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Yuuki Yuuna / Yuki Yuna

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Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. >>116144248 >>117090114 >>117235814
  3. Chapter 1: Washio Sumi
  5. Taisha History Documentaries Department - Miko-sama
  8. When I heard I was chosen by Shinju-sama,
  9. I thought it was an amazing thing but, I didn't feel
  10. it was that amazing.
  11. After hearing that the incoming enemies would destroy the world, I simply thought I had to fight them.
  12. In the begining, it was all I thought about.
  13. At that time, even in my dream, I couldn't imagine that ___ would ___ and fight.
  15. Hero Diary 298.4.25
  17. Washio Sumi wakes up at 5 o'clock every morning and goes to the well in her backyard.
  18. Using that well's water to cleanse her body was her daily routine.
  19. It's cold, but thanks to that, her mind and body become tense.
  20. After that, she walks for several minutes to a shrine, and gives her prayer.
  21. She gets along well with the cat on the stairs in the shrine's ground.
  22. She even gave him a name in her mind.
  23. After she comes home, she starts making breakfast.
  24. Cooking was her hobby.
  25. [I won't be satisfied if I don't get to eat rice in the morning]
  26. While saying that, she skillfully handles the kitchen knife.
  27. In the Washio family, the parents prefer Western-style breakfast.
  28. Their daughter, Sumi, can't stand that fact.
  29. To her, a breakfast with rice and miso soup is supreme.
  30. I'm dissatisfied with what my parents make, so I will take up the responsibility of making breakfast myself.
  31. She, who is so diligent, came up with that clear policy.
  32. Nowadays, Sumi's parents have been enjoying her breakfast.
  33. Her plan of converting their taste from Western-style to Japanese-style has been a success.
  34. [Thanks for the meal]
  35. After finish breakfast and getting ready, all that's left is going to school like always.
  36. Sinju palace, 6th year, class 1. That is the name of Sumi's school building and class.
  37. Like everything in this world that has "Sinju" in its name, this school has a high prestige.
  38. The building's structure is not different to a normal school, however, its security is very strict, and the hygiene issue is thoroughly managed to every nooks and corners.
  39. [Hello]
  40. Sumi greets with a calm voice and enters her class.
  41. [Washio-chan, hello]
  42. [Helloo]
  43. Also having good upbringing and dignity, the classmates returned her greeting properly.
  44. Sumi liked her classmates.
  45. She talks with both the boys and the girls in a same way.
  46. Even though she doesn't have a lover, it's still fulfilling school life.
  47. ...Nonetheless, even if Sumi is a honor student, she is still a child.
  48. Among the 30 classmates, there're two persons that she just doesn't know how to deal with... Both of them are girls.
  49. One of them, right this moment, was laying her face flat on the desk next to Sumi.
  50. [Zzz... munyamunya... my bacon]
  51. It's such a clear morning and yet, that classmate is sleeping.
  52. If you ask Sumi what she think of it, she would make a face and say "such a slug".
  53. (... B-but there're time when you're sleepy in the morning... it can't be helped...)
  54. And so, Sumi told herself.
  55. She doesn't want to nitpick about her classmate's behaviors.
  56. Sumi felt ashamed for scolding over such a trivial matter.
  57. Because this classmate, who is sleeping next to her, makes her feels that way, she isn't fond of her.
  58. Suddenly, that classmate's body starts to move.
  59. [Awawa! I'm sorry, mom!]
  60. Screaming, she abruptly stood up.
  61. The class went silence.
  62. [...huh? I'm not at home?...?]
  63. While still haft asleep, the girl talked to herself.
  64. [This is the classroom, in the morning, before homeroom starts, Nogi-san]
  65. Sumi calmly retorted and...
  66. At that, the class busted with laughter.
  67. [Awawawa...]
  68. Being laughed at by everyone, the girl next to her turned bright red and sit down.
  69. Contrast to her refined features, that clumsy girl is Nogi Sonoko.
  70. Even within the organization that supports this country - Taisha - the Nogi household's voice has an unimaginable influential strength,
  71. and yet, that girl was always spacing out.
  72. [Ahh... I've gone and done it huh?]
  73. Sumi glanced at an embarrassed grinning Sonoko.
  74. Sonoko noticed her gaze.
  75. [Sumisuke, morning?]
  76. With a voice like she's out of breath, she greets.
  77. [Ahem. Morning, Nogi-san]
  78. Sumi properly returnted her greeting.
  79. In any case, greeting is important.
  80. If you don't greet people, Sinju-sama will get angry.
  81. The children are all brought up with that teaching.
  82. [Say, Nogi-san, my nickname is not Sumisuke though]
  83. [Ah, maybe Shiosumi is better?]
  84. [That's not the problem here...]
  85. [You also don't have to call me Nogi-san, just call me however you like. For example, Nogii?]
  86. ['s too English sounding...]
  87. Sonoko's just peacefully grinning.
  88. Looks like she has 100% good intention while giving other strange nicknames.
  89. Because of that, it's hard to deal with her.
  90. ...Being with such a peacefull girl in the ordinary part of the day is not a problem.
  91. Another reason why Sumi is not fond of Sonoko is that Sonoko has the same "duty" as herself.
  92. She's worried that Sonoko can't carry out that holy duty with her personality.
  94. In the meantime, the homeroom teacher finally arrived.
  95. The teacher was a cold woman in her mid 20s, she was usually strict and was feared by the kids,
  96. however, the students didn't hate her because they understood her love for them.
  97. The usual morning class activities is about to start.
  99. Exactly when the person on duty was about to raise commands...
  100. [Marniiiing! I-I made it!]
  101. A student rushed in after the teacher.
  102. [Minowa-san, no, you didn't make it]
  103. The homeroom teacher lightly tapped the attendence record on the girl called Minowa's head.
  104. It's what she always do when warning students, a bad habit.
  105. Long time ago, her action might have raised up the corporal pusnishment issue, but it was no problem now.
  106. In this era, as long as it is not excessive, corporal punishment is allowed.
  107. Again, everyone in class busted out laughing.
  108. The girl called Minowa quickly went to her seat.
  109. Minowa's seat was a bit away from Sumi's.
  110. Right after she sat down, Minowa started talking with the other classmates.
  111. [Hey, why are you late, Gin-chan?]
  112. [Well, after became a 6th year, a lot of things happen]
  113. [Ehh, what the heck?]
