

Feb 13th, 2022
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  1. White people that are not racist have these 6 characteristics:
  3. 1. When they meet a Black person, they don’t start staring or examining you like a specimen under a microscope. They make eye contact and speak to you like they would any other human being. You can feel that they are relaxed and don’t feel intimidated by you. They don’t start fixating your nose or your mouth or your Black skin. So many white people do that. Don’t they realize how awkward and strange it is to stare? White people that aren’t racist don’t say stuff like: “It’s the first time I’ve met a Black person or there are not many Black people here”. They don’t make race the topic of discussion when they don’t even know you, only racists do that because they feel so self-conscious and are worried that their racism is showing.
  5. 2. You immediately feel like the person considers you like their equal. They don’t try to act as though they are superior to you. They are not patronizing or condescending. They don’t infantilize you either. They don’t say stuff like, “You’re not like other Black people”. They are respectful and don’t speak over you. You feel that they are actively listening to you when you engage with them.
  7. 3. If you report a racist incident to them, they’ll listen to you and believe you. They won’t try to gaslight you or question what you’ve said. White people that aren’t racist know that racism exists in the world and that Black people suffer from it. They aren’t naive. They won’t say stuff like “Are you sure it was racism or racism is a thing of the past”.
  9. 4. White people that aren’t racist won’t repeat dumb stereotypes about Black people. They won’t assume that you can run fast, eat chicken, or sing well just because you are Black. They don’t make stupid racist jokes. They won’t immediately assume that the Black person is guilty if there is an altercation. They are aware of how pernicious stereotypes can ruin Black peoples’ lives.
  11. 5. White people that aren’t racist act. They don’t sit on their backsides all day saying that Black Lives Matter without doing a single thing to show that they do. They go out and find a Black talent to mentor, they hire Black talent, they donate to organizations and individuals leading the fight against racism. These people are not performative individuals, they are authentic and they do real things to drive the fight against racism.
  13. 6. White people that aren’t racist educate themselves about racism and anti-racism. They want to know where their “blind spots” are. They want to understand. These people do that hard work even if it means questioning everything that they have ever been taught. They understand when it’s time to put aside their white fragility to comprehend why for example, George Floyd and so many others didn’t stand a chance. These white people can become some of the strongest allies of antiracism.
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