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Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. 13.05.2013 15:10:48 <Jignx> >most successful SC2 player retires with 200k
  2. 13.05.2013 15:10:55 <Jignx> that's not bad for 2 years of playing a video game
  3. 13.05.2013 15:11:41 <riesza> who?
  4. 13.05.2013 15:12:33 <Jignx> Stephano
  5. 13.05.2013 15:12:51 <parasomnia> damn he retired huh
  6. 13.05.2013 15:12:58 <riesza> most successful western player then maybe
  7. 13.05.2013 15:13:03 <Jignx> It was announced on stream today that Stephano will be stopping his career on August 15th, opting to go back to school and continue his studies that he left for two years to become a full-time progamer. During his time, Stephano has been the best foreigner in SC2 history, winning prolific tournaments such as WCS Europe, IPL, and NASL. He has made $216,000
  8. 13.05.2013 15:13:22 <parasomnia> he was #1 in the world for awhile i think
  9. 13.05.2013 15:13:28 <parox> Haha.
  10. 13.05.2013 15:13:32 <parox> That's really fucking sad.
  11. 13.05.2013 15:13:44 <parox> "pro" gaming has to be more of a dream-scam than pro sports.
  12. 13.05.2013 15:13:46 <Jignx> well he has a full ride to college now
  13. 13.05.2013 15:13:48 <parasomnia> you think he should have continued?
  14. 13.05.2013 15:13:53 <parox> He shouldn't have started.
  15. 13.05.2013 15:13:57 <parasomnia> why not
  16. 13.05.2013 15:14:03 <parox> He dedicated endless hours of years of his life to a game.
  17. 13.05.2013 15:14:11 <parasomnia> 2 years isn't that much though
  18. 13.05.2013 15:14:11 <riesza> and made a good sum of money
  19. 13.05.2013 15:14:22 <parox> He didn't play for ONLY 2 years.
  20. 13.05.2013 15:14:31 <parox> Which during that time period, counting hour for hour of my work and his time spent playing that game.
  21. 13.05.2013 15:14:35 <parox> I made more money per hour.
  22. 13.05.2013 15:14:41 <parasomnia> sc2 hasn't been out that long
  23. 13.05.2013 15:14:59 <parasomnia> even if you do count the time he spent playing, it was basically "training" to make 108,000 a year
  24. 13.05.2013 15:15:12 <parasomnia> and he'll probably be making around that much after he graduates, so no harm done
  25. 13.05.2013 15:15:24 <parox> By that sense, in by one get one free sales, the first thing you buy is "practice" so you get something free the second time?
  26. 13.05.2013 15:15:35 <mothball> sc2 players are dropping like flies
  27. 13.05.2013 15:15:36 <parasomnia> that's how any high paying job works
  28. 13.05.2013 15:15:43 <parox> No, every minute he played RTS to get up to that level, and for the 2 years he played "pro"
  29. 13.05.2013 15:15:50 <parox> Was investment, and as such it counts out of the total.
  30. 13.05.2013 15:15:51 <parasomnia> but it's a game
  31. 13.05.2013 15:16:05 <mothball> league is easier to play and watch for the masses
  32. 13.05.2013 15:16:06 <Azusa_Adachi> still time spent getting good
  33. 13.05.2013 15:16:11 <parox> At a game.
  34. 13.05.2013 15:16:13 <Jignx>
  35. 13.05.2013 15:16:15 <parox> Why do you think he's going back to college?
  36. 13.05.2013 15:16:25 <parox> Because unlike the people defending him now, he's not a fucking moron.
  37. 13.05.2013 15:16:44 <parasomnia> there isn't anything to defend, he got paid a good amount of money to play a game
  38. 13.05.2013 15:16:46 <parasomnia> and now he's done
  39. 13.05.2013 15:16:56 <parox> But rationalizing the amount of money he made IS defending his choice.
  40. 13.05.2013 15:17:24 <parasomnia> that's how much he got paid on top of getting to travel overseas on someone else's dime
  41. 13.05.2013 15:17:33 <parasomnia> it was a fun time
  42. 13.05.2013 15:17:35 <Jignx> he made a lot of money making a name for himself and having fun
  43. 13.05.2013 15:17:36 <Jignx> he's young
  44. 13.05.2013 15:17:40 <Jignx> it was worth it in the end
  45. 13.05.2013 15:17:54 <parox> It's life experience, agreed, but 100% off the point.
