
Beloved 1

Dec 9th, 2012
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  1. Beloved
  2. > Day marriage in Equestria
  3. > You wake up and yawn
  4. > Getting up from the bed, an attendant hands you a towel, some silk boxers, along with some flashy duds
  5. > As you went into the bathroom, you stop the attendant from coming in with you
  6. “I can handle this part myself.”
  7. > “Understood sir.” He walks off to make the bed
  8. > You get in the shower and begin showering while singing
  9. “It wasn't very large. There was just enough room to cram the drums. In the corner over by the Dodge. It was a fifty-four.”
  10. > After you were done and finished with your morning hygiene ritual, you get dressed and look out from the balcony and take in the view of a sunrise in Canterlot
  11. > Feels fucking good to be declared the human ambassador, even though you’re the only human in Equestria
  12. > That and Princess Celestia’s assistant when Twilight isn’t in Canterlot
  13. > You hear the door opening and you turn to see Celestia smiling, you quickly kneel down before her and she laughs
  14. > “Anon, I've told you how many times already, you don’t have to kneel before me. After all, aren't we friends?”
  15. “Of course you’re royal highness.”
  16. > You get up and smile
  17. >”Oh stop calling me that. Anyhow Anon, we've got a busy week ahead of us. I need help settling a dispute between the mayors of Ponyville and Manehatten, and then proceed to host the Hearth’s Warming Eve feast here in Canterlot.”
  18. “Not to mention we have to do a speech about Harmony and what not.”
  19. > She smiles at you, and you smile back at her
  20. > “Correct Anon, another year, another speech. Of course, Anon, I want ask you something.”
  21. “What is it Princess?”
  22. > “Anon, do you have a special somep0ny back on Earth?”
  23. “No Princess, I lived alone and if life had continued, I’d probably died alone.”
  24. > “How about here?”
  25. “Well Princess, I personally don’t see me marrying a p0ny sometime soon. I’d just… it’ll just…don’t feel right.”
  26. > A look of disappointment appeared on her face, could she be trying to hook you up with someone?
  27. > “Oh, well Anon, that’s too bad. I’d hate to see one of my loyal subjects, especially one so close to me, live alone.”
  28. “Oh I won’t be alone Princess. After all, I have you don’t I?”
  29. > She smiled again, hope dancing in her eyes
  30. > “Always Anon, you’ll always have me, and I’ll always have you.”
  31. > You both smiled but in the back of your mind, you nearly thought she was trying to make some sort of move on you
  32. > “Let’s go Anon, we've got a busy day ahead of us.”
  33. > You followed her out and spent the rest of the days in a large hall with Mayor Mare and the mayor of Manehatten
  34. > Apparently there was an incident about one city’s police force stepping over their jurisdiction in capturing some crazed fillyphile who had a thing for white or purple Unicorns
  35. > The case was resolved shortly and then both you and Celestia walked through town inspecting the decorations for Hearth’s Warming personally
  36. > As you walk, you couldn't help but notice the Princess constantly staring at you
  37. “Is there something wrong Princess?”
  38. > She looked embarrassed
  39. > “Nothing Anon, but there is something I have to ask you once we’re in the castle.”
  40. “Sure thing Princess.”
  41. > You both spend the rest of the day watching p0nies hanging streamers, mistletoes, and other things on buildings, trees, lamp posts, or anything that can be decorated on
  42. > As you two made way towards the center of Canterlot, Celestia stopped at some shop
  43. > “Anon, will you look at that cake?” She said licking her lips
  44. “Princess, you can’t go cheating on your diet remember?”
  45. > “But Anon, cake!”
  46. “Sorry Princess, but you made me promise you that I won’t allow you to eat other then what the royal dietitian allows.”
  47. > She smiles and laughs
  48. > “Well all right, but we’ve been walking for hours, surely I’ve deserved a nice treat?”
  49. “I suppose, how about we just go grab some hayshakes then?”
  50. > “Chocolate hayshakes?”
  51. “Of course!”
  52. > You and Princess Celestia started to make way the local smoothie joint and got free chocolate hayshakes
  53. > Life is good when you’re rolling with royalty
  54. > Both of you continue walking through Canterlot poking fun at each other, making jokes about the Mane Six, and even playing some harmless pranks on the snobs that had their heads up their asses
  55. > It was evening when you two finished the inspection and headed back to the castle
  56. > As usual, Celestia, you, Luna, and her pet phoenix sat around a long table and ate your meals
  57. > Celestia stopped eating and sighed
  58. > Both you and Luna stopped as well and looked at her, she looked scared
  59. > “Anon, I can’t do this anymore.”
