
The Box

Apr 10th, 2012
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  1. >You spy on your fluffy pony from a distance.
  2. >You see your pony playing with its blocks, babbling incoherent words to itself.
  3. >The time is now!
  4. >You walk up to your pony with a box behind your back.
  5. >"Hey there little guy!" you beam.
  6. >You pony turns around and runs to you.
  7. >He hugs you leg, muttering "I wuv you!"
  8. >"I have a surprise for you!"
  9. >"Fwuffy wuvs surprizes!"
  10. >"Now.." you motion the box in front of you." You can either have a brand new ball, blocks and a bowl full of spaghetti..."
  11. >Your pony is jumping in excitement from the things you just listed.
  12. >"...Or..."
  13. >Your fluffy pony is now intrigued. Its curiosity has been perked.
  14. >"...You can have..THE BOX!!!" you motion it above the ponie. You know whats coming.
  15. >"Da box Da box!!!" your pone screams with such joy.
  16. >You open the box to reveal....
  17. >A punch right to your ponies face. With such force, the pony loses some teeth and falls backwards from the force.
  18. >"Now...what did we learn?" you ask your pony.
  19. >Its in the corner, sitting with its hooves on its head, cowering in fear.
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