  46. 13.05.2013 15:18:07 <riesza> the point is that you don't live to make money
  47. 13.05.2013 15:18:08 <parox> The point is that progaming culture is cancerous, and a disgustingly bad waste of time.
  48. 13.05.2013 15:18:10 <riesza> or to work
  49. 13.05.2013 15:18:25 <Azusa_Adachi> I do
  50. 13.05.2013 15:18:33 <Jignx> if people are willing to pay money to watch an event
  51. 13.05.2013 15:18:37 <Jignx> what's wrong with taht?
  52. 13.05.2013 15:18:38 <parox> Rieza, you're going to approximate the fun.
  53. 13.05.2013 15:18:44 <Jignx> tons of people are willing to pay for watching progamers
  54. 13.05.2013 15:18:45 <parasomnia> he's in a better place financially than 99% of people his age
  55. 13.05.2013 15:19:08 <parox> Sure, but that same time invested elsewhere?
  56. 13.05.2013 15:19:10 <Jignx> I mean they made competitions and professional events out of just about everything
  57. 13.05.2013 15:19:14 <Jignx> why are you hating on it?
  58. 13.05.2013 15:19:26 <Jignx> they have pig calling, chess, checkers, cooking and so on
  59. 13.05.2013 15:19:35 <parox> I'm hating on the culture of kids who are like "I want to be a pro gamer!"
  60. 13.05.2013 15:19:37 <Jignx> also horse riding
  61. 13.05.2013 15:19:39 <Jignx> sheep shearing
  62. 13.05.2013 15:19:44 <parox> And this point, that money, is something used to defend it.
  63. 13.05.2013 15:20:06 <parasomnia> well i'm not sure if i agree with shitting on peoples dreams, sure it's not feasible for everyone
  64. 13.05.2013 15:20:08 <parox> You're handing me a strawman Jignx, either because you're not reading or you just otherwise aren't understanding the debate.
  65. 13.05.2013 15:20:13 <parasomnia> but this guy made 200k out of it
  66. 13.05.2013 15:20:16 <parox> It's not about shitting on people's dreams.
  67. 13.05.2013 15:20:21 <parox> Parasomnia my dream is to be a goat.
  68. 13.05.2013 15:20:25 <parox> Stop shitting on my dreams you fgt.
  69. 13.05.2013 15:20:35 <parasomnia> you couldn't make 200 thousand dollars from that
  70. 13.05.2013 15:20:37 <parox> I can be a goat if I try hard enough and eat enough cans.
  71. 13.05.2013 15:20:44 <parox> Will you stop hopping topics?
  72. 13.05.2013 15:20:49 <parasomnia> i'm not
  73. 13.05.2013 15:20:49 <Jignx> you're arguing that these events are a waste of time
  74. 13.05.2013 15:20:51 <parox> You're too much in blind defense mode to discuss.
  75. 13.05.2013 15:20:55 <Jignx> and it could be better spent elsewhere
  76. 13.05.2013 15:20:57 <parasomnia> come on really now
  77. 13.05.2013 15:21:01 <parox> YOU ARE.
  78. 13.05.2013 15:21:07 <parasomnia> how could that time be better spent
  79. 13.05.2013 15:21:09 <riesza> fuck me, you're bitter parox
  80. 13.05.2013 15:21:11 <parasomnia> in what way
  81. 13.05.2013 15:21:15 <riesza> let them do whatever they want with their lives
  82. 13.05.2013 15:21:16 <Jignx> the issue is, where do you draw the line on what's better
  83. 13.05.2013 15:21:17 <Jignx> or not?
  84. 13.05.2013 15:21:19 <riesza> not everyone lives to work
  85. 13.05.2013 15:21:23 <parox> It's not about being bitter.
  86. 13.05.2013 15:21:29 <parox> It's not about living to work either.
  87. 13.05.2013 15:21:36 <parox> Those are incredibly weird things to parse from my discussion.
