
mayrine wants people to code for him

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. Aug 06 17:25:01 * Mayrine (Mibbit@ has joined
  2. Aug 06 17:25:01 * ChanServ gives voice to Mayrine
  3. Aug 06 17:25:06 <Mayrine> hii
  4. Aug 06 17:25:38 * Balrog (~balrog@ has joined
  5. Aug 06 17:25:38 * ChanServ gives voice to Balrog
  6. Aug 06 17:25:38 * Balrog has quit (Changing host)
  7. Aug 06 17:25:38 * Balrog (~balrog@whats.going.on.in.this.thread) has joined
  8. Aug 06 17:25:38 * revenant.zandronum.com gives voice to Balrog
  9. Aug 06 17:25:57 <Mayrine> is channel its for samsara mod right?
  10. Aug 06 17:26:21 <Mayrine> i wanted to ask some ACS stuff from samsara ;w;
  11. Aug 06 17:27:10 <ijon> well the name is #samsara
  12. Aug 06 17:27:12 <ijon> so yes
  13. Aug 06 17:27:30 <Mayrine> yea but it could be some other thing x3
  14. Aug 06 17:27:31 <Mayrine> anyway
  15. Aug 06 17:27:40 <Mayrine> playing samsara
  16. Aug 06 17:27:47 <Mayrine> i noticed they make a tracer
  17. Aug 06 17:27:49 <Mayrine> for a gun
  18. Aug 06 17:28:01 <Mayrine> and ummm
  19. Aug 06 17:28:08 <Mayrine> can i haz a tracer too plz ;w;?
  20. Aug 06 17:28:35 <Mayrine> i sux at ACS stuff TwT
  21. Aug 06 17:28:47 <Mayrine> and i dont want to rip stuff from other mods :<
  22. Aug 06 17:28:50 <ijon> the trails samsara does is nothing more than spawning actors behind the projectile
  23. Aug 06 17:28:56 <ijon> it's simple A_SpawnItemEx
  24. Aug 06 17:29:09 <Mayrine> but
  25. Aug 06 17:29:12 <Mayrine> its not a projectile
  26. Aug 06 17:29:15 <Mayrine> i opened the codes
  27. Aug 06 17:29:16 <Mayrine> and saw
  28. Aug 06 17:29:18 <Mayrine> its a hitcan
  29. Aug 06 17:29:22 <Mayrine> whit a tracer
  30. Aug 06 17:29:28 <Mayrine> so its not a projectile
  31. Aug 06 17:29:38 <Mayrine> it uses ACS stuff
  32. Aug 06 17:29:42 <Mayrine> that i dont want to rip
  33. Aug 06 17:29:56 <Mayrine> and im sure if i do ill have bugs cause i have some ACS in my mod
  34. Aug 06 17:30:11 <ijon> samsara's open-source for a reason
  35. Aug 06 17:30:21 <ijon> as long as you add a line of credits neither term or I give a crap if you take the ACS
  36. Aug 06 17:30:36 <ijon> wait
  37. Aug 06 17:30:46 <ijon> you're referring to manathor's instagib weapon, aren't you
  38. Aug 06 17:33:08 * Ru5tK1ng (~Ru5tK1ng@Ru5tK1ng.users.zandronum.com) has joined
  39. Aug 06 17:33:08 * ChanServ gives voice to Ru5tK1ng
  40. Aug 06 17:33:58 <Mayrine> yes
  41. Aug 06 17:33:58 <Mayrine> that one
  42. Aug 06 17:34:20 <Mayrine> and i dont know anything about ACS
  43. Aug 06 17:34:35 <Mayrine> so its prety sure if i rip it from samsara it will probably has lot of bugs
  44. Aug 06 17:34:47 <Mayrine> cause ill just copy some ACS scripts
  45. Aug 06 17:34:52 <Mayrine> but te ACS file will have more stuff
  46. Aug 06 17:35:01 <Mayrine> and console will write a lot of errors
  47. Aug 06 17:35:07 <Mayrine> for missing scripts or stuff like that
  48. Aug 06 17:36:49 <Mayrine> yep
  49. Aug 06 17:37:01 <Mayrine> i just finished to rip it
  50. Aug 06 17:37:18 <Mayrine> and to console start to spam TONS of lines whit errors
  51. Aug 06 17:37:24 <Mayrine> when i fire
  52. Aug 06 17:37:25 * TheRiet (~TheRiet@97-83-116-219.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined
  53. Aug 06 17:37:25 * ChanServ gives voice to TheRiet
  54. Aug 06 17:37:27 <Mayrine> it works
  55. Aug 06 17:37:36 <Mayrine> but console spam isnt that good x.x
  56. Aug 06 17:40:43 <ijon> pastebin them
  57. Aug 06 17:40:49 <ijon> the errors, that is
  58. Aug 06 17:40:55 <Mayrine> its just the same line
  59. Aug 06 17:40:58 <Mayrine> but TONS of times
  60. Aug 06 17:40:59 <TerminusEst13> Which is?
  61. Aug 06 17:41:08 <Mayrine> sec
  62. Aug 06 17:41:14 <Mayrine> ill open it again and take screenz
  63. Aug 06 17:43:55 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  64. Aug 06 17:44:17 * Now talking on #samsara
  65. Aug 06 17:44:17 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Patriarch137
  66. Aug 06 17:44:22 * TheRiet (~TheRiet@97-83-116-219.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined
  67. Aug 06 17:44:23 * ChanServ gives voice to TheRiet
  68. Aug 06 17:44:33 <Mayrine> http://puu.sh/aHB5y/f0943a0703.png
  69. Aug 06 17:44:35 <Mayrine> here
  70. Aug 06 17:44:41 <Mayrine> wat
  71. Aug 06 17:44:44 <Mayrine> http://puu.sh/aHB5y/f0943a0703.png
  72. Aug 06 17:44:54 <Mayrine> oh it shows the image
  73. Aug 06 17:45:13 <Mayrine> well it spams that
  74. Aug 06 17:45:22 <Mayrine> even soo if i do zoom whit the sniper
  75. Aug 06 17:45:25 <Mayrine> or if a zombie shoots
  76. Aug 06 17:45:34 <Mayrine> or random
  77. Aug 06 17:45:37 <Patriarch137> Looks pretty self-explanatory to me.
  78. Aug 06 17:45:46 <Patriarch137> The ACS is looking for an item called SynthFireRight and SynthFireLeft. YOu don't have those items.
  79. Aug 06 17:45:49 <Patriarch137> You'll need to make them.
  80. Aug 06 17:46:05 * TerminusEst13 has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Patriarch137)))
  81. Aug 06 17:46:05 -NickServ- TerminusEst13 has been ghosted.
  82. Aug 06 17:46:08 * You are now known as TerminusEst13
  83. Aug 06 17:46:09 <ijon> so, uh
  84. Aug 06 17:46:14 * The_Riet has quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  85. Aug 06 17:46:23 <ijon> how did samsara go for so long with using the quake 2 megahealth sound
  86. Aug 06 17:46:33 <TerminusEst13> Though I'm curious what exactly you're copying, since I don't think the Marathon tracer script involves that.