  114. The place around where she sat suddenly became cheerful.
  115. This is Minowa Gin's appeal, abysmal cheerfulness.
  116. [Awah! This's bad, I forgot my textbook]
  117. [Ahaha, Gin-chan, why did you even come to school?]
  118. "...Even if you say abysmal, isn't this still too much?" or so, Sumi always think.
  119. Her looks was like it's saying "Pull yourself together already"
  120. It would be fine if Minowa was just another classmate.
  121. Rather, she would even like her cheerfulness.
  122. However, Minowa was like her and Nogi, she's tasked a very, very important duty,
  123. the three of them were like one.
  124. Just like the Nogi household, the Minowa household also had great power within Taisha, she wanted her to be more self-aware of that fact.
  125. Now that the accident had end, the person on duty pulled themselves together and raised commands:
  126. [Rise]
  127. The students stood up.
  128. [Bow]
  129. The students bowed their heads.
  130. [Pray]
  131. While keeping their heads down, the students clasped their hands together.
  132. [Thanks to Sinju-sama, we're alive today]
  133. They offered words of gratitude to Sinju-sama.
  134. [Sit down]
  135. With that, the students finally sit down.
  136. The school timetable contains lots of morals and Shinto lessons, that's the unique feature of this era.
  137. The ever so serious Sumi took each lesson earnessly,
  138. and sometimes reminded her neighbour, Sonoko to stop spacing out.
  139. In break times, she chatted with her friends, played the recorder with them, sometimes, she went to the library or the computer room, etc.
  140. She spent her time in relatively mild way.
  141. Incidentally, Minowa Rin belonged to the sports-oriented community, she was always playing in the schoolyard.
  142. Speaking of Nogi Sonoko, she was always dizzying around.
  143. She could talk with anyone, and could suddenly sleep anytime.
  144. It looked like she was enjoying her slow life to the fullest.
  146. Lunch break was about to end.
  147. To prepare for the next class, Sumi stopped chatting with her classmates, and returned to her seat.
  148. (In order to fulfill my duty, I have got training this evening... Ok, let's do my best)
  149. The moment she thought that
  151. Doom! A big shock wrapped up her surroundings.
  153. At the same time with the shock, her classmates' movements suddenly stopped.
  154. [? Everyone?]
  155. For a moment, Sumi coulnd't understand what was happening.
  156. She tried to call out to the classmates in front of her eyes.
  157. However, there were no answers or any stupid reactions.
  158. [This is... don't tell me!]
  159. Standing up with a clank, Sumi looked around.
  160. As expected, all movements had been stopped.
  161. Falling chopsticks were staying still in mid air.
  162. Even the clock's second hand was completely halted.
  163. [It's here, the time to carry out my duty...]
  164. Time stop signaled the start of the duty.
  165. Everything was according to what she had been taught.
  166. [Hey, hey, are the enemies coming now!?]
  167. Running from the schoolyard, Gin's expression changed as she jumped in.
  168. [Minowa-san... you can move]
  169. [Since you can also move, Washio-san, I guess it's really time to do our duty]
  170. While the two were talking seriously...
  171. [Fuaaah]
  172. They heard an unconcerned voice.
  173. [So sleepe... Did I fall asleep again...?]
  174. Nogi Sonoko woke up from her nap.
  175. [Huh? Huh huh huh?]
  176. Sonoko sensed the strange atmosphere of her surroundings.
  177. [Am I dreamiing?... Munya]
  178. [[Don't sleep!!]]
  179. [Hauah!?]
  180. To the airheaded Sonoko who was about fall asleep again, both Sumi and Gin retorted at the same time.
  181. [Time's stopped, after this, if I remember correctly...]
  182. [Due to Shinju-sama's power, the earth will be transformed to "Jukaika"] *樹海化 (Jukakika): Sea of trees-ification
  183. Sumi camly answered Gin's question.
  184. Her heart was pounding like it was going to leap out but... this was just a phenomenon that her parents and Taisha had told her about many times.
  185. Even though it came surprisingly sooner than expected, the three of them were the beings that Shijun-sama had chosen to do this duty.
  186. that case, they just had to do what they had been taught.
  187. [All we have to do is becoming "heroes" and intercepting the "enemies"]
  188. To encourage her-trembling-self, Washio Sumi clenched her fist tightly.
  190. On the school's rooftop, three persons stood.
  191. However, right now, it was impossible to tell how far the school's premises stretched to.
  192. The scenery stretching out before the girls' eyes, to describe in a few words, was like a strange space from fairytale.
  193. Humans, buildings, almost everything had turned into trees and shrubs.
  194. Originally, this land had already been covered with many trees, but in this moment, it had completely changed into a tree land.
  195. Gin surveyed her surroundings and muttered.
  196. [Umm, I can't tell where is where anymore, everything is trees... don't even know where my own house is. Hey, Washio-san, do you know where Ines is?]
  197. Ines, a huge shopping mall in front of the station.
  198. They said that you could buy anything and everything at Ines.
  199. Many families also spent their weekends there.
  200. [You don't need to worry about Ines at a time like this]
  201. Reflextively, Sumi retorted.
  202. [But it'd be a huge problem if Ines disappeared, even the public hall is inside there]
  203. [It's okay. After we repel the enemies, Jukaika will return to normal]
  204. As if to persuade herself, Sumi said.
  205. Looking at the direction where the Washio's house was.
  206. That place, naturally, was also just a part of the sea of trees.
  207. [So beautiful... so this is Jukaika created by Shinju-sama's power~...]
  208. Nogi Sonoko was always an airhead no matter the time.
  209. [This is beautiful...? Well, I guess you could say it's beautiful, but not a fascinating scenery. I might have actually become panic if I hadn't heard about it first...]
  210. [Right, I think so too...]
  211. Unusually, Sumi shared the same thought with Gin.
  213. [Ah, heyy. The big bridge is still there completely~]
  214. Sonoko pointed at the town's symbol, a super-gigantic bridge.
  215. [You're right. It's rooted to some degree but the pattern is still there. Maybe it's because it's connected with the other side?]
  216. [Well, it's easy to tell this way. Our duty is to protect that big bridge so we just have to go there]
  217. [It's easy to tell where Shinju-sama is too~]
  218. At the back of sea of trees, stood the Holy Tree (Shinju), it was a big tree glowing with a godly light.
  219. [Now, it's about time...!]
