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Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. [quote]The woman arrives at the keep along with her men, she instantly becomes hyper cautious and refuses to enter at first if her men were not allowed to join her. After a lot of IC talking it was decided that her and two of her men could join her. Abdul and Francis. They speak about the matters mentioned above in the gardens. The man Abdul offers plenty of insults and as they move back though the keep he insults the knight and Nord once more. The order to shoot him, should the man insult again, was given to James. They get trapped in the keep, Abbey and her two men. Three of her guards waiting in the courtyard along with Flavbergs character who works for House Deredas. He insults one final time and the shot is fired. A battle happens and Sir Greenwood, James, Abbey, Francis and Abdul are all wounded. This scene was perfectly fine and there was -0- issues with it.[/quote]
  2. The words "heathen" should not be an insult for a nord, for they are heathen. The only insult I could possible see is that Abdul called Rickard a coward.
  4. I believe your affirmation is not correct enough, Simon. There was an issue with it. The issue that people randomly started attacking Francis and Abilynn after Abdul was ordered shot. Why? I believe that there were signs of possible unfair role-play involved, mostly refering to the OOC sides of things.
  7. [quote]As seen in the picture mentioned above, the men who stood in the courtyard begin to knock down the keep door. For some reason or another, after a few hits they demand the door open and claim it to be bugged, if this is the case I do not know and can not recall the information correctly as I was not directly involved nor paying attention at this point. The scene could have (In the perfect world) have been re done from this point, Abbey, Greenwood, Francis, Abdul and myself wounded. The guards and the Deredas men fighting it out.[/quote]
  8. I must yet again take time to address this, in my belief, false affirmation. I mean, it's a nice effort, but clearly not good enough. They axed the door for more than 2 minutes, Simon. It's a door, not a gate. When repeatedly asked to open the door, since it would've been cut down,
  9. Declan's character, who was harmed in a physical manner, could not have possibly climbed up the stairs in his state and with the equipment he was wearing. Let us not forget that physical injuries also lead to psychological ones that are even greater. DOES A MAN SHOUT 1 MINUTE AFTER HE FALLS UNCONSCIOUS? Does he, Simon? I don't think so. You're addressing the issues from a point of view which only you seem to have, you're trying to rant the staff team, the House Llewellyn by this.
  11. [quote]The next issue with the scene was that for some reason or another, likewise I was not directly involved in this scene. The main gate was opened by a man who was tortured and lacking a hand. Should this really have happened, in my opinion this should have been instantly voided (Looking in a scenario that is a perfect world and the admins know everything). This would have lead to most of the issues with most of the people being in the keep quickly solved.[/quote]
  12. But, as you lads always like to claim, there's a gatekeeper. I'm sure he would have assisted our dear Rezzi, whom is such a good vassal of Lord Kain!
  14. [quote]What have we learned from this? The scene could have been re done, in the most perfect world where things run smoothly, the admins knows everything and the truth is completely forthcoming and not hidden. The gate should never have been opened allowing for a wave of people to come pouring in to aid for what reason they were all there I do not know. But at the end on the day, this is not a perfect world where the admins know what goes on all the time. They do not have all the answers and can solve every dispute. They are players just like us.[/quote]There is no way this scene could have been redone. People would have acted different, and in such a big fight there's no way you can actually redo it. The losing side will merely start complaining. Ranting to an administrator and possibly trying to insult him in a subtle manner can create some ugly circumstances, Simon. I am yet to find out if your appreciation to Franco is but a hidden dissatisfaction.
  17. [quote]The last point I will bring up in the use of insults tossed towards certain players who I will not mention but no doubt you all know who. Insults should never have been tossed at one another, he power games, he is a fag, stop being an ass hole. When you toss these at people in the middle of a massive OOC shit storm, it is not smart and does nothing but add to the list of issues.[/quote]
  18. I believe the first to insult was from your party, using a vulgar and insulting word. When you do such things, you cannot possibly not expect to receive the same coin back. You do not go and steal the shepard's sheep and have him thank you too for doing it.
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