  87. Aug 06 17:46:39 <ijon> it doesn't
  88. Aug 06 17:46:48 <ijon> since it's the trail script lelweps uses, modified
  89. Aug 06 17:46:55 <ijon> lelweps doesn't have either of those items!
  90. Aug 06 17:47:19 <ijon> also seriously quack rockets neet to do at least 150 damage in sp
  91. Aug 06 17:47:25 <ijon> need*
  92. Aug 06 17:47:41 <ijon> (playing through quake again, and the weapons feel a lot more lethal there)
  93. Aug 06 17:48:08 <Mayrine> i taked 4 files
  94. Aug 06 17:48:10 <Mayrine> from samsara
  95. Aug 06 17:48:20 <Mayrine> an ACS that XWE shows it as binaries
  96. Aug 06 17:48:25 <Mayrine> the scripts lump
  97. Aug 06 17:48:29 <Mayrine> and 2 files called
  98. Aug 06 17:48:31 <Mayrine> samsara.o
  99. Aug 06 17:48:34 <Mayrine> and samsara.c
  100. Aug 06 17:48:43 <Mayrine> the tracer works
  101. Aug 06 17:48:46 <Mayrine> but that happens whit console
  102. Aug 06 17:48:47 <ijon> so
  103. Aug 06 17:48:48 <Mayrine> worst
  104. Aug 06 17:48:53 <ijon> you took the entirety of samsara's acs
  105. Aug 06 17:48:53 <Mayrine> it lags as hell at multiplayer
  106. Aug 06 17:49:09 <ijon> because if you just took samsara.c it couldn't have compiled
  107. Aug 06 17:49:12 <Mayrine> i dont know how to stract single asc
  108. Aug 06 17:49:20 <Mayrine> cause XWE shows it as binaries
  109. Aug 06 17:49:34 <Mayrine> and if i dont take all samsara ACS
  110. Aug 06 17:49:41 <Mayrine> the tracer doesnt work
  111. Aug 06 17:49:44 <Mayrine> or its bugged
  112. Aug 06 17:49:56 <Mayrine> like showing squares instead circles
  113. Aug 06 17:50:07 <ijon> TerminusEst13: think it makes sense to drop RL to starting with only 5 ammo?
  114. Aug 06 17:50:07 <TerminusEst13> ...
  115. Aug 06 17:50:16 <ijon> since by then rocket launchers and rockets are meant to show up
  116. Aug 06 17:50:17 <TerminusEst13> What you're looking for is script 679 in samsara.c.
  117. Aug 06 17:50:28 <TerminusEst13> There's no need to copy the entire ACS system.
  118. Aug 06 17:50:32 <ijon> and getting a rocket launcher in ctf
  119. Aug 06 17:50:36 <ijon> and immediately getting 50 rockets
  120. Aug 06 17:50:42 <ijon> wee bit op
  121. Aug 06 17:50:45 <TerminusEst13> ijon: Yeah, sounds good. That's always bugged me a bit.
  122. Aug 06 17:50:48 <tehvappy50> ijon: don't forget that the bfg pickup uses the quake 2 powerup pickup sound
  123. Aug 06 17:50:51 <ijon> 25 rockets is hardly an improvement buuuutttt
  124. Aug 06 17:51:03 <ijon> tehvappy50: that's because quake 1 has no equivalent "item pickup" sound
  125. Aug 06 17:51:11 <Mayrine> told you, if i dont pick all acs
  126. Aug 06 17:51:15 <Mayrine> the tracer wont work
  127. Aug 06 17:51:16 <Mayrine> dunno why
  128. Aug 06 17:51:23 <Mayrine> anyway i dont know ANYTHING about acs
  129. Aug 06 17:51:28 <Mayrine> so i dont even know what to do
  130. Aug 06 17:51:33 <ijon> yes, you might want to learn a bit about acs
  131. Aug 06 17:51:42 <tehvappy50> I suppose the weapon pickup sound could be used seeing you get the thunderbolt as well now
  132. Aug 06 17:51:45 <Mayrine> im too lazy ;w;
  133. Aug 06 17:51:49 <ijon> before trying to mess with one of the most CLUSTERFUCKY acs codebases in zandronum
  134. Aug 06 17:52:03 <TerminusEst13> You may want to learn about ACS before asking about nicking specific things.
  135. Aug 06 17:52:12 <TerminusEst13> I would very much not appreciate you taking the entire Samsara codebase just for one thing.
  136. Aug 06 17:52:23 <ijon> especially since it wouldn't work at all