  220. As Minowa Gin took out her portable terminal, her expression stiffened.
  221. As they'd planned to win since the beginning, the girls froze their expressions.
  222. Sonoko and Sumi nodded.
  223. Despite of their abnormal situation, the three didn't complaint or show any sights of discontent.
  224. Because the adults had told them countless time that "This is a very honourable and should be proud of duty".
  225. "You have been chosen by Shinju-sama, you have nothing to fear".
  226. Believing the adults, the three children started the operation written in their portable terminals.
  227. From training, their bodys had known how to do it.
  229. Even though the training time was insufficient, the three could still started up the app that had been distributed to them.
  230. In order to fight against the enemies, Taisha borrowed Shinju's power and created this app, the Hero System.
  231. All at once, the three tapped their transformation icons.
  232. Simultaneously, the girls were enveloped in light.
  234. Using the Holy Tree's power, the hero forms were patterned after plants.
  235. The tree girls all bloomed into different flowers.
  236. Washio Sumi, so to speak, was the flower of Prim.
  237. Nogi Sonoko, so to speak, was the flower of Elegance.
  238. Minowa Gin, so to speak, was the flower Passion.
  239. Each of the three changed into her own unique combat gear.
  240. At the same time, enormous power overflowed from their body.
  242. Since their power came from the Holy Tree that gods dwelled in, it was a matter of fact.
  243. It could be said that the Hero form was the embodiment of the gods' power.
  244. The three in Sumi's group were chosen to use this power by the Holy Tree.
  245. [Let's go, to the bridge]
  246. Crossing dozens meters in one leap, three girls headed for the bridge.
  247. The enemies would come from the other side and pass by this bridge.
  249. The enemies would come to this town which was right at the entrance of Shikoku.
  250. And so, it was natural for humanity to station people chosen by the Holy Tree... in other words, the three Hero girls at this place.
  251. The three girls positioned themselves at the middle of the bridge.
  252. [Well then, it should come here soon]
  253. To warm up, Gin swung her weapons, the two axes, around.
  254. Sonoko's one was a spear.
  255. And Sumi had a bow as her weapon.
  256. Conveniently, their weapons' ranges were close - mid - long, and so together, they formed a balance party.
  257. [You two, let's fight calmly]
  258. Sumi instructed the other two.
  259. Contrast to her calm voice, Sumi was fired up.
  260. To protect this beautiful country.
  261. To protect her important family.
  262. To protect her irreplaceable friends.
  264. Her weapon type was the one with the lowest risk.
  265. She didn't want to be a burden to her two comrades who used axes and spear.
  266. Maybe when she could control the arrows properly, she would be able start attacking at the front.
  267. Practically, Gin's eagerness was dangerously high while Sonoko was always spacing out, so she couldn't rely on them.
  268. (I will do my best. I will defeat it! I will protect them...!)
  269. Sumi fired herself up one more time.
  271. It appeared from the other side of the bridge.
  272. With a very strange and huge body.
  273. Neither a life form nor an inorganic object.
  274. A nearly inorganic, 10 meters high grotesque silhouette was crossing over the bridge.
  276. [That is the thing that come from the other side... the enemy... "Vertexs"]
  277. Sumi gulped.
  278. She had been told about the format of Vertexs' action.
  279. 1. They attack human
  280. 2. They don't attack anything other than human
  281. 3. Normal weapons almost don't have any effect on them
  282. 4. Heroes with the god's power are able to go against them.
  283. 5. The enemies' goal is the Holy Tree. They're planning to destroy it.
  284. To mankind, no.5 was the most dangerous.
  285. The Holy Tree, that Taisha worshiped, blessed everything in this world.
  286. If the Holy Tree was destroyed, it would be the downfall of mankind.
  287. It was early to say, but id they coulndn't stop the enemy's advance now, it would be the end of everything.
  288. When time froze like this, Sumi's group, the chosen heroes, were the only ones that could move.
  289. They definitely couldn't be allowed to let the enemy reachs the Holy Tree.
  290. No matter what happened, they had to stop it here.
  291. Sumi nocked an arrow to the bow, and took the firing stance.
  292. But before her, like a gale, Gin charged at the enemy.
  293. At that time, from Gin's body, red flower petals danced in the air.
  294. Sonoko was unintentionally fascinated by that sight.
  295. [! You can't, we have to check its power first...]
  296. Panicking, Sumi couldn't provide covering fire before Gin reached the enemy.
  298. [Take thiiiiiiiiiiis!!!]
  299. Roaring, Gin gave the enemy a big cut.
  300. [Wahh, you're so amazing, Mino-san!]
  301. Impressed, Sonoko clapped her hands.
  302. [Mino-san uh... stop calling me like that! Anyway, this thing is surprising fragile, I can do it!!]
  303. As if dancing, Gin swung her axes and in a blink, the enemy was sliced.
  304. [You can't neglect your defense, Minowa-san. That is-]
  305. For just a moment, her vision was blurred.
  306. In that moment, the slashed part on Vertexs' body was completely regenerated.
  307. Without a moment of delay, Sumi shoot the arrow.
  308. [Uwaah... Crap!]
  309. Gin took a big jump back.
  310. However, like it wanted to devour Gin, the enemy also pressed foward.
  311. As a result, Sumi's arrow missed the target.
  312. [Why is it so fast...!?]
  313. Furthermore, as its first attack, the Vertexs sent out one of its huge water balls pressing after Gin.
  314. Gin ended up getting trap in it.
  315. [...!!]
  316. From the inside, Gin attempted to break the ball with her battleaxes.
  317. However, it wasn't even shaken.
  318. When Sumi tried to shoot it, the water ball just repelled her arrows.
  319. At this rate, Gin would drown to dead.
  320. Yet again, the enemy sent out its other water ball after Sonoko.
  321. [Wahh!?]
  322. In panic, Sonoko dodged it, but then, the water ball incresed its speed and homed in her.
  323. They could feel the killing intent coming from the enemy very clearly.
  324. [Nogi-san! Fall back further!]
  325. Sumi shouted.
  326. However, Sonoko was...
  327. [Ah! I've got a good idea!]
  328. And so, she came charging back at the water ball.
  329. Then in front of the water ball, she held up her spear and quickly rotated it.
  330. As the embodiment of the gods' power, it was easy for the girls to creat a tornado by just rotating a spear.
  331. The water ball got blown up by the wind.
  332. [...! Nogi-san]
  333. The moment Sumi got astonished by Sonoko's clever action, the enemy behind her was blown faraway.
  335. [Hah... Hah... Uhh~ I feel sick]
  336. It was Gin who had splendidly hurled it away.
  337. [D-don't tell me, Minowa-san... Did you drink up the water that you were trapped in?]