  60. > She got up and sighed
  61. > “Luna, I need to speak with Anon alone if you don’t mind.”
  62. > “Not at all sister, we should get started on our job, it’s already night.”
  63. > With that Luna went to go carry the moon across the skies
  64. > Now it was just you and the Princess, alone
  65. > This can’t be good
  66. > She walked over to you and used her magic to make a ring appear, she held it to you
  67. > “Anon, it’s been a year since you were last brought to me, when you came to me; I never knew the impact you’ll have on my life. When I kept you in my castle to keep an eye on you, I could never have dreamed how much I would come to love you. Whenever I was suffering from nightmares, you came to my chambers and calmed me down. Whenever I was acting spoiled, you didn't back down and refused some of my most idiotic demands.”
  68. > You sat there blushing, there’s no way this could be happening, and you didn't love Celestia in this way
  69. > You did remember the first time you met her, she was the only one to attempt to speak to you as if you weren’t just some dumb animal
  70. > She was the first one to believe your stories of your home
  71. > She was the only person you cared for in this damned land of p0nies
  72. > She was the p0ny that assured you that nothing bad will happen to you
  73. > Yet, you can’t go through with what you know she’ll say
  74. > “Anon, without you my life would have been spent alone save with Luna, my dear phoenix and student. You brought some feeling that I haven’t felt in years, I felt love Anon.”
  75. > She moved closer, both of your breathing were quickening
  76. > Celestia looked at you with hope filled eyes, tears starting to form
  77. > “That’s why I want to always be with you like you said this morning.”
  78. > “I always want to wake up and see you, there with me, and I’ll always be there with you.”
  79. > “So that’s why, Anon, will you be my special somep0ny?”
  80. > She raised the ring to you
  81. > Shit, the floodgates are opening and not only are spaghetti is flowing out of your pockets, but fucking all of Italy is
  82. > Your face turns bright red and Celestia leans in closer
  83. > “Please Anon, will you make me the happiest mare in all of Equestria?”
  84. > Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit
  85. “I….I”
  86. > “Yes Anon?”
  87. “I-It’s just that….”
  88. > “Did I do something wrong?” She looked completely destroyed; she threw the ring and started to bang her head against the table
  89. > “STUPID *Thud* STUPID *Thud* STUPID *Thud*”
  90. > You get up and grab Celestia
  91. “Princess! Stop!”
  92. > “I blew it didn't I? I dove in too quick? I’m sorry Anon but I’m scared that if you don’t love me,” She began to cry “I’ll be alone forever! I mean, nop0ny wants to me! They’re all too scared or just want me for my power!”
  93. > She continues to cry in your arms
  94. “Princess, pr-“
  95. > “Heck! Even Luna had been getting admirers! I once heard her and one of the officers of the Guard rutting!”
  96. “Celestia!”
  97. > She looked at you, tears matting her fur and snot running down her nose
  98. “Celestia, I've always loved you. I always will. I do love it when we’re together.”
  99. > She smiles
  100. > “Yo…. You really do?”
  101. “Yes, but….”
  102. > Just as quickly as that smile appeared it disappeared
  103. > “But what?”
  104. “But…. I love you as if you’re a part of my family. You’re like a mother to me Celestia, I never really known my mom back home. She used my dad to get into his country, had a few kids with him. Then she left. She took my brothers, most of my dad’s money, and left me and him on the streets. I was only 3 at that time and my dad was a drunken deadbeat gambler that barely made $400 a week.”
  105. > “Anon…”
  106. “Throughout my life, I lived most of my live never knowing why my mom left me until I learn that she just a gold digger.”
  107. > She looked confused at that last part
  108. > “Wha-“
  109. “It means she hopped from one man to another just for their money.”
  110. > The Princess saddened at that part
  111. > “Anon, I’d never do something that horrible to you.”
  112. “I know, but still. I just don’t feel comfortab-“
  113. > That was all you could say before you were whacked in the head by a chair
  114. > As you plummeted down to the ground, you looked up at Celestia
  115. “W-why?”
  116. > “Sssssshhhh. Go to sleep honey. I’ll make you love me.”
  117. > With that darkness engulfed you
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