
Jan 2013 attacks danguba info

Jan 19th, 2013
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  1. <Danguba> it's this dude
  2. <Danguba> who runs a channel #international_politics
  3. <Danguba> and has sockpuppets all over
  4. <Danguba> he was in our channel as atom heart
  5. <gmolly> ohhh you meawn the spammer?
  6. <gmolly> the one who has been attacking everybody this week?
  7. <Danguba> it's not just this week
  8. <Danguba> the guy got banned from #political a number of times
  9. <Danguba> but he's quite skilled with scripts and so on
  10. <Danguba> and despite being i think over 50 years old
  11. <Danguba> he's tremendously childish
  12. <gmolly> is he in the room now?
  13. <gmolly> do you have addies for him?
  14. <Danguba> he did all sorts of things... stole nicks from ops in #political so that they'd give notifications similar to the one you met today  (NOTE: somebody added a join-msg to #political that demanded the key to stay in the room and gave a url to click - i didn't click it, canhead said not to click it. [gmolly addition to scroll] )
  15. <Danguba> gmolly, believe me, you can't stop him
  16. <gmolly> i kind of remember the nick 'atom heart' but maybe not
  17. <Danguba> unless you could get him physically away from any computer
  18. <gmolly> well, we can block his bots some
  19. <gmolly> the key method can slow him down yes?
  20. <Danguba> yes
  21. <Danguba> but maaybe he's already in
  22. <gmolly> that's what we're doing in ry
  23. <gmolly> i think maybe he used the nick 'blackjack' or 'blackjunk' this week
  24. <Danguba> leave IP
  25. <Danguba> #IntPol    (NOTE: the room is #International_Politics [gmolly addition to scroll] )
  26. <Danguba> don't provoke him more
  27. <Danguba> if you want investigative job done, ask me
  28. <gmolly> ok - you mean #International_Politics
  29. <gmolly> i just left
  30. <gmolly> is he in there now?
  31. <Danguba> yes
  32. <Danguba> it's his channel
  33. <gmolly> which nick? what nick is he using now?
  34. <Danguba> but don't think that he has any emotional attachment to it
  35. <Danguba> BlackBetty
  36. <gmolly> ok thanks blackbetty
  37. <gmolly> i won't touch him
  38. <gmolly> this is him: BlackBetty is * CJ
  39. <gmolly> BlackBetty on @#International_Politics
  40. <gmolly> BlackBetty using * The Undernet Underworld
  41. <gmolly> BlackBetty is logged in as TrailerTrash
  42. <gmolly> BlackBetty has been idle 1hr 29mins 29secs, signed on Sat Jan 19 00:40:16
  43. <gmolly> BlackBetty End of /WHOIS list.
  44. <gmolly> just the addy and clues like JC and CJ and anything he might re-use
  45. <Danguba> none of those will repeat
  46. <gmolly> ok
  47. <Danguba> as i told you he knows all the tricks of the trade
  48. <gmolly> i'll give all this to my ops, we'll steer clear of him/#IP and be on the lookout
  49. <gmolly> and just keep the k mode on
  50. <Danguba> he's been running channels for maybe 15 years
  51. <Danguba> being op here and there
  52. <Danguba> and he uses proxies
  53. <Danguba> and all that goes with it
  54. <gmolly> ok i'll tell people
  55. <gmolly> other rooms
  56. <Danguba> they know him
  57. <Danguba> and none of your ops, not even chalcedony, can do much about him
  58. <Danguba> best thing is
  59. <Danguba> don't do anything
  60. <Danguba> just let his juvenile stuff run it's course
  61. <Danguba> it's like with paranoid schizophrenics
  62. <gmolly> that's what i figure as long as it's not going to kill the room
  63. <Danguba> best thing to do is to avoid getting dragged into his paranoia
  64. <gmolly> yeah
  65. <Danguba> any measures will only make him more determined that he has to retaliate
  66. <gmolly> i wn't talk to him or whoever i think is the guy i never do
  67. <gmolly> just try to field his attacks
  68. <gmolly> yes
  69. <Danguba> he could very well end up stealing your nick
  70. <Danguba> like he did with aulait
  71. <gmolly> sigh
  72. <gmolly> he might've done it before i've had it stolen
  73. <gmolly> i'll let me ops know what you've told me - thanks danguba
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