
Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) - Chapter 009

Feb 21st, 2017
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  1. Lizard Translations
  4. Translator:
  5. zlizard
  6. Grammar-Nazi:
  9. ||||||||||||||||||||||
  10. 猎食美味妻(下) - Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After)
  13. 第009章
  14. Chapter 009
  16. [001]
  17. 而且她们太不了解男人,男人并不像女人那样对爱情充满浪漫,女人吸引他们最重要的理由一定是性,他们的大脑需要感官上的刺激,为了进攻目标,他们极尽所能地讨好女人,说甜言蜜语、送礼、请吃饭,想尽办法攻破你的心防,以上床冲刺为终极目标。男人好色,那是他们的天性,只不过大部分的他们都懂得隐藏,因为他们知道女人不喜欢。
  18. Moreover, women just don't understand men. As they aren't as romantic as women. The most important reason for women to attract them is sex. Their brains need sensory stimulation in order to active its goal. They do their best to please a woman, sweet talk, give presents, invite to dinner. Try several distinct approaches to breach her heart defenses. All of that with the ultimate goal of taking her to bed. Man want sex, that's their nature. It's just that the majority of them try to hide it because they are aware that women don't like it. TL*
  20. TL note:
  21. [TL]: The author has a very biased view. Visitors the advice that the world isn't black and white.
  23. [002]
  24. 至于什么爱不爱的,那是后面的事,如果一个女人勾不起男人的“性”趣,那更别提到爱了。
  25. As for love who doesn't love back, that's a whole different matter. If a woman cannot even awake a man's "sex" interest, there isn't even reason to talk about love.
  27. [003]
  28. 钟振东从来不向女人隐瞒他对性事的极大兴趣,只不过他很挑剔,不是长得漂亮、身材好就行,还必须对他的眼。自从遇上小白兔,他就看对了眼,逗她逗到自己迷恋上她的身体。
  29. Zhong Zhendong had never concealed his interest in sex to women. Merely that he was very demanding. Not only they must be beautiful and have a superb figure, but they still must get into his eyes. And ever since he had met the White Little Rabbit, his eyes were pervaded with teasing her to indulge herself in her own body.
  31. [004]
  32. 要了她的身体还不够,他起了贪念,还想得到对她身体的主控权,要是不把她弄得欲仙欲死,他就不甘心。
  33. Crave her body wasn't enough. He got greed, and even though of controlling her body weight. As if afraid of her developing a death wish, only then he was unwilling to take control.
  35. [005]
  36. 像现在,原本他想狠狠地要了她,用泄欲的方式来消消自己这一路上积压的火气,但是在烙下惩罚式地吮咬狠吻之后,看到她紧闭双眼,双手抓着旁边的扶手,一副认命准备承受折磨的害怕样,令他又气又好笑。
  37. On that time, originality he thought of ruthlessly doing her, as to release all his anger that had accumulated all along the road. But after branding hickeys as a form of punishment, he saw that she had her eyes sealed shut and hands grabbing both armrests. The pair of preparations that are generally used to support all sorts of inevitable suffering. That scene had made him both angry and amused.
  39. [006]
  40. 她以为她在生孩子吗?露出这种壮烈牺牲的表情是要怎样?害他吻到一半,怎么也下不了手,狠心折磨她。
  41. Was she under the impression that she was in labor? And why was she with such expression of heroic sacrifice? It would harm him to partway the kiss. And moreover, how would he stop to heartless torturing her.
  43. [007]
  44. 说起来,他对她的心软程度,连他自己都感到讶异。
  45. As a matter of fact, towards her softheartedness, even himself fell astonished.
  47. [008]
  48. 她的肌肤比一般女人更加白晰,不是单纯的皮肤白,而是像瓷器一般的白,在阳光下会透亮,而且白里透红,轻轻一掐就很容易留下红印,所以现在她身上都是他刚才惩罚式的吻痕,如同被盖上的印记一般,属于他专有的印记。
  49. Her skin was whiter* than of an average woman, but not a pale white skin, rather like a porcelain's white. That under the sun would be shining, but it could also rosy. Such that a soft pinch could quite easily leave behind a red mark. And that was the reason of several hickeys that covered her entire body, masks made by him as a form of punishment. Like a mark on an ordinary cover, that indicated him as the proprietary.
  51. TL note:
  52. [whiter]: Full article [URL=]. Short version, it's a Chinese preference, please don't confuse it with racism, it kind of a sign of where that person is from and what sort of life they lead.