  88. 13.05.2013 15:21:45 <parasomnia> the bottom line is that he found a way to pay for medical school
  89. 13.05.2013 15:21:46 <parox> You would have to make some stretches to come to those conclusions.
  90. 13.05.2013 15:21:47 <Jignx> all I see is, as long as they enjoyed it
  91. 13.05.2013 15:21:50 <Jignx> I can't argue about it
  92. 13.05.2013 15:21:51 <parasomnia> where else is he going to whip up $200k
  93. 13.05.2013 15:22:03 <parox> Who paid for all of his living expenses in that two years?
  94. 13.05.2013 15:22:07 <parasomnia> his team?
  95. 13.05.2013 15:22:11 <Jignx> his team
  96. 13.05.2013 15:22:14 <Pharros> What country is this dude grom?
  97. 13.05.2013 15:22:17 <parasomnia> france
  98. 13.05.2013 15:22:18 <parox> Alright, go become progamers.
  99. 13.05.2013 15:22:19 <Azusa_Adachi> fags who watch starcraft matches and koreans?
  100. 13.05.2013 15:22:40 <parasomnia> way to strawman it up, i literally just said it isn't feasible for everyone, but this guy made it happen
  101. 13.05.2013 15:22:52 <Azusa_Adachi> he is french?
  102. 13.05.2013 15:22:54 <Jignx> to become a pro gamer, you have to win a number of games before getting sponsored by a company
  103. 13.05.2013 15:22:55 <Azusa_Adachi> what a fag
  104. 13.05.2013 15:22:56 <parasomnia> yes
  105. 13.05.2013 15:22:57 <parox> Para, shut your dirty, fucking mentally retarded mouth.
  106. 13.05.2013 15:23:00 <Jignx> the company then pays a salary
  107. 13.05.2013 15:23:03 <riesza> jeez
  108. 13.05.2013 15:23:03 <parox> I started out with the argument that follows:
  109. 13.05.2013 15:23:03 <Jignx> and you get to keep your earnings
  110. 13.05.2013 15:23:06 <parox> If you guys cannot see why studying medical school for the time he WAS playing videogames, and studying meducal school for the 2 years
  111. 13.05.2013 15:23:11 <Jignx> they make money off views and selling your name
  112. 13.05.2013 15:23:13 <parasomnia> i'm disappointed, just the other day you were calling someone out for insults
  113. 13.05.2013 15:23:15 <parox> he could finish and earn that money many times over in less time.
  114. 13.05.2013 15:23:26 <parasomnia> yeah but he would be in debt
  115. 13.05.2013 15:23:30 <parasomnia> he found a way to get the money beforehand
  116. 13.05.2013 15:23:33 <parasomnia> and not have to worry
  117. 13.05.2013 15:23:38 <parox> Do you not believe that his pay as a doctor would fucking flesh that out?
  118. 13.05.2013 15:23:44 <Azusa_Adachi> >getting in debt to go to school
  119. 13.05.2013 15:23:47 <Jignx> also getting a college degree isnt a race
  120. 13.05.2013 15:23:47 <parox> Are you so detached from reality that you don't realize that LIVING has a cost?
  121. 13.05.2013 15:23:51 <Pharros> Considering how school works in most of europe
  122. 13.05.2013 15:23:53 <Jignx> you dont have to be first
  123. 13.05.2013 15:23:55 <Pharros> You dont really go into debt
  124. 13.05.2013 15:23:59 <Jignx> just as long as you have one
  125. 13.05.2013 15:24:17 <Pharros> But seriously he made some money, now he can chill and live a little
  126. 13.05.2013 15:24:22 <parox> Don't fucking dare say I've dropped a strawman on you. I've been pursuing the same point this entire time and you're too goddamned american educated to keep up.
  127. 13.05.2013 15:24:24 <Pharros> Instead of playing the same game all the time
  128. 13.05.2013 15:24:26 <parasomnia> he got to travel the world and made money on top of that, now he's going to medical school, i don't see the problem
  129. 13.05.2013 15:24:34 <parox> As a LIFE experience it's cool
  130. 13.05.2013 15:24:36 <parasomnia> you're essentially debating nothing at all
  131. 13.05.2013 15:24:38 <parox> It's a STORY and awesome.
  132. 13.05.2013 15:24:47 <parox> But I'm not debating it as a life experience.
