
FluffyCloud: virtual fluffy ownership

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. carpdime, September 10, 2014; 09:45 / FB 25690
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. FluffyCloud: virtual fluffy ownership
  5. Jenny never owned a fluffy. Sharing a flat with two other roommates made sure of that. It wasn't just the lack of space but there was also the issue of domestic harmony, none of her roommates cared for a living, talking, fluffy pet begging for hugs and spaghetti all day long.
  7. So she resorted to subscribing to the "FluffyCloud" service which was run by the people from FluffyMart. The concept was simple. Download the app from iTunes or Android store, sign up with a email address then off you go.
  9. The registration was simple enough, a few taps on the her iPhone screen and she was presented with the setup page. The page was pretty and easy to navigate, the first step was to choose a fluffy type. Jenny hesitated for a second. She had always wanted a cute, pink fluffy, but everyone had one of those. Something more unique, different and original was much more attractive.
  11. Type: Pegasus. Color: black, cyan or neon yellow. Jenny punched the search button. Five results came back. The first two didn't look very attractive at all. Flat, muted colors, mangled wings, possibly runts. The third foal however, caught her eye. A sharp, neon yellow pegasus filly with a lustrous white, almost transparent tail. Her heart fluttered at the thought of owning such a foal. She hastily clicked the "Buy Now!" button and obligingly paid the $15.00 purchase and setup cost via paypal.
  13. As the payment was completed, a screen came up, asking her to name the foal. Names... It's always hard to come up with a good name Jenny thought. She flicked through a website of girly names and decided randomly on Stella because, stuff it, it's better than calling a yellow filly Lemon or LemonPie.
  15. Congratulations for owning a new fluffy foal!!! The screen suddenly flashed. The next thing that appeared on the screen was a high definition web cam feed of a yellow, pegasus foal asleep in a tiny, clear box enclosure. It was Stella, in the flesh, living and breathing. From the high quality live feed that was being beamed straight to her smartphone, Jenny could make out the quick and shallow heaving of the filly's chest as she slept. Her little tail, as white as the preview picture promised, swayed back and forth occasionally.
  17. The screen was responsive, Jenny could zoom, rotate, and move the camera around using gestures on her phone. She could also switch cameras to get different angles on the little foal that lay nestled in a small tuft of fabric.
  19. Over the next few days, Jenny checked on the foal every hour or so, making sure to schedule payments to the FluffyCloud service to ensure that little Stella was being fed regularly by the mechanical milk dispenser that hung on one side of the box.
  21. Jenny was hooked. Little Stella became a consuming passion. She ordered and prepaid for the cleaning and "nutrition plus" food service to make sure the little foal got the best start to life. And when Jenny finally got that promotion at work to manager grade, she spent the extra earnings on her first managerial pay check to buy a remote controlled, robotic finger. For $29.95, Jenny could now comfort and stroke little Stella through the very same app that continued to provide her a compelling high definition stream.
  23. A month or so passed, Stella was now a walking, talking (basic words) fluffy baby. Jenny had spared no expense buying the best little toys that a pampered foal could wish for. Flapping her little wings cutely on the live stream, Stella would reach out with her little hooves and dejectedly ask "whewe mummah??".
  25. Jenny's heart sunk. She could spend all the money in the world to provide the very best for Stella, but all that counted for nothing if Stella could not feel the warmth of a real life hug. All that Jenny could do was to provide hollow words of comfort over the mic and speaker contraption that was now installed (at a cost of $29.99) on the video camera.
  27. "Mummah is right here Stella..." Jenny said, choked up with tears and struggling to sound the last syllable.
  28. "Whewe mummah??..." Stella would repeat over and over again. Her body turning around aimlessly, seeking the source of the voice.
  30. Jenny stuttered, she wanted to tell the little foal that everything was going to be okay, that she was loved and would never be alone. But she couldn't, tears began streaming down her face and she cracked under the intense emotion that overcame her.
  32. Hearing the sounds of crying, Stella stood on all fours and looked up at the shiny camera lens that was focused right at her.
  34. "Nu hu hu mummah...if mummah nu can give Stewwa huggies an pway upsies, Stewwa stiww wuv mummah!"
  35. The yellow filly gave the sweetest smile she could muster and fluttered her wings delightedly. Jenny stared at the foal that was now staring at her. For now it seems, things looked like it will be all right.
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