
Kill the Ayyphins

Apr 7th, 2015
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  1. 22:58 Mayor is sitting anxiously at his seat with the front door of his office open. He is sweating. He taps his fingers on the table waiting for the mercenaries to arrive. He is getting impatient. But he cannot lose his temper.
  2. 23:00 Antares_ enters, having what seems to be a gun and sword mix, and a large backpack, making a loud 'thud' on the floor. His voice stale and robotic. "I take it your the one who hired me?"
  3. 23:02 Mayor "Yes. I've hired others, but it seems as if you're the only one who has arrived as of now. Take a seat." He points to the small leather sofa near the window.
  4. 23:04 Whiskey entered into the room not that long away from Bravo, bright blue eyes ever vigilant from beneath the black ballistics mask with not a single opening of skin showing. The mercenary looked around at all those assembled, then upwards to the Mayor with a tilt of the head.
  5. 23:04 Antares_ [so far only I'm here]
  6. 23:05 Mayor "... S-so. I can trust you can carry out the mission, about those... Dolphin, people?" He quickly stutters. He's intimidated by both mercenaries, but he tries his best not to show his desperation.
  7. 23:06 Flareburst sidles in wearing a paper mask, not fooling anyone
  8. 23:07 Hush_ quiet walked in, his head ever so bubbly, faceless as ever, his expression unreadable. He takes position behind the couch, he wasn't in the mood for leisure.
  9. 23:07 Hush_
  10. 23:07 Antares_ "So...Dolphin, people?"
  11. 23:08 Whiskey held up a hand as if to motion for them to wait for the others to arrive before getting into details. They were going to need a team for this.
  12. 23:09 Bravo followed in soon after his partner, an M4 visibly slung onto his back and a mask of burning forest being his most visible traits. He gave a sidelong glance at the more flamboyant members of the crowd. "This a costume party or a setup?"
  13. 23:09 Amon_ files in, eyes burning around the room as files into the room and gives a slight nod at the Mayor. He quickly and silently falls into line with the others.
  14. 23:09 Mayor "Unfortunately, yes. It seems that people have captured men in white suits jumping into the ocean and just... I don't know... turning into Dolphins. My investigation started to go undercover in areas, found out... a certain thing or two, but that isn't important..." He looks at the mercenaries waiting for their reaction to the information he has given.
  15. 23:12 Whiskey "Nearer to that city you get the sillier the outfits" Whiskey's voice was made far deeper and unnatural by a mechanical device likely intending to mask a recognizable voice.
  16. 23:13 Mayor "What we found out that, in Neon, there seems to be one of those... Dolphin Men, whose occupation is currently a Strip Club Manager..." He loosens his tie slightly.
  17. 23:14 Hush_ bubbles
  18. 23:14 Antares_ "Dolphin people, tell me, are they pink?"
  19. 23:15 Mayor slides a folder with a note clipped onto it reading out the name "Edwardo" to the front of his desk. Most of his information such as his age and birth are unknown. There's evidence to the claim that he is an Encantado, with photos of him transforming into a dolphin in random locations, as well as photos of his establishment, The Lady Shack
  20. 23:17 Flareburst recalls walking by the Lady Shack a few times. Never knew it was ran by a dolphin
  21. 23:17 Mayor "This is the person you will go to. Force him to give you information. If he doesn't, make better, more suitable ways to beat it out of him. Whatever information you have, use that to eliminate the Dolphin Threat." He murmurs.
  22. 23:18 Antares_ "Kill a bunch of Dolphins, mind saying Why their a threat?"
  23. 23:19 Bravo "You'll be sure to add a little something extra for the trouble of operating in American soil, right?"
  24. 23:19 Hush_ bubbles
  25. 23:19 Mayor "I wouldn't want to sound immoral, but pregnancy rates have gone up by more than 51%. Our town doesn't have the economic standard to feed that much people." He replies to Antares' question. He looks at Bravo. "W-well, what d-do you have in mind as an e-extra?"
  26. 23:21 Amon_ crosses his arms as he hears about the strip club and walking dolphins. "Debauchery and nonsense. I'm being paid to deal with debauchery and nonsense." He mumbles behind his mask, beneath his breath.
  27. 23:22 Whiskey "Eliminate?"
  28. 23:22 Whiskey "If you want us to put them all to dust, say it. It'll cost extra for working near the US"
  29. 23:23 Whiskey "Maybe money. Maybe we'll figure it out"
  30. 23:23 Bravo nods along approvingly
  31. 23:24 Hush_ taps his foot, patiently
  32. 23:24 Mayor "I-I-I... I can pay you in money! O-of course!" He laughs nervously to himself. "I just need to know... how much... money, y-you're uhh... requesting.." He gets more quiet with every word leading to the end of his sentence.
  33. 23:25 Antares_ "Depends on how many we need to kill, and we each get our own amount, no splitting one"
  34. 23:26 Amon_ "An extra 25%"
  35. 23:27 Amon_ stares.
  36. 23:27 Mayor "Well.. uhh, you see, I don't know how many there are." He tries to laugh about it. "I m-mean, lets just say... we're dealing with a group of... just 100 Dolphins. H-how much would that cost?"
  37. 23:29 Bravo "All things considered...I think a 30% increase ontop of a nice listing fee is in order, amigo."
  38. 23:30 Amon_ "$20,000 per person is the standard rate for the quick and clean."
  39. 23:31 Whiskey "I can cost less, pride myself on cheap, but won't say the same for the rest of us. Depends on how badly this can go"
  40. 23:31 Mayor is stuck for words. He looks at the mercenaries' demand. He quietly thinks to himself. This isn't the greatest way to remove a threat, but he's desperate.