  133. 13.05.2013 15:24:52 <parox> And that's why you're hopping topics.
  134. 13.05.2013 15:24:53 <parasomnia> what, then
  135. 13.05.2013 15:25:00 <parox> You don't get it, you won't get it.
  136. 13.05.2013 15:25:01 <parox> Move on.
  137. 13.05.2013 15:25:02 <parasomnia> you're dancing around it without explicitly stating
  138. 13.05.2013 15:25:14 <Pharros> I dont even know what you guys are talking about anymore
  139. 13.05.2013 15:25:18 <parasomnia> haha wow boy have i seen this before >lose an argument >bro let's move on
  140. 13.05.2013 15:25:35 <parox> No, that was MELTY asking to move on because he and I were friends.
  141. 13.05.2013 15:25:51 <parox> I'm saying move on because I think you're a short-sighted piece of shit who cannot into proper debates.
  142. 13.05.2013 15:25:53 <parasomnia> okay, but there's no need for you to be hostile
  143. 13.05.2013 15:25:57 <parox> And I'd rather let vita irc move on.
  144. 13.05.2013 15:26:01 <parasomnia> as i recall you and he were in the same situation
  145. 13.05.2013 15:26:04 <parox> So I don't become remembered as the angry dde
  146. 13.05.2013 15:26:08 <parox> No.
  147. 13.05.2013 15:26:10 <parox> We were not.
  148. 13.05.2013 15:26:14 <parasomnia> maybe you were the one getting angry
  149. 13.05.2013 15:26:15 <Jignx> so alright
  150. 13.05.2013 15:26:17 <parox> There is no absolute right/wrong.
  151. 13.05.2013 15:26:20 <Jignx> what's your main argument again?
  152. 13.05.2013 15:26:22 <parox> I AM the one getting angry, retard.
  153. 13.05.2013 15:26:29 <parox> I don't want to be, some moron in cali isn't worth it.
  154. 13.05.2013 15:26:35 <Jignx> express it in a clear concise manner.
  155. 13.05.2013 15:26:55 <parox> It's over Jignx, this isn't the place. If you're sincerely interested in a discussion over it we can do so in PM.
  156. 13.05.2013 15:27:02 <parox> But apparently we're among pubs.
  157. 13.05.2013 15:27:30 <Jignx> eh im done
  158. 13.05.2013 15:27:34 <parox> Me too.
  159. 13.05.2013 15:27:44 <Jignx> im just gonna study, exam in 9 hours 44 mins
  160. 13.05.2013 15:27:50 <parox> I'm just sorry that some fucking retard had to go into blind defense mode without fucking trying to have a discussion.
  161. 13.05.2013 15:27:56 <parasomnia> i did try
  162. 13.05.2013 15:28:02 <parasomnia> you're the one that started flaming lel
  163. 13.05.2013 15:28:12 <parox> Scroll up retard.
  164. 13.05.2013 15:28:20 <Azusa_Adachi> what is your exam about jingnx?
  165. 13.05.2013 15:28:22 <parox> the THIRD thing I said on the topic, RIGHT after it you started defending him.
  166. 13.05.2013 15:28:26 <parox> "it's only 2 years"
  167. 13.05.2013 15:28:41 <parox> its not about any of that, and you prove your entire point over and over. Your point is to defend it as a legitimate state.
  168. 13.05.2013 15:28:53 <parasomnia> what state
  169. 13.05.2013 15:28:58 <parox> ^lel
  170. 13.05.2013 15:29:03 <parox> Go back to your dick and jane shits.
  171. 13.05.2013 15:29:17 <parasomnia> you're not making any sense
  172. 13.05.2013 15:29:19 <parasomnia> but ok
  173. 13.05.2013 15:29:22 <parasomnia> ever heard of a gap year?
  174. 13.05.2013 15:29:25 <parasomnia> he took an extra one
  175. parox has left #vita (Quit)
  176. 13.05.2013 15:29:32 <riesza> dayum
  177. 13.05.2013 15:29:33 <parasomnia> haha what a fuckin rager
  178. 13.05.2013 15:29:36 <riesza> autism explosion
  179. 13.05.2013 15:29:53 <parasomnia> nigga heated
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