodeIntoArray(e.updatePanelIDsNode),
- l = d._splitNodeIntoArray(e.panelsToRefreshNode),
- m = e.version4;
- for (g = 0, j = l.length; g < j; g += m ? 2 : 1) {
- var o = (m ? l[g + 1] : f) || d._uniqueIDToClientID(l[g]);
- if (!document.getElementById(o)) {
- d._endPostBack(Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_MissingPanel, o)), h, e);
- return
- }
- }
- var k = d._processUpdatePanelArrays(w, s, u, m);
- k.oldUpdatePanelIDs = x;
- k.oldUpdatePanelClientIDs = t;
- k.childUpdatePanelIDs = v;
- k.panelsToRefreshIDs = l;
- e.updatePanelData = k
- }
- e.dataItems = {};
- var i;
- for (g = 0, j = e.dataItemNodes.length; g < j; g++) {
- i = e.dataItemNodes[g];
- e.dataItems[] = i.content
- }
- for (g = 0, j = e.dataItemJsonNodes.length; g < j; g++) {
- i = e.dataItemJsonNodes[g];
- e.dataItems[] = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(i.content)
- }
- var q = Sys.Observer._getContext(d, c).events.getHandler(r);
- q && q(d, d._getPageLoadingEventArgs(e));
- Sys._ScriptLoader.readLoadedScripts();
- Sys.Application.beginCreateComponents();
- var p = Sys._ScriptLoader.getInstance();
- d._queueScripts(p, e.scriptBlockNodes, c, b);
- d._processingRequest = c;
- p.loadScripts(0, Function.createDelegate(d, Function.createCallback(d._scriptIncludesLoadComplete, e)), Function.createDelegate(d, Function.createCallback(d._scriptIncludesLoadFailed, e)), a)
- },
- _onWindowUnload: function() {
- this.dispose()
- },
- _pageLoaded: function(a, b) {
- Sys.Observer.raiseEvent(this, q, this._getPageLoadedEventArgs(a, b));
- !a && Sys.Application.raiseLoad()
- },
- _pageLoadedInitialLoad: function() {
- this._pageLoaded(c, a)
- },
- _parseDelta: function(n) {
- var h = this,
- g = n.get_responseData(),
- i, o, K, L, J, f = 0,
- j = a,
- p = [];
- while (f < g.length) {
- i = g.indexOf("|", f);
- if (i === d) {
- j = h._findText(g, f);
- break
- }
- o = parseInt(g.substring(f, i), 10);
- if (o % 1 !== 0) {
- j = h._findText(g, f);
- break
- }
- f = i + 1;
- i = g.indexOf("|", f);
- if (i === d) {
- j = h._findText(g, f);
- break
- }
- K = g.substring(f, i);
- f = i + 1;
- i = g.indexOf("|", f);
- if (i === d) {
- j = h._findText(g, f);
- break
- }
- L = g.substring(f, i);
- f = i + 1;
- if (f + o >= g.length) {
- j = h._findText(g, g.length);
- break
- }
- J = g.substr(f, o);
- f += o;
- if (g.charAt(f) !== "|") {
- j = h._findText(g, f);
- break
- }
- f++;
- Array.add(p, {
- type: K,
- id: L,
- content: J
- })
- }
- if (j) {
- h._endPostBack(h._createPageRequestManagerParserError(String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_ParserErrorDetails, j)), n, a);
- return a
- }
- for (var D = [], B = [], v = [], C = [], y = [], I = [], G = [], F = [], A = [], x = [], r, u, z, s, t, w, E, m, q = 0, M = p.length; q < M; q++) {
- var e = p[q];
- switch (e.type) {
- case "#":
- m = e;
- break;
- case "updatePanel":
- Array.add(D, e);
- break;
- case "hiddenField":
- Array.add(B, e);
- break;
- case "arrayDeclaration":
- Array.add(v, e);
- break;
- case "scriptBlock":
- Array.add(C, e);
- break;
- case "scriptStartupBlock":
- Array.add(y, e);
- break;
- case "expando":
- Array.add(I, e);
- break;
- case "onSubmit":
- Array.add(G, e);
- break;
- case "asyncPostBackControlIDs":
- r = e;
- break;
- case "postBackControlIDs":
- u = e;
- break;
- case "updatePanelIDs":
- z = e;
- break;
- case "asyncPostBackTimeout":
- s = e;
- break;
- case "childUpdatePanelIDs":
- t = e;
- break;
- case "panelsToRefreshIDs":
- w = e;
- break;
- case "formAction":
- E = e;
- break;
- case "dataItem":
- Array.add(F, e);
- break;
- case "dataItemJson":
- Array.add(A, e);
- break;
- case "scriptDispose":
- Array.add(x, e);
- break;
- case "pageRedirect":
- if (m && parseFloat(m.content) >= 4) e.content = unescape(e.content);
- if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) {
- var k = document.createElement("a");
- = "none";
- k.attachEvent("onclick", H);