  41. 23:31 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Quit: unf)
  42. 23:32 Hush_ bubbles, staring at the Mayor
  43. 23:33 Mayor "So, 20,000 Dollars Multiplied by 100. That's 2,000,000. Plus the 55% increase..." He quietly thinks to himself. "So, around, 3,100,000... does, does that seem a good enough deal for you, g-gentlemen?"
  44. 23:34 Antares_ "3,100,000 each? Sound good to me"
  45. 23:34 Flareburst nods like he knows what he's doing
  46. 23:34 Hush_ bubbles
  47. 23:35 Whiskey "Don't get greedy. You aren't even close to that good. We'll take the deal"
  48. 23:35 Amon_ nods slowly, keeping his eyes on the Mayor's mouth.
  49. 23:36 Mayor "So." He starts. "You know what to do. T-the folder has the information you need. Go to Neon, and whatever information you require, do what you must."
  50. 23:37 Antares_ [does anyone here have a car big enough for us all?]
  51. 23:38 Hush_ is already gone. (See you guys there)
  52. 23:38 Flareburst opens a window and jets away
  53. 23:39 Antares_ leaves the building, finds a car, and hot-wires it
  54. 23:41 Whiskey gave a little nudge to Bravo as they got up, picking up the assignment and heading out
  55. 23:41 Amon_ strolls out.
  56. 23:43 Bravo follows Whiskey out.
  57. 23:45 Mayor finally relaxes back into his chair. He whispers relief to himself, he turns the office chair towards the window behind him, looking outside to see that his car has been hijacked in the process of the mercenaries leaving.
  58. 23:48 Edwardo "Fuckin' Inferno." He grumbles to himself whilst lighting a cigar. He is sitting in what seems to be a VIP room, the carpet is soft and wool-like, the couch he is sitting on is stamped with exotic designs. "Next time an asshole tells me to fuckin' what to do, Kabam. I ain't holdin' back. No one tells me what to do. No one."
  59. 23:50 Antares_ kicks the door open, guards hopefully just knocked out, gunblade at the ready. "You the owner of this little place?"
  60. 23:51 Whiskey moved in without a single word, knife quickly pulled and brandished while the man they were looking for stood before them.
  61. 23:51 Edwardo "Who the fuck are you? Who let you in?" He suddenly stands up, surprised by the sudden entry. "Seriously, you get near me with those things, I know karate, man."
  62. 23:52 Antares_ "Should we wait for the others before having our fun?"
  63. 23:52 Bravo covered the doorway in rear, a suppressed M9 in hand and ready.
  64. 23:52 Flareburst fliess in through a closed window, tumbling through a table before getting his footing
  65. 23:53 Edwardo "Seriously, who the fuck are you assholes? Who told you you could come in here? This is VIP. Only staff and important people are aloud." He backs up to a table hiding it behind his back. He puts his hand out opening one of the drawers revealing a pistol.
  66. 23:55 Amon_ rolls through the open door, bladed staff materialising in his hand as he crouches. "Someone say staff?"
  67. 23:56 Whiskey drew out a suppressed pistol and kept it aimed to Edwardo's arm, ready to fire if he made another move towards the gun
  68. 23:56 Hush_ quietly and quickly creeps from under Edwardo's couch, blade in hand, poised for combat.
  69. 23:57 Edwardo "No, you seriously need to tell me who you are. How'd you make it past s'curity?" His hand tightly gripped around the pistol. "Shouldn't go anywhere near me, fellas, let's be real here."
  70. 23:57 Antares_ "So, who wants to go first?"
  71. 23:57 Hush_ bubbles
  72. 23:58 Whiskey "We're here to learn a few things" The muffled, electronic voice of Whiskey came out. "Security wasn't an obstacle. You're going to let us in on a few things"
  73. 23:58 Edwardo "Who the f-... What is that?" He looks at Hush.
  74. 23:58 Antares_ "...was that a yes?"
  75. 23:58 Hush_ waves
  76. 23:58 Hush_
  77. 23:58 Bravo keeps his firearm ready to pin anything that would think to flank or surprise the group from the broken doorway. "Be sure to keep that damn noise down, fucks sake"
  78. 23:59 Whiskey "We ask the questions. You answer them. Then we go back to our jobs"
  79. 23:59 Edwardo "Well if you had fuckin' questions, shoulda just came in peacefully. No need for the weapons." He calms down, but he still has a grip on the pistol. "What is it?"
  80. 00:00 Antares_ "Info bout the Were-Dolphins"
  81. 00:00 Whiskey "Encantado. That word mean anything to you?"
  82. 00:01 Edwardo "W-what? Encantado? What? I don't know, man..." He suddenly realizes that they're not just toying with him. "L-look. I don't know anything about the Encan-daddios or whatever... Maybe you should leave? Yeah?"
  83. 00:02 Whiskey "Not going to happen. We have evidence you're one of them. We want to know where the other ones are. You let that slip, you can live" Whiskey wasn't going to waste any time, gun still pointed
  84. 00:04 Edwardo "Look. I don't know what're talking about, but, I can make you ALL an offer. You can come here, anytime you want. For free. Hell, you can do it with the girls here if you wanted to. Come on guys, negotiations!" You can see that he is physically sweating. The gun starts shaking in his hand, he keeps it hidden.
  85. 00:05 Whiskey takes a step forward, clearly not buying his bullshit and motioning for the others to be at the ready if he tries a single thing.
  86. 00:06 Edwardo pulls out the pistol and quickly aims it at Whiskey. "Fuck ALL of you assholes! One step forward, and BOOM! Bullet through your skull! Don't tempt me, man, don't fuckin' tempt me!" He's backed up against the wall.