  338. As the embodiment of the gods' power, it was possible for them to drink up a large volume of water... though, no one would do it normally.
  339. [Mino-san, are you okay?]
  340. Sonoko ran up to Gin.
  341. [Yeah, it tasted like Cider at first but then suddenly changed to an Oolong-like flavour, so I got tired of drinking it]
  342. [Ah, I didn't ask for a drink review... but I'm glad that you're alright~]
  343. [Watch out, you two!!]
  344. Sumi shooted an arrow at each of the two girls who were trying to catch a breath.
  345. Before they were shooted, the two jumped out of the way.
  346. On the place the girls were just in, the enemy came crashing down with all its strength.
  347. Again, a clear killing intent.
  348. [So close... Thanks, Washio-san. You enemy...!!]
  349. [Eeeei!!]
  350. Gin and Sonoko attacked from both side.
  351. Sumi immediately supported them.
  353. While firing rapidly, Sumi was being struck with admiration.
  354. Like a raging fire, Gin's rush of assaults was amazing, but Sonoko's spearwork was also something worth watching.
  355. She mostly aimed and thrusted at the enemy's joints, or rather, its tender spots. The large body started to sway.
  356. (Minowa-san and Nogi-san are both so skillful!)
  357. Because their weapon types differed greatly from each other, all of their trainings for the duty up until now had been done individually.
  358. The three would only start training together after this, so Sumi had no idea that the other heroes were this good.
  360. The three girls' assault was like surging waves.
  361. Receiving that, the enemy drew faraway.
  362. However, it immediatelly regenerated the damaged parts completely.
  363. [Uwaa, this is endless... but I won't lose~!]
  364. [Me too, I can still do it! But honestly, I'm about to get tired!]
  365. [Keep up that spirit, you two. Minowa-san, don't tell the enemy what you really think!]
  367. Even then, it was the girls' duty to not let the enemy pass this place, so they kept at the guard and remained at the center of the bridge.
  368. Then, the huge enemy...
  369. Started to turn it back from the advanced route and returned to the way it came from.
  370. It seemed like they had been able to send it back.
  371. In the first place, the girls' mission was to intercept the enemies, not defeat them.
  372. Holding back the invasion, was their victory condition.
  373. Of course it would be better if they could defeat the enemies but...
  374. Right now, with mankind's current experience, it was impossible to do so.
  375. [...]
  376. The three girls kept glaring at the back of the enemy until they couldn't see it anymore.
  377. And soon, it completely disappeared from their vision...
  378. The girls had successfully repelled the enemy, their victory had been ascertained.
  380. [[[We did iiit!!!]]]
  381. The three hugged each other.
  382. Just like a kid her age, Sumi also shouted with all her mind.
  383. They had fought desperately, and had been able to protect the Holy Tree and mankind.
  384. It was a great joy to the girl.
  385. [Well! Honestly, I was really scared, but I still did it somehow!]
  386. [Eh, was that how you act when scared, Mino-san? Actually, my heart was pouding so hard too~]
  387. [Me too... I was actually very worried...]
  388. It was only until now that the three finally let their true feelings came out.
  389. Even if they had been prepared for it, they still were little girls.
  390. [In any case, we won so it's all good!]
  391. Gin jumped up happily.
  392. [Ahaha, Mino-san's jump is so high!]
  393. [[Yay Yay]]
  394. Sonoko and Gin high-fived in high spirits. Meanwhile, Sumi was
  395. (Aren't they being too noisy...? I-isn't this... a bit disgraceful...?)
  396. Now that she had finally cool down, Sumi pressed her hands to her cheek, feeling embarrassed.
  398. They didn't defeat the enemy.
  399. They only drow it away.
  400. However, the victory this time was still a huge first step for humanity.
  401. Since they had been at their wits end up until now.
  403. Sumi took an examination at her school infirmary.
  404. It wasn't a normal infirmary.
  405. It was specially conducted so that the heroes could be given proper examination after fighting.
  406. [Thank you, Washio-san. You did really well. Your memories about the fight would help us greatly in our analysis of the enemies]
  407. The normally strict homeroom teacher, now, was giving her a good petting.
  408. [Thank you very much, it all thanks to Minowa-san and Nogi-san]
  409. [I'm sorry that the attack came much sooner than expected. From now on, we're planning to let you train with each other]
  410. (! That's right, to prepare for the actual fights from now on, I've to take training properly)
  411. Sumi decided.
  412. [No abnormality, no injury. Minowa-san has ingested some liquid so she has to remain for some more detailed checkup, but Nogi-san and Washio-san, you two can go home now]
  413. After properly bidding farewell to the people that have examinated her, Sumi left the place.
  415. Sumi and Sonoko walked side by side until the school's front gate.
  416. Normally, they would part way here.
  417. However, now that the enemies had started to arrived, there was a problem that needed to be cleaned.
  418. Namely, team work.
  419. They had gotten into a pinch this time because at the beginning, they'd all acted on their own.
  420. (Just completing the training properly is not enough. We have to have more control next time... We have to get along with each other normally. In order to defense this country)
  421. Seriously, like obligated, Sumi called out to Sonoko.
  422. [Hey, Nogi-san, if you like, umm... Today, for having fulfilled our great duty, do you want to throw a victory party with me...?]
  423. Talking like a teenager, Sumi invited Sonoko.
  424. Sonoko's face immediately lit up.
  425. [Yes! Let's go, let's go!]
  426. She took Sumi's hand and shook it firmly.
  427. [Thank you. Just now, I kept thinking about inviting you all the time, Shiosumi, but couldn't actually say it... I am really happy now~]
  428. [S-so you are the same, Nogi-san...]
  429. [You know, Mino-san was amazing today! Exactly like a kamikaze officer! And then, your snipping was so precise, Shiosumi, I got all excited!]
  430. [I-I see...]
  431. [Alright, then let's go to the food court at Ines, and with Mino-san next time, of course]
  432. Sonoko kept being pulling Sumi around.
  434. Looking at the way that girl innocencely skipping around, Sumi started to feel embarrassed herself.
  435. After they won the battle, Sonoko also said that she was nevous while on "duty".
  436. And that she was able to judge the spear skills she had learned in actual combat.
  437. She herself, took up the resposibility and faced her "duty" properly.
  438. A respectable kinded soul.
  439. She was glad that she didn't to consciously forcing connection with a comrade.
  440. She thought they could become closer normally.
  441. Sumi regreted that she had thought of her badly before and hadn't talked with her sooner.
  442. [I'm fine with going to the food court but Nogi-san, can you please stop calling me Shiosumi...?]
