

Mar 12th, 2015
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  1. A significant idea or concept that occurred in this module was the application of mnemonic devices to recalling various types of information. Mnemonics are devices such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something. Mnemonic devices are regarded as one of the best memory recall techniques around in this day and age.
  3. Mnemonic devices are of ultimate significance to me. I've known about them for years but disregarded them for lack of believing in their effectiveness. Upon reading near the end of the chapter, however, made me realize that mnemonics are actually one of the best ways to remembering long, complex strands of information. The reason it's so significant to me is that I could apply mnemonics to the work I'm doing in school at the moment. Using mnemonics, I could better memorize equations, facts, and possibly even definitions from the classes I have slight difficulty in. Even after high school, I can find myself still using mnemonics to my advantage in the time of college and in the struggles and tribulations of med school. Even then, I can still find myself applying mnemonics to everyday work-life, such as remembering patient names and information, important numbers, and possibly even drug names. This learning experience made me realize how stubborn and unwilling I was to trying out new things, and I'm glad I had this experience. I have trust in myself when it comes to academics, but with this learning experience, I learned that I can tone down my effort for some learning activities when using mnemonics. Instead of remembering every single name, atomic number, atomic mass, and symbol for all the elements on the Periodic Table, I could probably use mnemonics to make life easier and have my own way of recalling all that information for future test days.
  5. With mnemonics, I expect to make future studying and learning easier for myself.
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