

Dec 9th, 2014
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  1. tali: Hello, yes?
  2. alice: were you the one who commented on my profile?
  3. tali: Why would I bother to comment on trannieprofiles? Are you unable to see who writes comments or did you just intend to get some kind of attention?
  4. alice: uhm
  5. alice: I'm not a "trannie" and I was wondering if it was you
  6. alice: but nvm
  7. tali: Yeah a guy who pretends a girl, whatever, call yourself trap idc about semantics.
  8. alice: your name came up, so I was kinda confused
  9. alice: hey dude
  10. tali: No I didn't, feel free to remove yourself, I have no business with you.
  11. alice: just because you can't find a real female girlfriend on the internet doesn't mean the rest are fake
  12. alice: yes, I know there are weeaboos with anime pictures who do that shit
  13. alice: but I can prove my gender
  14. alice: dumbass... ._.
  15. tali: I don't care
  16. alice: you clearly do
  17. tali: Okay
  18. alice: if you don't care, just block me loser
  19. tali: Uh, how long?
  20. alice: uhm
  21. alice: how long what
  22. tali: Do you want to go offline
  23. alice: k here you are
  24. alice: being a skikd
  25. alice: skid*
  26. alice: go ahead ip grab me
  27. alice: I'll change my ip
  28. alice: and just block you
  29. alice: np
  30. alice: do you even know who I am?
  31. tali: Why would I care?
  32. alice: ugh
  33. tali: You added me
  34. alice: yus, because your name came up
  35. alice: catbot brought it up
  36. alice: and I was wondering if it was you
  37. tali: My name comes up quite often.
  38. tali: Nothing special
  39. alice: ikik
  40. alice: I meant like...i thought it was you
  41. tali: I neither know catbot nor you, I don't waste my time with you. So go ahead and remove yourself or I have to bully you offline until you do
  42. alice: okay
  43. alice: well
  44. alice: sorry for wasting your time then
  45. alice: byeeE
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