  443. [Eh... then... then... How about Wasshiina...? Doesn't it sound like an idol's name?]
  444. [Um, no, not that one... Nogin-san, you also would not like it if I called her Sonokorin, right?]
  445. [Wah, so lovely]
  446. [I'm sorry, please forget it]
  447. [Ah, I know. Wasshii! How about that?]
  448. [Umm. Well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it]
  449. [Please take care of me, Wasshii!]
  450. Sonoko clapsed her hands around Sumi tightly.
  451. Strangely, Sumi didn't hate that feeling.
  452. The two of them, skipping happily towards Ines.
  453. Not as heroes, but just as two girls their age.
  455. This is a story about three heroes.
  456. A fairytale about the girls chosen by god.
  457. At any time, there's a girl who will get to meet god for the first time and become purified.
  458. And in many cases, the result is ______.
  460. (Chapter 1: End)
  463. >>117518875
  465. Chapter 2: Minowa Gin
  467. Taisha Historical Documentaries Department - Miko-sama
  470. The first time I saw Minowa Gin.
  471. I thought it would be a little hard to deal with her.
  472. Her voice was loud, and she was so strong-willed,
  473. that I felt overawed.
  474. But after we got closer, I realized that she was a really good girl.
  475. For that to be ____ that led to ________...
  477. Hero Diary 298/5/15
  479. Depending on the situation, Minowa Gin's morning might start early.
  480. Since she had to take care of her newborn baby brother.
  481. [Hey there, even if our ages are far apart, aren't you still this great Gin-sama's brother?]
  482. While looking at the baby's eyes, Gin spoke.
  483. [Uuh... ugh...]
  484. [Like I said, don't cry. You can only cry when you realize that the New Year's money mom keeps for you will never return]
  485. Happily, Gin tried to make a joke.
  486. [Uee... *sob*]
  487. [Ahh, now he started grumbling... Seems like it's not because of milk or nappy...]
  488. Even when they aren't dissatisfied with anything, babies can often just keep whining for a long time like a smolder.
  489. She knew that fact very well.
  490. [First, put you on my laps]
  491. After letting the kid took a hold of the ringing toy, she started humming.
  492. And just like that, the little brother became cheery.
  493. She was used to this.
  494. [Ohh, you stopped crying. Good job, Mai Buraza]
  495. Once he stopped crying, she praised him.
  496. Then, the baby's face lit up and he laughed happily.
  497. [What a spoiled brother. I'm gonna make you my underling and work your butt off when you grow up, nihihi]
  498. While looking after her lovely brother, time flew by and before she knew it.
  499. [Heu! Crap~ I'm late I'm late!!]
  500. The girl hurried off to school.
  502. According to the education policy of Shinju-kan, the school that Sumi's group commutes to, students from grade 4th and above are allowed to buy and eat sweets themselves.
  503. Through that, kids from the age of 10 start to learn how to use money.
  505. The morale among the children at Shinju-kan is uniquely high. And with the school's free spirit, students always feel welcomed there.
  506. In any case, Sumi, Sonoko, and Gin were all 6th graders.
  507. At the food court inside the huge shopping mall Ines, the three were eating sweets together.
  508. It was another victory celebration party for being able to drive away the ivading enemy.
  509. [How's that? How's that? This place's Gelato is dang good right! I, the Ines maniac, recommended it after all]
  510. With shining eyes, Gin enthusiastically spoke.
  511. [It's the best, the best, Mino-san. Crepe is nice too but I never thought Gelato is also this good~]
  512. With tears on her eyes, Sonoko stuffed her cheeks with gelato.
  513. [Ahaha, why are you crying over this, Nogi-san?]
  514. [It's just, that time when I went to a department store with mom, I got to eat a really delicious crepe, and I thought no other sweets could taste better than that. So this really is a new discovery~ I'm crying with happiness~]
  515. [Did you never come here to eat with your buddies?]
  516. [I don't have many friends~... Ah, but I came here with Wasshii last time! She invited me out, you know. Right~ Wasshii]
  517. [...]
  518. Sumi was frowning, and having a staring contest with her gelato.
  519. [Why are Washio-san being all serious with her gelato?]
  520. [Don't you like Gelato, Wasshii?]
  521. [It's not that I don't like it... this Uji red bean flavour gelato... is realy delicious...]
  522. Sumi answered with a meek look.
  523. [Yay. I'm glad that you like it]
  524. [If that's the case, then why are you frowning~?]
  525. [I'd like to only have Japanese sweets for snacks. But now, my belief is... being slightly swayed by this flavour, it's just so miserable...]
  526. Sumi didn't like things with names written in Katakana.
  528. [Somehow, what Wasshii is saying sounds so complicated]
  529. [Isn't it fine as long as it's tasty?]
  530. [That's right~ Hafuu, this is hapiness... It was right to choose Melon flavour~]
  531. [Y-you're right, certainly, if I keep being so close minded, it might become fatal in combat. I'll honestly enjoy this now]
  532. After being told by the other two, Sumi started stuffing her cheeks quitely.
  533. [The bitterness of Matcha interweaves with the sweetness of red bean... a perfect harmony... um, um...]
  534. With a smile of a girl her age, she kept moving her mouth.
  535. [Fufu, somehow, Washio-san is really funny!]
  536. [Right~ I thought she'd be more of a scrary person~]
  537. "Excuse me, I'm not scary, I'm just serious" Sumi thought, but because the gelato was too delicious so for the time being, she decided to just kept eating.
  538. [Somehow, looking at the way Wasshii eats, Uji red bean flavour seems also really good...]
  539. Sonoko turned to look at Sumi with hungry eyes.
  540. [Then just ask her for a bite. Washio-san, please give her one♪]
  541. Gin nonchalantly said so.
  542. [Uh, umm~, this is my first time doing something like this so I'm a bit nervous, but it's also something I've longed for so, I'll accept your kind offer and... thanks for the meal~]
  544. After her solo talk, Sonoko opened her mounth saying "Ahh".
  545. (...!?)
