
8 Lesta Nediam LNC2018-01-31 1305 +cabadejo

Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2018-01-31 1305 +cabadejo
  4. __
  6. +cabadejo __ Explanations given by so-called "experts" as to how interplanetary communication works has always been a source of amusement for me. You *really* have to *trust* it "just works" the way we're told! It's a shining example of the lie system in action.
  8. But, perhaps interplanetary communication *can* work as we're told. After all, rockets working in a vacuum can be counter-intuitive to many, but yet rockets *can* work in a vacuum. If it were not possible, then the lie system would have made a "fatal mistake" *and _everything_ would unravel.*
  10. When you have a *correct understanding* of the lie system you will, _at long last,_ appreciate that the lie system *does not* make *"fatal mistakes".* The lie system has no intention of getting caught.
  12. That does not mean the claim about walking on the Moon necessarily happened. Rather, the lie system does not lie about those things which can ever be outright proven false. The lie system is free to lie about landing on the Moon *if* it is _never_ possible for you to prove it did not happen. A subjective evaluation that the Moon landings did not happen is *not* good enough. That's not proof, that's just an expression of one's belief bias.
  14. The lie system is free to lie about interplanetary communication *if* it is _never_ possible for you to prove it *cannot* work the way it has been claimed. On the other hand, the lie system will never outright lie about the shape of the Earth, because it *is* possible for you to independently figure out the correct shape.
  16. That does not mean dubious photos won't be published which are misrepresentative and _seem_ fraudulent. That's fine and to be expected!
  18. Many mistakes, many charlatans, and many bottomless rabbit holes can be completely avoided by no longer resisting the self-evident axiom that *the lie system does not make "fatal mistakes".* But, conspiracy theorists and the delusional hold out hope for an exception. _"Maybe this time the lie system has changed its methodology?!"_ No, it hasn't and it won't.
  20. It is disappointing to see everyone continue to flounder because they'd rather cling to elaborate mind blow fantasies - instead of accepting some basic concepts that dispels them and kills the high.
  24. __________
  25. 2018-02-01 0155
  27. +cabadejo __ Of course _mistakes_ can potentially be made, but we are not talking about _mere_ mistakes that can be dismissed with a subjective "plausible explanation". We are talking about *"fatal mistakes"* - which I termed just for _your_ benefit.
  29. A "fatal mistake" is something that *necessarily proves* an event or claim to be false. It is like "sufficient proof" that proves an event happened - but in reverse proving it didn't happen. An example would be to see the "ISS" crew juggling with gravity. Another example would be to see "Jeff Bauman" without any legs prior to the alleged "Boston Marathon Bombing". Such things would constitute a "fatal mistake" which cannot be subjectively "explained away".
  31. It is simply your *opinion* that "fatal mistakes" are made. It is simply your *expectation* that because humans make mistakes the lie system, consisting of people, would also make mistakes. Like I said, of course "mistakes" can *potentially* be made, *but only "fatal mistakes" matter.*
  33. No one has ever been able to point out a "fatal mistake". Not you, not anyone. If "fatal mistakes" were occurring the *whole world* would be aware of staged events - on the level of the "ISS" and "Boston" which would permanently destroy the population's trust. Permanently undermining the lie system's trust voodoo.
  35. No, that is not happening. It is only a fringe of delusional people who chase after a hit of mind blow that insist "fatal mistakes" are made.
  37. Anyone who subscribes to the *incorrect* assumption that "fatal mistakes are made" must invent an increasingly elaborate fantasy to claim that they are made _but successfully "swept under the rug" *every single time.*_
  39. When you abandon your *flawed* concept of the "control system" (a most unhelpful term since everything can be thought of as a "control system") and acquire a *correct* understanding of the *"lie system"* (which is the correct and most appropriate term) you will discover that what I am pointing out to you (for the umpteenth time) are *self-evident truths* which can be figured out on one's own.
  41. And when you finally do you won't be wasting your time with charlatans and flawed ideas. But until then I am sure it's all very entertaining. A lot of people are here for entertainment and camaraderie. That's fine, but no progress can be made with such people. They aren't willing to let go of their psychosis.
  43. Just a head up - I am about to make this video private, though not because of this conversation. I'll give you some time to take screenshots and/or save any other comments if you want etc.
  45. Right now I am in the middle of making some necessary changes. 2018 is going to be a good year for Lesta's lie system. It's a pity that outdated, debunked, and worthless ideas peddled by the likes of "Brian Hill" continue to have such a hold over you. Most disappointing!
  47. I have been spelling out the lie system _as it really is_ for several years. It is a genuine pity it never fully resonated with you, but that's not my problem any more.
  52. __________
  53. 2018-02-01 1320
  55. +cabadejo __ *Please read!* If you _genuinely_ feel that I am wrong about something, then I encourage you to make an effort to convince me. *I don't just want to believe true things, I want to believe true things for true reasons.* And I hope the same goes for you.
  57. Going forwards much of my content will be hidden or visible only briefly, but I shall remain as accessible as ever. Of all people you should know that I give _everyone_ - whether friend or foe - plenty of time.
  59. For this reason I have created the following place to discuss things. _Consider making use of it:_
  62. A simple reply of "okay" to let me know you are aware of this reply would be good. Once you have done that, or a few days have passed (whichever happens first) I'll make this video private.
  66. ____________________________________________________________
  67. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  69. Lesta on YouTube
  72. Lesta on Twitter
  75. Lesta on Google Plus
  78. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  79. What exists - exists to always exist.
  80. As it is written - so it is done.
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