  137. Aug 06 17:52:30 <Mayrine> thats why
  138. Aug 06 17:52:36 <Mayrine> i asked for help lad
  139. Aug 06 17:52:48 <Mayrine> i dont want to learn acs cause i never use them
  140. Aug 06 17:52:48 <TerminusEst13> Being "lazy" has nothing to do with it, it's a matter of convenience for both you and us. If you don't know how ACS works, you won't know how the system works and how to modify it to make things work.
  141. Aug 06 17:53:06 <ijon> wait what the dick
  142. Aug 06 17:53:10 <ijon> the rl does 153 damage per shot
  143. Aug 06 17:53:12 <ijon> in coop
  144. Aug 06 17:53:13 <TerminusEst13> And it's a matter of convenience for us, because walking you through how the entire system works, how to strip it out, how to implement it, and etc, would be...very time consuming.
  145. Aug 06 17:53:17 <ijon> what shittery is this
  146. Aug 06 17:53:38 <Mayrine> i dont want to know anything
  147. Aug 06 17:53:44 <Mayrine> i dont want you to explain me nothing
  148. Aug 06 17:53:53 <Mayrine> i just was looking for a way to get a tracer
  149. Aug 06 17:53:53 <ijon> then you're getting nothing
  150. Aug 06 17:53:59 <Mayrine> so i dont have to rip anything from anywhere
  151. Aug 06 17:54:53 <ijon> >demon lives with 1 hp
  152. Aug 06 17:55:00 <ijon> what is this shittu
  153. Aug 06 17:56:18 <TerminusEst13> So...you're telling us you want us to get you a tracer without understanding how it works, with us telling you how to put it in, and you don't want to know anything about it, because you're "too lazy"?
  154. Aug 06 17:56:21 <TerminusEst13> I don't think I understand.
  155. Aug 06 17:56:36 <Mayrine> but mate
  156. Aug 06 17:56:39 <Mayrine> why do i want to know
  157. Aug 06 17:56:43 <Mayrine> its like
  158. Aug 06 17:56:47 <Mayrine> when you to a shop
  159. Aug 06 17:56:53 <Mayrine> and buy a PC
  160. Aug 06 17:56:59 <Mayrine> i dont know how the hell it works
  161. Aug 06 17:57:03 <Mayrine> u just want the PC
  162. Aug 06 17:57:24 <TerminusEst13> Well if you plan on modding the PC, knowing how it works is probably a good idea.
  163. Aug 06 17:57:41 <Mayrine> well i would mod the PC
  164. Aug 06 17:57:43 <Mayrine> in the ways i know
  165. Aug 06 17:57:48 <Mayrine> in this case
  166. Aug 06 17:57:51 <Mayrine> "DECORATES"
  167. Aug 06 17:58:03 <Mayrine> because i dont know and i dont want to learn about "ACS"
  168. Aug 06 17:58:04 <ijon> sticking a black box in your mod is a very bad idea
  169. Aug 06 17:58:08 <Mayrine> i look for help
  170. Aug 06 17:58:15 <ijon> and refusing to learn something that you need is also a very bad idea
  171. Aug 06 17:58:27 <Mayrine> but i dont use ACS
  172. Aug 06 17:58:29 <ijon> I somehow doubt you can pull a yholl
  173. Aug 06 17:58:31 <Mayrine> i never use them
  174. Aug 06 17:58:37 <Mayrine> only ACS ull find on my mod
  175. Aug 06 17:58:40 <ijon> especially in zandronum
  176. Aug 06 17:58:42 <Mayrine> its a running speed
  177. Aug 06 17:58:58 <Mayrine> ALL my mod is based on DECORATES
  178. Aug 06 17:59:12 <ijon> yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
  179. Aug 06 17:59:26 <ijon> we're not going to just jam something you don't understand into a mod of yours
  180. Aug 06 17:59:34 <TerminusEst13> Well, if you don't want to learn about ACS, nicking Samsara's ACS is probably a very bad idea. Samsara's ACS is incredibly complicated and very in-depth, not to mention about...75% of everything relies on it. And unless you're willing to learn it and tweak it in your own ways, it will bring you nothing but headaches.