  546. One the other side, Sumi was freezing.
  547. To her, who was raised in a very strict family, the act of feeding someone going "Ahh" like that, was against etiquette.
  548. But Nogi Sonoko had closed her eyes and went into waiting mode already.
  549. She couldn't say anything that would worsen their team work.
  550. Sumi took a spoon of her gelato, and timidly put it into Sonoko's mouth.
  551. [...momu... umu, un, it's good~]
  552. Sonoko's face lit up.
  554. [Well then, you try mine too, Wasshii]
  555. After saying that, Sonoko took a spoon of her Melon gelato and held it up in front of Sumi.
  556. [Wasshi, say "ahh", ahh~]
  557. (...!?)
  558. Sumi's thought froze once again.
  559. This time, she was the one being told to go "Ahh" in public.
  560. (Isn't this disgraceful?)
  561. However, the glittering melon color in front of her eyes was so fascinating, and moreover, looking at Sonoko's happy face, she couldn't refused.
  562. [A-Ahh...]
  563. And thus, Sumi was fed in front of the general public.
  564. [You guys look so innocent. Are you two lovers?!]
  565. Gin commented while laughing.
  566. [Melon flavour... is also delicious]
  567. [Right right~]
  568. [Fufun, certainly, both Uji red bean and melon flavour have super-fantastic taste. But you know, the strongest flavour in this entire food court is what I'm eating, Soy sauce gelato. This, is definitely number 1]
  569. After saying that, Gin shoved her Soy sauce gelato into Sumi and Sonoko's mouth.
  570. [How's it? How's it? Did it hit your spot, Nogi-san?]
  571. [Uumm~ It's a complicated flavour~]
  572. [Eh?]
  573. [It does taste good but maybe this flavour is intented for aldults]
  574. [Ehhh? Even you, Washio-san?]
  575. Gin's recomendation, the Soy sauce gelato, didn't get received as well as she had thought.
  577. After their meal, the three went up to Ines' rooftop.
  578. A nice view of the town before the ocean stretched out in front of the girls' eyes.
  579. The inland sea, the big bridge, and the wall enclosing Shikoku were all its characteristics.
  580. [Hey, you two weren't well-acquainted with the food court, but are you guys the type that just don't come to Ines much?]
  581. [Yes. Up until now, I haven't really thought about coming here at all...]
  582. [For me, to begin with, at my family, buying sweets and going to Ines were noth prohibited. But ever since I was chosen as a hero, everything is OK~]
  583. [Hehh, that's so sad. Ines is this town's biggest amusement center, it's a truly waste to not know anything about it!]
  584. [The biggest... more like, it's because there's no other amusement center around...]
  586. [Washio-san, once you say that, everything is over, you know?]
  587. [You should just call Wasshii "Wasshii"~...]
  588. [I don't think that's something you can decide, Sonocchi]
  589. [Say, while I was being examed for drinking the enemy's water, how come you two got so close like that? Even though your seats are next to each other in class, you guys almost never talked before]
  590. [Since the begining, I had always wanted to talk with her more~]
  591. [The enemies are coming now, so it's better to deepen the relationship with your comrades]
  592. [Grr. What I mean to say is, what I mean to say is, let's me join in, too!!]
  593. Gin placed her arms around the other two's shoulders solidly.
  594. [We ate at the same table already, we're all buddies now]
  595. [B-buddies! That means "friends" right? Are you going to become my friend, Mino-san?]
  596. [Of certain course, Nogi-san... no, Sonoko]
  597. [Uwa~ Being called by name, I'm so happy! I've maken two friends one after another. What do they call this? Like having both New Year and O-Bon in one sitting~?] *correct version: Like O-Bon and New Year rolled into one.
  598. Sonoko was smilling from ear to ear happily.
  599. She was the daughter of the Nogi household which had tremendous authority and assets even within Taisha.
  600. Since she was cherished at home, up until being chosen as a Hero, she couldn't go out as she pleases, that girl had very few friends.
  601. This time, Gin fixed her eyes on Sumi.
  602. Those eyes, just like her personality, were sparkling burningly.
  603. [It's fine for me to call you "Sumi", right?]
  604. [Yes. I'll also, ahem... call you "Gin"]
  605. [Your care, I'm in! Sumi, Mai Furendo!]
  606. The feeling of having Gin came pushing against her, Sumi didn't hate it.
  607. From the start, when she was looking at Gin, she had thought her personality was somewhat over-familiar, but now that Gin came pushing against, she was unexpectly happy about it.
  608. Furthermore, that method of getting close to someone, Sumi definitely couldn't use it.
  609. She respected Gin for having the boldness that she herself didn't.
  611. [We already talked about it but Gin, you drank the enemy's water right?... Is your body okay?]
  612. [My condition is super-duper. I did quite a number of testes and they all said "negative"]
  613. [I'm gald~ So we'll all sortie next time too~]
  614. [I'm with you, Sonoko]
  615. Gin pointed at the big bridge from the rooftop.
  616. [We're gonna fight there again. You better be careful not to be blown up, big bridge]
  617. [The big bridge is this town's symbol after all, we've got to protect it~]
  618. Sumi cleared her throat with a cough.
  619. [We're also going to train with each other from now on. It's going to be tough, but since it's all for this important duty...! Let's go at it with everything we have]
  620. [Nihi, you sure have concluded this nicely, Sumi]
  621. [10 o'clock tomorrow, at Taisha subdivision's training area right~?]
  622. [It's so bothersome to have training on a day off, but if we let the enemies Desutoroi Shinju-sama then the world will be in ruins, gotta be fired up and give it our all, practicaly]
  623. [You're right... However, Gin]
  624. [Umm? What? Sumi]
  625. [Sometimes, how should I put this, your wording is really amazing...]
  626. [I'm bad at acting refined, since I'm clumsy]
  627. [It doesn't have anything to do with being skillful though]
  628. [Ah, it's figured, huh?]
  629. [Ahahaha~ It's like I'm watching a manzai~]
  630. The three of them, stayed gazing at the slowly darken town.
  632. [...said said "I swear" but now she is late again!?]
  633. At Taisha'a training area, Sumi was being furious.
  634. It had been one week since the time they played on Ines' rooftop.
  635. Now that the joint training had began, Gin had been coming late once every three times.
  636. [Sorry sorry, I'm late!]
  637. Gin came rushing toward the training area.
  638. Today, she was late by 8 minutes.
  639. It wasn't much, but being late is still being late.
  641. [Gin. So why are you late today?]