  87. 00:08 Flareburst forms a small barrier in front of the dolphin man's gun
  88. 00:08 Antares_ looks at Hush, "you did get first dibs, why not go ahead?"
  89. 00:09 Bravo turns from his position, weapon now aimed on Edwardo. "You got one shot, amigo. You think you'll even penetrate plates? Put it down."
  90. 00:09 Whiskey didn't move, and didn't back down.
  91. 00:10 Edwardo reacts stupidly to the barrier. He pulls the trigger blasting the bullet into it. The bullet bounces around the room scaring Edwardo and making him drop his gun. "Please, please... I beg you... Please don't kill me... I've got a good thing going here." He starts sobbing.
  92. 00:10 Antares_ "Oh god, they always do this"
  93. 00:10 Hush_ draws his sword to Edwardo's neck, expressionless as ever. His bubbling almost sounds like screeching "TAAAAAAALK"
  94. 00:11 Whiskey was very quick to move in, eyes the only feature of the masked face that could be made out staring down at Edwardo.
  95. 00:11 Amon_ stabs his staff into the ground and stands to the side, arms crossed and eyes burning holes in Edwardo's skull.
  96. 00:12 Bravo turns back to cover the doorway once more, wary of unwanted attention from the shot. "I told him. One shot. I told him."
  97. 00:12 Edwardo screams from the sounds coming from the walking fishbowl. "OKAY! OKAY! okay! Please... Whatever you want... Just don't kill me...!" He cries louder, huddling himself and squeezing his knees up against his chest.
  98. 00:13 Whiskey knelt down to Edwardo's side. "I told you. You speak up, tell us where the others are, and you get to live. I want coordinates, proof of where it is, the numbers and kinds around there"
  99. 00:13 Whiskey "We want to know just what we're dealing with. After that, we leave your little club alone"
  100. 00:15 Hush_ pulls his sword away. He gives Ed a little thumbs up.
  101. 00:16 Edwardo sniffles. "T-the Pacific Ocean. We have a colony there. Underwater. 0.0005 South and... and 154.0050 West... That's where it is..." His voice is mumbled by his crying, but it's understandable.
  102. 00:16 Antares_ opens the door slightly, seeing if anyone was coming, disgusted by this place
  103. 00:18 Bravo stares at Antares. "You see me here covering this right? Move your ass."
  104. 00:18 Whiskey "Good. Good. That's all we needed to know. Not so difficult, is it?"
  105. 00:18 Whiskey then looked up to Hush
  106. 00:19 Hush_ nodded
  107. 00:20 Hush_ then swiped his blade across Edwardo's neck.
  108. 00:20 Hush_ bowed in thanks to the given information
  109. 00:21 Flareburst WOAH NOW
  110. 00:21 Flareburst rushed over and starts to heal the gash
  111. 00:22 Edwardo attempts to shout out in pain but instead gargles on his own blood. His crying becomes more intense.
  112. 00:22 Antares_ pulls him back. "You don't seem to understand what we do"
  113. 00:23 Flareburst well this is what I do
  114. 00:23 Whiskey got up, not enjoying the sight of a slower death and simply shooting Edwardo. "Lets get the hell out of here"
  115. 00:23 Hush_ splatters the Dolphins blood across the wall, cleaning his blade
  116. 00:23 Whiskey "We wasted too much time. Lets get moving"
  117. 00:24 Edwardo slowly transforms back into a pink dolphin, the clothes off his body stretched out in the pool of blood as soon as his turning completed.
  118. 00:24 Flareburst goes to try and help the guy anyway
  119. 00:24 Hush_ nods and runs out. How's that for a fucking crime scene.
  120. 00:24 Bravo holsters his sidearm and starts to head out. "We got time to torch the place you think?"
  121. 00:25 Amon_ "I've got that."
  122. 00:25 Whiskey quickly makes it to the door, going by Bravo. "Nah. Too public. With a dolphin as the only evidence they can say he just went missing after a drunken party"
  123. 00:26 Flareburst [is dolphin man helpable or am I wasting my time?]
  124. 00:26 Antares_ grabs Flareburst by the collar dragging him out. "Have fun destroying this place"
  125. 00:26 Edwardo [is ded]
  126. 00:26 Flareburst [ech]
  127. 00:26 Bravo [welcome to wetwork, sister]
  128. 00:26 Flareburst puts up no resistance, but is sad
  129. 00:26 Flareburst [wasnt even any water]
  130. 00:27 Amon_ holds his hand out as his staff looses itself from the ground and flows over to him. He taps it on the ground, as it lets loose a spark of electricity. He gives a nod to the others, looking back to the corpse of the dolphin monstrosity.
  131. 00:27 Whiskey starts to head out as quickly as possible.
  132. 00:27 Hush_ scares off the all the civilians by holding his sword to a stripper's neck. They best get out soon.
  133. 00:28 Antares_ tosses Flare into the back of the stolen car. "Your staying with us, that healing power could be useful"
  134. 00:28 Whiskey tries to get Hush to not make a scene as they exit. Wetwork isn't terrorism, damn it.
  135. 00:28 Bravo hits a light jog to catch up with and follow Whiskey. "Let's get this show on the road then"
  136. 00:29 Flareburst gets comfy in the car, pouting
  137. 00:29 Antares_ "But first, we watch the fireworks"
  138. 00:30 Whiskey goes to the getaway car he shares with Bravo, already starting to check up the coordinates for where they are headed.
  139. 00:31 Hush_ couldn't contain himself. It's too much fun. He drops the stripper and runs off to join them
  140. 00:31 Antares_ starts the car, driving to the beach.