  181. Aug 06 17:59:34 <ijon> that's stupid on everyone's part
  182. Aug 06 18:00:20 <Mayrine> THATS
  183. Aug 06 18:00:21 <Mayrine> WHY
  184. Aug 06 18:00:22 <Mayrine> I CAME HERE
  185. Aug 06 18:00:24 <Mayrine> TO ASK HELP
  186. Aug 06 18:00:43 <TerminusEst13> Yes, and I told you what's wrong.
  187. Aug 06 18:00:49 <TerminusEst13> Is there an issue I'm not seeing?
  188. Aug 06 18:00:49 <Mayrine> why?
  189. Aug 06 18:01:06 <TerminusEst13> ...Why? Because you asked for help. I told you what was wrong with what you're doing.
  190. Aug 06 18:01:32 <ijon> we've gone through this before
  191. Aug 06 18:01:36 <ijon> in incredibly laborious detail
  192. Aug 06 18:01:47 <ijon> with a certain jesh, who also didn't understand a damn thing he was messing sith
  193. Aug 06 18:01:50 <ijon> with*
  194. Aug 06 18:02:00 <ijon> neither of us are willing to do that again
  195. Aug 06 18:02:03 * Tuxedo[Qyou] has quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  196. Aug 06 18:02:27 <Roman6a> he thought 1 tic = 1 second
  197. Aug 06 18:02:31 <Mayrine> all i wanted its a lad that make me an simple ACS that i can just copypaste and add credits
  198. Aug 06 18:02:43 <Mayrine> i would pay if he wants to
  199. Aug 06 18:02:48 <Mayrine> but it was the only thin i wanted
  200. Aug 06 18:02:59 <Roman6a> it... doesn't work like that... at all
  201. Aug 06 18:03:05 <TerminusEst13> Yes, we understand. What we're telling you is this is the Decorate equivalent of trying to copy-paste Brutal Doom's ACTORS folder because you like the pretty blood effects--you are going to be copy/pasting everything else along with it, and all of the extra baggage is just going to cause headaches.
  202. Aug 06 18:03:33 <Mayrine> i told u i cant copypaste 1 thing about acs
  203. Aug 06 18:03:40 <Mayrine> i have to copy all cause i cant open ACS files
  204. Aug 06 18:03:53 <Roman6a> this is not how things work at all
  205. Aug 06 18:04:04 <Mayrine> last time i need an ACS
  206. Aug 06 18:04:12 <Mayrine> i went to an IRC
  207. Aug 06 18:04:29 <Mayrine> ask "hey guys could anyone make me an ACS that changes the payer speed please?"
  208. Aug 06 18:04:30 <ijon> TerminusEst13: yeah this "sticking all the rockets in the weapons" approach seems to have really bit DM gamemodes in the ass balance-wise
  209. Aug 06 18:04:53 <ijon> an ssg's 20 shots vs a gl's 50
  210. Aug 06 18:04:58 <Mayrine> got 2 guys who just make an ACS and they say "here pal just add me on credits"
  211. Aug 06 18:05:11 <TerminusEst13> Yes, but that's radically different from here.
  212. Aug 06 18:05:37 <TerminusEst13> Again, in Decorate equivalent, this is the difference between asking someone to help you make a medikit and asking someone to help you make an entire player class complete with their own weapons.
  213. Aug 06 18:06:04 <Mayrine> but i dont want that mate
  214. Aug 06 18:06:13 <Mayrine> just want an acs whit 1 thing, a tracer
  215. Aug 06 18:06:26 <Mayrine> if you guys cant
  216. Aug 06 18:06:28 <Mayrine> just say
  217. Aug 06 18:06:31 <Mayrine> no pal
  218. Aug 06 18:06:38 <Mayrine> get lost
  219. Aug 06 18:06:47 <Mayrine> and ill simply leave the channel
  220. Aug 06 18:06:54 <Mayrine> and search help in another palce
  221. Aug 06 18:06:56 * WaTaKiD_ has quit ("Quitting")
  222. Aug 06 18:07:03 <TerminusEst13> Yes, and you told me what you were doing, I told you why it wouldn't work, and I pointed out exactly what you need.
  223. Aug 06 18:07:06 <ijon> I really want to give the "rockets with shells" idea a good test run, because it'd allow ranger's weapons to start with less rockets (helping out DM a ton) and help out with the "OH MY FUCKING GOD THERE'S ROCKETS EVERYWHERE" feeling quake levels give (smoothing out coop a good deal)
  224. Aug 06 18:07:22 <Mayrine> dunno who told me
  225. Aug 06 18:07:25 <Mayrine> to try to rip it
  226. Aug 06 18:07:27 <Mayrine> i did
  227. Aug 06 18:07:28 <Mayrine> and i got that
  228. Aug 06 18:07:57 <TerminusEst13> Yes, and I told you what the error messages entailed and how to fix them, and also that there would be a problem with the approach you were doing.
