
TLP - Liquid-Haas

Apr 3rd, 2018
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  1. /* C Support */
  2. They already come with a C support, so there is none.
  4. /* B Support */
  5. Haas: Liquid, your axe skills are
  6. as scary as ever, my friend.
  7. Liquid: Skillz? Whatchu talkin' bout?
  8. Haas: I mean how you're able to smash through an enemy and crush their body in one hit, no matter their defenses... You may have not inherited your father's brutality, but you seem to have inherited his strength, at the very least.
  11. /* A Support */
  12. Liquid: C-Chief, I been thinkin'...
  13. Haas: Ah, Liquid. What's wrong?
  14. Liquid: N-nothin's wrong, I just dun' wanna... I dun' wanna...
  15. Haas: It's alright, Liquid, you can tell me. I am here to help you. We are comrades.
  16. Liquid: I-I was hopin' I can stay with ya after dis war... I... got nowhere to go...
  17. Haas: Do you even have to ask, Liquid? I would be happy if you would stay with the Phora. Then, we could work towards spreading peace throughout Atheya, and ending all the bloodshed... together.
  18. Liquid: Golly, dat'd be nice... maybe... if we dun' fight... if we help rebuild... I'z strong, can build lots!!! W-we can rebuild Atheya, together! Okay, Chief?!
  19. Haas: Of course, Liquid. Take it easy for now though, okay? First, let's make it out of these battles safe and sound. Then, we'll work towards restoring Atheya to its former glory.
  20. Liquid: Ya!!!
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