  141. 00:32 Amon_ slams his staff on the ground as it lets out a pulse of electricity and sizzles the body, and ignites the room.
  142. 00:32 Whiskey (Actually all the way off in the pacific, we're gonna need a plane)
  143. 00:33 Antares_ "0.0005 South and 154.0050 fuck, did any of us think about how we're getting there?"
  144. 00:33 Whiskey "Job to finish. 3 million on the line. We're going there"
  145. 00:34 Bravo "Shouldn't be too hard to obtain a little transport."
  146. 00:35 Amon_ walks out of the slowly smoking building, back to the fire as he exits with staff spinning in hand. "Let's get moving."
  147. 00:35 Hush_ sits inside the car, pondering. He has no connections.
  148. 00:36 Whiskey "More important, we're hitting an underwater encampment"
  149. 00:37 Whiskey "What is the plan for that? Always naval mines...." What a fine explosion that would be.
  150. 00:37 Amon_ "What about a submarine?" The building's top floor bursts into flames in the background.
  151. 00:38 Antares_ "Anyone in this city even own a sub? oh and nice job with the building"
  152. 00:39 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  153. 00:39 Bravo "Underwater shit, hrm. Could get a couple skimmers and some wetsuits? Drop a few charges maybe?"
  154. 00:40 Hush_ knew a guy with a sub. He nodded.
  155. 00:40 Whiskey "We'll find our way down there, place charges, handle whatever would get in the way, then blow the whole damned thing"
  156. 00:42 Antares_ "You, bag head. You created a field around the gun, how big do you think you can make that?"
  157. 00:43 Antares_ turned to flareburst waiting for an answer
  158. 00:43 Hush_ raised his hand like a kid. He tapped on his head in morse. "I know a guy."
  159. 00:44 Flareburst well, I can make it as big as I want, given enough fuel. gotta have an energy source
  160. 00:44 Antares_ ignores Flare, turning to the bubble man
  161. 00:44 Flareburst heat, electricity, whatever
  162. 00:45 Whiskey "...Get the guy here charged, make a dome around the place, plant the charges, make sure none of those rapist monster sons of bitches get out"
  163. 00:45 Amon_ "I can generate a bit of current." He points to his staff, the smoke in the background rises.
  164. 00:45 Flareburst as long as I have an igniton, I can replicate energy, so thats fine
  165. 00:46 Flareburst i'd rather not see what'l be going on in there anyway
  166. 00:47 Bravo nudges Whiskey and leans in to speak underneath his breath. "Not exactly sure how much I trust these guys, a couple of em don't look on the up n up."
  167. 00:47 Antares_ "I think Bubbles friend could be the safer way to go"
  168. 00:47 Hush_ bubbles patiently
  169. 00:48 Whiskey gave a sigh, looking to Bravo. "Had it my way it'd just be you and me again, but we have to make due..."
  170. 00:49 Antares_ "So, you going to call him up Domehead?"
  171. 00:49 Hush_ shrugs, waiting for everyone else's approval. He was a team player.
  172. 00:50 Amon_ taps his staff. The eye blinks back at Amon before he nods along.
  173. 00:50 Bravo gives another glance to the little group. " to just keep an eye out then."
  174. 00:51 Whiskey "I'll keep by the energy plan, get some use out of our pacifist here. Keeps the pay consistent with the agreement"
  175. 00:52 Antares_ "And where do we get a constant fuel source?"
  176. 00:53 Whiskey points out the window and up, towards the sun. "That work well enough for you? In the middle of the ocean, nothing to block it"
  177. 00:54 Flareburst oohh yeah, solar is nice
  178. 00:54 Flareburst one problem though
  179. 00:54 Flareburst grimaces
  180. 00:54 Flareburst if im going to use solar, you have a time limit. I will boil from the UV if i pump that stuff too long
  181. 00:56 Antares_ "I think its a pointless chance to make, unless Bubbles friend is just as dangerous''
  182. 00:56 Bravo "How about a tanning bed?"
  183. 00:57 Whiskey "I can work within a time limit. We do this right they won't even know we came around until the dome goes up and the charges blow"
  184. 00:57 Flareburst nah, the tanning bed would worsen the issue; with sunlight i can use both protons and the UV, but a tanning bed would make way more UV, so it would be useless in this case
  185. 00:58 Flareburst [*photons]
  186. 00:58 Hush_ sits patiently, counting the bubbles, waiting for his time to contribute.
  187. 00:58 Flareburst [got my particals confuzzled]
  188. 00:59 Antares_ ''You ever tried something like this before"
  189. 00:59 Flareburst plenty, just not on this scale. should be fine though
  190. 00:59 Flareburst tries to hide his nervousness
  191. 01:00 Bravo "Lookit him, he's got a flashy costume and everything. He's gotta be ready."
  192. 01:00 Flareburst y-yeah....
  193. 01:01 Antares_ "Ughh, lets do it then"
  194. 01:02 Amon_ holds a long, meaningful stare with his staff before nodding to it.
  195. 01:03 Hush_ raises his hand
  196. 01:05 Amon_ looks to Hush_ with another slow nod. He approves of the relative volume of the bubble merc.
  197. 01:06 Hush_ taps once again, "I know a guy."
  198. 01:06 Amon_ waves his hand to the side as if to say, "Well then go ahead."
  199. 01:07 Antares_ "Those two have the right idea, I say we take a vote, the kid, or Bubbles friend"
  200. 01:09 Antares_ "I vote Bubbles"
  201. 01:10 Hush_ screeches out, like a sickly person losing his voice while drowning. "SUBMARIIIIINNE." He gives a thumbs up.