  229. Aug 06 18:07:59 <Mayrine> he told me to dont rip ALL samsara stuff and i told him i cant cause i cant edit ACS files
  230. Aug 06 18:08:10 <TerminusEst13> Again, is there some sort of problem here?
  231. Aug 06 18:08:17 <Mayrine> but i have that problem again
  232. Aug 06 18:08:19 <ijon> by the way
  233. Aug 06 18:08:24 <ijon> you don't edit compiled ACS
  234. Aug 06 18:08:38 <Roman6a> [17:24:59] <Mayrine> why do i want to know
  235. Aug 06 18:08:38 <Roman6a> [17:25:03] <Mayrine> its like
  236. Aug 06 18:08:39 <Roman6a> [17:25:07] <Mayrine> when you to a shop
  237. Aug 06 18:08:41 <Roman6a> [17:25:13] <Mayrine> and buy a PC
  238. Aug 06 18:08:43 <Roman6a> [17:25:19] <Mayrine> i dont know how the hell it works
  239. Aug 06 18:08:45 <Roman6a> [17:25:23] <Mayrine> u just want the PC
  240. Aug 06 18:08:47 <Roman6a> see uh, this is your problem
  241. Aug 06 18:08:57 <Roman6a> why do you want a pc if you don't know how to work it, or want to work on it, or want to learn how it works
  242. Aug 06 18:09:07 <Mayrine> i dont need to know how it works
  243. Aug 06 18:09:08 <Mayrine> to use it
  244. Aug 06 18:09:09 <Mayrine> :)
  245. Aug 06 18:09:18 <Mayrine> i dont know anything about electronic
  246. Aug 06 18:09:23 <Mayrine> and im using my PC
  247. Aug 06 18:09:28 <Mayrine> everyday
  248. Aug 06 18:09:32 <Roman6a> what if pc break before starting
  249. Aug 06 18:09:34 <Roman6a> then what do you do
  250. Aug 06 18:09:37 <Mayrine> ill go to the shop
  251. Aug 06 18:09:41 <Mayrine> and ask them for help
  252. Aug 06 18:09:45 <TerminusEst13> Yes, and you are free to use the code how you want. Samsara's code is open-source. All I ask is that you don't copy/paste everything.
  253. Aug 06 18:09:52 <TerminusEst13> What we're not going to do is make your code for you.
  254. Aug 06 18:10:01 <Mayrine> okay
  255. Aug 06 18:10:05 * Zakken (~You@SoulSucka.users.zandronum.com) has joined
  256. Aug 06 18:10:05 * ChanServ gives voice to Zakken
  257. Aug 06 18:10:06 <Roman6a> see the problem is
  258. Aug 06 18:10:08 <Mayrine> that what i told you
  259. Aug 06 18:10:11 <Mayrine> if you DONT
  260. Aug 06 18:10:11 <Roman6a> the shop is not entitled to fix your pc
  261. Aug 06 18:10:12 <Mayrine> want
  262. Aug 06 18:10:21 <Roman6a> only to give you the tools for you to learn how to do it yourself
  263. Aug 06 18:10:22 <Mayrine> to make an ACS for me
  264. Aug 06 18:10:25 <Mayrine> then just say nope
  265. Aug 06 18:10:27 <Mayrine> and ill leave
  266. Aug 06 18:10:30 <Mayrine> simple as that xD
  267. Aug 06 18:10:34 <ijon> what you're describing with the PC is the equivalent of playing a mod
  268. Aug 06 18:10:36 <Roman6a> he doesn't want to spoonfeed you.
  269. Aug 06 18:10:37 <Mayrine> there's no more things to say
  270. Aug 06 18:10:37 <Mayrine> its
  271. Aug 06 18:10:38 <Mayrine> yes
  272. Aug 06 18:10:39 <ijon> what you're doing is trying to build a new PC
  273. Aug 06 18:10:40 <Mayrine> or no
  274. Aug 06 18:10:42 <ijon> and going
  275. Aug 06 18:10:43 <TerminusEst13> I have never changed what I've said.
  276. Aug 06 18:10:45 <ijon> "HEY GIMME ALL YOUR HARDWARE"
  277. Aug 06 18:10:53 <Mayrine> wat?
  278. Aug 06 18:10:55 <ijon> without any knowledge of what the hardware does
  279. Aug 06 18:11:01 <ijon> or if it's even compatible with your motherboard
  280. Aug 06 18:11:07 <ijon> or if your power supply can handle it
  281. Aug 06 18:11:18 <Mayrine> but
  282. Aug 06 18:11:23 <Mayrine> i know how to edit a part of PC
  283. Aug 06 18:11:25 <Mayrine> lets say
  284. Aug 06 18:11:29 <Mayrine> just hardware
  285. Aug 06 18:11:36 <Mayrine> i dont know anything about software
  286. Aug 06 18:11:37 <Mayrine> so
  287. Aug 06 18:11:38 <ijon> if you even have enough slots to use, say, more than one video card or a video card with a sound card
