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a guest
Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. The Hel Looks Drinking Game!
  2. (Warning: You will get completely sozzled…)
  3. Basically go through the Hel Looks site (type into Google) and take a amount of shots of spirits specified for each ‘crime’. I love this site…it makes me happy.
  5. 1 for every second hand clothing item mentioned.
  6. 1 for every item which used to belong to the wearer’s (grand)parent.
  7. 1 for each mention of customization. “Self made” doesn’t count.
  8. 1 for multiple neon colours. Combining other painfully cheerful and bright colours count as well.
  9. 1 for every item explicitly mentioned to been bought from abroad, except..
  10. 2 if it was from Japan.
  11. 1 for every mention of a decade as a source of inspiration, except..
  12. 2 if it was the 80s.
  13. 1 for every celebrity NOT associated with design/modeling being credited for inspiration.
  14. 1 for every self-consciously outrageous accessory. Ridiculously oversized bags, huge jewelry.. You get the idea.
  15. 0 if the person in the photo looks completely normal to you. Dude, you’ve had enough.
  16. 0 if it’s someone you know. Instead, go stand in a corner for 10 minutes without your drinks. And be ashamed.
  17. 0 if it’s you. Hand over all your booze to the person closest to you, then go buy some decent threads for christssakes.
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