  202. 01:10 Bravo "That's some needless complication, we dome it, blow it, get paid."
  203. 01:11 Antares_ "We also have the chance of the kid burning out and leaving us stuck in the middle of the ocean"
  204. 01:11 Flareburst hey, I should be fine
  205. 01:12 Hush_ [But how do we get there?]
  206. 01:12 Flareburst I may not have ever done one this big, but I'm sure I can hold it
  207. 01:13 Flareburst gimi a little credit
  208. 19:42 Antares_ "...Alright, fine, this is what I get for opening my mouth"
  209. 19:46 Antares_ "Bubbles, call your friend, see how long it would take for them to get here"
  210. 19:49 Amon_ taps his staff on the ground as it fades into nothing. Then he speaks, voice gravelly and harsh. "Should we not move to a more aquatic locale?"
  211. 19:51 Hush_ pulls out a map. There's a little secluded beach circled. He points to it.
  212. 19:52 Hush_ motions for the driver to get to it.
  213. 19:53 Antares_ "Right, let me do one thing"
  214. 19:54 Antares_ walks on top of his stolen car, cutting a hole on the roof with the swordgun for Flare to adsorb sunlight
  215. 19:55 Flareburst o-oh, thanks. Wait, you want me to start warming up now?
  216. 19:56 Antares_ "Beach isn't far, and we'll be in a sub, underwater, with no sunlight"
  217. 19:56 Flareburst alright then
  218. 19:56 Flareburst stands up to lean out of the hole and starts sunbathing
  219. 19:57 Antares_ gets back in the car. "Any of you need a ride?"
  220. 19:58 Bravo turns to Whiskey and speak out of general earshot. "We'd be better off in our own ride."
  221. 19:59 Whiskey sticks with Bravo, having their own armored up car ready with the masked mercenary's hands ready to take the wheel
  222. 19:59 Amon_ shakes his head and walks over to a nearby, strangely sleek-looking motorcycle. With a solid kick, it starts into a roar. He gets on and nods at all the others.
  223. 20:04 Antares_ "Bubbles, you need a ride?"
  224. 20:08 Hush_ refuses. He waves off a goodbye
  225. 20:11 Antares_ starts to drive, making sure Flare gets plenty of sun
  226. 20:11 Flareburst is half out the 'sun roof', now softly glowing
  227. 20:19 Diaramente is informed by one of the servants that another worker had died on land. It's described to him as it seems that it was made to look like an accident, but there was no evident source of fire within the building. He sighs, angered by the information. "Another one. It's as if the humans are catching on." He mumbles. "Might as well prepare the army."
  228. 20:23 Whiskey made the way to the shore a little earlier than others, pulling off of the roads for a rocky shortcut that their sturdy machine could handle. Its seen harsher things before.
  229. 20:24 Antares_ arrives shortly after, Flare still glowing, grabbing a large bag from the trunk, throwing it over his shoulder
  230. 20:25 Antares_ He grabs a large bag from the trunk, throwing it over his shoulder*
  231. 20:26 Flareburst is getting bright at this point, like looking straight at a bulb ind of bright
  232. 20:26 Antares_ "You aren't going to blow, are you?"
  233. 20:27 Flareburst not yet, but this is starting to get difficult. I need to burn this stuff off soon
  234. 20:27 Flareburst voice is strained as if he were holding something heavy
  235. 20:28 Antares_ "Uhhg, if we let you blow off some steam, who knows how much time would be cut off on the shield plan"
  236. 20:28 Hush_ emerges out the water in a familiar looking submarine, as everyone gathers. He opens the hatch and makes his presence known.
  237. 20:29 Whiskey parks, stepping out with one quick motion and sitting right atop the vehicle and looking out to the sub
  238. 20:29 Flareburst I can actually keep recycling it, and make more, kinda like a dynamo. Cant stop that once I start though, so a sub would be a sad place
  239. 20:30 Flareburst im actually not sure how big this can be, so we have options i guess
  240. 20:31 Antares_ "Get some opinions from one of the others, I never really got familiar to Metas and the like"
  241. 20:31 Bravo exits the vehicle, re-slinging his rifle onto his back and examining the sub. "Think it'll get tight where we're going? Thinking of packing light."
  242. 20:34 Hush_ hops out of the sub. It's more than capable of holding many people. He gives a thumbs up to assure Bravo. He motions for everyone to get in. Genocide waits for no one.
  243. 20:35 Antares_ "Lets hope this thing is fast, The kid isn't looking so hot, well he is, but you know what I mean"
  244. 20:35 Flareburst clambers over the car, with some effort
  245. 20:36 Flareburst forces a chuckle
  246. 20:37 Hush_ deadpans a more deadpan expression then his deadpan expression at that joke.
  247. 20:38 Whiskey pulls out a bag from the back seat, slinging it over the shoulder and choosing to ignore terrible jokes
  248. 20:39 Flareburst H-hang on, im try somethin'
  249. 20:40 Bravo checks his M9 a last time before holstering and heading for the sub, resisting the urge to call out those jokes.
  250. 20:40 Flareburst outlines himself with a barrier of light, containing most of the heat. still bright as fuck though
  251. 20:42 Antares_ climbs in the sub, Swordgun and what ever it in the bag only things he is bringing it seems
  252. 20:43 Flareburst stiffly hobbles into the sub after eveyone
  253. 20:51 Hush_ climbs on top the sub and scans the area carefully before going in himself and closing the hatch.
  254. 20:57 Hush_ walks over to the controls. He hadn't a clue what button to use except one. So he pressed it. Coordinates were already locked in. Autopilot engaged and the crew took off.