  288. Aug 06 18:11:42 <Mayrine> ill ask someone to make it
  289. Aug 06 18:11:44 <ijon> you don't care about any of that!
  290. Aug 06 18:11:47 <Mayrine> cause i dont know
  291. Aug 06 18:11:52 <ijon> you'd just tell someone else to fix it
  292. Aug 06 18:11:57 <ijon> for your own computer
  293. Aug 06 18:12:01 * Medicris (~Medicr3s@Medicris.users.zandronum.com) has joined
  294. Aug 06 18:12:02 * ChanServ gives voice to Medicris
  295. Aug 06 18:12:02 <ijon> that you are allegedly building
  296. Aug 06 18:12:05 <ijon> and that does not work.
  297. Aug 06 18:12:12 <Mayrine> but mate
  298. Aug 06 18:12:15 <Mayrine> u dont understand that
  299. Aug 06 18:12:20 <ijon> I do understand.
  300. Aug 06 18:12:21 <TerminusEst13> No, we understand perfectly.
  301. Aug 06 18:12:24 <ijon> I've been in this situation before.
  302. Aug 06 18:12:24 <Roman6a> how does he not understand that
  303. Aug 06 18:12:34 <Roman6a> he's explaining it to you perfectly
  304. Aug 06 18:12:43 <ijon> you are simply too unwilling to learn the most basic of ACS fundamentals
  305. Aug 06 18:12:49 <TerminusEst13> The fact that we don't agree with you doesn't mean we don't understand.
  306. Aug 06 18:12:57 <ijon> and are trying to pass it off as "but I don't have to learn it ;-;"
  307. Aug 06 18:13:03 <TerminusEst13> On the contrary, we understand it completely and we are telling you why it might not be the best idea.
  308. Aug 06 18:13:12 <Mayrine> obiously
  309. Aug 06 18:13:18 <Mayrine> i dont have to learnt anything about ACS
  310. Aug 06 18:13:21 <Mayrine> cause i never use them
  311. Aug 06 18:13:24 <ijon> but
  312. Aug 06 18:13:25 <Mayrine> so when i have to use them
  313. Aug 06 18:13:27 <ijon> you're trying to use it
  314. Aug 06 18:13:28 <Mayrine> ill ask for help
  315. Aug 06 18:13:28 <ijon> right now.
  316. Aug 06 18:13:38 <Roman6a> then why are you asking for ACS in the first place
  317. Aug 06 18:13:39 <Mayrine> thats why i came for help :)
  318. Aug 06 18:13:44 <Roman6a> if you said it yourself you don't use it
  319. Aug 06 18:13:44 <ijon> you are trying to incorporate fairly complex ACS into your mod
  320. Aug 06 18:13:47 <Mayrine> cause its like the run thing
  321. Aug 06 18:13:52 <ijon> while simultaneously denying that you're using it
  322. Aug 06 18:13:53 <Mayrine> a guy gave me an ACS
  323. Aug 06 18:13:55 <Mayrine> i copypasted it
  324. Aug 06 18:13:57 <Mayrine> and it worked
  325. Aug 06 18:14:00 <Roman6a> no it's entirely diferent and we just explained it to you
  326. Aug 06 18:14:16 <Mayrine> i mean
  327. Aug 06 18:14:19 <Mayrine> that i dont make
  328. Aug 06 18:14:20 <Mayrine> ACS
  329. Aug 06 18:14:22 <ijon> we're going in circles.
  330. Aug 06 18:14:25 <Mayrine> i ask for someone
  331. Aug 06 18:14:27 <Mayrine> to make them
  332. Aug 06 18:14:29 <ijon> we've stated all our points already
  333. Aug 06 18:14:30 <Roman6a> see this is when we say
  334. Aug 06 18:14:31 <Mayrine> i copypaste into my mod
  335. Aug 06 18:14:33 <Mayrine> and i just use a like
  336. Aug 06 18:14:35 <ijon> you're not understanding a single thing
  337. Aug 06 18:14:35 <Mayrine> to execute it
  338. Aug 06 18:14:40 <Roman6a> that you're not even paying attention to what you're saying
  339. Aug 06 18:14:51 <Roman6a> or what we're explaining
  340. Aug 06 18:14:55 <Roman6a> or anything at all
  341. Aug 06 18:15:14 <TerminusEst13> Yes, and you came in here asking permission to use Samsara's ACS. We gave you permission, with the request to not use the entire codebank. You are doing exactly that. Now you're now asking us to code things for you. We are not willing to.
  342. Aug 06 18:15:27 <TerminusEst13> Somehow this is a problem?
  343. Aug 06 18:15:39 <Mayrine> look
  344. Aug 06 18:15:46 <Mayrine> Yes, and you came in here asking permission to use Samsara's ACS.
  345. Aug 06 18:15:50 <ijon> just stop already
  346. Aug 06 18:15:53 <Mayrine> u say yes
  347. Aug 06 18:15:54 <Roman6a> stop
  348. Aug 06 18:15:57 <Mayrine> i did what i can
  349. Aug 06 18:16:02 <ijon> you did nothing
  350. Aug 06 18:16:08 <Mayrine> We gave you permission, with the request to not use the entire codebank.
  351. Aug 06 18:16:14 * Popsoap (~Popsoap@Popsoap.users.zandronum.com) has joined
  352. Aug 06 18:16:15 * ChanServ gives voice to Popsoap
  353. Aug 06 18:16:19 <Mayrine> i told u i cant
  354. Aug 06 18:16:25 <ijon> yes you can.
  355. Aug 06 18:16:30 <ijon> you just have to actually, I dunno
  356. Aug 06 18:16:31 <Mayrine> You are doing exactly that. Now you're now asking us to code things for you. We are not willing to.