  642. Sumi, who was very strict with rules, asked for the reason.
  643. She was so angry that it looked like on her head, horns had grown out.
  644. [Umm... no, whatever I say now it was still my fault that I'm late... Sorry, I'll be more careful!]
  645. Just like this, Gin always gave her the same answer every time.
  646. Without saying the reason, she just apologized.
  647. [You have to be more aware of your position as a Hero. We must protect this country and...]
  648. With her older mental age, Sumi started preaching.
  649. Sumi always on standby 20 minutes before training, while Sonoko came 5 mintues early.
  650. [... Zzz... Crepe... you're also delicious~]
  651. Even though sometimes, just like now, Sonoko also fell asleep in the middle of training.
  653. After finishing training, Sumi stayed pondering intently.
  654. [Why does Gin keeping coming late from time to time?... We have to investigate this, there's no point if we can't figure out the cause and sever off its roof. Thinking back, even before becoming a Hero, Gin has been late to school a lot. As I thought, there must be some sort of reasons. If she doesn't tell me then I am going to explore it! Sonocchi, would you cooprate with me?]
  655. [Zzz... *snore*~]
  656. Sonoko was nodding off.
  657. [I see, thank you, Sonocchi]
  658. Sumi forcingly acknowledged the sight of Sonoko nodding in her sleep as the reply.
  659. Gradually, she had started to understand how to handle her.
  661. Day off.
  662. Sumi and Sonoko was standing in front of Minowa household.
  663. It took only 15 minutes walking from the school to her house, not a far distance.
  664. [If there's any problem, we'll have to lend her our strength...]
  665. Their intention was to observe Gin's private life.
  666. For a good kid like her, this was a horrible behavior.
  667. Nevertheless, Sumi still did it.
  668. Since a long time ago, she had tended to rush to anything that she had set her heart on.
  670. [I don't know when I agreed to this, but I will do my best~]
  671. Sonoko didn't really think deeply about anything.
  672. She was just a kid that would work hard for their friends' sake.
  673. Without delay, the two surveyed the surroundings of Minowa's house.
  674. In an outsider's view, it would just look like two grade school kids were wandering about playing.
  675. The Minowa's house wasn't a big stately mansion like the Washio's and Nogi's.
  676. Its appearance was just that of a refined Japanese house.
  677. After surveying, Sonoko soon came to understand Gin's situation.
  678. [Look~ Wasshii. That that]
  679. Sonoko pointed at the countyard.
  681. What appeared before Sumi's eyes, was the image of Gin rocking a baby.
  682. Sumi had heard that Gin had a little brother, but she had no idea that he was this young.
  683. [...seems like Gin is looking after her brother]
  684. Even though, the Minowa household was pretty powerful within Taisha, the family itself wasn't rich enough as to be able to hire servants.
  685. So it seemed like Gin also helped around the house.
  686. After awhile, Gin started to do other things.
  687. [This time, she is cleaning inside the house~ I have never done something like that before~ She's amazing. Ah, looks like she's going to run an errand now~]
  688. The Nogi household wasn't only powerful but also extremely rich, so it seemed like, to Sonoko, a classmate being able to do housework was something really new.
  689. [She's really a hard worker... Let's try follow her out on her errand]
  691. ...Sonoko and Sumi saw a surprising scene.
  692. In front of Gin, a kid who was riding his bicycle fell down.
  693. And naturaly, Gin went to help him.
  694. After that, this time, an old lady said she had a back pain and sat in front of Gin.
  695. [I-is this the so called~ trouble maker~?]
  696. [I guess we have confirmed the reason why she's late...]
  697. In order to help Gin, the two ran up to her.
  699. On the way back after sending the back pained old lady home.
  700. [So you two've been watching me since when I was at home? Uwaa, that's so embarrassing]
  701. [It's not something embarrassing, you're great~]
  702. [So you're late because something like this happens every time huh?]
  703. [Well... yeah]
  704. [Then you should have said so~]
  705. [Well, then it would seem like it was my brother and the old lady's fault... Whether something happens or not, being late was still my own responsibily]
  706. [That's right, no matter what's the reason, it's still not fine to be late]
  707. [Tohoho... You're quite right, yes]
  708. [Mino-san is a being that gets dragged into trouble easily~]
  709. [Since long ago... I've been in bad luck. I never hit a bingo before, you know... Tohoho]
  710. [From now on, good things will surely... Hm!?]
  711. At the same time, the three noticed the sudden unusualness around them.
  712. [This is... time is stopping right~? It's not that my sense suddenly sharpens or something right~?]
  713. [No. It's not that. It's the enemy, Sonocchi]
  714. [They came! My day off is ruined!]
  715. In just a moment, Shikoku's appearance transformed into that of Jukai. *Jukai: Sea of trees
  716. (This time, I have got the experience of last time, it's going to be fine... We'll coopearate and effectively repel the enemy away)
  717. Sumi told herself.
  719. The girls transformed into their Hero forms, and just like last time, positioned themselves at the center of the big bridge.
  720. Thereupon, an object showed up.
  722. [What the... that form is, a scales?]
  723. [The scales is... floating in the air~]
  724. The huge, 20 meters tall enemy, while swaying eerily, came advancing on the bridge.
  725. [Good grief, what kind of living thing is that? So just being born among the virus turns you into something like that huh?]
  726. Setting up her two axes, Gin prepared to attack.
  727. [Act just as practiced. Understand? Gin]
  728. "Don't stick out", or so Sumi warned.
  729. [Got it. It's just, when I see the enemy, I feel an urge to assault them. Sumi, I'm in your care]
  731. Gin, who easily got fired up, was reliable but also dangerous at the same time.
  732. [To begin with, I wonder where its face is~]
  733. Speaking of Sonoko, she was carefully observing the enemy's form.
  734. [Return to the other side!]
  735. Anyway, Sumi with her bow and arrows, attacked the enemy from faraway.
  736. (It would be best if my arrows can finish it)
  737. Aiming at the enemy, she fired several arrows at the same time.
  738. The sound of arrows tearing up the air bursted out, precisely to the mark.
  739. Using the God, the Holy Tree's power, the fire power of Sumi's tightly drawn bow when compared to morden weapons, was like that of the missles.
  740. However, those deadly arrows didn't get through to the enemy this time.
  741. Just like a magnet, the arrows were all drawn toward the scales's counterweight part.
  742. That counterweight part was considerably hard, even when being pierced by the arrows, it seemed like the enemy was still perfectly fine.