  255. 20:58 Whiskey settled down within the submarine, letting off a huff and relaxing for once
  256. 21:00 Flareburst shuffles to an empty spot and takes a stiff pose, holding it
  257. 21:01 Antares_ is worried, not about Flare himself, but that he might blow killing them all
  258. 21:02 Bravo rested against whatever was flat and looked around at the others.
  259. 21:03 Diaramente has the army prepared. Lines and lines of soldiers prepared walking through the gates with thousands of servant Encantados cheering the soldiers on. In the back of the army, Diarmente is seen, in a floating golden throne.
  260. 21:03 Hush_ stared into the ocean, at all the....bubbles. He sure as fuck wasn't starting a conversation
  261. 21:05 Amon_ clonked his head on the metal wall of the sub, somehow getting in silently and without notice. He looks to all the others with a critical stare. A strange bunch.
  262. 21:05 Whiskey unzipped the bag, looking down at the undersea gear and charges that were prepped by a good friend of theirs. All they would need is to get to the drop point and pull their scheme
  263. 21:07 Whiskey "So, y'think those goddamn things know somebody is coming for them?"
  264. 21:08 Antares_ "Not sure, I could go for a fight though, dropping bombs just seems boring
  265. 21:08 Hush_ bubbled.
  266. 21:08 Antares_ "
  267. 21:09 Whiskey "Isn't supposed to be fun work. Its paying work. You don't get into a business like this unless its necessary, or you're already a sicko"
  268. 21:10 Whiskey "Less chance I have to be attacked by a creature known solely for rape the better"
  269. 21:11 Bravo "I don't see how these things /would/ know we're coming but stay aware. Hopefully we can just get in and out for payday."
  270. 21:13 Antares_ looks at the radar. "I think its going to be harder then that"
  271. 21:13 *** Whiskey quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  272. 21:15 Amon_ scratches as his mask, making a horirble scraping. "Why not bomb it from within the settlement?"
  273. 21:16 *** Whiskey joined #covenger_rp
  274. 21:17 Antares_ uses the telescope, then lets Amon and the rest use it. "Thats why"
  275. 21:19 Diaramente has the army lined out in squadrons of hundreds outside the dome. They're dolphins, and have what seems to be mounted lasers on top of them. The screeching of dolphin creates a war cry than can be heard from miles.
  276. 21:20 Flareburst [*leagues]
  277. 21:21 Antares_ "Kid, can you make a shield around the sub, the extend it to the city? I think we have a fight on our hands"
  278. 21:21 Antares_ then*
  279. 21:23 Flareburst mumbles something, and light bams from him to the portholes, reconnecting outside and forming an ovular barrier around the sub
  280. 21:24 Bravo looks to Whiskey with as much expression as a painted mask can offer. "Any idea about this shit?"
  281. 21:25 Flareburst the outlineing shield on Flareburst grows to a circle around him
  282. 21:25 Hush_ looks at what is to come. He bubbles.
  283. 21:26 Whiskey "...No idea"
  284. 21:26 Amon_ takes a cautious step to the side. Not getting blown up today.
  285. 21:28 Hush_ raises his fist over the emergency resurfacing button. He looks at everyone else for approval. If they've finally made it, then land must be close. Attack or Prepare. What will it be.
  286. 21:29 Antares_ opens the bag, a large cannon like object is strapped onto his arm, it starts to warm up
  287. 21:30 Diaramente commands the highly armed dolphins to fire. Streaks of lasers start flying past and blasting into the Submarine's shield. The laser's intensity physically shake the sub. The dolphin's screech louder in confidence.
  288. 21:31 Antares_ "You can extend the shield anytime!" We need to get out there"
  289. 21:32 Bravo braces against the walls, not much else to do in this situation. "We can't fight in a tin can, man."
  290. 21:32 Amon_ flicks his wrist, summoning his staff once more. It arcs with with electricity before floating into his hand. He nods to the others and then spares an extra nod to Hush_.
  291. 21:32 Flareburst realizes the shit hitting the sub was energy, and emits an audible [80's lasrr noise] shifting his energy to match the beams frequency, each shot expanding the shield
  292. 21:33 Hush_ presses the button, the sub immediately begins raising up. He takes the wheel himself and leads a course for land. The others better prepare for shit.
  293. 21:34 Diaramente has the dolphins fire more into the sub. The shots get more accurate, he starts to notice the sub raising to the surface, the dolphins give chase.
  294. 21:35 Hush_ points to the back of the sub. Two small hatch opens up. Built in guns. Makes any occasion that much more fun.
  295. 21:35 Flareburst directs the shield downwards, making a thick bowl-shaped barrier under the sub
  296. 21:36 Whiskey takes to one of the guns, knowing that otherwise there would be a pretty large threat to them. Strapping in and taking the weapon there's a whistle back for Bravo to take up the other
  297. 21:37 *** Hush__ joined #covenger_rp
  298. 21:37 Bravo moves down the sub to take up the other gunnery position. "Alright, fuckin plan here?"
  299. 21:38 Flareburst the shield grows ever larger under the sustained fire
  300. 21:38 Whiskey "Got no goddamn clue but lets shoot down as many as we can while the others formulate something!"
  301. 21:39 Diaramente is watching from the Dome. The Dolphins see the sub and start to circle it. The lasers still shooting at the sub. The streaks of lights are seen evaporating the water slightly.
  302. 21:40 Bravo gives a quick inspection to his new station before giving a grand thumbs up. "Roger fuckin that!"
  303. 21:41 *** Hush_ quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 36.0.4/20150320202338])
  304. 21:44 Flareburst 's heat shield grows larger, taking up a good bit of the cabin
  305. 21:45 Whiskey opens fire down at the dolphins shooting at them, trying to hit them out with the mounted undersea gun
  306. 21:48 Hush__ nears a beach and keeps the sub on course. He heads further back and grabs as many diving suits as he can, throwing them to the floor.