  357. Aug 06 18:16:34 <ijon> put in the slightest bit of effort.
  358. Aug 06 18:16:42 <Popsoap> The hell is going on?
  359. Aug 06 18:16:54 <ijon> like the effort you're putting into this telling us that you can't do this
  360. Aug 06 18:16:57 <Mayrine> this guys are trying to make me learn about ACS
  361. Aug 06 18:16:59 <Mayrine> xp
  362. Aug 06 18:17:12 <ijon> jesus christ why are you so afraid of learning something
  363. Aug 06 18:17:17 <TerminusEst13> You tell us you can't, but that's exactly what you did, copy/pasting the entire ACS codebank. This was not appreciated. I told you it wouldn't work, and I told you what you are looking for.
  364. Aug 06 18:17:17 <Mayrine> if i came here to ask for an ACS code
  366. Aug 06 18:17:25 <Mayrine> IM NOT
  367. Aug 06 18:17:26 <Mayrine> AFRAUD
  368. Aug 06 18:17:31 <Mayrine> OF LEARNING LAD
  369. Aug 06 18:17:32 <Mayrine> I JUST DONT WANT
  370. Aug 06 18:17:34 <Roman6a> WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF LEARNING
  371. Aug 06 18:17:36 <Roman6a> WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF LEARNING
  372. Aug 06 18:17:37 <Roman6a> WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF LEARNING
  373. Aug 06 18:17:39 <Popsoap> Dude, learn it
  374. Aug 06 18:17:43 <Mayrine> i dont want
  375. Aug 06 18:17:48 <Mayrine> why would i have to?
  376. Aug 06 18:17:51 <Popsoap> It's better in the long run
  377. Aug 06 18:17:53 <ijon> because you're trying to use it
  378. Aug 06 18:18:02 <Mayrine> i dont have to learn it
  379. Aug 06 18:18:04 <Mayrine> to use it
  380. Aug 06 18:18:04 <ijon> yes
  381. Aug 06 18:18:05 <ijon> you do.
  382. Aug 06 18:18:07 <Mayrine> nope
  383. Aug 06 18:18:10 <tehvappy50> ye
  384. Aug 06 18:18:10 <Mayrine> hey pal
  385. Aug 06 18:18:15 <Mayrine> im using the running ACS scripts
  386. Aug 06 18:18:16 <ijon> I made 80% of samsara's codebase
  387. Aug 06 18:18:17 <Mayrine> yet
  388. Aug 06 18:18:19 <Mayrine> i dont know
  389. Aug 06 18:18:24 <Mayrine> anyhing about acs
  390. Aug 06 18:18:25 <ijon> I know almost every single facet of it
  391. Aug 06 18:18:27 <Mayrine> and guess waht
  392. Aug 06 18:18:28 <Mayrine> IM USING
  393. Aug 06 18:18:29 <Mayrine> ACS
  394. Aug 06 18:18:31 <ijon> I'm telling you, right now
  395. Aug 06 18:18:32 <Mayrine> :D
  396. Aug 06 18:18:35 <TerminusEst13> You also used the entire Samsara ACS codebank, it broke for you, and I told you why.