  743. That sight was a shock to Sumi.
  744. [! One more time... I'll shoot it down!!]
  745. Like a tornado, a swirl of arrows headed towards the enemy.
  746. ...Nevertheless,
  747. Just like last time, the trajectories of Sumi's arrows aiming at the scales' head, were all unaturaly bended, and ended up hitting the counterweight part.
  748. The counterweight part perfectly drew in all the arrows.
  749. (N-no way... I have to fulfill my duty, and yet I can't do anything)
  750. Sumi bit her lip.
  752. Whilst suppressing Sumi's attack, the enemy kept advancing emotionlessly.
  753. [Mino-san, the part connecting the enemy's 2 bodies looks thin, it might be fragile there~...!]
  754. [Strike at the connecting joint huh? Roger!]
  755. Synchronising their breathings, Gin and Sonoko begun attacking from both side of the enemy.
  756. And then, in order to swing its weights around, the scales begun slaloming.
  757. Its tornado-like defense sent Gin and Sonoko flying.
  758. [Dang, I can't get near it...!]
  759. Utilizing the rotation's centrifugal force, the enemy shooted back all the arrows that it had drew in before towards Sumi.
  760. [How can it return my arrows like that!]
  761. Sumi quickly twisted her body.
  762. Since its aim was bad, it was easy to advoid the arrows, however, many of them went flying towards the Jukai.
  763. Then at the impacted places, the trees were damaged.
  764. [The Jukai is...! Because of my arrows...!]
  765. She was told that if the Jukai was damaged, then when it returned to normal, that calamity would make something befalls the town.
  766. In other words, something very grave would happen if Jukai was damaged at an unmanageable level.
  767. I was slight this time, but in any case, they had to do their utmost to not damage the Jukai at all.
  768. The enemy kept advancing further.
  769. [You... uncanny thing!!]
  770. Gin forcibly started attacking, but was flipped away again.
  771. [Damn it, this's pretty bad]
  772. [What should we do? What should we do?...]
  773. Compatibility propblem aside, her power wasn't of any use at all, Sumi satarted panicking slightly.
  774. At this rate, they would end up letting the enemy inside Shikoku.
  775. At that time, Nogi opened her mouth.
  776. [I got it. Wasshii, Mino-san, a typhoon has an eye right? So even if this rotation's surroundings is resistant... there might be nothing over its head!]
  777. [I see, so all I've to do is jump in from above! Sonoko, Naisu Aidea!]
  778. [But it is still extremely dangerous to jump in a tornado...]
  780. [You don't know that until you try! Sumi, cover for me!]
  781. [Gin, wait a minute...!]
  782. Right as she said, Gin leaped up with all her mind.
  784. [Haa Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!]
  785. Gin raised her voice, and like a meteor, threw herself into the tornado.
  786. A big slashing sound resounded, and the enemy's movement stopped.
  787. Gin's axe was stabbed firmly on the scales' head.
  788. Cut up by the wind's blade, Gin's entire body was covered in blood.
  789. With a shrieking attack, she interrupted the enemy's action.
  790. Seeing Gin covered with injuries but still full of aspiration, Sumi felt so relief that she forgot about fighting for a moment.
  791. [Now!!!]
  792. Sonoko jumped inside the enemy and started attacking with her spear.
  793. (Oh no, I messed up the timing)
  794. Coming late for a moment, Sumi got up close to the enemy.
  795. [With this distance, it won't be able to suck up my arrows...!]
  796. Sumi begun to shoot the scales at point-blank.
  797. With Sumi who had the gods' power, even when closely shooted, her arrows still held plenty power.
  798. As if dancing, Gin manipulated her two axes and cut up the enemy.
  799. Following, so that the enemy couldn't rotate anymore, the gilrs kept up their assault.
  800. After awhile, whilst still receiving the girls' attacks, the enemy started to change its course and return the bridge.
  801. Furthermore, a few minutes later, it started to retreat from the bridge, it seemed like the girls were able to drive it away.
  802. After the fight ended, the girls all collapsed on the bridge.
  803. They couldn't slow down the assault until the opponent decided to retreat, so their staminas had all ran out now.
  804. [Gin... are your wounds, okay?]
  805. [Just how many times have you asked that question? Whilst I'm in this form, they've been recovered somewhat already, and there's no deep wound either, I really am fine]
  806. [I see... I'm sorry. Because my arrows couldn't get through, you had to dive into that, Gin]
  807. [That was a matter of compatibility, don't worry about it. In the first place, considering my weapon type, diving into the target is my job]
  809. [Diving is your job... huh. Perhaps, it would be better if we don't become close...]
  810. Sumi abruptly said.
  811. [Eh, wha-what's wrong, Wasshii?]
  812. [S-suddenly, what was that...?]
  813. [...]
  814. [...because]
  815. [When Gin jumped into the tornado, I was so worried... so worried... that my movements became dull...]
  817. When they noticed, tears had came running down Sumi's face.
  818. [Sumi...]
  819. [Ah, aaa, Wasshii, d-don't cry]
  820. Now that the enemy had gone away, all of her feelings came bursting out.
  821. Endlessly, the tears overflowed from her eyes.
  822. How her own arrows had damaged Jukai.
  823. How she was being useless for the duty.
  824. How she had put Gin in danger because of that.
  825. How Gin, who held a good will, was covered in blood.
  826. For the serious Sumi, this mission had brought her too many shocks.
  827. [If only my arrows had been able to get through properly... ugh]
  828. Sonoko grapsed Sumi's hand.
  829. [...Sumi]
  830. [Seriously, don't you have any faith in me? My hero system is also especially made for close combat by all those tough guys, you know. It's fine]
  831. Gin started petting Sumi's head.
  832. [...well, guess me coming late to training so often, makes you to feel uneasy in the real deal... I got it, I got it, Sumi. I'll leave home ealier. That way, even if troubles occure, I could still make it]
  833. [...Gin]
  834. [So let's get along more, Sumi. When you said we shouldn't become closer ealier, it stabbed me deeply. The enemy's attacks were more bearable than that]
  835. [Yeah yeah. I thought so too, Wasshii]
  836. [...sorry, I'm sorry...]
  837. Gin kept holding Sumi tightly until she stopped crying, .
  839. The girls' duty continues on.
  840. Since the number of enemies are undoubtly, as many as the stars.
  842. (Chapter 2: End)
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