  307. 21:48 Antares_ "Oh good use that is, we're all in armor jackass"
  308. 21:49 Flareburst 's heat shield takes up most of the cabin, leaving only room to the hatch
  309. 21:51 Amon_ gives Antares_ a stern glare as he slowly dons one of the diving suits. His staff glares just as hard. Suit the fuck up, boy.
  310. 21:52 Bravo is too busy firing round after round out at the dolphins to suit himself
  311. 21:52 Hush__ motions for Antares to shut the fuck up, as he climbs to the hatch. If you're planning on going a for a swim, now is the time. The sub surfaces and he begins opening.
  312. 21:56 Amon_ dives into the hatch, staff gripped in both hands and pointed forward. He doesn't waste any time in skewering dolphins as he swims, like a swordfish with a chip on its shoulder... gills... fin. One of those.
  313. 21:56 Antares_ goes to the controls, might as well get into position for Flare
  314. 21:59 Hush__ stands on top the sub, poised for action. He dives into the water, without a suit, and begins his indiscriminate killing of another species.
  315. 21:59 Antares_ "god dammit I'm missing killing"
  316. 22:00 Flareburst expands the internal bubble up and out of the hatch, blocking it and making a big baloon shaped heat sink, ever growing
  317. 22:01 Whiskey keeps up the fire going to cut down the numbers coming up to them.
  318. 22:02 Bravo continues his fire as he tilts his head slightly back towards Whiskey. "Hey, friendly competition? I bet I can hit more."
  319. 22:03 *** Diaramente quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  320. 22:03 Flareburst angles the shield vaguely twards the combat and starts to compress it into a spinning ball. this is all very flashy and bovious
  321. 22:03 Whiskey "Really want to try that bet again? This time the odds might be a little less bullshit! I accept!"
  322. 22:07 Hush__ bubbles menacingly as he takes on dozens of soldiers. He ponders whether fighting dolphins is even a challenge. He puts the thought to rest when his limbs are put under restraint by a swarm of prehensile phallus.
  323. 22:07 Amon_ flings his staff at a dolphin, embedding it in its gills as it pushes through the other side. All spear-like, it arcs with electricity and shocks the dolphin before he grabs onto it and with a quick jerk, wrenches it to snap the sea mammal's spine. The then removes it from the carcass and circles around, slashing at a pair of dolphins before stabbing one and swimming away as the staff lights up with a surge of
  324. 22:07 Amon_ energy once more. A massive expulsion of bubbles comes out as the spear returns. Like fish in a barrel.
  325. 22:09 Flareburst 's ball of energy progressively gets larger. its very bright and visible now
  326. 22:09 Bravo "Hell yeah! Can't wait for those tears!"
  327. 22:09 Antares_ notices something on the radar, dolphins coming up from behind, he also notices the missile system "Oh now thats more like it"
  328. 22:10 Antares_ fires two missiles, missing Hush and Amon blowing up some dolphins near behind them
  329. 22:12 Hush__ manages to free himself from his penile prison after the shock of the explosion, and continues to dart around the water, trailing blood.
  330. 22:13 Amon_ looks back, eyes burning with anger. He points angrily towards the pilot of the sub and then shakes it as if to say 'watch it buster'. He then draws a line across his throat with his thumb and moves away, chopping up a dolphin as he made his was over to Hush__, maybe a touch too late to help.
  331. 22:14 Hush__ gives Amon a thumbs up, it's the thought that counts .
  332. 22:14 Antares_ "Maybe I should aim away from the others, 4 more, lets see how their leader likes it"
  333. 22:15 Diaramente immediately calls back the troops. The sense of failure is demeaning to him. He angrily shouts at his servants to prepare the gate. "Their technology should be no match for us, what is this?" He starts to shake his throne in place as a sign of anger.
  334. 22:16 Antares_ fires on the bearded old pervert
  335. 22:17 Diaramente rushes in quickly as the gate opens avoiding the fire immediately. The troops start making headway into the dome, preparing for defense.
  336. 22:18 Whiskey "Keep it coming!"
  337. 22:18 Antares_ "Kid, hows that shield coming? The sooner we get in there the better"
  338. 22:19 Amon_ nods to the bubble man and swims off, getting ready to invade the dome.
  339. 22:19 Flareburst hears 'shield' and pops it immidiately, sending a cascade of energy rushing over the whole of the dolphin's home
  340. 22:20 Hush__ furiously chases the troops to the entrance of their citadel, sword in hand, ready to end a civilization, but halts at notice of that glowy orb thing.
  341. 22:20 Bravo "Lookit the fish, heading right for their barrel! This one is in the bag."
  342. 22:21 Flareburst the heat shield baloon over the sub shrinks dramaticly, going back inside
  343. 22:26 Whiskey pulls away from the gun, going for the diving gear. "Alright. We go down, set up the bombs, then make it back to the sub and high tail it"
  344. 22:26 Whiskey "Who's with me on the planting crew"
  345. 22:27 Hush__ swims back to the sub, ready for phase 2.
  346. 22:27 Antares_ dons the subba gear, very unconformable with armor
  347. 22:27 *** Hush__ is now known as Hush_
  348. 22:30 Amon_ returns to the sub, staff disappearing.