  397. Aug 06 18:18:35 <ijon> if you want to use samsara's acs
  398. Aug 06 18:18:38 <WaTaKiD> 2014-08-06 15:18:04 <Mayrine> i dont have to learn it
  399. Aug 06 18:18:39 <TerminusEst13> Do you know how to fix it? No.
  400. Aug 06 18:18:40 <WaTaKiD> 2014-08-06 15:18:06 <Mayrine> to use it
  401. Aug 06 18:18:40 <ijon> you're going to have to fucking learn ACS.
  402. Aug 06 18:18:41 <WaTaKiD> 2014-08-06 15:18:04 <Mayrine> i dont have to learn it
  403. Aug 06 18:18:41 <Popsoap> Who are you anyway?
  404. Aug 06 18:18:42 <WaTaKiD> 2014-08-06 15:18:06 <Mayrine> to use it
  405. Aug 06 18:18:43 <WaTaKiD> lololololol
  406. Aug 06 18:18:45 <TerminusEst13> Do you know how to use it? No.
  407. Aug 06 18:18:48 <WaTaKiD> goooooooooooooood luck
  408. Aug 06 18:18:49 <TerminusEst13> Do you know why it's breaking? No.
  409. Aug 06 18:18:52 <tehvappy50> the return of WaTaKiD returns
  410. Aug 06 18:18:55 <TerminusEst13> Do you know how to make it not break? No.
  411. Aug 06 18:19:05 <Popsoap> What exactly are you trying to do anyway?
  412. Aug 06 18:19:05 <Mayrine> nope
  413. Aug 06 18:19:08 <Mayrine> thats why i came here :)
  414. Aug 06 18:19:17 <ijon> Popsoap: he wants the trail code the manathor instagib uses
  415. Aug 06 18:19:20 <TerminusEst13> He's trying to use Marathon's tracer beam used in the auto-cannon.
  416. Aug 06 18:19:20 <Mayrine> to ask if someone can make an acs for me
  417. Aug 06 18:19:26 <Popsoap> Ah that
  418. Aug 06 18:19:27 <Mayrine> cause i dont know how to make them :)
  419. Aug 06 18:19:30 <TerminusEst13> He ended up copy/pasting the entire Samsara ACS.
  420. Aug 06 18:19:38 <TerminusEst13> Now he's getting angry because he wants us to code it for him and we're not.
  421. Aug 06 18:19:38 <ijon> Mayrine: then fucking learn
  422. Aug 06 18:19:40 <Popsoap> Isn't that just firing a trail from the puff?
  423. Aug 06 18:19:49 <Mayrine> He ended up copy/pasting the entire Samsara ACS.
  424. Aug 06 18:19:50 <ijon> why are you so averse to learning something as critical as this to what you want
  425. Aug 06 18:19:51 <Mayrine> u fucking told me
  426. Aug 06 18:19:56 <Mayrine> tocopy paste the codes
  427. Aug 06 18:20:02 <Mayrine> i try it
  428. Aug 06 18:20:04 <Mayrine> and get that
  429. Aug 06 18:20:04 <TerminusEst13> Yes, I told you to copy paste the trail code.
  430. Aug 06 18:20:05 <Mayrine> see?
  431. Aug 06 18:20:08 <Mayrine> I SAY
  432. Aug 06 18:20:08 <Mayrine> I DONT
  433. Aug 06 18:20:09 <ijon> you copypasted
  434. Aug 06 18:20:09 <TerminusEst13> You ended up copy/pasting the entire codebank.
  435. Aug 06 18:20:10 <Mayrine> WANT
  436. Aug 06 18:20:11 <ijon> the compiled ACS
  437. Aug 06 18:20:12 <Mayrine> I DONT
  438. Aug 06 18:20:13 <Mayrine> WANT
  439. Aug 06 18:20:13 <Popsoap> It doesn't sound that hard to do if its already done
  440. Aug 06 18:20:15 <Mayrine> to copypaste
  441. Aug 06 18:20:17 <Mayrine> ACS
  442. Aug 06 18:20:18 <ijon> you don't even know how to compile acs.
  443. Aug 06 18:20:26 <ijon> you don't even know what a .o file is
  445. Aug 06 18:20:26 * Balrog has quit (Connection closed)
  446. Aug 06 18:20:27 <WaTaKiD> the iq depletes
  447. Aug 06 18:20:27 <Mayrine> CAUSE IT WILL MAKE THE GAME WORKS LIKE SHIT
  448. Aug 06 18:20:35 <tehvappy50> much negative iq spread
  450. Aug 06 18:20:38 <Mayrine> I TOLD U
  451. Aug 06 18:20:42 <Mayrine> IF I COPTYPASTE A SINGLE THING
  452. Aug 06 18:20:43 <Roman6a> actually sorry for the eye rape
  453. Aug 06 18:20:44 <Mayrine> IT DOESNT WORK
  454. Aug 06 18:20:45 * TerminusEst13 gives voice to ijon
  455. Aug 06 18:20:45 <Popsoap> Mayrine, who exactly are you?
  456. Aug 06 18:20:46 <ijon> you don't even know how to read even the simplest of ACS, obviously
  457. Aug 06 18:20:47 * TerminusEst13 gives channel operator status to tehvappy50
  458. Aug 06 18:20:47 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from tehvappy50
  459. Aug 06 18:20:50 No such variable.
  460. Aug 06 18:20:52 * TerminusEst13 gives voice to tehvappy50
  461. Aug 06 18:20:58 No such variable.
  462. Aug 06 18:21:02 <Mayrine> you don't even know how to read even the simplest of ACS, obviously
  463. Aug 06 18:21:02 <ijon> I smell +m
  464. Aug 06 18:21:07 * TerminusEst13 sets mode +m on #samsara
  465. Aug 06 18:21:09 <Mayrine> sure itold u i dont know about it ;:)
  466. Aug 06 18:21:10 <Roman6a> yep
  467. Aug 06 18:21:11 * TerminusEst13 removes voice from Mayrine
  468. Aug 06 18:21:18 <TerminusEst13> Mayrine, listen.
  469. Aug 06 18:21:22 <TerminusEst13> We are not going to code this for you.
  470. Aug 06 18:21:29 * Mayrine (Mibbit@ has left
  471. Aug 06 18:21:31 <TerminusEst13> If you have an objection to this, you are welcome to see if someone else is willing to
  472. Aug 06 18:21:32 <Roman6a> gg
  473. Aug 06 18:21:32 <TerminusEst13> welp
  474. Aug 06 18:21:35 <WaTaKiD> indeed
  475. Aug 06 18:21:38 <tehvappy50> and he fled
  476. Aug 06 18:21:42 <WaTaKiD> so dense
  477. Aug 06 18:21:48 <ijon> he's in #zamapping
  478. Aug 06 18:21:52 <ijon> but I ain't continuing this
  479. Aug 06 18:21:57 * TerminusEst13 sets mode -m on #samsara
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