  54. [009]
  55. 这个想法,令他心中火气消去不少,明明想教训她,却又舍不得,但是不教训一下,他又觉得不甘心,若不让小白兔记住逃跑的后果,搞不好找到机会她又溜了。
  56. This line of thoughts caused a not small amount of anger in his heart. Such that he undoubtedly wanted to teach her a lesson, but he was unwilling to do it. However, to not teach her a lesson, he was also felt unreconciled. As if he didn't have the White Little Rabbit understand the consequences of running away, perhaps given another opportunity she may slip away for real.
  58. [010]
  59. 他灵机一动,唇角勾起坏坏一笑。既然舍不得,那就用他能舍得的一招来对付她好了。
  60. He suddenly had an idea and in his lip formed an evil smile. As if reluctant to have him voluntarily part with his enticing on her.
  62. [011]
  63. 他放慢了动作,不再躁进粗鲁,而是文火慢熬地给她爱的折磨,他的吮吻变慢了,专找她的敏感处留连,他研究过她的身体,知道如何逗弄她,最能让她消受不了。
  64. He moved slowly, no longer in impatiently boorish. Rather like a small flame in simmering, flavoring her suffering. His sucking kiss slowed down, reluctantly trying to part with her sensitive place. He perused her body, knowing how to tease her, doing his utmost to have her lose her mind.
  66. [012]
  67. “这次,我们来尝试不同的做法。”他在她耳边低笑,如同恶魔的甜言蜜语,诱惑迷乱她的心智。
  68. "This time, we'll try a different approach." He whispered in her ear, like a demon's sweet talking, tempting to bewilder her mind.
  70. [013]
  71. 唐心怜不说话,也不睁开眼睛,她等着承受那被强行进入时撕裂的痛楚,反正牙一咬,忍忍就结束了。
  72. Tang Xinlian didn't speak, neither opened her eyes. She was waiting for the tearing pain caused by the forced entry. Grinding her teeth, so to bear until it comes to an end.
  74. [014]
  75. 她的想法全写在脸上,不肯睁开眼睛,就是不肯面对他。
  76. Her thoughts were all written in her face. The unwillingness to open her eyes were, in fact, unwillingness to face him.
  78. [015]
  79. 他冷哼,才不让她如意,这种爱爱的事,可不是忍忍就行了,非要把她全身的感官神经给弄醒不可。
  80. He coldly snorted, as if he would let her do as she wishes. This kind of love matter, it's not just about patience. As such he insisted on waking up her whole body's senses.
  82. [016]
  83. ……
  84. ......
  86. [017]
  87. 终于熬过这一波的激/情后,她的喘息更大了,还含着泣声,她以为接下来他会要她,然后很快就会完事,但他没有。
  88. At last endured through this storm of stimulation/passion, she gasped for a big breath, still holding her sobs. She was wondering what he was going to do next to her, but then it was quickly finished, and he hasn't asked.
  90. [018]
  91. 他还在逗弄她,很快的,她身体一僵,才刚褪去的情潮又翻涌而至,她依然敏感,依然对他的抚弄有强烈的感觉。
  92. He continued to tease her. And soon enough, on her stiffened body, just then the hard-conquered passion also surge up. Given that she was still sensitive, due to his previous intensive fondling.
  94. [019]
  95. “你、你到底好了没有?想要就快点!”她想让自己的声音听起来很冷漠,但发出的声音却一点也由不得她控制,还带着性感的娇嗲,连她自己听了都吓一跳。
  96. "You, Your aren't done, are you? Faster!" She wanted to make her voice sound very indifferent, but the issued a voice was not even a little in her control, even been sexy and charming, that even as she listened herself got startled.
  98. [020]
  99. “别急,精彩的还在后头,你看我对你多好,就算你对不起我,无故抛弃我,我都舍不得伤害你,还尽心尽力地服侍你,让你享受,你说,我是不是很委屈?”
  100. "Don't worry, the best is yet to come. You'll see how good I'm to you. Even if you let me down, and for no reason abandoned me. I don't want to harm you, I'll even wholeheartedly look after you. Let you enjoy and speak. Wasn't I quite wronged?"
  102. [021]
  103. 委屈?唐心怜气得瞪他,他这样叫委屈,根本是故意折磨她,把她弄得受不了,又不立刻完事,存心想看她求饶。
  104. Wronged? Tang Xinlian become so angry that she stared at him. He called this wronged, he was deliberately tormenting her, coercion her do her unbearable. Also right after finished the matter, he wanted to see her willfully beg for mercy.