  349. 22:31 Flareburst is in a braced position, hands towards the giant buble
  350. 22:32 Whiskey hands explosives to each of the others to be put down there, large heavy things that'd nearly weigh them down. Saluting, this is the one that dives out first into the water
  351. 22:34 Antares_ "Right, I'm guessing the kid stays on the sub? we do need a driver"
  352. 22:34 Hush_ gets himself into the sub. He wasn't breathing heavily or anything. As if he needed to. He takes his fair share of volatile substances from Whiskey, ready for flames....although he's underwater. He goes for the controls of the sub and activates autopilot once again.
  353. 22:37 Bravo abandons his station and dons a wetsuit before scooping his final solutions up and entering the water after Whiskey.
  354. 22:37 Amon_ hefts the explosives over his shoulder and nods in the affirmative before moving out into the water again. Just gotta place them with all the others. Follow the leader.
  355. 22:38 Antares_ dives in last, but doesn't follow the others, he was going in the city
  356. 22:38 Whiskey motions for them all to find a place around the perimeter of the city or anywhere they can get the most range while swimming down to the strange underwater settlement
  357. 22:39 Hush_ pats Flareburst on the back before jumping in himself and following lead. He tries finding an ideal place to place his explosives.
  358. 22:40 Flareburst can only smirk without breaking concentration
  359. 22:40 Diaramente speaks. His voice is heard outside of the dome, echoing through the water. "Stop". It's clearly a sound system, but it might confuse some at first. "Before you kill us. Before you end a civilization that has been living beside you, not disturbing you or creating havok in your cities. Listen to me..."
  360. 22:40 Antares_ swims to the gates, placing the bomb down, and goes in
  361. 22:43 Diaramente "Our civilization has been forced to occupy your world. We ran. Ran from the same creatures that will soon invade your world. They will do what they did to us. They will harvest your planet, demolish your species in the name of their belief."
  362. 22:44 Antares_ "belief? Being rapists in your belief?"
  363. 22:45 Amon_ rolls his hand as if to say 'go onnnn'.
  364. 22:46 Antares_ "Gah! You followed me?"
  365. 22:46 Diaramente "I am only telling you now, because dark times have seem to envelop our kind. There is nothing left for us. As neighbor to neighbor, I am only being honest. The World Forgers will come. And whether you are ready or not, they will take your planet."
  366. 22:47 Whiskey already has a bomb placed, swimming upwards while looking down. This wasn't in the paycheck, way above the paygrade. There was still a job to do.
  367. 22:48 Antares_ "The World Forgers? How about you tell me where anything of good value or power is, and I' won't kill you earlier, neighbor"
  368. 22:48 Bravo swims away, his bomb left in a what he believed to be a stresspoint. Alien garblejobble bullshit is no reason to stop a contracted mission.
  369. 22:49 Diaramente "This dome alone is our only source of technology on this planet." He continues. "You will either have to blow us up, or watch us escape."
  370. 22:51 Antares_ "I'm calling bullshit, you have to have something"
  371. 22:51 Whiskey "Everybody get back to the sub, now"
  372. 22:51 Diaramente ends his retort. The dome suddenly levitates, a loud shaking noise is heard as jets appear on the bottom of the dome city lift it towards the air. The jets start to shake the entire mass of water nearby.
  373. 22:52 Hush_ swims away from what might have been the area in which all waste was released. Pretty swanky garbage.
  374. 22:52 Antares_ angry, turns to leave, but not before stabbing the old man, then shooting
  375. 22:53 Bravo kicks up speed as hard as he can in the thick waters, making way for the sub.
  376. 22:53 Whiskey gets into the sub as fast as possible, rushing the others in as they got ready to blow the whole thing as it tried to rise up.
  377. 22:53 Antares_ goes back to grab his baller cloak, then gets his ass out of there
  378. 22:54 Flareburst nearly falls over when something huge rams the barrier, compressing it around the whatever-this-was
  379. 22:54 Whiskey readies the detonator for when everybody is in.
  380. 22:55 Bravo crawls his way back into the sub, already racing for a bracing position.
  381. 22:55 Antares_ is the last in, cape/cloak of Diaramente over his shoulder
  382. 22:55 Hush_ creepily eels his way into the sub
  383. 22:56 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  384. 22:56 Whiskey waits for just the right moment before hitting the switch, getting everybody to hold onto something tight
  385. 23:03 Hush_ takes the wheel and pulls the ship back immediately. Full speed ahead.
  386. 23:06 Antares_ "....long fu-
  387. 23:07 Antares_ The bombs went off, and the ship/city was gone, the mission was succeeded, then came the shock wave
  388. 23:08 Flareburst passed out the second the bombs went off and droped the shield. nothing was going to hold back the boom
  389. 23:12 Hush_ steered for the beach the forgot about earlier. Hate to crash into a hard object underwater and go several leagues under deep shit. He braces for the shockwave, aiming for as little damage possible.
  390. 23:25 Antares_ opens his eyes, the shockwave knocked them all out, but they made it, they were on the beach
  391. 23:29 Hush_ [May as well speed this up]
  392. 23:29 Antares_ decides to remove her helmet, with the others unconscious, it seemed like good timing. Her dark brown hair was short, just above her ears, as soon as she heard groaning, she placed it back on, then to help the others
  393. 23:30 Hush_ was already up, outside the sub, pushing it back to water with all the strength he had. They had to get home to claim reward. Another few hours and they'd be back in Neon.
  394. 23:31 Bravo rose to his feet, offering assistance to Whiskey once he was stable himself.
  395. 23:34 Antares_ "everyone ok?"
  396. 23:34 Hush_ hops back into the sub as it makes way into the water. He sets the coordinates home and punches autopilot. He drops to the floor and his mouthpiece opens up, his breathing heavy.
  397. 23:35 Whiskey was helped up, rubbing their own mask and taking in a breath as they got up
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