- k.href = e.content;
- h._form.parentNode.insertBefore(k, h._form);
- k.detachEvent("onclick", H);
- h._form.parentNode.removeChild(k);
- function H(a) {
- a.cancelBubble = c
- }
- } else window.location.href = e.content;
- return a;
- case l:
- h._endPostBack(h._createPageRequestManagerServerError(Number.parseInvariant(, e.content), n, a);
- return a;
- case "pageTitle":
- document.title = e.content;
- break;
- case "focus":
- h._controlIDToFocus = e.content;
- break;
- default:
- h._endPostBack(h._createPageRequestManagerParserError(String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_UnknownToken, e.type)), n, a);
- return a
- }
- }
- return {
- version4: m ? parseFloat(m.content) >= 4 : b,
- executor: n,
- updatePanelNodes: D,
- hiddenFieldNodes: B,
- arrayDeclarationNodes: v,
- scriptBlockNodes: C,
- scriptStartupNodes: y,
- expandoNodes: I,
- onSubmitNodes: G,
- dataItemNodes: F,
- dataItemJsonNodes: A,
- scriptDisposeNodes: x,
- asyncPostBackControlIDsNode: r,
- postBackControlIDsNode: u,
- updatePanelIDsNode: z,
- asyncPostBackTimeoutNode: s,
- childUpdatePanelIDsNode: t,
- panelsToRefreshNode: w,
- formActionNode: E
- }
- },
- _processUpdatePanelArrays: function(e, r, s, g) {
- var d, c, b;
- if (e) {
- var j = e.length,
- k = g ? 2 : 1;
- d = new Array(j / k);
- c = new Array(j / k);
- b = new Array(j / k);
- for (var h = 0, i = 0; h < j; h += k, i++) {
- var q, a = e[h],
- l = g ? e[h + 1] : f;
- q = a.charAt(0) === "t";
- a = a.substr(1);
- if (!l) l = this._uniqueIDToClientID(a);
- b[i] = q;
- d[i] = a;
- c[i] = l
- }
- } else {
- d = [];
- c = [];
- b = []
- }
- var o = [],
- m = [];
- this._convertToClientIDs(r, o, m, g);
- var p = [],
- n = [];
- this._convertToClientIDs(s, p, n, g);
- return {
- updatePanelIDs: d,
- updatePanelClientIDs: c,
- updatePanelHasChildrenAsTriggers: b,
- asyncPostBackControlIDs: o,
- asyncPostBackControlClientIDs: m,
- postBackControlIDs: p,
- postBackControlClientIDs: n
- }
- },
- _queueScripts: function(d, b, e, f) {
- for (var a = 0, h = b.length; a < h; a++) {
- var g = b[a].id;
- switch (g) {
- case "ScriptContentNoTags":
- if (!f) continue;
- d.queueScriptBlock(b[a].content);
- break;
- case "ScriptContentWithTags":
- var c = window.eval("(" + b[a].content + ")");
- if (c.src) {
- if (!e || Sys._ScriptLoader.isScriptLoaded(c.src)) continue
- } else if (!f) continue;
- d.queueCustomScriptTag(c);
- break;
- case "ScriptPath":
- if (!e || Sys._ScriptLoader.isScriptLoaded(b[a].content)) continue;
- d.queueScriptReference(b[a].content)
- }
- }
- },
- _registerDisposeScript: function(a, b) {
- if (!this._scriptDisposes[a]) this._scriptDisposes[a] = [b];
- else Array.add(this._scriptDisposes[a], b)
- },
- _scriptIncludesLoadComplete: function(j, e) {
- var i = this;
- if (e.executor.get_webRequest() !== i._request) return;
- i._commitControls(e.updatePanelData, e.asyncPostBackTimeoutNode ? e.asyncPostBackTimeoutNode.content : a);
- if (e.formActionNode) i._form.action = e.formActionNode.content;
- var d, h, g;
- for (d = 0, h = e.updatePanelNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- g = e.updatePanelNodes[d];
- var o = document.getElementById(;
- if (!o) {
- i._endPostBack(Error.invalidOperation(String.format(Sys.WebForms.Res.PRM_MissingPanel,, e.executor, e);
- return
- }
- i._updatePanel(o, g.content)
- }
- for (d = 0, h = e.scriptDisposeNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- g = e.scriptDisposeNodes[d];
- i._registerDisposeScript(, g.content)
- }
- for (d = 0, h = i._transientFields.length; d < h; d++) {
- var l = document.getElementById(i._transientFields[d]);
- if (l) {
- var p = l._isContained ? l.parentNode : l;
- p.parentNode.removeChild(p)
- }
- }
- for (d = 0, h = e.hiddenFieldNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- g = e.hiddenFieldNodes[d];
- i._createHiddenField(, g.content)
- }
- if (e.scriptsFailed) throw Sys._ScriptLoader._errorScriptLoadFailed(e.scriptsFailed.src, e.scriptsFailed.multipleCallbacks);