  106. [022]
  107. “你可恶!不是人!是禽兽!”
  108. "You are repulsive! Not even human! But a beast!"
  110. [023]
  111. “你错了,若我真是禽兽,就不是这样对付你。真正的禽兽,是把女人直接丢给一群不懂怜悯的野兽,看着他们轮流欺负一个女人,不顾那女人的感受,只是把她当成发泄的工具,根本不管她能不能承受,难道你想要我当这样的禽兽吗?”他眼神发狠地与她目光对上,冷漠残忍地问她。
  112. "You're mistaken. If I truly was a beast, you wouldn't be handle like this. True beasts are those that a grab woman and throw her to a group of beasts that don't understand mercy, watching them take turns to bully this one woman, regardless of the woman's feeling. Just to have her been taken as venting tool, absolutely no mattering whether she may bear it or not. Could it be that you want me to be one of such beast?" He looked angry towards her gaze and asked her with a cruel indifference.
  114. [024]
  115. 唐心怜呆住了,她从没看过钟振东这种无情冰冷的表情,而他说的方法也太可怕、太残忍,她无法想象,如果他真的把她丢给一群男人去糟蹋,她不知道自己还活不活得下去。
  116. Tang Xinlian was dumbfounded. As she had never seen Zhong Zhendong with such ruthless ice-cold expression, even his way of speak was also extremely frightful and cruel. She couldn't imagine that, should he really grab and throw her to a group of man to be abused, if she would be able to be willing to continue living.
  118. [025]
  119. 想到这里,她就恐惧地发抖,这次她是真的害怕了,一双无辜可怜的大眼睛,原本就被水雾浸湿,这么一吓,立刻汇聚成水晶般的泪珠,大颗大颗地滑落,她脸上残留的情欲还没有褪,这么一哭,简直美得令人动容,让人看了一颗心都要化了。
  120. Thinking about that, she trembled in fear. This time she was really afraid. The pair of innocent pitiful big eyes, that already were soaked wet, frightening at once coalesced into a crystal-like teardrop, falling down one after the other, over the residual passion|lust that still hadn't fade of her face. Crying like this, was both beautiful and touching, melting all the hearts of those who had seen.
  122. [026]
  123. 钟振东好不容易才稍微硬起的心肠,在看到她楚楚可怜又委屈的美丽模样,更是兵败如山倒,一下子就投降了。
  124. Zheng Zhendong, that wasn't fond of being amiable and was even slightly hardened-heart, looked at her delicate and touching yet wronged beautiful expression. One that resembles a beaten army in a total collapse that had suddenly surrendered.
  126. [027]
  127. 他在心底深深地叹了口气,瞧瞧,她的哭容动人又怜人,让他心生不舍,都恨不得掏在手心上疼着。
  128. He sighed deeply in his heart. The look of her cry appearance, that was both touching and pitiful, let his heart in abandon. Even itching his hand to scoop that pain out of that heart.
  130. [028]
  131. 他解开她手上的绑束,将她温柔地抱进怀里,低声哄着。
  132. He removed the hand that bound her, held her tenderly in his arms and whispered.
  134. [029]
  135. “你看,你一哭,我就心软了,我只是嘴巴上说说,还没对你做什么呢,你就用眼泪对付我,明明是你负了我,倒像是我欺负你似的。”
  136. "You see, you are crying. I had been kindhearted, I had only mentioned it. I still haven't done anything to you. You use your tears to deal with me. But it's obviously that was you that had disappointed me. It seems as if I am bullying you."
  138. [030]
  139. 他这么一说,她哭得更凶了,眼泪滴滴答答地掉下来,像是没关好的水龙头。
  140. As he said that, she cried fiercely, tears falling down, like a badly closed water tap.
  142. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. Suggested Title: Chapter 9 - The Wronged One
  146. Translator's Corner:
  148. Quite a sad chapter for Tang Xinlian, or should I say another.
  150. Such that while translating this chapter I keep wondering why women like this kind of novel. Given that even I as a man felt pissed by Zhong Zhendong's actions.
  152. This chapter got delayed by several days because of RL problems and a novel that just start reading. Well, it isn't like I'm even been paid to do it.
  154. Ok, I had already read 5 of them, there are 7 books. For those interested its first volume it's free on Amazon, just look for AlterWorld (LitRPG: Play to Live. Book #1) by D. Rus
  156. To finalize, a book recommendation for those that enjoy this novel: Mafia Captive by Kitty Thomas.
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