- i._queueScripts(j, e.scriptBlockNodes, b, c);
- var n = f;
- for (d = 0, h = e.arrayDeclarationNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- g = e.arrayDeclarationNodes[d];
- n += "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._addArrayElement('" + + "', " + g.content + ");\r\n"
- }
- var m = f;
- for (d = 0, h = e.expandoNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- g = e.expandoNodes[d];
- m += + " = " + g.content + "\r\n"
- }
- n.length && j.queueScriptBlock(n);
- m.length && j.queueScriptBlock(m);
- i._queueScripts(j, e.scriptStartupNodes, c, c);
- var k = f;
- for (d = 0, h = e.onSubmitNodes.length; d < h; d++) {
- if (d === 0) k = "Array.add(Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance()._onSubmitStatements, function() {\r\n";
- k += e.onSubmitNodes[d].content + "\r\n"
- }
- if (k.length) {
- k += "\r\nreturn true;\r\n});\r\n";
- j.queueScriptBlock(k)
- }
- j.loadScripts(0, Function.createDelegate(i, Function.createCallback(i._scriptsLoadComplete, e)), a, a)
- },
- _scriptIncludesLoadFailed: function(d, c, b, a) {
- a.scriptsFailed = {
- src: c.src,
- multipleCallbacks: b
- };
- this._scriptIncludesLoadComplete(d, a)
- },
- _scriptsLoadComplete: function(k, h) {
- var c = this,
- j = h.executor;
- if (window.__theFormPostData) window.__theFormPostData = f;
- if (window.__theFormPostCollection) window.__theFormPostCollection = [];
- window.WebForm_InitCallback && window.WebForm_InitCallback();
- if (c._scrollPosition) {
- window.scrollTo && window.scrollTo(c._scrollPosition.x, c._scrollPosition.y);
- c._scrollPosition = a
- }
- Sys.Application.endCreateComponents();
- c._pageLoaded(b, h);
- c._endPostBack(a, j, h);
- if (c._controlIDToFocus) {
- var d, i;
- if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer) {
- var e = $get(c._controlIDToFocus);
- d = e;
- if (e && !WebForm_CanFocus(e)) d = WebForm_FindFirstFocusableChild(e);
- if (d && typeof d.contentEditable !== g) {
- i = d.contentEditable;
- d.contentEditable = b
- } else d = a
- }
- WebForm_AutoFocus(c._controlIDToFocus);
- if (d) d.contentEditable = i;
- c._controlIDToFocus = a
- }
- },
- _splitNodeIntoArray: function(b) {
- var a = b.content,
- c = a.length ? a.split(",") : [];
- return c
- },
- _uniqueIDToClientID: function(a) {
- return a.replace(/\$/g, "_")
- },
- _updateControls: function(d, a, c, b, e) {
- this._commitControls(this._processUpdatePanelArrays(d, a, c, e), b)
- },
- _updatePanel: function(b, g) {
- var a = this;
- for (var d in a._scriptDisposes)
- if (a._elementContains(b, document.getElementById(d))) {
- for (var f = a._scriptDisposes[d], e = 0, h = f.length; e < h; e++) window.eval(f[e]);
- delete a._scriptDisposes[d]
- }
- Sys.Application.disposeElement(b, c);
- b.innerHTML = g
- },
- _validPosition: function(b) {
- return typeof b !== g && b !== a && b !== 0
- }
- };
- e.getInstance = function() {
- var a = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._instance;
- if (!a) a = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._instance = new Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager;
- return a
- };
- e._addArrayElement = function(a) {
- if (!window[a]) window[a] = [];
- for (var b = 1, c = arguments.length; b < c; b++) Array.add(window[a], arguments[b])
- };
- e._initialize = function() {
- var a = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
- a._initializeInternal.apply(a, arguments)
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager");
- e = Sys.UI._UpdateProgress = function(d) {
- var b = this;
- Sys.UI._UpdateProgress.initializeBase(b, [d]);
- b._displayAfter = 500;
- b._dynamicLayout = c;
- b._associatedUpdatePanelId = a;
- b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate = a;
- b._startDelegate = a;
- b._endRequestHandlerDelegate = a;
- b._pageRequestManager = a;
- b._timerCookie = a
- };
- e.prototype = {
- get_displayAfter: function() {
- return this._displayAfter
- },
- set_displayAfter: function(a) {
- this._displayAfter = a
- },
- get_dynamicLayout: function() {
- return this._dynamicLayout
- },
- set_dynamicLayout: function(a) {
- this._dynamicLayout = a
- },
- get_associatedUpdatePanelId: function() {
- return this._associatedUpdatePanelId
- },
- set_associatedUpdatePanelId: function(a) {
- this._associatedUpdatePanelId = a
- },
- get_role: function() {
- return k
- },
- _clearTimeout: function() {
- if (this._timerCookie) {
- window.clearTimeout(this._timerCookie);
- this._timerCookie = a
- }
- },
- _getUniqueID: function(c) {
- var b = Array.indexOf(this._pageRequestManager._updatePanelClientIDs, c);
- return b === d ? a : this._pageRequestManager._updatePanelIDs[b]
- },
- _handleBeginRequest: function(i, h) {
- var a = this,
- e = h.get_postBackElement(),
- d = c,
- g = a._associatedUpdatePanelId;
- if (a._associatedUpdatePanelId) {
- var f = h.get_updatePanelsToUpdate();
- if (f && f.length) d = Array.contains(f, g) || Array.contains(f, a._getUniqueID(g));
- else d = b
- }
- while (!d && e) {
- if ( && a._associatedUpdatePanelId === d = c;
- e = e.parentNode
- }
- if (d) a._timerCookie = window.setTimeout(a._startDelegate, a._displayAfter)
- },
- _startRequest: function() {
- var b = this;
- if (b._pageRequestManager.get_isInAsyncPostBack()) {
- var c = b.get_element();
- if (b._dynamicLayout) = "block";
- else = "visible";
- b.get_role() === k && c.setAttribute(s, "false")
- }
- b._timerCookie = a
- },
- _handleEndRequest: function() {
- var a = this,
- b = a.get_element();
- if (a._dynamicLayout) = "none";
- else = "hidden";
- a.get_role() === k && b.setAttribute(s, "true");
- a._clearTimeout()
- },
- dispose: function() {
- var b = this;
- if (b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate !== a) {
- b._pageRequestManager.remove_beginRequest(b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate);
- b._pageRequestManager.remove_endRequest(b._endRequestHandlerDelegate);
- b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate = a;
- b._endRequestHandlerDelegate = a
- }
- b._clearTimeout();
- Sys.UI._UpdateProgress.callBaseMethod(b, "dispose")
- },
- initialize: function() {
- var b = this;
- Sys.UI._UpdateProgress.callBaseMethod(b, "initialize");
- b.get_role() === k && b.get_element().setAttribute(s, "true");
- b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate = Function.createDelegate(b, b._handleBeginRequest);
- b._endRequestHandlerDelegate = Function.createDelegate(b, b._handleEndRequest);
- b._startDelegate = Function.createDelegate(b, b._startRequest);
- if (Sys.WebForms && Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager) b._pageRequestManager = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
- if (b._pageRequestManager !== a) {
- b._pageRequestManager.add_beginRequest(b._beginRequestHandlerDelegate);
- b._pageRequestManager.add_endRequest(b._endRequestHandlerDelegate)
- }
- }
- };
- e.registerClass("Sys.UI._UpdateProgress", Sys.UI.Control)
- }
- if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) Sys.loader.registerScript("WebForms", ["ComponentModel", "Serialization", "Network"], a);
- else a()
- })();
- Type.registerNamespace('Sys.WebForms');
- Sys.WebForms.Res = {
- "PRM_UnknownToken": "Unknown token: \u0027{0}\u0027.",
- "PRM_MissingPanel": "Could not find UpdatePanel with ID \u0027{0}\u0027. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel.",
- "PRM_ServerError": "An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: {0}",
- "PRM_ParserError": "The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.\nDetails: {0}",
- "PRM_TimeoutError": "The server request timed out.",
- "PRM_ParserErrorDetails": "Error parsing near \u0027{0}\u0027.",
- "PRM_CannotRegisterTwice": "The PageRequestManager cannot be initialized more than once."
- };
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